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most people don't make the decision because they don't know how to get it you don't have to know how to get it that's right von Braun said when Kennedy asked them how to get to the moon the will to do it you're gonna make the decision you don't make the decision when you've got enough money or when you've got all the resources you make the decision when you make the decision you flip your brain on to a higher frequency and then you're on the frequency you begin to attract everything on that brief that there is a lot of Attraction comes in welcome everyone back to the school of greatest podcast we have the legendary Bob Proctor in the house good to see you sir good to be here the super glad that you're here you've been an inspiration of so many people since the 60s but really I learned about you from the secret which I think a lot of people learned about you in the mainstream world and we were just having a conversation off-camera about how you almost missed being in the secret so I'm curious if you could tell that story how you can was an interesting story I I had a message on my phone but the message was very garbled I didn't delete it I hit pound and just this is the recording box voice message yet record and yeah I was in an airport and the message thing was full so I phoned Gina Gina Gina has been my assistant she'd been with me for 33 years last week Wow anyway I said Gina my phone's full helped me clean it up I was in an airport and so I said I think this is a number it sounds like an Aussie number and I said I think this is the person's name Glenda was Rhonda Byrne made the secret Glenda was her sister and she was doing the heavy lifting yes so any rate Gina and I said and they said something about a movie but I said everything I'm telling you be wrong well she phoned me back in an Arn she's know everything you were telling me is right huh she said there's a film crew in there doing this film from Australian they really wanted you in it but they haven't been able to get a hold of you and I thought well they couldn't have been trying too hard no they phone my phone they did they found the number and but she said they're going back to Australia next week they've been trying for a month to reach it and they're shooting an aspirin all weekend and Gina says isn't that strange Bob's doing a seminar in Aspen this weekend I hadn't been to Aspen for two or three years Wow and so I just walked next door I was working in a hotel as a swatch next door and walked into a little room it wasn't much bigger than this and they had cameras and of course there was no air and he's sweating the lights I was terrible I mean you wouldn't have believed the way that was set up and they had two cameras one that was raw and then one fixed and that's the story so I shot I answered a zillion questions for them and they got a roll gone and I just started to talk and they loved what I was saying because it was long what they were looking for and so I opened my computer and I put a page of powerpoints up that would trigger my mind on different things mm-hm so they had me in there for a couple hours and I never heard anything from them then I think that was in the summer until the next spring or something really and I got a CD by FedEx now I get a lot of CDs sent to me and I didn't back then and this is what the 90s or 2000 well I don't know it was year before it came out it cool yeah I love 2006 or so okay so it was yeah and I put it on my coffee table and I said to my wife you know we got to watch this thing I didn't even know how to start the thing you brought me in today and anyway she put it on I looked at that oh my god this is gonna rock it was they because I saw the trailer and it was the trailer that was sold the secret and that thing just took off like a rocket yeah you guys were everywhere for years yeah yeah and you were one of the main people that they focused on a lot I figure you know I was I was I think I'd probably studied their subject more than anybody right and then they had me do a section if you go into the CD into the menu there's a special special Bob Proctor in there where they had me do about 30 or 45 minutes I did it my office on a green screen and I just started talking I didn't stop they never edited it when they put that so that's in there that's the bonus yeah and I think that's online for I don't know two three million viewers on it yeah Wow it's inspiring yeah and yeah it was a great it was a great hit and you but you already had a successful business you were teaching doing seminars well I've been in my business since that was in 2006 I'd been there business since 1968 Wow you know I started in 1968 when they're with Nightingale conet okay yeah in Chicago yeah Wow and you didn't go to high school you said he went to month I went to high school for two months yeah they kicked me up why do they kick you out well I was useless I was just honest I was going nowhere doing nothing I mean I was a useless human being really I had the word goal I would think of a hockey game or a soccer game never it was not something the person would work toward I and I'd been in know the Navy and in that a fact reason Wow working in bars I mean I was going nowhere and I was 26 when I woke up but prior to that nothing was happening I think I'm very effective at what I do because I always figured if this worked for me it would work for anybody I was such a loser and my world my world changed so dramatically that I've never I've never ceased to be fascinated with what happened to me and I wanted to happen to other people and he can why do you think you were such a loser cuz I feel like we're brothers then well like I was I've thought about that many times now I was born during the Depression I've been around a long time I'll be 85 next week Wow so it's born during the depression and the war of the second world war broke out I was just five six years old my dad went overseas so I never really knew my dad I had a brother and sister sister older and brother younger so I was in the middle and I had my grandmother sir like buddied up with my brother and my mother was my sister and I felt like I was sort of lost and your dad was gone yeah well there was no father and then he came home after the war and then he was gone again so I didn't have any real direction as a kid and I I was very thin I was always underweight I guess I had very low self-esteem mm-hmm I knew nothing about who I was nobody ever taught me anything about that see in those days I mean things were tough for everybody you know during the war during the Depression your parents I guess my mother was happy just be able to feed us and put a roof over survived yeah yeah and now mind you she was really a phenomenal woman because she did everything on her own and she made it happen so my brother and sister and I talked about her we always say god bless mother because she kept going you know yeah and so we look back and I think we had good gene there Wow what was the biggest lesson your mom taught you I think things that she taught me was to be generous she was she was a great she was a very generous person I give a lot of money away I give him a lot I give I'm considered a very generous person I think I learned it from her I remember we were kids and there was a family on the street over from ours I lived in the beaches area in Toronto and in the winter it was very cold and we heated the house with coal and they didn't have any coal and so their host was cold and I told my mother about a memory tent sent me to the corner with the $20 bill it's a lot of money to get to ten so it was a hell of a lot and she gave me $10 to take the other family to buy a ton of coal she didn't even know them and then stuck in my head but I'm still talking about it sixty-five years seven years later yeah she was very generous even yeah and I think I think that was something that she instilled in me mm probably and Alma my brother and sister as well you know did she end up kind of making it or no what she did I mean she kept things going yeah she never she didn't she didn't really understand the rules for success or winning or anything hers was probably more survival yeah of course and she did that so she did a she did a great job with what she had you know what is the power of generosity do for the other person and do for you the giver well you know Jane will take puts it very well she runs SCI seminars California she says you willingly give and graciously received and givers gain and so I think I think the giver enjoys more than the receivers always right yeah when you're in service to other people yeah when you're service with charity or people that maybe have less than you and the moment it always feels amazing well like our company builds schools in Africa yeah and we build a lot of them yeah but I've heard you know since you're cruising huh you