Dr. Joe Dispenza | FULL VIDEO PODCAST - Part 1

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now you think how you act and how you feel is called your personality and your personality creates your personal reality that I love that I love that so if you're gonna change your life change your personal reality you've got to change your personality you got to start changing your thoughts you gotta start thinking about what you've been thinking about and say do I really want to thank this thing you become the Shepherd of your thoughts the gardener of your mind you start to become aware of your unconscious habits and behaviors and say my goodness how am i speaking how am i acting I believe that each and every one of us has the power within ourselves to create the life that we really want and I want to help give you the tools to make that happen I'm Danica Patrick and I'm pretty intense [Music] today on the show is a guy named Joe Dispenza he is an extremely inspirational guy I have been reading and listening and watching his stuff for years and still quite frankly don't understand half the words he says but he is very inspirational he's a best-selling author he's a researcher and he is an inspirational speaker he has spoken in over 33 countries holds week-long advanced seminars to advance your mind and create brain and heart coherence he he's literally curing cancer I mean this guy is amazing and I've been learning a lot from him about negative thoughts and how they can be addictive I've learned about how we can reprogram our mind learned about meditation the best times to do meditation the list goes on for the things that he has inspired me to think about and I hope he does the same for you too because Joe is such a wealth of knowledge the interview has been broken up into two parts the first part is about wellness and the body and the second part is about consciousness today we're talking about overall wellness of the body and what you can control what you can't control and how your thoughts affect the pure wellness of your body please enjoy today's episode I wanted you to start off by just sort of quickly telling the story about what really seemed as though it sets you on this path of looking beyond what we're told is how we operate as human beings and that was when you got into a car accident when you were 23 sure I mean it was in a triathlon in Palm Springs I was in the biking portion the race the cadet was waving me on he had his back to the traffic I made the turn and there was a woman going 55 miles an hour on a Bronco that just catapulted me out of my bike and I won braking six vertebrae in my spine now when you compress the volume of material like this when you compress that volume bone fragments go back on the cord the neural arch of one of the vertebrae had broken and I had a lot of cord compression so they want to do a radical surgery for opinions from the leading surgeons in Southern California said Harrington run surgery or nothing and screwing in stainless steel rods from the base of my neck to the base of my spine was the option to guarantee that I would be able to walk again anyway I decided against the surgery and in 1986 that wasn't a common thing that's why because when I looked at first of all I have a background I know a lot about the spine so creating that kind of mobility and if it wasn't done properly or if it was done okay I could be in pain the rest of my life I could be struggling with the medications that could be possibly addictive and that when you start with the most radical form of healthcare as a first choice you limit the number of choices you haven't started I was conservative and you work your way up to the most radical you always have more choices so I thought well hell they tell me I'm never gonna walk again what's the deal if I to it now or I do it later right so I said no to the surgeons in 1986 it just wasn't something that you did and I just thought there's an intelligence that lives within us that gives us life I'm not going anywhere I'm not doing anything let me see if I could connect with it and give it a plan where did that part come from then second part that you said is a lot different than like oh the decision between you know having potential pain for the rest of my life and just like taking my chances and starting slow and seeing how this goes and like that's different sure out of this yeah sort of you know extensive intelligence that exists that we don't really tap into where did you ever get that thought well I mean first of all that's a really great point because you know the body has an innate capacity to heat to heal and if you study a very mechanistic view about the way the body functions those those are just models of understanding but fast-forward to information biology or contemporary understanding of biology it's is more vitalistic that there's an energy that the body feeds off of and so then I was reasoning with the idea I've been doing martial arts I at a yoga studio I did I had gotten quite a extensive training in hypnosis I was interested in this stuff so I kind of knew that there was an intelligence living within us my background as a chiropractor also believes in that innate intelligence and so I thought well that intelligence knows how to heal but I want to see if I could take it to the next level because it wasn't just pain it was paralysis and sensory changes and I went from very healthy guy dealing face down yeah any we're competing in a fitness competition yeah like Here I am like you know that's it so so so I just reasoned that if it wasn't intelligence then I admittin I could connect with it and so I decided that I was just gonna give it a plan and a template a design and then when I was clear on that design I'd surrender it to this intelligence because I can't do the healing no said he all the way better than me but I wanted to take it to that next level bones heal but I want him to heal better and it worked so did you do that by pure intention well how did you become the placebo Lee yeah so so I knew that when you're when you're in pain when you're in crisis when you're in trauma yeah when people are out of balance emotionally because of stress the normal way the brain works is it prepares for the worst so when we're injured we're in crisis we're selecting the worst thing that could happen to us instead of the best thing that could happen to us it could happen to us and when you select that future there's an emotional response like fear or anxiety turns out that those chemicals give the body and arousal rush give us a rush so here I am trying to focus on what I do want to have happen right but my brain keeps going back to what I don't want to have happen so six and a half weeks of a dark night of the soul because yeah I had to train my brain and I knew if I said the design has to be pure it has to be complete I have to reconstruct every vertebra if I lose my focus yeah and I start thinking about living in a wheelchair whoops that's the wrong signal so just by my intuition I started working on my presence my ability to pay attention and stay present and every time I lost the present moment I would come back and I started to notice that when I got frustrated and I did it would get worse when I just noticed that it happened and I came back non-judgmental yeah there was just no emotional reaction there was no charge and I was able to navigate and at the end of six weeks I just felt like I had a tennis Longstreet's so were you just so was this meditation peer just in meditation or was this intentional of a visualization of something it was both I knew that I'd