How To Create The Future You Want with Dr. Joe Dispenza

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remember when this dude used to sell nail polish for men? lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DrDougExeter 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
dr. Joe Dispenza is one of the most important teachers of our time he's someone whose work I'm going to be following personally for the next few years because part of his process is getting us to feel the emotions of the future reality of the changed person that we want to become the podcast starts after he led me through one of his famous meditations in which he asked me to reach in and find that passion and gratitude for life which isn't always the easiest thing for me believe it or not so enjoy the podcast one of the interesting things that for me and I've been so blessed you know truly been so blessed with so many things in my life but some part of me has prevented restricted myself from really feeling that passion and love for the life that I live even though it's played out like I like I wrote it down and dreamed it and it couldn't have been better but some part of me has been holding back maybe waiting for that next thing that's gonna come and I have to be prepared for or whatever and so when even going through this meditation I feel that passion I feel that love I feel tears start to well in my eyes and part of that is part of the appreciation but part of that is linked with some sadness of like wow this was here this whole time yeah and I haven't been feeling it yeah and that's and that and that's a great moment I think a lot of people they just they they are who they practice to be so if you practice gratitude then you will be grateful if you practice like against all odds opening your heart when no one else will that's supernatural and it gets easier to do it in in situations that require less effort to do it and I think that people like you'll you know we'll have a thousand people at this event coming from all over the world and and they'll learn how to do that and if you're gonna believe in a future you know that you're imagining with all of your heart it better be open and activated and we actually measure so we can say to the person how Bert you're doing it all we could say you're not doing and that's important to know because then you're gonna pay attention and do it better yeah I think that's one of the real incredible things that you've offered the world is that not so it starts with this mystical understanding that isn't brand-new I mean Jesus said pray as if it has already been done which is putting you in the state of gratitude rather than state of hopefulness in the state of I hope this happens and I'm here I am you know in this spot but maybe later it'll be there pray as if it has already been done so it's that mystical truth but then you combine it with the pragmatism of how you practice it along with the science of how you measure it and now it's something for our time yeah something for everyone that we can really grab ahold of well I think I think first of all sciences the contemporary language of mysticism I think you know if you're studying the life of Jesus as an example or Buddha that was the language of the time right so here we are in the contemporary world and science has become that language so when you combine a little quantum physics with neuroscience and neuroendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology and epigenetics all of those different branches of Sciences and new Sciences point the finger at possibility and in this particular work I think that the more you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it the how it gets easier because you can assign meaning to what you what you do so then this is a time in history where it's not enough to know this is time in history to know how because information is so readily available you you can gain information you don't need an authority you don't need a priest you don't need a teacher you don't need a governor you you you can gain information without some passing through some type of authority and so people are empowered and the next most practical question is how am I going to apply this to my life now when you learn new things you make new connections in your brain that's what learning is but if you can't remember what you learned then you haven't made any new connections that are sustainable I maintain about so the more the person can repeat what they've learned mmm the more they're installing the neurological hardware in their brain and preparation for the experience and so now they're priming their brain for the act right and when the experience happens experience then enriches the circuitry in your brain that's what experience does so now you're laying down even more neurological tracks but the payoff is the chemical called the emotion at the moment you feel unlimited the moment you feel grateful the moment you feel abundant now you're teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood so knowledge is for the mind and experiences for the body and now we're embodying the truth of that philosophy more literally signaling new genes and new ways and changing our future are changing our genetic future and if you've done it once then you're an athlete you'd be able to do it over and over again and if you repeating it you neurochemically condition your mind and body to begin to work as one and the redundancy of the act over and over again the conditions the body to know how to do it better than mind now it's innate in you it's second nature it's easy it's familiar it's it's who you are and so I think we we start as philosophers we initiate you know we become initiates in the way mastery you know knowledge experience wisdom mind body soul learning it with your head applying with your hands knowing it by heart not thinking to doing to being and so I think want to answer that kind of question or that common is that yeah yeah we should we should get up as if our prayers are already answered the problem is is that our senses fool us into separation the person says I want to be healed I want to be healthy I want to be wealthy and they imagine it and they come back and it's not there and when they see it it's not there the thought of their future creates the emotion of lack or separation and the thoughts of the language of the brain and feelings of language of the body now you have mind and body and a position so then if you think about something like appreciation or thankfulness or gratitude gratitude when you are receiving something when you just receive something when when something is happening to you in the moment or something just happened to you that you enjoy or you're surprised about or or is pleasing to you you feel this emotion of gratitude so gratitude becomes the the signature the emotional signature that it's already happened hmm gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving so now when the person combines a clear intention of their future and they open their heart and they feel the emotion of that future their body is objective it's the unconscious mind it doesn't know the difference between the actual experience in their life that's creating the emotion and the emotion that they're fabricating by thought alone in that moment their body is believing it's in that future in the present moment and the stronger the emotion they feel the more altered they feel inside of them the more they pay attention to the picture in their mind and we could say then that they're beginning to remember their future and biologically it's the same as remembering your past so if you keep practicing opening your heart and you keep combining it with a clear intention then the thought and the feeling changes your state of being which means then if you keep doing that over time you'll feel like your future has already happened then what's the significance of that if you feel like your futures already happened you stop looking for it you're no longer waiting and wondering when it's gonna happen or how it's gonna happen you feel like it's already happened so now you take your foot off the gas and you're no longer trying to predict or control or expect how it's gonna happen you're connected emotionally to your future well the antithesis is also true the stronger the emotion you feel for some betrayal some shock some trauma the more altered you feel inside of you the more you narrow your focus on the outer environment and the brain takes a snapshot and that's called a memory and so the stronger the emotion the more the brain embosses the imagery neurologically in the brain so then the person thinks neurologically within the circuitry of that experience and may feel within the boundaries of those emotions so then we could say then the person's biology is literally in the past so you can't create a new future if your state of being is in the past so people reaffirm their identity this way they wake up in the morning and they say let me think about my problems and those problems are memories of past experiences that are etched in their brain so they think about the person the plays the the object the experience and we could say then if they believe that their thoughts have something to do with their destiny their thinking in the past and every one of those problems has an emotion associated this and now they feel unhappy now they feel fear now they feel unworthy and they might be addicted to those few oh no no it's a conditioning process because conditioning all you need is an image they've mastered this on television an image or a brand than an emotion and all you need is a stimulus and response so every time the person remembers their future their past as they remember their Pratt past the image with the emotion is literally sub conditioning their brain and body into the past and so if they're living in the familiar past guess what they're gonna predict the next future they're gonna want to be able to predict their future so because that's to know so that there's only one place where the unknown exists and that's the present moment and teaching people how to get into the generous present moment it takes an act of awareness and most people would rather turn on their TV or you know get on their cell phone or Facebook or whatever be called that reaffirms their present which is living in the past right and I'd noticed this even with myself I know that I'm addicted to the stress hormones and that state of struggle in that state of fighting to try and build my business to try and create this message to try and deliver this blessing that I knew I had early on and make sure that I've delivered in the best way possible and all the pressure and all the anxiety and all the worry about that and I'll