should interview she's fascinating woman um she she builds the schools over there her foundation and I met her in a I started to support what she does in fact my son's over there right now with his wife Wow and every summer Cynthia takes a group over with her and they we built probably hundreds of schools over there but they give them everything us the schools you know I mean it's just food and hygiene yeah there yeah yeah mix the whole thing there was a lot of schools being built but there wouldn't last because was nothing going with it yeah you know and I'm convinced that six giving is one of the basic rules of success mmm why well you know Emerson said that cause and effect was the law of laws action reaction are equal and opposite so it's it's in harmony with the laws of the universe and I believe this whole universe operates in a very orderly way I'm very tuned into laws the laws of universe and I think that's why you know it's it's it it's in harmony with God's laws yeah I see the laws as God's motives upper end dates how everything happens yeah now you said I think at 26 or 27 that's when you started to wake up or you started to have some type of awareness about yourself the world the universe life what happened when you started well that's I mean it dramatic what happened there was a I was on the fire department in a suburb of Toronto and there was a man near there who became a friend of mine he was a friend of a lot of people I mean I just was fortunate enough to meet him ray Stanford he gave me a copy of thinking Grow Rich and he said Bob give her read anything and I said no I can't read no that wasn't true I could I found out I read about as well as most people I think the average person reads at about a grade 7 level and they learned to read bedtime grins 8th grade 7 and then they never improve upon it from that point on but he said if you do exactly what I tell you and read this book every day you can have anything you want well I mean I was unhappy I was sick I was broke and you know you never knew what I thought it was nonsense but he said something else he said listen my ways working yours isn't well he was happy healthy and wealthy okay I always had money on them and big healthy guy and he said you're unhappy sick and broke so he said I must know something you don't know why the hell don't you do what I tell you well I think something clicked no people had tried to reach me I was 26 since I was a kid and none of them ever did and so I started to what he suggested and he said what do you really want while I wondered with some money I I was earning $4,000 a year at the time and I owed 6000 right if I had paid everything I earn for 18 months I would have just broken even it was an impossible situation and I was just looking at what was I couldn't see beyond that so that's what it made it impossible and he said listen write what you want on a card now I got a cold gold card in my pocket I've carried one ever since he said break which one the card any event he wants so he's would he really want I said I want some money I figured if I did enough money I probably would go away everybody are you getting the phone where's the money you know they're always after the people I owed money to so I wrote then I want to have $25,000 and know if I had got together all the people I know or knew at that time and put all their money together we were willing to come up with $25,000 probably wouldn't come up with a thousand I mean it was an enormous amount of money was nuts so I wrote that McCarty says you got to read it every day and he keeps saying did you read it did you read it you know so he got me reading it never named citing the book or reading no I'll read the gold card card to go over 5,000 just a gold card read the growth card I'm so happy and grateful now that I have twenty five thousand and I learned something very important from it all I thought about prior to that was debt because people are always fun to me when are you gonna pay me mm-hm if you think about debt you're gonna be in debt forever yeah you become what you think about well this gold card got me thinking about earning money I never thought of earning money before I thought about dead all the time and it got me thinking of earning money so I started to hear people talking about earning money and because I heard them talking about he's going to be thinking about it and some guy said there's good money cleaning floors I said not for I don't clean floors I was prepared to do in his no one during this money because they wonder here so I started cleaning one office and by the end of the year I was earning fourteen thousand five hundred dollars a month what I was on the fire department the chief was only earning 11,500 a year why was there any 14,000 pepper this is in a year from the start what started to clean one office Canada starch I'd watch the floor twice a month $15 a time ago $30 then I got another one Kirby's construction I get 65 a month well do you know in less than five years I was cleaning my office in Toronto Montreal Boston Cleveland Atlanta London England I mean think going like a rocket and I was listening to Carole ain't gills recordings I was thinking listening to or reading read Think and Grow Rich and every cleaner I had them studying the same stuff I was studying when none of us knew much about cleaning floors we just did a good job we cleaned but somebody asked me what I was doing I'd say I was cleaning offices it was almost incidental to understand that could have been selling siding for houses didn't matter it was what I was studying what I was doing was I was getting the other people to study it mmm and I was very responsible I was their nullus my there were well over a million a year I just I was living in London I've got on the playboy plug Club on Park Lane play roulette I didn't care if I lost because I and I hardly ever did I almost always won I knew seem to know where the money was and one day I thought you know this isn't very responsible I know what the hell trigger in my mind mm-hmm and I thought how did this happen and I didn't know I didn't know how in my life had changed so did change dramatically and in a short time I'd been raised to believe if you're gonna need a lot of money gonna be really smart hmm I knew I wasn't very smart no certainly a lot of money so I thought that's not true I was raised to believe if you're gonna get a good job you got to go to school why didn't underscore I didn't have a good job I owned the whole company well so I thought that's not true so I start to wonder about all the things that I believed are they true they're not true and so then I had to know what happened and I couldn't find out took me nine and a half years to figure out what I actually did how you got to where you were yeah you were talking prior to starting this about mentors I believe they're essential in life and as I look back I have been fortunate enough to study with some absolutely brilliant people I mean Giants and any success I've enjoyed this because hmm I've had great direction Wow and starting with the first he says do exactly what I tell you until you find out I'm lying or I don't know what I'm talking about so that's sort of a rule I followed when I pick a person that I'm gonna choose as a mentor I do exactly what they tell me until I find out they're lying or they don't know what they're talking about and they don't line they didn't know what they're talking about so I've had great great instruction in my life and it works well who's the most memorable mentor for you well ray Stanford first of all but they're all very mental very important ways Earl Nightingale huge I started to study his recordings and then I wanted to work with him and I saw her he had distributors and so I became a distributor hmm I eventually I left my business I was prepared to pay them to let me work there I want to work with him because I knew if I could work with him I could watch him you know and I'd see what he did I get to think what he's thinking in because he was a giant my mind I mean real name yeah Lloyd Cornett literally started personal development as we know it today in recorded fashion and he started on this strangest secret record so he was he was really huge but I studied with Bill golf who was a great speaker and al Vander Waal dr. Broder I've had just phenomenal mentors yeah most of them people you wouldn't really recognize your name sir if they were giants at what they did yeah do you remember having big dreams as a kid or did you saw I think you would in mile to nothing you know there's a I never had any dreams and I was a kid I think the area I grew up in we were so poor things were so rough but you got to remember that was during the Great Depression in the 30s I mean there's not too many people at life that lived through that anymore and we didn't have dreams we just get by what's the deal right now when I started