have to first get in the present moment yeah you know when someone's present with you in your life because they're paying attention you know when they're not present with you they're not paying attention so there's an intelligence I got to be present with it and create a very clear design so then I would have to what I knew from my background in hypnosis is I had I would have to slow my brainwaves down mm-hmm get beyond my analytical mind now once I'm in that state I would have a clear intention a very clear intention and very clear focused and when I started doing it well my emotional state started to change instead of feeling frustrated fearful impatient resentful I was feeling joy and freedom and because I was suppressing those emotional states every time I got present because those emotions bring us back to the path so I had to work overtime and what I didn't know that I was doing the whole entire time was I was improving my brain's ability to pay attention and focus that means I could visualize better yeah but secondly more importantly I was able to relax more into the present moment and by doing that and holding a very clear picture I started to notice very strong changes in my brain I was laying down his circuits I was creating a new mind and nerve cells that fire together wire together he keep doing it just like driving a racecar it's gonna get easier because you you you become what you practice but you got to pay attention you got to repeat it you got to learn you got to keep experiencing so at the end of six weeks it just kind of all came together but those six weeks I was struggling because it was just kind of this unlearning process and prunings neurological breaking habits of thought and emotions and and then it worked and so then I was back on my feet in ten weeks and and then I just said if I was ever able to walk again I'd spend the rest of my life studying the mind-body connection and mind over matter and that's what I've been doing since 1986 hmm that's I mean I I think that you know this is such a new wave of the future this is I think there are so many people that want new ways new improved cleaner more homeopathic ways of taking care of themselves people don't want medicine people don't want to have to fill their bodies with synthetics and I think that this is really important what do doctors think of this like do you really like do you have that interaction with practicing doctors and they say listen I've been a teach me your ways or do they say like they better get on board in my opinion because this is to me where things are gonna move too well I mean first of all number one I think I love medicine and I have a great respect for it and it really works well for chronic acute conditions yeah break your leg yeah yeah but chronic health conditions require a lifestyle change that means you got to make different choices and the hardest part about change is making a new choice so go back 30 years and the doctor said to you she said hey you need this kind of health treatment for this health condition we're gonna take out your uterus and for in there we'll take out your gall bladder hmm everybody just said oh great thank you you know yeah you think at all I don't need it towards a day you got information and information is awareness and awareness is consciousness so there's a change in consciousness about what's available so when people get a diagnosis today they don't just sign on the dotted line they actually research the real health condition and you do that it gives you more choices to make so then when they start saying to the doctor hey I'd like to try this treatment or I'd like to try this therapy and doctor says well that doesn't work or I don't anything about that they say great time to find the new doctor so people are starting to make better health choices when they're in a better position so during that time there was not a lot of evidence back in the 80s families that said that there's possible in fact you were considered a hippy right yeah but now you fast forward to today and because information is so available and people are starting to apply that information now we're starting to see dramatic changes we've done numerous brain scans to show that you can change your brain in four days mmm for the better 80% of a thousand people had a more than 90 percent change in their brain for the better just by practicing meditation we know that you can train your heart to work more coherently that means that when you're angry when you're frustrated when you're impatient your heart beats out of rhythm that's how powerful you are and it really suppresses certain genes so then change your emotional state wow you start to see people practicing this kind of regulations we have evidence that people can do that we have evidence you can change your genes in four days you can change your gene expression you can make your immune system stronger by changing your emotional state you can lengthen your life with just 60 days of meditation five days a week we've proven that you can lengthen your telomeres so now you have evidence that common people can do the uncommon enough to be a monk you don't have to be a nun you don't have to be a priest and academic the common people are beginning to wrap their minds on this and do this evidence this just some mystical information so there it is science is that model and then we have testimony like we have people that have healed themselves of stage 4 cancer not once not twice not three times and four times over and over again we have people have healed themselves that were blind that were deaf that had tumors that had Graves disease hashimoto's syndromes numerous Parkinson's patients brain injuries MS rheumatoid arthritis is where Jesus was doing back in the day I mean Linus and stuff if anybody is surprised oh yeah tell you that yeah that's me I never thought I would see these kind of changes now you have a you have evidence right now in testimony so no evidence becomes the loudest voice right yeah so doctors now are saying hey you're not really responding to treatment I'm why don't you try this now let me tell you why they're saying that and that's because if you say try this and you see the evidence of people getting better and the person's not responding to treatment what else do you have and doctors are now referring oncologists are referring patients right to our office right to our of events because it's an option for them so then you have three types of stress physical chemical and emotional stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of balance the stress response is what your body innately does return it back to order all organisms can tolerate short-term stress but the chronic stress is what pushes the genetic buttons that create disease no most dress ends up as emotional or psychological stress so physical stress trauma accidents injuries Falls chemical stress toxins pesticides pollutants bacteria viruses molds hangovers and then you have emotional stress family tragedies second mortgages single parenting 401ks you know traffic whatever and all of those things knock the brain body out of homeostasis but the emotional stress is the challenge because the person can be taking care of their body you know eating all the right foods taking all the drugs taking all the right vitamins all the enzymes doing the things doing yoga during the long-distance running whatever it is that they're into but if they're living in constant fear because of some threat in their outer world is either real or imagined or they're there's so mismanaging of their thoughts that those thoughts keep