wake up and I'm so addicted to those stress cocktails that the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to charge straight into my Instagram which is the expression of all of these things and I get information of my identity up to this point and then I get that nice rush that ice kick of everything that's been before and the Aubrey that's lived up to this point and then that stress hormone then wakes me up and I'm ready to start my same ass day that I've had so many times before and then this is actually I'll be not a bad thing this is actually a moment of awareness yeah and you know when you're inside the jar you can't see the label and so we have this huge frontal lobe that gives us self awareness so then the insight never changes anything you could have the insight that you're addicted to fury are addicted to competition you're addicted to struggle but that really means is that we're addressing reality matter to matter and what we're at one point of awareness one point of consciousness and we're putting our attention on another point of consciousness a future an outcome and the only way we know how to get there when we're matter trying to change matter is that we force we control we predict we fight for it because that's that's that's how you are when you're living in survival so then we have to move our bodies through space and that takes time so we think if we that we're actually going to get there faster but more and more of the rushing creates more of the addiction of those emotions because the adrenaline that's released is actually an arousal so person is using the conditions the problems the situations in their life to reaffirm their addiction to some emotion to me that means we become addicted to the life we don't even like and so that's why change is so hard so then let's offer another alternative well when you begin to create from the field instead of from matter the only way you can do that is you have to learn how to take all of your attention off your body and become a nobody take all of your attention off all the people in your life that you give so much of your attention and energy to because you have an emotion associated with them and get beyond all the people in your life and go from someone to a no one now if you've worked your whole life being a someone or if you've been working your whole life thinking that you're your body you don't have to work a little harder because that's your identity that's which are associated with and a long time of conditioning it's all about done one thing and if this was easy everybody would be doing it so then you have to go get beyond all the things in your life your cell phone your computer your car and literally go from something to nothing if it take all your attention off the place you work the place you live the place you need to be the place you're sitting and go from somewhere to nowhere you gotta stop thinking about the predictable future in the familiar past and go right into the present moment and go from some time to no time and if you do that properly you become pure consciousness and that's how you enter the field now we've done the research on this we call it getting beyond the self now once you are pure consciousness you're taking all of your attention off this three-dimensional reality now where you place your attention is where you place your energy so if you've taken all of your attention off of everything material there's only one place you're gonna wind up and that is the immaterial realm called the quantum field an invisible field of energy that unifies and connects everything material so now when you're creating from the field and you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion and connected and you feel connected the suggestion of an alternative way to create is that when there's a vibrational match between your energy and some future reality you actually no longer have to go anywhere to get it you're actually the vortex and you will collapse space and time and draw the experience to you now that to me is a lot more fun because the experience is the unknown you can't predict when it's gonna happen or how it's gonna happen because if you can predict it it's known so then you have to lay down the very thing you use your whole life to get what you want for something greater to occur now that goes against generations untold of conditioning and a lifetime of habituation believing that were were trapped in this material world and yet I can I can say to you without a doubt then once you understand that formula and once you know how to create that kind of brain and heart coherence the side effect of that is a change in biology neurologically chemically hormonal II genetically we've measured it we've seen gene regulation changes in four days more brain coherence more heart coherence your brains working better your heart is you're trusting your heart it's open there's different chemicals that are released oxytocin suppresses survival Centers resets the baseline a person's trauma or shock your immune system goes up you're you you lengthen your telomeres we've measured that too so you're changing the future of your body you're extending your life that's evidence right so we we have the evidence to know that it could happen because we've measured it but the real evidence is watching the testimonial of someone who says I had stage four cancer I was told as a 41 year old woman that I wouldn't live for more than two months and I have no evidence of cancer in my body at all or someone that's a physician who has Parkinson's disease that's tried everything from the medical route and has one transcendental moment and their tremors and their pain are gone then now they're chewing food they're swallowing they're blowing their nose they're standing up on their own that's energy affecting matter so we have hundreds and hundreds of testimonials of people that not only heal their body but created pretty profoundly magical things in their life so you have evidence in the scientific world you have evidence in the practical world and evidence is the loudest voice right now yeah it's necessary to overcome that bias of the rational mind that we developed to get us past these superstition like the superstition stage where we were afraid of all kinds of things and we relied on science to get us past that point where we could have something we could have faith in and now that we can have the science that can harness the abilities and match up with our the things that you're saying that really empowers us to overcome that initial objection and allows us to empower our belief to actually reach that state and and the accelerator of that whole process is witnessing it because I'll stand on the stage I did this just in our last week long event in Cancun and I watched a man stand on the stage and tell his testimony of his healing I looked out in the audience there wasn't a person in the audience that was thinking about anything else they were they were they were witnessing truth right before their eyes a miracle now you see that and you look at the person doesn't look like a movie star doesn't look like a vegetarian doesn't look like they're buffed doesn't look like that they're there they're there they're different than anybody else they just look like an average person and the most common thought that happens when you witness that is if that person can do it so could I and that drops the belief right away you you cannot go back to being the same person after you witness that it's impossible you're witnessing that type of transformation and stroke patients that have had a paralyzed limb for years or have been blinded by a stroke that have perfect vision again and the scans from their physician shows a complete 100% recovery now strokes don't heal if they don't heal in two weeks according to the conventional model of medicine and nervous don't really come back online if they've been damaged after a period of time and yet we're witnessing those kind of supernatural changes so then the belief the subconscious belief that that is impossible you may say oh yeah I believe that a person can be healthy I believe in miracles but when it comes time to actually execute them you got to step outside a little bit and you got to trust a whole lot so then when you start witnessing it it becomes like a brush fire I mean we see in our events once we start seeing those healings we know it's going to just get better and more phenomenological and then the side effect of that is a person with reynardo syndrome who has incredible sensitivity to cold that has an immune problem that is you can't go out of their house they stand on the stage and they say I cannot believe it I was just outside it's November and in London I don't have no pain in my hands and someone in the audience watches the same thing we had four people at that event with Raynard syndrome go into complete recovery into complete remission so just like an infection spreads amongst the community and creates disease all of a sudden health and wellness can be as infectious as disease and and Wow and all of a sudden it's the new consciousness it's the new way it's it's so we don't have to rely on something outside of us to make us feel better inside of us we begin to figure that out and I think that's you know that was when I read you were the placebo you know that was that ultimately compelling case to remind us that hey this is something that every clinical trial accounts for it accounts for the mind affecting the body so anybody who's a skeptic you can't be a skeptic and you list and I mean hundreds in that book alone right but then just knowing that we account for that in every single randomized clinical trial that we do we account for the placebo effect affecting the body in a way in a positive way so we know that this happens but that nonetheless when something spectacular happens with the placebo effect all spontaneous remission you know we'll discard that as like oh that was even though we know that the placebo effect Israel or the nocebo effect the opposite of that is also real still science wants to kind of like yeah let's just discard these spontaneous remissions well I I'm actually more interested in in deepening that understanding which means do we need a sugar pill saline injection or some false surgery or procedure to change our state of B I mean do you need some external influence because the sugar pill is a symbol it's a symbol of possibility and the person has been conditioned that pills new people so they put their a power into it and the moment the physician says this is a new drug and the physician is enthusiastic or excited about it that enthusiasm becomes contagious and the person all of a sudden sees the possibility in their mind they actually see a