to read Think and Grow Rich I was 26 that's when I started to really dream mm-hmm and what do you think is the most powerful principle in the book obviously there's a lot of them what for you well the thing that stood out there's a number of them but imagination is you know and and I had learned see I was studying many things at the same time or higher faculties school teachers nothing about them even many seminars don't teach you much about them and we talked about you becoming what you think about but there's you've got to go further than that most people live through their senses because we're programmed to do that and literally we're programmed genetically and then environmentally to go by what we hear see smell taste touch but you know I have an animal I have a dog at home they can hear see smell taste touch all animal life operates through senses we've been created in God's image we have these higher faculties we are creative beings literally we have perception the will reason imagination memory and intuition they're there the faculties that make us separate from everything else like all the other little creatures on the planet are completely at home in their environment we're the only creature that's totally disoriented in their environment and that's because we've been given the faculties to create our own environments right but we've never been taught how to use them now we teach that in our company we teach how to develop your perception the will you change your perception you change your life yeah you know and the will when John Kennedy asked dr. Wernher von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a person in the moon bringing back safely to earth Brian said he answered him in five words he said the will to do it now many people would hear that they don't really understand what he said the ability to hold that picture on the screen your mind and nothing else because the will is what gives you the ability to concentrate energy full is to and through you through concentration you increase the amplitude of vibration when the energy leaves you that's how absentee healings done through the will you know a practitioner will hold the idea they'll have the subject relaxed be very quiet they transfer that thought right into the person's subjective mind and so it affects the body yeah well the will is very important so we've got to understand these things you know intuition I can walk by a person and like I could tell ever since I worked in REM I know exactly what you're like you operate you've probably studied this but you operate from almost differently between the right and left hemisphere of your brain you've got an interesting mix in your personnel yeah I don't know if you know that better you know I could feel that you're understand even balance between the two and you know as they say that I'm trying to figure more one than the other and they don't think you are well your intuition will do that because your intuition is a mental faculty that picks up vibration and translates it in your mind it's through intuition that you get answers to your questions like you asked a question the opposite side of question is an answer is the equal and opposite side so our answer comes with our question but we're not tuned into to pick it up you know like every question is an answer mm-hmm well the imagination of course is it's everything yeah so you get these higher faculties and you get using them and I start to learn how to use these and I started to see that we've got so much golf course that we never hear about school doesn't teaches our parents don't teaches you go to work for a company they don't hate you so the odds of learning it are really slim you know and it's the reason there's so few people that really are successful in life there's all kinds of material around onsuccess my goodness there's there's more around today than there's ever been yeah self-help books are you know top of the bestsellers lesson a crossing yeah you know in in 1968 when I started 61 when I first started to study this you're norman vincent peale is power positive thinking you know how to win friends and influence people by carnegie it was a few bucks you know think Grow Rich but there weren't that many today there's thousands sometimes yeah people need that because they don't know how to use the tools of it but they don't know how to use the information it's in the books right how do we so what were these five faculties again is that your perception yeah intuition the will reason reason yeah imagination there's six a memory like everybody is a perfect memory it's just week I worked with Harry Laureen who's probably had the best trained memory in the world and I asked him one time he said Harry how long do you remember somebody should still don't want to forget it hmm we had a man Abdul over from Saudi Arabia fruit in a matrix seminar that we conduct and he was teaching peeves a psychiatrist he was teaching people to memorize the Quran Jerry Lucas big basketball player he was teaching people I'm San Fran to memorize the Bible mmm we have a perfect memory it's just weak we never develop it you know but we grow up on you know such a bad memory well there's no such thing as a bad the more you say it the more you're gonna convince yourself that it's we exactly yeah which Faculty of the sixth was the hardest for you to tap into and they're all they're all difficult to tap into because we're programmed not to use them why is that because there's only one problem in the whole world and that's ignorant we didn't know we had them mmm see people talk about perception but they don't see it as a mental faculty you know it's just a word mm-hmm if I have a challenge there's something really struggling with I've learned how I'll take a little write it out on a piece of paper as clear as I can as if I was going to give it to you and then you'll understand the same as I understand the problem I'll put it in the middle of a table and I'll sit and look at it and I'll keep asking now is that problem in mirrors and on the paper is in me and I'll work until I get it on the paper get it out of myself for example what do you mean like a problem that you might well in it that I'm trying to figure out maybe how to improve a particular seminar I'm just not happy with me I'm doing it for a long time you know she would write down yeah write down four problems with problem you've got I don't care what the problem is maybe you're short of money you're not even invited I write that down right you know you you're short of money for a purpose you were wanting to buy a building or something so you look at you look at the paper and then you ask yourself is the problem in me or isn't on the paper and your work until you get it on the paper get it out of yourself so you look at it objectively like a stranger would and then go it's at the other side of the table they might say no you know I would Lewis I was look at this yeah how would he handle it yeah I think we sit at the end of the table and literally move physically and say how do I let y'all handle this how do you see this I mean say I wouldn't employ inhale go somewhere else and then a person doesn't have to be alive they could be dead I their Energy's not dead Smith always here and well what you're doing is shifting your perception as you change a perception you illuminate the problem mmm the answer is there but you've got to get in harmony with it you know so any one of them you take any one of them the will like we were talking to you don't we'll if somebody's standing behind you behind you let's say in a mall and they're staring at you feel them staring at you don't you're here why feeling is constant is conscious awareness of vibration and when a person staring they're concentrating they're sending such a powerful charge of energy at your brain that you start to feel it you turn around sure as hell there's something there staring at yet concentration increases amplitude of vibration there's a power flow into and through us all the time it never stops you can photograph the energy leaving the body well concentration increase it makes it more powerful so whatever you concentrate on you're giving more energy to Emerson said the only thing grow is the thing you give energy to so as you start to learn how to utilize these higher faculties you start to learn how to improve the quality of your life and you start to see why you're God's highest form of creation you know it's like I don't see God as a man on the cloud just going to answer my question you know straight after one time said God will feed every bird but he's next one put food in their nest and you've got to do it you know God's not going to do a forest we got to do it yeah and so we've got these higher faculties we've got to learn how to utilize which one was the hardest for you to learn how to utilize and which one do you think is the hardest for