producing the fear so turning on that stress response by thought alone then they could eat the most organic healthy diet do all the right exercise but the body's living in survival because that's stress so now you're mobilizing all this energy for some threat in your outer world and there's no energy in your inner world for growth and repair and so you your body is actually utilizing all of its vital resources when it's feeling fear when it's feeling aggression or anger when it's feeling pain and suffering yeah the body is mobilizing enormous amounts of resources if you're being chased by a tiger you're not gonna use 20% of your resources you're gonna go all-in right so then what if it's not a tiger what if it's just traffic so what was once highlight gets me becomes very maladaptive and when you turn on the stress response and you can't turn it off now you're headed for disease so how does this I want to talk about Tara DNA um and there's all kinds of stuff and I'm learning about this stuff as I listen to you and various different different people like you that talk about all these amazing things but DNA like are we changing our DNA are we capable of changing our DNA well your body is a protein producing machine muscle cells make muscle proteins called actin and myosin so we need to eat protein by the way that's always something I wonder whether horses really do okay skin cells make skin proteins called collagen elastin your immune system makes amine proteins called immunoglobulins or antibodies your stomach cells make stomach proteins called enzymes your eye cells make eye proteins called keratin and then so the body is a protein producing machine every cell in your body Danika makes a protein except for red blood cells and and in order for a cell to make a protein a gene has to be signaled so this is a gene Gene's create disease less than one percent of people on the planet have born with genetic conditions like type 1 diabetes tay-sachs disease the other 95 to 99 percent people want to hear that and people don't want to hear this not because that means Lear can't be available you can't be a victim right exactly so 95 to 99 percent are created from lifestyle you can take two identical twins same exact gene expression same exact genome one dies at fifty five the other one dies at eighty one why they're in a different environment or their perception of the environment so now it's not that the gene is a part slits a list of possibilities right so now here's the point if a person is perceiving the environment or or in an environment where they're constantly living in fear or anxiety or anger or aggression or frustration then it makes sense then that those emotions would influence certain thoughts and certain thoughts would make certain feelings or certain emotions well if you're living by the same emotions every single day you know it's it's the environment that signals the gene the end product of an experience and the environment is an emotion so your body is objective if you're living in fear whether there's any fearful conditions in your environment your body's believing it's an environment where it needs to feel fear so then the person then keeps signaling the same gene because they're feeling the same emotion they're responding to the same environmental condition they're signaling the same gene you keep making the same protein you keep sailing the same gene over time you just like taking a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy all of a sudden the body starts making a cheaper protein the gene down regulates and now the body is moving out of balance so then here's the question if you're thinking the same thoughts making the same choices demonstrating the same behaviors creating the same experiences that produce the same emotions and then those same emotions influence your very same thoughts than your biology your neurocircuitry to neuro chemistry your hormones and your gene expression is gonna be equal to how you think how you act and how you feel and how you think how you act and how you feel is called your personality and your personality creates your personal reality I love that so if you're gonna change your life change your personal reality you've got to change your personality you got to start changing your thoughts together start thinking about what you've been thinking about and say do I really want to thank this you become this a pert of your thoughts the gardener of your mind you start to become aware of your unconscious habits and behaviors and say my goodness how am i speaking how am i acting we start looking at emotions that you live by everyday and say my goodness I didn't even know it was guilt it just feels like me and or lack and now the person's becoming conscious of their unconscious part of themselves and the more conscious we become of the unconscious self the less unconscious we go during the day so it begs the question new thoughts that lead to new choices new choices that lead to new behaviors new behaviors create new experiences new experiences produce new emotions new emotions or the information coming from the environment they signal new genes and there's evolution so now we up regulate the gene you start making a healthy protein the immune system starts up regulating and all sudden it makes new antibodies why because the body's back and growth and repair and out of survival so we didn't we did a research study for four and a half days we took 35 randomly selected people and we measured 7,500 different gene regulations and what I want them to do is to think differently make new choices do different things have new experiences and feel new emotions and we wanted to see in the end of four and a half days if they were able to change their gene expression and they had eight genes in common all of them shared the same gene expression of these eight genes two genes that suppress cancer growth and tumors genes to grow new neurons in your brain not just make new connections but grow new neurons genes that stimulate stem cells to go to damaged tissues that are dying and breaking down and repair them jeans for oxidative balance you know anti-cancer anti aging anti the heart disease anti stroke all had all the same ones all these these are the eight they had in common that there were other ones you know that were great ones as well but these eight were the common ones and and and genes to strengthen the cellular structure the microtubules of the cell now genes are like Christmas tree lights they're turning on and off all the time but if you're doing the same things feeling the same emotions thinking the same thoughts you got the same lights on on the other lights off and over time you start signaling the very gene that's on the surface of your genetic propensity and now you're headed in that direction so then is it possible then when you change your emotional state will you change your gene expression and the answer is absolutely that you are your own genetic engineer now it may take some time for certain people's gene expression different than changing your genes and actually yeah yeah exactly and you actually reprogram your DNA can you change it yes you can alter you can alter your gene expression now here's an example if your body's a protein producing machine you have a hundred thousand different proteins that make up your body so you should have a hundred thousand genes for every one of those proteins okay you have forty thousand was called regulatory proteins that help make those so now you should have forty more genes you should have a hundred and forty thousand genes for one hundred and forty