future that they actually could be healthy or better that's a clear intention and when they feel optimistic when they feel inspired when they feel grateful when they're changing their emotions or energy they're combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion and a thoughts of the vocabulary of the brain and feelings of vocab way of the body and how you think and how you feel creates your state of being they just moved from their past present state of being into a future present state of being they began to change their brain and body by thought alone so then do you need that sugar pill or can you just do it without it and get so good at doing it that you can change your state of being without the belief that you can you need to rely on some fucking radically empowering though right know it like didn't take control of that mechanism and said and also this is the time that it needs to happen because the general skepticism of the medical industry and of the pills actually working and of the conventional treatments actually working that's on a downward that's on a downward decline I would say on the macro people are trusting that all I can just take a pill and everything will be fixed people are trusting that less so as they trust that less their actual belief that is going to happen is going to decrease so the result of that happening is going to decrease so we need something else to replace that which is the methodologies that you really ought to now there's a caveat to this because in depression studies where they give someone a placebo and they say this is the best best drug for depression four out of five people that are in the placebo study get better or do as well as people who are taking the actual antidepressant that's that's 80 percent right but here's the deal they've been taking that sugar pill for about eight weeks every day taking that pill and combining that clear intention with an elevated emotion they're moving into a new state of being so now with what that means is you got to do the work that means you actually have to practice sitting down getting beyond all the people in your life all the things you need to do the place you need to you got to you got to get beyond your body wanting to get up and go because it's been programmed that way and you got to tell your body you're not getting up until I say now this is when you come out of the bleachers and you get on the playing field because now you have to go from the nownself disentangle from those programs and exist in the unknown and possibility so then the person who's combining the clear intention with an elevated emotion and not relying on some external or exogenous substance they're doing it by thought alone changing their state of being I guarantee you it's gonna begin to become a habit and they're gonna know when they're there and when they're not and the word meditation means to become familiar with so then the more you become familiar with how you feel in changing that state of being the easier it will be for you to do it with your eyes open as well as your eyes closed and if you go back to the old state of being there's a good probability that your pain or your condition will come back so there's this kind of walls that goes on when people are learning how to heal and change they take a few steps forward and then a few steps back and then three steps forward and only one step back and they had a practice practice self-regulating they're gotta practice what they're paying attention to what unconscious of and if you if your stay with it for a long enough period of time all of a sudden now the person reaches a point we've measured what happens where their chemistry changes so dramatically that they're literally in love with life now imagine what happens when oxytocin is released in the quantities that we see oxytocin signals nitric oxide nitric oxide signals a chemical called endothelial derived relaxing factor and that's a big word or set of words that just means a chemical that signals the arteries in your heart to literally expand and when they expand you're getting more blood flow in there and just like when your sexual organs are around aroused and there's blood flow in there now with the same intensity you're gonna feel it right in your heart and it's gonna be way bigger and now the person's heart is wide open now so here's the question a person feels those emotions do you think they're gonna want to judge somebody else in that moment you think they're gonna want to hold a grudge they're not gonna try to forgive they're gonna feel so amazing they're not gonna want to lose this feeling and they're just gonna say I forgive you I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give this feeling up because of you know now that's the side effect of true transformation the side effect is a greater level of consciousness the side effect is a greater skill set in life and I think that when you start getting good at this then all the things you thought you wanted you no longer want because when you're creating more brain and heart coherence you feel more whole and the more whole you feel the less you live in LAC so how could you want many things if you feel whole it feels like you already have them and and that's Ashley when you start to see those wonderful miracles of synchronicities those serendipities those coincidences happening in a person those are experiences coming to them that's the field dropping Greg breadcrumbs saying keep going keep going and there's a synchronization between that person's energy and their future and the side effect of that or signs and that's when it gets to be exciting but every sign does what it creates an enthusiasm and excitement you're kind of going hey there's another sign I'm gonna go do it again so you now you're not going all I have to meditate today oh geez I gotta create my line you're looking forward you're like oh my god I don't want the magic to stop happening I'm gonna get into it and every synchronicity creates that elevated emotion and you use that energy for the next creation and people climb out of their lives climb out of their pasts yeah you know in the book becoming supernatural you talk about and you do this in your the placebo - you talk about the mechanism by which you know our thoughts can affect our body and I thought one of the interesting things that I never really thought about you talk about the upregulation down-regulation of some of our gene expression but we have this term that's been thrown around junk DNA where 98% of our cells are filled with this junk DNA and then you just again like the spontaneous remission science just discards that but you say huh what if this is just the raw quantum building blocks for whatever the fuck you want to build yeah you know what if that's what that is I mean that's a great conversation for two bottles of wine in about four hours which which to me I'd rather talk about that and talk trash about anybody else or any sports figure because that that conversation is what invites a possibility so so the body is a protein producing machine every single cell in your body except red blood cells makes proteins muscle cells make muscle proteins actin and myosin skin cells make skin proteins collagen and elastin your stomach cells make stomach proteins called enzymes your immune system makes immune proteins called antibodies our immunoglobulins your eye cells make eye proteins called Carentan so you your body's a protein producing machine in an order for those cells to make proteins a gene has to be regulated so then they used to say genes create disease lie sin absolute line there's a very small percentage about 5 to 1 percent of people on the planet are born with a true genetic condition like type one diabetes the other 95 to 99 percent is created from lifestyle or behaviors a two identical twins sharing the same genome one dies at 52 the other one dies at 88 well what what happened there it was the reaction to the environment that caused their genes to be switched on or upregulated to make a healthy protein or downregulated to make it cheaper protein in and it turns out that when you're living in stress and living in survival you're living in emergency mode and that's not a time for growth and repair yeah that's a time to to mobilize all the body's energy all its resources from some endangered situation real or imagined in their life so if you're living emergency mode for an extended period of time and you keep signaling that gene while my goodness it makes sense then that over time the genes gonna begin to wear out just like like taking a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy sooner or later you're gonna start making a cheaper protein so the expression of proteins literally is the expression of life so then is it possible then to signal the gene ahead of the environment the answer is absolutely yes because if a person's waiting for the wealth to feel abundance if they're waiting for their health to feel wholeness and gratitude if they're if they're waiting for the new relationship to feel love they're living by the old model of reality of cause and effect waiting for something out there to change to make them feel better and here take away their lack or emptiness but the moment the person embraces the emotion ahead of the event if they understood what they were doing and why they were doing it then if the environment signals the gene and it does and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion when you Britt embraced the emotion ahead of the experience you're signaling the gene ahead of the environment and if genes make proteins and proteins a response for the structure and function of your body you begin to become that very person so it's not our wealth it's not our health it's not our new relationships it's not the things we accumulate it's who we become yeah so we overcome the old self which takes a great act of will and awareness and we become somebody else so then when you become it nobody can take that away from you in fact you know that you know how to do it or you know that you know that you are it and an abundant person doesn't say I'm abundant I'm abundant around bonden or what healthy person doesn't say I'm healthy I'm healthy and hell they don't say that they are it so then most peep have just been fooled by their senses because they're 5% of their conscious mind is holding the intent but their body is habituated into a predictable future emotionally conditioned into the past and their n they're saying I'm healthy I'm healthy I'm healthy I'm happy I'm happy and the body's gone you're miserable you're unhappy you're but that thought can't even make it past the brainstem to the body so then teaching people how to self-regulate they have no idea when they started