the majority of people intuition was for you and everyone no not for me intuition for nothing else yeah because I made up my mind I was going to study that one I said I it was very intuitive and I wanted to be like that and I thought it was you know I would have sit when I first thought he was psychic well the truth is he was psychic but we're all psyche psyche is just Greek word for mine and so I was fascinated was what he did he could just look at you and read the situation and I want to learn how to do that yeah sorry I made up my mind I was going to study it and in the seminar if I'm teaching this the one thing everybody wants to know how do you develop your intuition because you can get intuition is a feeling that you pick up intuition reads feeling feeling is conscious awareness of vibration so you're reading vibrations vibrations the natural law of the universe that your body vibrates your vibration by a high speed of vibration well you've got to take your mind off yourself if you're going to read the other person's energy you gotta focus on the other person you can't be insecure when you're trying to be into it don't know the kids he's doubting yourself you can't be lacking something you have to give all of your attention to the person you're working with now and of course that's a secret for speaking to you know most people don't do that we're more concerned what's he think of me doesn't she like me and that was my tie straight is this what am I going to say now yeah what am I going to say my gonna say the right thing my you know you're gonna take your mind off yourself totally and put it on the other person and you've got to be relaxed mmm you got to get very relaxed in your games well you're tuned into their energy starts feeling if you're with somebody you say cut they were interesting why were the interesting because they were interested you know you want to be loving be lovable if you want to be loved be lovable don't have friends be friendly the most interesting person in the room is the most interested person in the room exactly that's what I always learned that's the truth one of the things I used to be I love everything you're saying I get so excited that's why I'm passionate about this because I was telling you beforehand I was terrified to speak in front of a few people in front of an audience of 3 5 10 it was terrifying the idea of being in front of a hundred or a thousand people was like I'd rather you know curl up in a ball when I was 18 22 of those ages and I remember someone telling me I heard that somewhere the most interesting person in the room is the most interested I said that takes all the pressure off of me I don't have to say anything interesting I'm gonna have to be like this funny charismatic just have to be interest just listen yeah and ask interesting questions or ask a thoughtful genuine question it doesn't have to be smart just see most people dinner do you remember the person's name yeah why because they're not interested in their name they're too focused on themself what does they person think of me if you're really interests you gonna remember the person's name yeah generates interesting you mentioned there there's a good storage Isis that about public speaking I had studied this stuff for a long time and I used it I knew it worked I didn't wonderful work I knew yeah yeah and all the one to do was teach it to other people it took me nine and a half years to figure out why I changed and when I learned all I want to do is teach it to other people but I was afraid I was very shy very self insecure yeah very insecure but I had all this knowledge I was earning a lot of money in there you know I did well outside of there forget it and on whenever l'ainte gills tapes on the recording called the magic word on attitude it's a familiar you're familiar with it huh oh let's check it out you've got it child yeah I will get an orange note copy and send it probably don't have got it you've got it all illicit I will send it well he said no right there's an on attitude he said no right here we come to a rather strange fact we tend to minimize the things we can do the goals we can accomplish and for some equally strange reason we think other people can accomplish things that we cannot if you want to realize that you have people reservoirs of talent and ability within you know if you had asked me do you understand that I'd say of course understood I've listened to it a thousand times at least well I was in the back corner of the room at the O'Hare Hyatt Bill Gove was speaking to a thousand people I was in the back corner of the room I was watching him Bill Gove was the Frank Sinatra speakers one of the best speakers in the world and I watched him he come off there was a thousand people about 500 Bank here 500 here and then there was a central aisle he got through this corner get a handheld mic and he had his hand up he said if I want to be free I've got to be me hmm not to me I think you think I should be enough to me I think my wife thinks I should be nothing me I think my kids think I should be if I would be and I was watching everything might touch this guy's so good if only I could do that I could never do that all of a sudden that record of Earl started to play in my head now right here become doing rather strange fact we tend to minimize the things we can do the goals we can accomplish and it's not cam that's what it all means and I suddenly realized and I haven't listened to this thing for years if golf could do it I could do and I made up my mind I was gonna learn how to speak like he did and I was gonna get him to teach me Wow and so he became a mentor of mine I paid him a lot of money just to sit down talk to him for a few minutes a number of times now I speak nothing like Bilco right I mean I'm nothing like him he speaks totally different than me although I'll speak to thousands of people at the same time but he taught me was to be relaxed in front of the audience that was the big lesson mm-hmm if you're not relaxed in front of an audience the audience will know it how do you relax in front of an audience when you're terrified you've got to think of the audience you've got to think of how you're going to what you're helping how you're gonna teach them something another mentor of mine a couple years ago told me very something similar because I was I've been training in Toastmasters and had coaches and had overcome a lot of my fears was speaking in front of big crowds and you know I got pretty good I was getting paid you know big fees and things like that but I was still nervous a little bit before and felt a little insecure but I remember calling him about 15 minutes before being like can you give me some grounding can he use some coaching and he said don't make it about you make it about them you're gonna mess up be okay with it you're not gonna remember every word you want to say don't beat yourself up focus on them now you can serve don't focus on yourself and that's when everything started to shift just so you said we can focus on service to the audience you've got to fall in love with helping that audience helping giving doing whatever you can to serve you stop worrying about everything the way you look it's the same thing when you're having an interaction with a group of people and you're just listening and you're not worried about what people think about you you're just being interested and then you kind have a very confident feeling in what about what you're doing you know how do people build that confidence if they don't have it where he built confidence by learning don't you I mean that's the only way to get confidence yeah I went to a a night club in London England back in the 60s talk of the town it was the largest supper club in the world and the show they had was a wild wild wild west for wild wild west and it was like a Vegas show and they bring in that show may run for two or three years they bring in the stars to work it and I went one night and I had a secret by this stage there was a thousand they'd said a thousand people down to dinner in the tar out of the town it's not open anymore Wayne Newton was the star Wow Wayne Newton was a kid he was twenty maybe twenty-one his brother was playing with him playing guitar in a little group of his he walked down in that state just like that he owned that place I never forgot that that guy was so confident and he had that audience in the palm of his hand right away whenever I go to speak I will find a place if I'm speaking to a group they go in the kitchen sit down I learned if you're dressed they'll think you own the place they just leave you alone now sit down there and I'm I see Wayne Newton wasn't in that stage as a kid that's what you got to do you're gonna really fall in love with the idea help the audience ain't you on the place you look you're gonna be and delivered and any time you see a star come out they own the