thousand proteins and when they mapped the human genome they were so surprised that we only Express twenty three thousand six hundred and eighty-eight genes so how's that possible because on one gene you can have several variations several variations of how the gene is expressing itself so genes are always moving in mobile hmm so we can is there a certain timeline that you can established or like reprogram like it can you do that in a day can you is there how long like if I said hey I want to change my personal reality by changing my personality which means I'm gonna probably gonna change my thoughts and that's inherently going to change my genes because I'm creating new circuits no patterns right well the answer is yes and no we have people that have taken for years as an example that we've tracked that reversed a genetic disorder that they had from a teenager okay turn that whole battleship around now that person was abused as a child father was an alcoholic beat her every day she felt weak punished of course she developed a very specific bone disease that created the weakening bone tissue or scaffolding that's an expression right so there were a lot of incidences that branded her emotionally and she had to get beyond those emotions not the event just the emotions so someone like that it took her maybe two and a half three years to get through now there's just like the form in a mile hour never done whatever you say in racing but there's a ceiling where people said that was impossible mm-hmm and all of a sudden human beings are doing it so no yeah isn't there some story about it with a four-minute mile like once one person broke it then the next year 20 did that's like literally I was later someone there you go and then there's 1,400 people that have broken their doctors were saying it was impossible explain how that works like what what happened well it's in it's in the field you have one thing happening there's a footprint that somebody stepped into unconsciousness that says oh my god someone else did it I can do it at the same time you're seeing the evidence and three-dimensional reality there's a footprint in consciousness that the person can step into it's in it's in the field now so at the same things happening in our work what was taking three years to happen 10 years ago or eight years ago in one week we're seeing people heal from the most incredible health conditions and in order for that to happen it's not some miracle it is a change in gene expression and that's exactly what got me into measuring all this stuff in the first place you see someone sitting in a wheelchair for 10 years with MS at the end of a weekend workshop she's walking around the front of the room and hadn't been out of that throne for 10 years you start thinking that that's just not nothing something happened there she down regulated the gene for MS and she up regulated the gene for health and she was taking yoga in a weak and Egyptian never done that before so I don't know the timing because you don't know the individual case mm-hmm by the same means you could have someone doing the work for six months they share to a weekend event they're practicing they're ready everything lines up and they have their moment and their eczema goes away or their health condition changes dramatically you know that there was a change in gene expression in that moment so do you believe that we create the disease in our body with disease do we do believe that we create it are we accountable I do I have to be very careful about this yeah I am a little practice probably like you can't probably want to box yourself into something but boom you see I just think that it's really powerful if that's true because then you're accountable and that reality is so much different than well but you know and then my dad had this and then you know it's powerful nobody held accountable then yeah so the answer is yes and I want to say yes because I've witnessed so many incredible things in the last 15 years here I mean really incredible things stroke patients that were blind stroke patients that were paralyzed you know moving their limbs again getting out of wheelchairs I mean so so I see that they can change it because I think many people when they realize that they contributed to their health condition yeah then they understand that that on some level they created it yeah then they could uncreate it is the cool part yeah that was a practical simple choice that the person makes right but then you know the reason I hesitate is because there's exceptions to every rule I mean I have my my best friend's mother smoked cigarettes and you know drank whiskey and was just one of those mothers it was crazy and we loved her but she lived like 90 something years old and you know well you have other people that are you know vegetarians you know running a 10k every day do all the right things and you know they make it yeah that's like you said the difference between emotion right course you know maybe you know your favorite friends mom who was living it up she didn't have any belief in the world that she was gonna be sick from it exam and then the person that's a vegetarian and concerned about her health all the time and afraid of getting sick gots you got it you got it you got it yeah absolutely that's the truth and you once you know you can't not know those people who don't you can't unknown agreed so so people that don't know yeah then don't understand like that there's some how you say to a person hey why are you so upset today why are you so angry today why are you so frustrated why are in a bad mood today and they'll say oh I was at this place with this person or these people and these things happen to me and now I'm feeling this way and I'm thinking this way what they're really saying is that person or that situation was actually controlling the way they were feeling and thinking so when things go well in people's lives they say hey I'm in a good mood when things aren't going well in their life they say they're in a bad mood so they're victims to the environment right so now your thoughts and feelings actually produce an effect in your environment and when you begin to realize that when you change how you think and feel you change your state of being when you change your energy you'll see a change in your life now you got to be able to sustain that you can't have a great meditation and do something inward and then get up in five minutes go unconscious again you're taking that and you have to bring it into your life and be able to sustain it so then the person who's responding consciously or unconsciously to the conditions in their life they don't know they're being a victim to their life they're saying oh I have this health condition or this is my life until you start figuring it out until you start knowing so knowledge then becomes the forerunner to experience so every time you learn something new you make lots of connections in your brain not a little a lot an hour of concentration you'll double double the number of connections in your brain from from 1300 to 2,600 but if you don't I think up a lot of hours of concentrated in my life yeah pretty excited about that yeah and look the same so let me finish that thought I want to respond to that so then you're laying down philosophical circuits in your brain the more you think about it the more you fire and why are those circuits the repetition or thinking about it yeah begins to install the neurological hardware in your brain in preparation for an experience so the more you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it then the how gets easier so