changing their emotional states the amount of biological and energetic changes that take place within them and all around them so then develop that skill and get really good at this then for the most part you wouldn't be so interested in in so many material things you would be interested in facing off with yourself every day and asking what is it that stands in the way between me and my future what is it stands in the way between me and my connection to the quantum field that that's I think that's the real question that is a real question and I think you know I can look to my own life to see myself in that place of grappling with the resistance to doing that and looking at the resistance not only personally but in the macro alright you shed this yoke of genetic determinism where it's not my fault my genes are driving me this way well then if you're really hard on yourself and you blame yourself for everything happens if you have that natural tendency if you shed this idea that things are happening to you and it's not you know it's not your fault no matter what well then you have to take responsibility and if you're gonna blame yourself for everything that's happened and you're gonna be really hard and you're not able to forgive yourself well you're not gonna want to shed this idea of genetic knowledge even though it's your it's your identity now right is it becomes your identity so it's a very interesting conversation because this is an unlearning process I mean I mean Watson and Crick you know telling people that genes are this genes are a library of possibilities so we express one-and-a-half percent of our DNA the other 98 and a half percent is called junk DNA and and that one and a half percent that's twenty three thousand six hundred and eighty-eight genes we express we have a hundred and forty thousand proteins that make up the physical body how could you have more proteins than genes it should be one to one because on one gene you can have thousands of variations depending on the signal so I hypothesize that that other ninety eight and a half percent has to be signaled by electromagnetism that the receptor sites on the outside of the cells are are hundreds of times more sensitive to energy or electromagnetism than the Artic chemistry chemistry is a downward causation so imagine the person elevating their energetic state well they are going to literally it's select and instruct new genes and on those genes may be the ones that create more significant and faster changes in the body I mean how do you explain a person in one meditation that's blind that comes out is now seen like what happened there what with a stroke patient who who who was paralyzed for years is now moving a limb I mean that's is it's it's not matter that emits a field that's an illusion it's the field that that creates matter so then the fundamental question is if you change the field will you change matter it's none of your business to change the tumor the that's the that's the outcropping that's the out picturing of changing the pattern in the field so getting people really good at this and the closer they can connect to that unified field the more they are their consciousness is connected to that consciousness a shorter amount of time it will take yeah and and again going back to that resistance I mean we started this discussion with that little piece that could cause resistance and maybe has caused resistance maybe me believing that loving life is a choice and that little bit of sadness that brought those tears demise when we were doing our brief meditation before the podcast a little bit of sadness of like wow I could have been doing this this whole time I'm 38 and I've loved life sporadically and I had a very blessed life but if I would have chosen it I could have been more passionate and I could have loved it even more love the people that I loved I could have loved the places loved my family loved the people that I've lost I could have done all this then I'm like oh no oh no but that's the wrong way to think cuz that's again living in the past why not live in the present now saying okay I forgive myself for the past I did the best I fucking could and now how about here on right and here on let me choose this new way and when you're ready to wake up wake up and and I mean I believe I'm an eternal being I believe I'm eternal and in fact all religions that you study always talk about your you're gonna be around for eternity whether it's heaven or hell whether it's karma or whatever nirvana you are going consciousness is going to exist so you're gonna be stuck with yourself for a very long time which then ass begs the question well if I'm waking up now and it's 2019 and I have this healthy body and this charisma successful my goodness I'm gonna use the same passion that the life that I've created with those great habits I'm gonna turn it inward and I'm gonna bloom like a flower in a new way because hey someone did it at 33 years old you're 38 so what there are people in this in this group that we're about ready to that are in their 80s and they could be home watching Wheel of Fortune and they're all in and you can't tell me you're too old to do this work we have people in their 80s in a few in their 90's I've seen their brain scans and they know how to do it and you know what they're happy you can't you can't tell me you're too sick to do this work any longer we have really really sick people that have reversed very serious health conditions and even genetic disorders that there were no solutions for in medical science and there were days that they doubted themselves and there were days that they didn't feel like doing their meditations and they were dazed they were in so much fear because the doctors told them they were stupid and they were gonna die and there were days they could have excused themselves and said I have too much going on I'm too busy and they could have excused themselves and not on the work but guess what they did it anyway they overcame the conditions in their environment they overcame their beliefs they overcame those programs the conditioning they overcame their body they overcame their fear that their love for life started become greater than their fear of death that's just because they made the effort to turn the battleship around and and you can't even tell me that you're too overweight or too underweight or too out of shape I've seen it on all shapes and sizes you can't even tell me that that you're you never meditated before in fact many times people have never meditated before have the most profound readings because they're not trying to do anything or expect to do anything I'm doing it their way they're just following with what you tell them to do and their innocence they run right into something really big so so so what a 38 years old practicing this you could say that my new goal is to live for a hundred and fifty years in a body that's 38 or 48 and we're measuring telomeres we have people many people their biological age is way different than their chronological age they don't care that they're 38 their body tells them they're 28 and and why because they're are working with down-regulating genes for disease and up regulating genes for health every day why because they understand that they can and if you don't understand that you can and you're ignorant then it doesn't work so then so then people who actually say I'm gonna experiment I'm gonna be the common I'm gonna become the scientist with my life I'm gonna measure the effects of me at cause that's how I live I say alright I'm gonna change my energy I can tell you nobody changes and all the years I've been doing this nobody changes until they change their energy and when you change your energy you change your life and why not every day instead of getting up and searching for yourself own 86 percent of the people that have a smartphone the first thing they do when they wake up is they do their what's up their text or facebook they take a picture of their feet they post it on Facebook then they do their Instagram you know take a picture of their cat you know and then they link in and then I check one email the other an email they check the news and now they're there they're there attention as and everything known in their life they reaffirm their identity and then they go through all those routine behaviors 95% of them they're not even present and conscious of there's a group of them or they're there remembering their problems in their past that's how they start their day and and don't expect anything in your life the change if your environment is controlling your feelings and thoughts and if your environment is controlling how you feel and think and I say to you Robbie why are you so upset today oh well this person is upsetting me what you're really saying is that person is controlling your feelings and your thoughts and that means you're a victim to your environments well to turn that around and you start realizing your feelings and thoughts create your environment and you start seeing the effects of you at cause you're gonna react less the people in your life because you're gonna understand that you'll be back to the victim consciousness and and when you start seeing that you're creating outcomes in your life you're gonna believe more that you're the creator of your life and less the victim of your life and I say the more you practice it the better you get at it what do you tell people who struggle with that assertion of will that that needs to be there to overcome the addiction to being yourself right like the it you know if there's someone who just who believes what you're saying like yeah yeah I get it but they're still finding themselves not quite stepping up to the plate to put that phone down to go through that meditation the first thing to break the habit of being themselves but because they're addicted they just don't have that will like what do you what do you say to that I say come to a weeklong we'll take care of you in a week right I mean we'll take care of you you know me there's so many times the husband's get dragged to these events with their wives you know and they're sitting there like hey you know by the third day I'm their best friend man their hearts wide open there I mean they're healed I mean crazy stuff happens in and look I mean it's a movement now I mean I'm waking up in my dream I honestly are we never thought that I would witness what I'm witnessing in this lifetime and there is a new consciousness emerging there's something happening where people are latching on to their own empowerment latching on to their own unlimitedness and it's becoming very contagious so the person you know I I used to golf a lot with my friends and I used to say to them I mean I'm a decent golfer but I'd say