place when they walk out but they fallen in love with helping you mm-hmm something else it sounds like you've mastered the power of alter ego for me as an athlete I used to be scared to perform to play in front of big games and I used to tap into Jerry Rice because I was a wide receiver and Jerry Rice was you know the best and so I was just like mimicking him I was like how would Jerry Rice do this how you know how did he carry his body his chest how did he walk on the field his swagger is confidence and I just acted like I was Jerry Rice I became him when I stepped on the field and it helped overcome the insecurities of the nerves I just embodying the energy of Jerry Rice it sounds like you've been doing that I do that way different ways with different people yeah and different scenarios right yeah like in years ago I started to realize the real power of self image hmm studying mulches work and I will and I've taught this for many people I will build an image different parts of my personality I will see someone that I really something there dude that I really admire the way they do it and I will adopt that now I've got this I've been doing this for a year mm-hmm and if you were watching me both monthly I never walked fast never when I was a kid this stuck in my mind there was another kid Donnie Miller lived down the street from us hmm now this was during the Second World War so there weren't no father's at home they were always shooting at each other and but his dad was home as well his dad wasn't well his dad had had a heart attack so nobody went around his house because his dad was sick they'd come around the other houses but some of the doctor must have told his dad to walk his dad was always dressed suit shirt tie and I'd watch him walk up to down the street I've seen every now and then he walked up and down the street he had this real relaxed walk upon him and when I was building stuff there was a picture of his dad stuck in my mind and so I sort of mimicked his walk Wow you know but I've done different things like I used to watch her all night Gale record when I first went to work for him he had a recording studio it'd be like this where there was a window my office I could look in when he was recording and one day I realized he's talking to that damn microphone right here doesn't microphone he was it and i thought that microphones a person to him mm-hmm hey you created all great broadcasters they just talk to one person may your people or your folks or talk to you but DVD talkie and I realized he's talking to microphone so I recording I talked one person it's microphone if his audience I talk to one person mm-hmm little lessons than they picked up to get better at what I was doing I remembered if a person is negative in an audience real negative they could be 500 people in that audience that one person's energy is so strong it stands out yeah and there was a woman that I met Beverly Lynch years and years ago when I was at night Gail Conant and I asked her when Tammy said she was the speaker Beverly what are you doing there's negative person the audience she smiled and she says you talked to the lights not the dark wow so obvious why did I miss that so if I'm talking hon there's an AV negative very few native I just take one person that's super positive and doesn't matter where I'm looking that's a person I'm looking at that person so you focus on the positive people are always always yeah you won't try to put your attention on the other person and try to connect them to being happy and smile you just if you if you just keep what the president if they just opened their mind for a minute you're in yeah you got to get the the information into their subconscious mind yeah you mentioned I think one of the faculties you said was the most challenging as imagination is that one of the most challenging for it's not the most challenging it's it's a something we really want to gain an understanding of because most people use their imagination they use it the wrong way they imagine what won't work they imagined something bad happening what should we imagine more often everyday should imagine you should see yourself where you want to be you got to live there there's a great book you may be familiar with stella adler's book the art of acting look I should gotta give it Stella Adler was a great acting teacher she was a method acting teacher stood that she studied and understands lastly that the Russian acting teacher that originated method acting some clunky Marlon Brando wrote the foreword in her book he was the first method actor to reach superstardom okay and he wrote the foreword in your book now still Adler never actually wrote a book a man named Kissel took all of her teaching all heard lessons for teaching and he she put them into him or he put them into a book so when you read her book you're going to acting classes and like Shakespeare said we're all actors you know the world's a stage when that's true well when you reaches goal you've got act like you're already there it's already happened intellectually the second you think about it it's already happened emotionally when you're emotionally involved with it so it's only a period of time it don't manifest in physical form it's but because it's not in physical form we act like them got it yet yeah well so that's why most people stay stuck because they're acting like they haven't got it yet or I can't act like that Lewis and see that I haven't got that result he'll he'll think I'm funny I'm gonna quit worried about what Lewis thinks and start concentrating what Bob thinks and so you see yourself your imagination you got to be that person Goethe said that great philosopher you said before you can do something universe must be something so you've gotta be it intellectually you've got to be it emotionally at sake Solomon says as a person things in there hurt the emotional mind well Charlie a period of time then tilt manifests physically that's one of the first laws the universe is a perpetual transportation of energy energy is moving into form always to form moving into forms through form back into form again so we caused it all to happen the way we think and the way we stay locked two ideas yeah how should people be developing their imagination on a daily basis in a positive way well I think they should take time to image what they want I have a business partner Sandi Gallagher who was a brilliant woman and she rides horses gated horses and she's in Kentucky right now and big tournament shows there she images herself as a world champion every day she takes the time and she sees herself as a world champion she sees yourself getting the roses getting whole thing and that's where you should do it I think you building image of what you want I mean you obviously image this studio before you ever built it right I mean everything you see here was part of the image in your mind but everything you create you create twice what's in here what's out here mmm you know so you never get an original painting you always get a duplicate the pictures in here well so we have to see yourself with what we want here now we've got enormous deterrent in our paradigm we're conditioned genetically and environmentally and that conditionings controlling most people's lives that's why brilliant people are broke brilliant people are unhappy brilliant people never really accomplished very much they're absolutely brilliant but their paradigm is controlling them mm-hmm it's all about intellect they're smart people but like you got to consider where we come from a little particle of energy from a little particle of energy from dad comes from that's the nucleus of us then that goes on for 280 days attracting or energy until you make your debut on the planet and then your program environmentally by your environment seven that's going on is going right into your subconscious mind so you come out your program gender we go we don't know how far it goes back four or five generations possibly like when I was young man I had red hair mmm my mother didn't have red hair my dad didn't it red hair I got a brother and sister and they don't have red hair because you think well but my mother's father and all his brothers had red hair hmm so sometimes it jumps a generation that's why we look like our relatives it's genetic conditioning and then there's environmental conditioning we know almost all welfare recipients are fourth fifth generation welfare recipients so this is passed down generation to generation now unfortunately we're all or fortunately we were all exactly the same we got exactly the same potential our spiritual DNA is perfect but that perfection never expresses itself properly because of this paradigm is sin conditioning in our subconscious mind you see so many brilliant people and they don't make it I had a good friend of mine milk Campbell he won the gold medal in decathlon well I was decathlete were