I now know after all the research you give people the right scientific information and science is the contemporary language of mysticism and they can turn to the person next to them and explain it because that's what you'll do I'll say now explain that if you can't explain it it's not wired in your brain it means there's something now that's gonna be conjecture as' something you're gonna just have a little superstition about you know it you're not gonna really understand what you're doing and why you can't explain something simply you don't understand it well enough exactly but when you can't explain it the model of understanding you have the hardware in place yeah it's going out today you you set up the conditions and put people in the experience if they get their behaviors the match their intentions they're gonna have an experience experience then Rich's the circuitry but the end product of the experience is the payoff that's the emotion you start to feel unlimited when you start to feel abundant when you start to feel free yeah now your body's getting the chemical instruction to understand what your mind was understanding now you're embodying the knowledge do it again there you go and then all the sudden you start to master the philosophy and overtime then you begin to create a state of being that means that you've memorized an internal state it's it's subconscious the skill it's a habit and you know that you know how to do it you have to think about it any longer right so our job then is to start as philosophers and initiates then masters you know knowledge experience wisdom mind body soul thinking - doing - being learning with your head applying with your hands knowing it by heart and so when people follow those steps they start we're starting to see this four-minute mile thing go on and then if I get somebody on the stage and I say tell them your story on the lady says well I'm from Holland I had stage 4 cancer the doctors told me I wouldn't live more than three months I tried these things and nothing worked and I just went to the event in my Orca I'm here in Cancun for my second event I have no cancer in my body now there's people in the audience with cancer and they're looking at her and they're saying well she doesn't look like a movie star you know it's not a Hollywood version of a great is she had some bumps along the way you know but it's evidence and when you start seeing that kind of piercing of that four-minute mile that level of consciousness yes that footprint is there in consciousness for people to step into but by the same means there's evidence in three-dimensional reality it's no longer dinner conversation hey did you see that lady with stage four cancer from Holland she didn't look any different than me she didn't look like a vegetarian she didn't look like she worked out every day she didn't look like she just looked an average person so nobody everybody starts relating with that and you look in the audience when that person's telling the story and there isn't a person looking away they're all leaning in to watch this because again evidence becomes the loudest voice I mean one of the most fascinating things is is the video of being at a hospital with someone laying on the bed that has cancer cancer it like tumors and you can watch the tumors you know disappear yeah that's just yeah and it explained how that happens Wow there were people standing around and there's a whole it was a yeah yeah yeah so I've seen that video so so the video shows a tumor in the bladder and it's in China and and there's a group of physicians that come in and they chant something like it's already gone or what give thanks that it's already gone they keep chanting the same thing they keep creating the state emotional state and you see that tumor shrink yeah right a third either shrunk or disappeared later but a trunk so here's the science behind that and I'll give you an understand there's like there was a researcher from Yale University in the 1940s that was very very passionate interested in studying the electromagnetic fields around living organisms now in the 1940s nobody was doing that right it was just a different guy so he started off studying eggs and when he was studying eggs chickens you know different types of bird eggs salamander eggs lizard eggs reptiles amphibians 100 percent of the time he always saw the positive charge where the head was and the negative charge with the tail was now if you have positive charge on one end and they lived charged on the other end even magnet in that magnetic field is actually in the shape of the egg exactly okay so he starts measuring you starts quantitatively analyzing all these eggs and then he goes right to women with the propensity for uterine cancer and he starts measuring their electromagnetic field around their body as well as around the organ and he starts noticing the same exact patterns for uterine cancer and every single woman that had a pattern in the field that he measured had a pattern in the physical body of cancer so but there was a certain percentage though that had some in the field but didn't have the cancer in the body yet but they ultimately developed the cancer so he was looking at matter thinking there's a glow of you know we're with us with his measurements matters emitting a field the frequency no he's it's actually the field that's creating matter so change the field and you change matter so think about like the environment are you saying no let me say it again they the the woman with uterine cancer had a certain pattern in the field right yeah so then he starts seeing the women with uterine cancer every one of those women that had uterine cancer had a pattern in the field that was the same here's the field you changed matter and we do this in our workshops and we've seen tumors just like that disappear what do you mean change the field then ok so there's only two components according to the research that shows how to change the field here's an example they did an experiment where they took of people group of people that were great healers and they took these vials of DNA and set them out in front of his people and they said now listen this is a mindful function with all of your intention we want you to see this DNA wind or unwind in your mind just keep seeing it whine to run one winder on okay so I did it over and over again over and over again they check the DNA guess what happened nothing intention did nothing to change the DNA so then they said ok open your heart create an elevated emotion and just feel gratitude and radiate that feeling of care and love into the field and let's see if that changes as DNA they elevate their emotional state they do it for a period of time they check the DNA and guess what happens nothing but when I say to the people we want what I want you to do is see the DNA unwind in tension one frequency the electrical charge in the quantum field and feel the emotions you would feel as if it already unwound elevated emotion magnetic field and in the quantum over 20% of the DNA and whelmed at a remote location so thought being the electrical charge in the quantum field feelings being magnetic charge how you think and how you feel broadcasts a field so now not just any type of field is gonna do that it's got to be coherent so we practice creating brain coherence we actually measure it we practice creating heart coherence why because once energy moves right up in here and you can change resentment or frustration or impatience to joy to freedom to gratitude and we're measuring to see if you're doing it I can say the identity you're doing it I could