to them I'm just not good enough to get upset just I'm really not but I'm gonna have a lot of fun mm-hmm and and I'm gonna play and the more fun I have the better I play I watched you know youyou Duff is shot and then you start getting angry and frustrated it's the same thing yeah that's your game is gonna you're gonna you're gonna make the same mistake on the next swing because your emotion is keeping you in your past so you got to make a choice the self-regulate or not and the ones that get right back on that have ice water in their veins that can settle down and refocus again yeah those are the ones that execute really well so the person who can't get beyond themselves it's just a matter of practicing how many balls do you have to hit how many punches do you have to throw many kicks that you have to throw till all of a sudden you start looking forward to doing it and and yeah I can tell you this because I've been doing it for a very long time some days are easier than others but I'm not gonna give up I'm just not I mean if I'm gonna carve out some time then I'm all-in I'm not I'm not gonna shut my cell phone off I'm gonna you can disconnect from it it's all gonna be there when I get back what I'm going to do is I'm gonna make my inner world more real than my outer world and step by step I mean you can't get impatient doing this you can't get frustrated doing this you can't get resentful doing this you can't force it or control it we I've seen what happens in the brain you're gonna make your brain worse so sooner or later you start figuring out that isn't it and all of a sudden you start following the instructions and you start going wow that was really easy what was I doing up to this point everything but the formula you were doing everything else but the farm and doing it your way analytical mind telling you to quit it's too hard you'll never get it yeah those are the exact things standing in the way between you and your future and every time you become conscious that you do that and you settle back down that's a victory every time your body wants to get up and check an email or check the cell phone or check get up and you get a cup of coffee and you settle it down you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind every time it wants to go back to the past and romance some trauma just to reaffirm some emotional state and you become conscious of that and you say where I place my attention is where I place my energy and I'm siphoning energy out of the present moment into the past and you become conscious of it and we turn back to the present moment that's a victory and every time you are thinking about the staff meeting at 6 o'clock or 5 o'clock in the afternoon and that's the known and you stop and you return back to the present moment your disinvesting your attention and energy out of that future and you're making room for the unknown in your life and that's a victory and when your will gets greater than the program because most people lose their free will to programs because they are they are on that wheel where they are loop you could take their yesterday and lift it up and set it on there tomorrow because they're in the habit of doing everything in a routine way so then when they've lose their free will to a program in their body which is a habit has become the mine now their body's dragging them into a predictable future and they've lost their free will to a program and you sit down and you your body is telling I'm gonna die in this meditation I'm gonna suffocate and okay and you just keep settling it back down every time you do that it's a victory and celebrate those victories you know one of the things that I talk about in the book that I wrote is if you're halfway through a doughnut and you put the second half of the doughnut down that's a victory you don't need to beat yourself up for starting that doughnut like that's a victory wherever you are like don't look at it in this binary thing Oh we'll start of the year I'm gonna start a new plan I'm gonna take care of my body oh well start starting fresh Monday like you can stop at any point I'll celebrate that that's my point if you're gonna say I'll do it later I'll do it tomorrow or Monday you're in a program right because you actually should be doing it in the moment right right so that I assert that if you're not in the present moment you're running a program and so the more listen paying attention is being present and it's a skill and you know when someone's present with you in your life because they're paying attention to you and you know when they're not present with you because they're not paying attention with you to you so then imagine you're going to create and you're not present how could you miss the moment of creation you then are in the known you're in the familiar past or the predictable future so that that that that sweet spot of the generous present moment if you keep practicing overcoming your body overcoming the conditions in your environment and overcoming that predictable huge in the familiar past and you keep working for the present moment you are going to develop the habit of being present and if where you place your attention is where you place your energy and you're in the present moment you got a lot of energy to use you got a lot of energy to execute you got a lot of energy to design a destiny with and I invite people to look back at their own life and look at the spontaneous moments where this has happened because I can gen I can literally attribute pretty much every single successful experience of my life every single great experience from a moment in which I created that idea I had that inspired feeling I had that feeling like oh this is gonna how this is gonna be big and that flood of emotion and that confidence in that and that it would happen somewhat spontaneously and somewhat serendipitously and then the result would be on it as a company or the result would be my book or the relationship or something great that would happen but I never really harness the control over it I just utilized what kind of happened by happenstance and maybe I would do a few things to put myself in the right place in the right time to make this happen a little bit more reliably but no doubt that all of the good things that have happened have come from that formula now if I can take control of that formula oh shit yeah well look I mean I'll be the first person to say that we already know how to do this we all we are wire to be creators we already know how to do it you just just made up your mind that it was more important than anything else and and and you have that vision you have that possibility and the moment you feel that emotion you're connected to your future and no person no thing no experience will stand in the way between you and that future and it's feeling connected to your future feeling the inspiration the joy feeling the exuberance the love for your future every day is going to just like your body follows your mind to the coffee maker to a toilet every morning to the known your body is gonna follow your mind right into that future because that's where your attention and your energy is so then yeah if it isn't happening in your life then there's some emotion there's some unconscious attitude or thought process hardwired there's some habituation of thought behavior or emotional reaction that's keeping you as you so then if your personality creates your personal reality and it does and your personality is made of how you think how you act and how you feel then the present personality who's listening to this show has created the present personal reality called her life so if you want to create a new personal reality a new life it means you're gonna have to change your personality that means gonna start thinking about what you've been thinking about and that 95 percent and change it you have to become conscious of your unconscious habits and behaviors how you speak and modify them and then you have a look at those emotions that keep you connected to the past and decide does this emotion belong in my future and if it doesn't leave it behind and the memory associated with it so most people try to create a new personal reality as the same personality and it doesn't work we literally have to become someone else and the act of becoming is a function of overcoming so that means you got to light a match in a dark place and when you sit down and all of a sudden you hear those voices I can it's too hard I'll never change it's my ex's fault it's my boss's fault you know I'm to this some to that I'm too old I'm too tired it's too late and those are the thoughts that are the boundary of the known and now you're stepping out into new territory and the body that's been conditioned to be the mind emotionally is saying don't go don't don't leave the the known here stick with guilt it's much better stick with suffering at least you can predict it and yet your conscious mind is wanting to go for a ride and your body's going too low so so then I may take a little time to help the body out of the past it takes some time right so then the person can't have a great meditation and feel really connected and then get up and then get frustrated on the freeway and judging everybody else I mean you just disconnected from the energy of your future and you're back to the energy the best don't expect anything to change and if you tell me it's because of that person or that circumstance I want to say ah you're back to the unconscious program of being a victim in your life and so there is a period a grace period of transformation where we have to cross this river from the old self to the new self and that that void that unknown is the neurological the biological the chemical or hormonal the genetic death of the old self and and the most people the moment they step out and the hardest part about change is making a new choice the moment you make a new choice get ready you're leaving the known it's gonna be uncomfortable it's gonna be unfamiliar there's gonna be some uncertainty you can't predict you're not in the known any longer and most people you know they step out and they hear that voice you use it's too hard you never change and they believe in that thought and that thought leads to the same choice which leads to the same behavior creates the same experience produces the same emotion and then they say oh this already feels right to me no that feels familiar so so then if you're becoming conscious of how you speak you're sitting in your meditation and you're becoming aware of how you act that you complain and you blame and you make excuses you feel sorry for yourself you judge other people now your conscious of what your unconscious of that's a victory to because consciousness brings awareness and there's an energy