you aware I was an all-american athlete well milk won in in Melbourne in 56 Wow okay and yeah he won in in 52 in Helsinki Wow Bob Mathias won his second gold he won the gold in 48 and then at 52 Wow note told me if he told me once he told me a thousand times every time I was with him you know there was a lot of athletes and schools that were better than me but they quit yeah where paradigms get us to quit things why because the programming you're programmed you have to ask yourself why don't they do that I went I didn't want to work with the Prudential of America in fact I got stuck in the insurance companies for a number of years that's no effect of what I was doing and we raised their sales by one BP said over a billion dollars and all I was doing getting them to change their paradigm I was having them change the way they worked a paradigm a culture is a paradigm every country as a culture mm-hmm every family is a culture every company is a culture well in the insurance industry years ago they had what they called debit agents they went around collecting the money and it would be a little book like the one you're working with it would have a record in there I remember we had a book on top of our icebox with right near a back door mr. Spence Lee was the insurance man when I was a little kid he'd come in and there's a little book load box with some money and there's always just pennies right and he would collect the debit mark the book and he'd be on his way mm-hmm and that's how the insurance business operated they were called debit agents well then as time moved along people started to sign a little cheaper shut up paper or something and he would automatically draw it out of your bank account yeah but the agents didn't change mm-hmm the agents were just going sell at night when mom and dad were both there because you couldn't sell mama dad wasn't there he couldn't sell dad at moment wasn't there this was a programming so here we are in the 70s agents are still going to their office every morning and they wouldn't go out sell anybody because you sell at night mmm they collected their debit through the day there was no debit to collect this had been for years they were still doing this tonight and I asked them I said why do you go to your office where you have to go to the office and they'd be there and is awaiting have to go to your office because we have to go to the office they didn't know why the hell we think then they go to lunch they go within that region did you ever sell another agent any insurance no I said what the hell do you want at lunch with them for I got them to do this so she gonna be like this you got to be skin-to-skin with the person before 9:00 a.m. and you have to ask every person to buy at least $100,000 with Herman Church there enough to sell them just ask them to buy well I got them doing that they were selling more $100,000 policies in a week than they previously sold in a year and almost every Wow - see that's conditioning that's paradigm that's a way that we're working they've been doing it for years nobody ever thought to change it the largest insurance company in the world and that I head up was was trying to figure out what I was doing because that's it wherever I went salesmen crazy I was shown them how to change the paradigm your parrot amateur conditioned behavior how do we know when we need to change our own paradigm you always need to change your own paradigm how often you changing yours I'm working out right now every day really yeah I work at it every day but you should really try and change one or two things at a time don't try to change everything well you know what your paradigm is just study your own behavior mmm think of your results you want to improve your results don't you sir you probably want to earn more money sir you probably want this show to be bigger than it is yeah how are you gonna do that you know change the paradigm that's right you're gonna change your habitual way of dealing with these things so you take a look at the results and say what do I want to change its the results are an expression of the paradigm not the intellect see the conscious mind is where all our intellectual information is you know how to do better than you're doing you know how do you bet him you're doing or I know how to do better than right why aren't we doing it the subconscious is programmed it's your conscious mind where the intellect is and that's where we are knowing is person knows but they're not doing what they know just say why do you do that I don't know well you know better I know why you doing I don't know well I know if their paradigm controls their behavior so you take a look at your results and you say what's causing that so you got to take back to your behavior pattern why are you doing that because you're programmed to do it mm-hmm right now the last time we did a paradigm shift seminar in Los Angeles was number three or four months ago we gave everybody a ring binder it's a damn things about that thick and on every page every page the same at the top of the page you write 10 things you're grateful for Wow and then there's a statement that you're right I'm so happy and grateful now that I know my spiritual DNA is perfect and that perfection is within me every morning I look for ways to improve repair that I have to rate that with my left hand I'm very handed I'm on my 41st day today writing left-handed raining I've had why it's changing a paradigm I could be just as proficient with my left hand his aim wasn't right but I got to change my paradigm program now when I'm ready when you're running you just right you don't think you just it's that's why graph one analyst can tell a lot about your personality through your hand right I'm sloppy handwriting mouth your left hand and your right handed or your non-dominant hand you've got a you've got a consciously a pension pay attention it every stroke every move your hands making and the second you stop it looks like it was Chinese are not Choctaw right but I know if you're repetition keep doing it keep doing it and keep doing it will probably take me a year well but I'm learning how strong the paradigm is and how strong how hard it is to change it so years now I'll probably be as proficient with one hand as I am with the other but then I'll stick to it well what's the thing you want to change the most within yourself to get to the next level of results before I want to be more effective in selling on a larger scale so not one to one or one to few but one to mass yeah like I have a sales staff we've got a pretty mature company we've about 70 employees in there come tomorrow so we've got about 10 sales $24.00 people say can we have 20 I want to have a larger sales force I want to create more leads for them because I think what we do is so important we literally change people's lives and I'll work until I die I have no intention to ever retire I think it's a despicable idea even so I'm forever now I worked on an idea last night on the plane and it's sort of similar maybe it was because I was you know I was coming in here maybe that triggered this because we've been trying to come in here for over one year yeah somebody keeps telling me dates change everything else yeah well we just wasn't we weren't able to be here until today anyway I'm on the plane and I'm thinking how can I get more people I have this studio in Toronto if you're in Toronto you have to come in with it yeah we have a beautiful studio it's a it's a like a tell it is a television station I had a couple of people from TV station in one day and I said sir like a television they said no Bob it is at elevator I can run four cameras simultaneously young Scott there he could he could operate the cameras from right in here on this computer I can stream all over the world it's 50 feet from my house Wow and we stream all over the world from there and so I'm thinking I'm gonna do would be like a webinar but it won't be a webinar like a live cast a live cast yeah it'll stream and I'm really going to teach the people something I'll use I'll use maybe two or three powerpoints we use a PowerPoint just as a trigger to get the thing going get them focused on something and then I open for questions not have chats because people learn something on chats they listen to music damn I didn't see that don't so the doctor will have a chat on it and I'll start doing that right away now I get people working on it Wow and I'm calling it studio 333 there's a story in the book I wrote 333 and we say we 333 an idea you only think about you can't think of what it can't the guy raised three million three hours three days later in a radio station of trauma through an idea we taught him Wow so we called 333 idea so I've called this we had them with 333 comm studio 333 oh that's cool so that's the way it'll come up and will stream it all over the world and I'll be teaching this information not in