say not there yet gotta keep going how do you measure it then just maybe we have now it's called a HRV heart rate variability monitor we put electrodes and we actually similarly clip things to people's ears so now when the heart starts regulating it starts beating like a drum and it starts to produce a measurable magnetic field it's up to three meters wide now that energy is a frequency and that frequency can carry information and that information is your thought is your intent in other words the elevated emotional gratitude can carry the thought of your health the emotion of suffering cannot carry the thought of your healthy there's a different set of thoughts so you can think positively all you want and if you're feeling miserable right your mind and body are in opposition so we teach people how to put these two coherent signatures together the thoughts sending the signal out the feeling drawing the event back but the more coherent the more organized the signal the more connection you have to the field by organize do you mean concise about what you want or do you know it was being good at it no like rhythmic okay so so coherence is a synchronization as an example when people are under the gun of the fight-or-flight nervous system they're living by the hormones of stress the arousal of those chemicals drives the brain into a faster brain frequency called high beta brainwaves okay in high beta the arousal ooh you're in survival what you're trying to do now is control and predict everything in your life right and so you start thinking about your boss your coworker your boyfriend you start thinking about grocery store think about we have oh all the things you have the finances and every one of those things elements people places has a neurological network in your brain so as you shift your attention very quickly you're activating those circuits and like a lightning storm in the clouds your brain starts firing very incoherent lis and when your brain is incoherent hmm you're incoherent at the same time you're stepping on the gas your heart's racing because of survival a stepping on the brake like I can't I can't throttle my coworker even though I want to so you can't fight and so now the heart starts beating incoherently so how do you reverse that so we teach people how to create more order in their brain and there's a formula that we practice and when they do it right the brain starts getting very organized those different compartments that were subdivided start to synchronize the rhythm even to the firing oh there's a like I'm like we have unbelievable measurements of rhythm so I think about it so now all of a sudden those different communities of neurons that were out of sync start synchronizing and what sinks in the brain links in the brain and all of a start then all of a sudden you start seeing more and more neurons start dancing to the same rhythm they start synchronize I can ffunny and when when that starts to happen when they start getting more organized if you think about coherence like a group of people clapping in an audience say there's a thousand people and you say normal coherence for an average human being would be every fifth person in the audience clapping at the same time right super coherence what we're measuring imagine a hundred billion neurons all synchronized you know a thousand people all clapping at the same time not only is the creating more order but any more energy now waves start stacking on top of each other and all sudden you start getting more energy in the brain more synchronization and all the areas that were no longer in balance start to come together and the side effect of that is now the person starts feeling more whole is there I'm thinking of two different things one is a little more spiritually based where there's in certain ceremonies whether they be like ayahuasca ceremonies that are getting more popular or just maybe old maybe Native American cultures and how there's African cultures how there's rhythm there's drums to their ceremonies there's spiritual ceremonies there in drums get everybody's thinking the same way moving the same way feeling the same way and community yeah so yeah so is there a sister can you get yourself into this state with a forced sort of absolutely absolutely absolutely in fact we use certain music when we induce that that kind of coherent state that there's there's a rhythm to it there's a mathematical quality about it that entrains the brain where you stop thinking it just starts it starts slowing brainwaves down so we use music and and rhythm as also something I've done back my very first IndyCar race I get in a huge accident and afterwards I was like on all the modalities you could possibly be on but one of them was a headset and goggles with light and sound and so is that also what something like that is doing is uh sinking your brain Opry train is that what would that be doing so the frequency of the light a lot of times and the sound starts causing the visual cortex and the auditory cortex to begin to oscillate and starting training so in trauma well that's a good thing to do because actually the opposite happens so you're trying to save the person from moving out of disorder in your brain because that the fear and the anxiety and trauma really shocks the brain mmm interesting you were talking about energy you're talking about the heart and things of that nature and it makes me think of you know the seven chakras and the energy centers and what is your understanding with that with that and how they play a role in mm-hmm so so I use the word energy centers because if you say chakras some people will have the wrong understanding of them all right I agree I don't get fantastic that you try and make sure that this is digestible and attractive and not off-putting to anyone right there's no point in using religion or spirituality right it's just science and as far as you know this goes it's not chakras and no ceremonies and drumming its rhythm its frequency and of course yeah as we're sorry my here energy centers yes so am I gonna doesn't want to call yeah yeah but it's cool because these different energy centers of the body are centers of information they have their own frequency they have their own energy they have their own little individual brains or not they have their own hormones their own chemicals Wow you can measure that they have different hormones oh absolutely each other you say everyone and there are seven there's seven okay well there's eight but seven ones in the body so those different circuit boards are under the control of the autonomic nervous system now stress creates imbalance in the autonomic nervous system the sympathetic nervous system is switched on for one reason emergency for preservation hmm so then you were mobilizing enormous energy to preserve the body and it should be a short-term thing the other nervous system the parasympathetic is for growth and repair right so some people spend the majority of their time living in that high frequency of stress so then teaching people then how to make a move from that sympathetic system into the parasympathetic system means they have to practice on a daily basis certain fundamental principles and and for me I think that well more and more people are doing it how do you do it so when a person begins to slow their brainwaves down they have to go when you're in stress when you're in survival you narrow your focus on a cause that's called a what's called a convergent focus so now you're blessing the energy centers of the body that run the control of the autonomic nervous system and when the autonomic