that goes along with that and now a sudden you're not in the program you're the consciousness observing the program you're outside the jar you're objectifying your subjective self you're seeing yourself through the eyes of someone else and then when you look at those emotions and you say my goodness I I didn't even know it was guilt I just it this is how I always feel I didn't even know it was killed now I know all right well now that you know you can't not know so then what are you gonna do you know live with the knowing that you're a victim or you're guilty or you're suffering no the insight isn't gonna do anything until you initiate some type of change so then you say I'm gonna stop blaming complaining make excuses feeling sorry for myself judging other people now you're in the river and there's a tug for the brain and body to go back to the familiar past and and every day if you just work I'm practicing and changing it you will go from one state of being to another state of being and you will begin to think differently what thoughts do I want a fire and wire in my brain that's a good question what behaviors do I want to demonstrate in one day the act of closing your eyes as an athlete you know this and you begin to rehearse in your mind mentally rehearse what you're about to do begins to install the neurological hardware in your brain to look like you've already done it now the brain is no longer a record of the past it's now a map to the future and if you keep hitting that hardware over and over again the hardware is gonna become a software program and who knows you just may start acting like a happy person there's no magic there you're actually following suit of how you primed your brain and it's no different then training in any sport or dancing the salsa whatever you do a lot of this podcast is about manifesting your future reality but one of the things about that is sometimes it takes some time and sometimes when you're impatient and you want to manifest something like being really swole well that's why we have total n ho from on it this is a product you can take right before you work out and that very same workout you're gonna be more swole like that's the point of total nitric oxide it enhances the blood flow improves your performance and if you're looking first etics it's ridiculous this is the best nitric oxide formula I've ever tried you can get it at on it comm /aa bri i encourage you guys to try it out not only for the performance but for how you look and how you'll feel and again this is like manifestation but like the immediate version so I hope you enjoy it and I hope you enjoy the rest of the show and then here's the toughest part the toughest part is can I teach my body emotionally what that future feels like before it happens now that sounds really easy but when it comes down to feeling gratitude before the experience most people go yeah I gotta go ya didn't really feel it you know but the person who says I'm not getting up I'm just not gonna get up until I open my heart to life now to me that's that's a willingness so then as they trade guilt and suffering for joy and freedom and they an inspiration and a love for life and they're doing it without relying on anything outside of them they're gonna be more prone to no longer need anything outside of them to make them feel that way they're gonna feel that way naturally and then everybody's gonna be really suspicious like he changed his medication who he's doing something he's not telling me you know you're gonna show up unpredictable in your life and that's when we begin to become outstanding or supernatural or extraordinary but you can't take any of that with you to become someone else and if someone says to me well I really can't do it because I've had this experience 22 years ago or 30 years ago I'm gonna say to you that event had such a strong emotion that you haven't changed since that experience and forget about the experience just overcome the emotion because the memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom and that's why we're here so then you can look back at the past and you can say wow I learned something really great I'd never do that again and by the way when the experience finally lands in your lap and you prove to yourself how powerful you really are that you created something by thought alone and that event comes in a way that you never expected that surprises you and leaves no doubt that what you were doing inside of you produced an effect outside of you and you are exuberant and you feel worthy of life and feel grateful to be alive that you are in love with the moment you will look back at your entire past in that moment I swear and you will not want to change one thing in your past because it got you to that present moment and that's when it was all worth it that's when all makes sense now you're free from the past and now you're not you're not thinking about the past any longer you're believing in your future more than you're believing in your past you're more in love with your future than you are with your past I think in hindsight it is often easier for us to have gratitude for those things that have happened the challenges have always created the greatest results in my life many of the times you know these things that were hard and these things I was afraid of when they actually came to pass the adaptation that those created I can be incredibly grateful for but then the skill then is to have that hindsight practice as your foresight practice so that when you're looking ahead towards the future you're knowing that whatever comes to you in the future will also be just like everything that's happened in your past and something that you're ultimately grateful for and if you can get that skill then I think you're really you're really on the canoe in that River and you're really navigating that well and and and the cool thing about that is that if you truly practice like that level of gratitude or embracing the emotions of your future you're literally if you understand you're changing your gene expression when you're doing it you're strengthening your immune system when you do it all of a sudden you start to see all these fundamental benefits that are a side effect of your efforts it's going to become something that you want to do all the time something that you look forward to and I and I and I think that that's why we're here I think and and when you truly get to that point like that's a it's a it's an unlearning we're hypnotized we're conditioned into believing we need a reason for gratitude or joy and consumerism makes it really clear right until I get that I'm this but what if you've been creating and every time you have the thought of your future you've done it so many times it makes you feel like you're connected to your future well that's a conditioning as well if you have the thought of your future and you feel the lack that it's not there then you're back to the victim right but if you can have the thought and the thought actually produces just like fear the thought of something terrible happening in your life creates the feeling of fear the thought of something wonderful in your life creating the feeling of gratitude then when you think about your future you begin to emotionally condition your body into that future now here's the payoff thoughts are the electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge in the quantum field and how you think and how you feel broadcasts information and energy into the field so into the collective you in the end to the unified fields so the question is what are you broadcasting every single day so then if then we know that once you begin to self-regulate and you begin to open your heart just in that small exercise that we did the act of creating that kind of coherence in your heart begins to produce a measurable magnetic field up to three meters wide that heart is actually producing a resonance that energy that frequency carries information and when your heart is open this is our center of oneness this is our center of wholeness this is the union of polarity and duality this is the the connection of opposites so when the heart starts to become activated and we start to feel whole and it begins to put that energetic pattern into the field that frequency can carry the thought of your health it can carry the thought of your wealth the frequency of suffering can'tcan't carries that carries different thoughts it can't carry the thought of health is that so projecting that electromagnetic frequency into the field into the collective Unified Field is that the fundamental causal response of that thing attracting back towards you so let's say you project that thing let's say it's outside of your body like I think understanding how the gene expression works and understanding how you can heal your body is one thing but how do you manifest that external thing from having that job offer from happening that thing you're projecting that out in the field but what is the response mechanism that actually calls that back well we need three bottles of wine but let's make it really simple 70% of the time people live in survival live in stress and they're that invisible field of electromagnetism that's surrounding the body that resource of energy is going to be squandered into chemistry every time you react the field around your body shrinks a little bit more and you become more matter less energy more particle less wave and then the hormones of stress cause you to narrow your focus on the cause so when you narrow your focus on the cause you're focusing on the particle and quantum physics matter and your senses or take so conditioned than to focus in on matter that you're beginning to experience separation so the more I live by the hormones of stress the more I have separation there's separation between me and you and my sensors are fooling me into it but the Unified Field says there is no separation so then if you're addicted to those emotions and you're you're there heightening your senses that's what they do in survival and you become a materialist and your field around your body shrinking then you're gonna feel separate from the quantum field and it's going to take a long time for you to create what you want because you're separate from the field and you will be matter trying to change matter so the moment you begin to activate the center this is our connection this is our first connection to the Unified Field the moment energy moves into this Center and we've measured this the field around the body expands and once their energy in the heart guess where it goes straight up to the brain the heart acts as an amplifier and what it literally it begins to increase energy in the brain so now once that field begins to expand and you get beyond