an organized way but and then probably in a disorganized way based on the people we're talking to because they ask questions that's that's tell me what they want to learn rather than we said this is what you should learn no one find out what you want to learn don't go that's something that I'm building now that I want to make it big that's great do you feel like you'll ever get close to reaching your potential no I know damn well I want it said it's not good I think I know neither will you I think that's the ultimate aim of man we are created in God's image now everybody's got a different image of that but we're capable of doing anything we have infinite potential our spiritual DNA is perfect so there's perfection within us and spirits always for expansion and full expression never for disintegration the disintegration we bring about so spirits always free expansion for expression we're spiritual beings so that perfection is trying to express itself through us we stop it mmm it's what we get to dinner we let it come out but we could part the seats we can do anything we are all-powerful all the power all the knowledge is unappreciated even the present no place at the same time so that's within you it's in me there's no limit to what we can do that's really what I teach I teach it I'll break it down into small bites for a person yeah but you what's the closest we can get to our potential do you think what's possible well the closest you'll get your potentials where you are right now yeah and then you've got to take and you got to expand it you want to do better at what you're doing like you get a great reputation on this show I think you know that yeah but there's all kinds of people I've never heard of it of course lots of people yeah no I want the world to hear it yeah well then there you go you want the world's look how are you doing that there's your opportunities you've out more how will you do that yeah how can you get more millions yeah you know I use my imagination you do you did that's where you're going to start imagination well yeah tuition everything yeah so you gonna learn how to utilize those how to develop them so you work at it every day I mean you're in a many people would say you're in an envelope a position I think I am too because you're talking to people who know quite a bit about whatever they're doing so you're gonna learn all the time it's the great you're in school every day the great go to work you're in school that's amazing yeah very grateful Tiffany you're getting an education honestly you could she's been able about three years about three and a half years she's grown tremendously just she's listening to everyone our marketing director you would love to meet her and she is my key stellar she was my key oiler she got married since she's just had two children two she was a man Annie when she started to work with us now she's our chief operating officer in our marketing director ah brilliant absolutely brilliant she had never never really went to school but she committed she just should be something like you I mean you're getting exposed to great information all the time yeah and Tiffany you got the same potential as I got you know you look different you sound different but we're exactly the same mmm you say I teach that in the seminar I'll say like if I asked you you'd probably tell me you're black you know if I ask somebody else they'd probably tell me you're black the truth is you're not and they tell me I'm white the truth is I'm not my shirt is white if you ever saw a white purse you'd probably scream run and I thought they're white you know if I don't knows I've ever seen a black person why did they say we don't see with our eyes we see through our eyes we've been programmed to see black mmm and you're not black you see I think your shirts black in it yeah that's pretty black yeah yeah you're not to color the shirt so why do we say Tiffany's black and Bob's white because we're programmed to see that now if we're seeing something that isn't there when we look at another person how many times do we look at saying see something that's not there that's where our perception has to be shifted yeah we're all exactly the same now you're not too tall you're different shade and you're a different gender so you say well you're nothing like Bob you're exactly like Bob it just doesn't appear that way but the truth is very rarely in the appearance of things there's so much we can learn and school is not teaching us schools not doing the job what's the thing you feel like you haven't learned yet 85 years old right now is have you said I'll be 85 next next Freddie well no a week Friday yeah I'm very young happy early birthday there you go so what's the thing you feel like you still haven't learned well like everything I'm teaching I only know a bit of it no I don't know all there is to know about our hair faculties I don't know all there is to know about perception or the will or reason there's so much I don't know of what I'm doing so I study every day I want to get I want to learn more so I've gotta go to somebody that knows more you know yeah I study a lot of time at Thomas Trowbridge work he's a wonderful author he he wrote the Edinburgh lectures mental science adora lecturing medicine it's the law and the word Bible mystery Bible meaning it was a great author and there's a woman Genevieve beer and she wrote your invisible power mm-hmm she was true words only student she went steady with him from 1912 to 1914 and she custard $20,000 that must have been an enormous amount of money back then but she was his only student and she she wrote a book your invisible power it's a great book your invisible power your invisible power okay I will send you a copy yeah I was thinking a copy it's a great book what's your top three recommended books for people of all level and that's not one of them but I will that is yeah maybe it should be they can grow rich stinking Grow Rich as a man thinketh by James Allen vaho you familiar with it yep such a great point yeah and you squared by Price Pritchett you squared yeah it's a little book hmm if Miller with it I'm not sure the square hole you can sure if you if you knew it if you had read it you'd be sure it's a great book okay it's there's 35 pages every page is better than the last bit Wow there's every page is dealing with new subject hmm I gotta get that one too I would salves thank you that you're John favorite I'll say the invisible power I want to talk about money for a top for a moment cuz you mentioned how you were making four thousand something dollars a year you're expensive for six thousand I think something like that and then you started making for my expenses one six thousand I know so it's exciting just a new and you were making around $14,000 a year after that shortly I know I went from arrow a large thousand dollars a year to fourteen thousand five hundred dollars a month exactly now if you annualized that that was a hundred and seventy five years so I went from earning four thousand a year to 175 I hadn't earned one hundred and seventy five that year I got it up to fourteen five a month so if you annualize that up that's a change phenomenal change is it possible for anyone to go from poverty level to expense I look financially success absolutely I think earning money is one of the simplest things ever learned and it's one of the most misunderstood things wealthy people historically have always had multiple sources of income they don't have one they have many yeah I was cleaning floors I thought the answer was work harder mm-hmm because I went I really want during some money yeah of course and I thought it was all important today my attitude towards money has changed dramatically but I thought the answer was get another office to clean well I was working so hard I passed out on the street I would have been maybe 27 28 I literally passed out on the street I was working so hard I came to and there's a great big cop looking at me I was laying there it was scary there's a group of people around me I saw lights flashing and it's a guy company guys in uniform with a stretcher and it was scary I had passed out I guess they thought I'd drop dead I a heck of a time getting away from them but I did get away they didn't take me in a hospital I thought I'm out of it I got away and I got thinking I'm not doing this right mMmmm working harder working more hours it's not the way No yeah in fact the pullian Hill wrote that Think and Grow Rich he said if you are one of those people who believed that hard work and honesty alone will bring riches perish the thought it is not true riches when they come in huge quantities never come as a result of hard work they come as they come at all in response to definite demands based upon the application of definite principles and not by chance or luck so you've got to find a demand and fill in but you've got to follow puts definite