nervous system moves out of balance the brain moves out of balance right we now our focus on the cause and it causes each one of these different energy centers to move into incoherence as well and those little little individual brains start moving into in coherence and send an incoherent message to the cells and tissues and/or hormones then become downregulated and the body starts moving out of balance so when we bless the energy centers where we reprogram these energy centers two things has to happen they have to be able to slow their brainwaves down they have to get out of that high beta state and the way we do it is to go from a narrow focus to a broad focus when you open your focus when you open your awareness that's what creates coherence in the brain because you're going against that habit of putting your attention on matter so there's a convergent focus which is focusing on matter and then there's a divergent focus which is focusing on energy well reality is both particle and wave matter and energy so if a person can slow their brainwaves down from beta brainwaves to alpha brainwaves now they're starting to fall out of their thinking brain right into the home of the autonomic nervous system the person can't change their brain waves it'll never work because they're in their neocortex and there's thinking mind right so that's one thing that has to happen the second thing that has to happen is that they have to practice both a convergent focus and a divergent focus now the convergent you're focusing on let's say I'm gonna focus on this energy center right and then you move your focus to another energy so first you first you focus on that energy center that's particle and then you focus on the space around it that's wave and so when you open your awareness and you're able to do that and you're in your autonomic nervous system you can put an intention there which will create more balance and estrogen more balance and your sexual organs you move to your second Center you put your attention there that's your where you place your attention is where you place your energy so now you're beginning to direct energy yeah into that center but now you become aware of the space around why to create coherence and that little brain send the coherent message the cells and tissues go to your third Center right in the pit of your gut well there's a huge celiac plexus there or solar plexus a lot of connections in there so now put your big one that's a big always getting a lot of signs they're here in here those are big ones and you tune in to that energy then you put your attention in your heart it has its own individual brain yeah and when you make energy here when energy finally arrives here guess where it goes automatically straight up we've met so now once you start opening your heart you got more ninj in your heart you get more energy in your brain got it time just go straight to the heart that's why we do it that's exactly why we that's why we open the heart so it creates a field and it begins to drive energy of the brain so now that energy is gonna cause the person to have a different consciousness a different thought pattern right and now they're gonna be thinking possibility because in survival the first three ones are all about survival yeah it's really not a creative process of creating from mind it's more about a more primitive you know humanistic part of us you know animal part of us so then there's the thyroid plexus the pineal gland the pituitary gland so we've seen when people create coherence in each one of these energy centers than they do it properly they know how to change their brain waves they go to the operating system they can master convergent and divergent focus they're no longer living just this way they've practiced opening their awareness and focus on energy becoming conscious of it and as these brains become more coherent and they start producing different signals to hormones and chemicals and into different glands in the body that's what's being upregulated to make different different expressions we see things like colorectal cancer change prostatic enlargement prostatic cancer impotence diverticulitis you are uterine tumors acid reflux and food allergies high liver enzymes heart palpitations arrhythmias much anything yeah well each one that's related a lot of hashimoto syndrome thyroid oh those are so they're related to an energy senator each one of these are an Energy Center this one they they hold the information for let's say that reticulate us or they hold the energy or why is this why is the cells and tissues and organs functioning out of balance so you can't control that with your conscious mind you got to get beyond your conscious mind and stay conscious in your subconscious mind and that's what we do when we slow our brainwaves down but we don't want just any kind of brainwaves we want coherent brainwaves so then the coherent message the selsun one of the things that I do when I meditate which I don't do nearly enough but I try and do as much as possible as I I breathe into each of those energy centers and just feel for resistance feel for tension if there is then I breathe some more it's not probably nearly a thorough enough process but I I can intuitively feel where there is some resistance and then I breathe into it also interestingly enough I don't know what you know about crystal balls and alchemy and sound healing and if that's something you've ever explored but I went and did a session where I chose the bowls and I had no idea until I was done that the bowls they have their own notes and when I listened to the bowls to pick them because it was like a two-hour intuitive process and I would close my eyes and she would play the bowl and I could literally tell you I was like whoa my heart's like on fire like it it related since it is a note musical note it related to an energy center and they that is exactly how it works I'm like wow I can feel exactly where it's hitting right in and vacinated and and your awareness contributes to that because as you become aware of those energies saying yes what you're actually doing is you're in training that Center to a harmonic of that frequency and these are called hormones per face in because begin to harmonize them and we do that we practice we have I think eight now different energy center meditations that we do that's an evolution of the last one and we teach people how to program them how to create more harmony in them yeah yeah and and and and we see a lot of changes in their in their health yeah can you explain epigenetics yeah I mean we kind of touched on epigenetics meaning above the above genetics meaning gene and so it's not the gene it's the signal outside of the cell right so again epigenetics means that there's some environmental signal that's actually conditioning the circuit or selecting and instructing different genes so but here's the thing and people will say well yeah it's the environment but I lived in a great environment but again if they're living by certain ammo keep them connected to the past the environment we're talking about is not the environment out there it's the environment around the cell the persons living in the same emotional state or the same let's just say toxic state because if you're not chemical - if you keep living keep exposing the cell to the same state of chemistry mm-hmm that cell of course then is going to weaken so the emotion is that thing so you know - factory workers working side by side in the same plant both exposed to asbestos a carcinogenic chemical one gets cancer and the other doesn't now why is that because it's the