you take all of your attention off your body off the people in your life the things you own the place you need to be in time itself and you become pure consciousness and you take all of your attention out of this three-dimensional reality out of the known and you start putting your attention on that field there is a technique that we teach to do that and you begin to feel connected from that field now the faster the frequency the higher the emotion you feel the shorter amount of time it's going to take for it to appear in your life because the faster the frequency the closer you're getting to oneness and wholeness so then when you teach people how to get beyond all of the elements in this 3-dimensional reality and begin to open their heart their heart in that frequency is their connection to the field the moment they open their heart they become more energy than matter more wave than particle and now that becomes the amplifier that begins to generate a whole new set of thoughts a whole new consciousness and that heart Center then makes us want to serve makes us want to take care of one another to inform one another to help one another to give to one another to heal one another that's that's what creates unity we know this to be the case we've taken thousand people in a room we've set 50 people in the front of the room wearing HRV monitors heart rate monitors and we've told the entire audience to move into heart coherence and brain coherence and have the intent for the greatest good for the people sitting in the front of the room in a matter of seconds all their hearts go into coherence at the exact same time in the exact same day in the exact same meditation they're being influenced by energy and their autonomic nervous system is being entrained to a new frequency so imagine then you begin to change your energy you begin to affect many people in your life and those people don't have to be right there next to you where you're touching because when you put that in 10 out we're all so much more connected than we ever believed and we are connected we are kin they aren't connected and that now you're creating from the field so imagine then if your connective you're feeling connected to all possibilities then it makes sense then that once you're connected you don't have to worry about how it's gonna happen when it's gonna happen is none of your business it's like your consciousness is already communicating with the consciousness of all of the collective consciousness around you which were all connected to ultimately the closer you get to source the more you can surrender and go deeper the more connected you are then how it plays out and three-dimensional reality leave it up to the greater mind and just live as if your future has already happened try it out I mean see what happens so there's some parts there's some parts where this starts to get into that kind of the weird the weird territory here and I want to take a little time here at the end to talk about this and you you mentioned it in your book and I've heard from people within your workshops some people who get into really slow Delta frequencies start to have very mystical experiences you've talked to yourself about you told the story of one experience where you actually visualized your pineal gland in the mouth of it opening up and spilling out this frothy white thing and you stopping time and understanding and seeing time and if I mean these are the classic psychedelic experiences that we use other different compounds to get to but you're reaching that state in meditation through your practices through visualization and some very interesting things are happening sure yeah well first of all we if we have those receptors in our brain hmm it must mean our brain is capable of making those substances and so there's four states of consciousness there's wakefulness there's sleep there's Dreaming and then there's a transcendental moment and when you've had enough of everything in this 3d world and nothing new is happening you start wondering if there's something else and so from me you have a few mystical moments when you're a kid or in your early a part of your life and you start chasing that experience and so for me I wanted to understand there was a bridge between that world where there are infinite number of dimensions in this three-dimensional world that we live in so my my interest in explaining this mystical science of the pineal gland is really thinking of the pineal gland as the brains radio receiver and it can only be activated through a certain process and we have the most beautiful brain scans to show that we're seeing the trend that when a person begins to take their attention off of everything material three-dimensional reality and narrow focus on matter a divergent focus and to begin to broaden their focus and begin to open their focus and create what's called a divergent focus when they do that properly the act of opening their awareness and putting their attention on nothing begins to suppress this thinking brain and slow brainwaves down into alpha by not just any kind of alpha very organized coherent alpha and now we're seeing the beauty of one they really can just Lao their body to rest and almost fall asleep and keep their mind awake there's this door there's this opening and when they silence the activity in the neocortex they get beyond their analytical mind their thinking brain that memory bank of the known self and if you're in theta there's very little brain activity there so you're aware you're kind of conscious in your subconscious mind now we start to see very profound patterns where theta levels and even Delta now become the primary frequency in the brain and not just a little theta not just a lot of theta like a lot a lot of theta and when you see that way outside of normal we now know what's about to happen we now know in the next instant there's going to be an arousal and now the sympathetic nervous system switches when you feel pain when you feel fear and when you feel anger aggression and it's mostly survival stuff but when this latent system switch is on and the sympathetic nervous system switches on the arousal that's created is energy moving from the body right up into the brain and when that gate at the brainstem called the thalamic gate opens up and that energy rushes all the way up into the pineal gland the moment that happens the brain goes into what's called gamma brainwave patterns now the amount of gamma that we're measuring is not a lot not a real lot not a super amount of a lot it's like whole club like extraordinary amounts like hundreds in hundreds and hundreds of standard deviations outside of normal now the amount of coherent gamma in the brain in that moment is a sign the persons having a very subjective experience that we're measuring objectively they're having a full-on sensory experience without their senses and whatever's going on between their ears the vision that they're having they're not visualizing it's happening to them in other words if your senses were heightened by 25% right now everything you were seeing hearing smelling tasting feeling if you're if your senses were heightened your awareness of everything around you would be heightened and awareness is consciousness you can't have consciousness without energy so now all of a sudden the energy in the brain goes way up and the person now is literally in a whole nother world they're in another dimension that's why the pineal gland is called the third eye because it's a profound vision now once the autonomic nervous system switches on and it goes into gamma brainwave patterns that radio receiver has tiny little calcite crystals stacked Rambow hedron's that are on top of each other and those crystals begin to shimmer they begin to oscillate and now the radio receiver is activated and now all you got to do is keep this melons Mechanism suppressed and tune in to frequencies and all those frequencies carry information and when the brain latches on to a frequency the pineal gland acts as a transducer and a transducer is no different than a TV antenna that takes one form of energy frequency and turns it into or transduces it into imagery and the pineal gland begins to release upgraded versions of melatonin melatonin already causes us to dream but now you're gonna really dream it already causes us to relax but now you're gonna make a benzodiazepine you are gonna chill way out you are no longer and be in survival the melatonin is already an antioxidant but you're gonna make two of the most powerful antioxidants known to man anti-cancer anti ageing anti heart disease anti stroke anti neurodegenerative anti-inflammatory antimicrobial two molecules release the same chemical in the brain that hibernating animals produce no sex drive no appetite no preoccupation with the outer environment that means you move out of survival the body goes into stasis you can you can the body can dream for as long as you want and now all of a sudden you start to release the same chemical found on electric eels what is that the nervous system is going to become electrically activated the amplitudes of energy are gonna go up in the brain there's gonna be a profound firing and then you make that one made amazing chemical called dimethyltryptamine and that begins to switch on and what happens is you no longer move through space to experience time you move through times and you experience dimensions or spaces and the biggest lie that we've ever been told is that we're linear beings living a linear life we are dimensional beings living a dimensional life and when the doors of dimension open to you and you get a glimpse of how big this really is you are going to care less about politics you're gonna care less about who's famous and who isn't because you're gonna realize you're all of that and more and all of a sudden now we have people that have switched this system this latent system on and they have a greater understanding of who they really are and it all of a sudden shows that there is no past life they're all happening now I don't know how else to say that in and when we activate this latent system the information that's being translated into profound imagery that experience that rich experience experience enriches the brain now you're laying down circuits for something that has nothing to do with the material world and that experience produces an emotion but the emotion is not going to be guilt or shame or unworthiness or fear the emotion is gonna be ecstasy or bliss and the stronger the emotion you feel the more you're gonna be paying attention of those pictures in your mind and literally you're gonna begin to rewire your brain for the mystical and when you open your eyes and you come back to your senses you're going to see a broader spectrum of reality you're gonna begin to see what has always existed but you didn't have the circuits in place to experience them because we don't see things how they are we see things how we are so now the person all the sudden opens their eyes and I've had this happen you see colors and light like you've never seen before you hear everything's melodious everything's unified so smile the taste the feeling of everything is just enhanced and we're here and three-dimensional reality for that now I mean we're here to really experience life fully I mean that's why I'm here then I'm not gonna be guilty I'm not gonna be sad I mean how many times have we done that I mean that mystical moment when you have that experience and you begin to perceive a whole in a whole different way and and you connect it to that intelligence you will see that that energy that intelligence in every human being and everything around you and you'll feel more connected and less separate and I think that's I think that's why we're here no doubt that changes the whole changes the whole game board and the more of us that light up in that way and feel that thing the more the collective is informed with that same information the more it becomes available so it becomes this game of momentum it's a footprint the upfront for you to step into and as we've seen that we've seen the footprints of people who have who have healed themselves of cancer and it's in the field and they step into those same footprints but we also have evidence in three-dimensional reality and you see the woman who's now MS free and now the evidence in three-dimensional reality says I have permission to do it so it's in the field and it's in three-dimensional reality and it should be in both that's the evidence we need to know that it's possible and and the cool part about it is that nobody is excluded from it so you know I think one thing for everybody listening to know is that you describe some of the techniques in your books you also have audio tapes with some of the meditations then of course the workshops you really want to dive into this you have you have the you know you have the schematics for how to get in this even for the you know something that mimics what Kundalini practice would be squeezing the energy up into the brain to create these kinds been around spots thousands and thousands of years yeah so you have the schematics and I really encourage everybody to check that out I had I have one question though that I thought was interesting so if you read stoic philosophy and you look at some of the samurai literature like the hagakure they talk about premeditation or they talk about dispelling their fears by going into the fear and then allow surrendering to that fear and unwinding the fear that that held and that's been something that's been important for me in my process my first ayahuasca journey was taking me through all the ways that I could possibly die eventually landing on cancer which was the scariest for me until I surrendered to that fear and then released it and my fear of death has been ultimately dissipated from that what is your thought on cuz obviously this is putting yourself in somewhat of a negative reality but it has somewhat of a positive result in that it can allow you to dispel the fear that you're actually experiencing if as long as you don't get stuck there sure well modern psychology calls it systematic desensitization you do is if you want to desensitize someone to a fear of something you have them imagine being in it and working on practicing surrendering to the fear are getting beyond the fear of relaxing and calming down and so you're breaking is called inhibition you start inhibiting that conditioning process because you're having the fun and you're choosing to not feel that emotion or begin to self-regulate a new emotion and the research shows that if you do that properly there there are a front fibers from the heart that go right to the amygdala straight to the amygdala and what it does is it shuts the lights out for fear it lowers the volume for pain and suffering and it cools off the circuits for that kind of tenacity and aggression and what happens is you get this resetting of a baseline and so now the person is more safe that they're they're not anticipating the next threat the next danger they're not looking around the corner for the predator their body's not in that vigilance their body's more in the present moment and so so you begin to desensitize yourself when you confront the fear or you confront the possible scenario and you begin to choose a different emotional or you break from that emotion and because people do something the idea do the opposite really well they think about the worst thing that's going to happen to them in their lives and then they say no it could even get worse and they begin to emotionally feel the fear before it happens and their conditioning their brain and body to subconsciously become the mind the fear do it enough times and your body is going to have a panic attack without you try as you may to control it with your conscious mind you won't be able to because you programmed it subconsciously and then you start worrying about the next time it's going to happen and it's that very very state of being that begins to create the next one and so then the doctor says is chemical imbalance in your brain it's a hardware problem well the insight doesn't change anything and when you have that first Kotak and you're in the supermarket the moment you feel that change in your interstate you're looking around to see in your outer environment what's causing it and you think it's an airplane or it's a supermarket and so then you know they're you you know you take the drug but the the drug doesn't heal the condition in fact you'll still stay away from supermarkets or airplanes so then it's a software problem your father was overbearing was a perfectionist it was really hard on you so now you have the insight my father was overbearing does it heal it no so then you go to the psychic the psychic says that you were burned at the stake and the 1500's you're a charismatic Christian in the South of France oh yeah now you start reaffirming and this is why I am this way or Mercury's in retrograde really 93 million miles away some planet is controlling that's what's reason for my fear people will come up with all kinds of reasons but sooner or later you're gonna have to confront yourself we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of brain scans of people who have had anxiety and that just don't have it and where these are professionals these are Dennis engineers these are nurses people that really were struggling a great deal with it you cannot be anxious if you're in the present moment and it's just the skills so so I think that that are we can use it in a positive way yeah and I think that thing you said about choosing the different emotion when you engage that fear so engage it and then choose not to be scared and I think or what am I going to do if I feel that I mean yeah we have activities in every one of our week-long events where we know that people can do brain and heart coherence we got that we got the scans to prove it and then we say okay now that we know that you can do it let's go 38 floors up on on the hotel and let's rappel off the side of the hotel and this is not about an adrenal rush this is actually about the opposite we got heart rate monitors on them and this is the moment this is a moment when you're standing up there can you breathe can you stay in your body can you relax and the more you rehearse I always say to them what are you gonna do when you get up there because if you don't know what you're gonna do you're gonna throw a program in there and you're gonna get fearful and go unconscious but if you can stay conscious and you're reviewing what you're gonna do and you start practicing you're priming your brain and body for that experience so what's the significance of that overcome in brain and heart coherence you'll walk into your life and you'll use the same thing in the same circumstances when you're faced with fear in your life and you won't be gripped by it and if you just went off 38 floors in heart and brain coherence and you mastered it you probably will look at the problems in your life is so much less intimidating than what you just did and people people leave their fears so so we want to put them in situations that would normally evoke a strong emotion or a program and say yeah that's natural that's normal but what would Supernatural do so let's practice that and so we have a challenge activity that's where I just came from and and again putting people in those situations where they don't think they can go any further and then they go further and that's what we want them to do because going further means they're going against thousands of years of programming thousands of years of fear and conditioning and and and and when it happens they're liberating energy and that's available energy for them to heal with that's available energy for them to create a new life with well and this podcasts you know hopefully did that for many people as well gave them the permission to choose a different reality to choose something from the quantum field of infinite possibilities to choose something that suits them in this experience and this opportunity to live in this body with these beautiful people around us and everything that we have available like let's choose something that really fills us up with that love of life that passion that joy that sense of assisting and helping everybody else community collectively everybody that we're connected with let's let's choose that let's choose that thing all of us and we have the power and I think you know just the deepest gratitude to you and your work for helping show the way to so many of us thank you so much and thank you for your great work also thank you brother and thank you everybody good bye I hope you guys enjoyed 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Channel: Aubrey Marcus
Views: 1,763,779
Rating: 4.8652062 out of 5
Keywords: aubrey marcus, personal journey, explore, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Joe Dispenza Meditation, Aubrey Marcus Meditation, Podcast, Joe Podcast, Joe Dispenza Podcast, Becoming Supernatural, Becoming Supernatural Joe Dispenza, You are the placebo, placebo, You Are The Placebo Meditation, You Are The Placebo Joe Dispenza, aubrey marcus podcast, self help, AMP219, Personal Development, Healing, Health, Mental Health, Joe Dispenza, joe dispenza breaking the habit of being yourself
Id: rCusK9s4r0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 19sec (5299 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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