internal environment right around the cell it's different than the other person there so meditation is such a huge part and obviously we've talked about that quite a few different times how frequent do you need to be meditating and how long are you about making a difference yeah make a difference in your life you know there's so many variables um again it depends on how how sick a person is how incoherent their brain is what type of trauma that they're healing from emotionally there's a lot of variables their lifestyle is their ability to pay attention and focus to understand information there's a lot of different variables but let's just say that it was someone like you or me that wanted to produce some type of change in their brain and body there's two times the door to the subconscious mind opens up when you wake up in the morning let me go to bed at night your brain waves just fluctuate you go from beta to alpha the theta to Delta when you go to sleep at night when you wake up you go Delta Theta alpha beta so when you wake up a little early you're kind of in low level alpha or a theta you're between worlds perfect time to meditate because you have to work as hard to change your brain which you're already kind of there and so if a person can actually know the formula of how to change their brainwaves you can do a very healthy good meditation for 40 five minutes to an hour the problem with most people is they find so many instrumental benefits from doing it that they're not waking up like oh I kind of meditate they're waking up like I can't wait to do it so it's instrumental for a lot of people so most people in our community spend about forty to sixty minutes that do it some people spend a little bit longer if they're working on activating latent system sort of mystical experience or whatever but I'm not a big fan of a five minute meditation I'm not a big fan of a 10 minute meditation unless it's just for a moment to stop and get grounded I think you can go to deeper and deeper levels and when you start making a path you know carving a path yeah down into that subconscious yeah the important point is like when you're going down that path and all of a sudden there you go you make the right and you're with your ex and you go home the best thing is back up and go down again that's a victory that's a victory right there you became conscious then also you start thinking about what you have to do at two o'clock in the afternoon all right you back up you start heading down again that's a victory most people don't have the patience to do that because it's tedious in the beginning no plasticity yeah working on it you keep doing it you carve that path right down the subconscious the nerve trunk is gonna get bigger it's gonna produce a bigger Road because there's more traffic going on it now the person is able to get there a lot faster and they could have a great meditation in a half an hour because they know how to change their brainwaves right no I have I've been doing this a long time and I have sat with myself for hours sometimes you just have to work really hard because you got people you got meetings you got to travel you got contracts you got all these things you've got family and you sit down the meditate in your brain is just going to the future of the past and oh yeah and you have to takes a while to set get a centered and if it's like an hour to get there I don't care if it takes me I will not get up I'm not that type of person until I'm there I just will not and yeah every time I go past that point where I want to stop you know that point where I've had enough and you just go no longer no longer you step right into the unknown you're really good at pushing the only way to the other side through and there's no growth with unless there's pain I say that all the time with discomfort discomfort yeah because change is leaving the known and leaving the know much the discomfort sooner and they have to you have to and listen you have two choices when you get into that discomfort and I've learned this just in the last few months in witnessing some some really cool things we're doing right now if you if you move into the discomfort and you run back to the known but you're not conscious that you're doing it you just throw in a program just do what you know how to do because it's uncomfortable yeah now you're just returned back to familiar territory and that's a program people do it so they they run some habit and run some program the other choice is in that is in that discomfort to apply the formula and apply it with your eyes open because that's where we're going because we have students that can do it with our eyes open as well as their eyes closed now what's the significance of that no person no thing no experience in your life is gonna take your joy away you could have a thousand reasons that day to be unhappy right and you're gonna self-regulate because you know how to do with your eyes open it exactly right that's where when someone we're going there because we want people to stay calm Wow in that's the moment that matters the most so now we've done so many great studies to see that our community can really really create brain and heart coherence right they can do it in a meditation it's quiet it's in the room it's beautiful as music playing there's thousand people know let's take them out in a situation put them in a situation yeah where now they would feel fear of some comfort and it's real it's no longer hey you create your reality and then there's nothing that's not a moment you want to hear I thought you had discomfort was sitting around in a room for a nude up let's step it up so we put them in situations now where they normally feel fear or some strong emotion that where they want to throw in a program like I got a rush through this mmm-hmm and we say hey hey why don't you apply the formula right now so then the person has to what their legs shaking and everything going on they start settling their body down they start mastering their fear and so when they return by are they meditating in public and though their eyes are open well they're just like zooming out practicing and heart coherence with their eyes open that's the next stage because when they return back to the and they face off with some ranching situation they'll apply what they did right they won't fall from grace and not throw on a program and they'll open their heart and go against thousands of years of fear that's been programmed into a human being - saving your life - yeah for that reason and all of a sudden the person now has a new tool then they get back to their life and they've just done something really outstanding and they look at the challenge in their life and they see it as minimal compared to what they just did so their perception of the way they see the world change yeah and so now the person then starts liberating enormous amounts of energy you know there goes all the fear and they have really profound moments so so we want to we want to always press the envelope I'm just that type of yeah thanks everybody for listening to the pretty intense podcast today I hope you enjoyed it and also thank you so much Trevor Hall for the awesome music if you like what you heard today and you want to hear more please click on the subscribe button [Music]
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Views: 216,690
Rating: 4.8762293 out of 5
Keywords: Danica, danicapatrick, Dr.Joe, Dr.Joe and Danica Patrick, meditation, DR. JOE, Dr. Joe Dispenza
Id: C3Rsf6pQAd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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