principles to do it in other words got to be in harmony with the law you got to give more than you get you're trying to get forget it yeah well I get by myself and I thought I'm doing something wrong I was there any more money but here I'm passionate it's not this is not normal and it's like a little voice in my head said if you can't clean all of them don't clean any of them so I got all dressed up people now accuse me of sleeping in my suit I got I wouldn't take a suit on I didn't matter where I was if they knew that cleaners were tired and I would go around I got other people cleaning offices and I knew pretty well where they'd be so I dropped around I bring coffee and doughnuts and I would drop in and now I talked to them both goals then go the next person I always was dressed up because I knew how tired you get and if I was in working place they'd expect me to help them so they could finish and go home they interested but when I shine II shoes in the suit and shirt and tied they didn't expect me to help them clean so I'd won to the next place and then the next place and that's when I started open offices mmm from Toronto to Montreal to Boston to Cleveland to Atlanta to London England you hired cleaners aha everywhere I went yeah yeah I had people cleaning what should someone think about if they're struggling financially right now and they feel like they're they've been struggling for many years and it feels like they're just surviving week after week month after month and not sure how to get to that kind of sense of freedom for at least a six-month runway or beyond what should they start thinking about you know what you've just described I believe the majority of people are living that way yeah the majority now that's rather sad but I think that's true and it's because we only have one problem in the whole world and that's ignorant they're living in ignorance they don't know that what they're doing is going to keep them where they are and they keep doing it because they don't know how to change they're overwhelmed with the debt people are saying I need the money they haven't got it they want to take their family on a vacation they don't have the money to go so they may borrow it and go anyway now they got more debt they have to understand that they don't have to live that way I wrote a book called you're born rich the truth is you are most people are just a little short of money but you are born rich rich and potential anybody can go to our say go to Bob Procter calm you can download the book you were born rich free will cost you sent me and chapter two is how much is enough there's a it's described very well how to get out of debt you've got to create a debt repayment program where it's all done automatically and then you focus on prosperity you've got to have a financial goal you've got to work toward it and you've got to understand that you can earn more than you're earning and wealthy people don't have one source of income they have more than one I was earning money all last night while I was sleeping yeah you can actually earn more money when you're sleeping then you can spend when you're awake it sounds like a cute line but it's true there's no end to what we can earn if you are not getting information from someone who is already wealthy then you're probably getting information from the wrong people most people ask their brother-in-law the guy next door the girl they know how do I earn more he'll if they knew they'd be earning if they don't know and most people talk to people that don't know Carl I'll put it very well he said he did not believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance and that's where most people are getting it from people don't know any more than themselves I think you have to go that's why these seminars are so important today yeah people have the opportunity to go and learn most people won't pay to go I tell people listen you invest in this it'll probably be the inborn money to do it it's probably the last time you'll ever have to borrow money yeah we find that our seminars are not raw rod it's not nothing our seminars teach people about themselves mm-hmm it's like when Bill Gross said if I want to be free I gotta be me I'm thinking I better know who me is I didn't know who me was I was doing a lot of things I was doing them right now I was there in mud but I didn't know who I was I said I started to study me mmm and the more I know me the better I know you you only have to study yourself you'll know what everybody cuz we're all the same yeah it's our behavior that's different our results that are different I heard a friend of mine Dean grazioso you know if he coined this or someone else said it and he said if someone else we said those that pay pay attention and when you invest in yourself you're paying attention you know I never heard that before but that is the truth those that pay pay attention but if you don't pay for it you're not gonna pay as much attention if you pay more you'll pay more attention to learn had an aunt and uncle who were his courage church mice I mean they just didn't have anything and they had a whole houseful of kids and I used to drop by their hosts periodically I was doing very well and I was teaching seminar and I remember it was around Christmas time and he was rushing around trying to get credit cards from some big stores so they could buy presents for the kids yeah and I said you know something he said never mind next year I'll be different I said you know next year is gonna be exactly the same as it is this year because you never change you Wow I said you should get into the seminars and learn something I know something you don't know well they came to the seminar he got paid every two weeks so that meant three times a year I think he'd get paid three times maybe four times here he paid three times in a month that one pay was extra because they were budgeted for two pays I made them pay to come to it something said I made them pay and I think they thought I should have clumped him into it but you know mark thank me my aunt I don't know how many times that I charged them she said we wouldn't kept coming I didn't even know you were talking about I was running seminars was seven evenings from 7:00 to 10:00 we run her over a series of nights years ago and she said I wouldn't have kept coming but she said because we paid I came course right if they pay they pay attention that is so true and if they don't how can if you don't take care when you hear something you don't like as is not for me to get out of here I got something better to do yeah especially in LA I'm gonna go to the beach this is to hard work yeah it's confronting my ego I don't need this I firmly convinced if a person doesn't understand a paradigm a paradigm isn't is nothing but a multitude of habits they're programmed into your subconscious mind to control your behavior it's got nothing to do with how smart you are it's got nothing to do with what your formal education is it's got nothing to do from which side of the tracks you come from it has to do with your paradigm the paradigm is a program in your subconscious mind it's both genetic and environmental that's controlling your behavior everyone that can hear my voice knows how to do better than they're doing and they may wonder why nor they do it it's because you're programmed to do what you're doing yeah and until you change the program nothing's gonna change paradigm has to be changed I love that what would you say are the if you could share three key habits for people that if they want to continue to grow every day be more prosperous be more abundant happier joyful healthier in their life what have three key things habits every day not talked about morning routine but just overall habits every single day what should people be focusing on consistently they should study every day study they should have a mentor someone that has already accomplished what they dream about they might not even know the person they could get introduced to them and ask them what are half a dozen things I should do every day ask them they know most people are getting it from buy from people who don't know any more than themselves yeah and the third minute you definitely got to have a goal and when you're right it you've already got it intellectually co-operate intellectually emotionally and physically well your intellectual mind second you say second you decide on it you've got it it tells you in the Bible before you speak I'll hear you because the thought always precedes the word mm-hmm the second you get emotionally involved you got it emotionally yep you got it intellectually you've got it emotionally it's only a period of time sure you got it physically we do have yeah that's right but they have comes in a period of time so how about it's not overnight every see there's a gestation there in the commission period that when the woman gets pregnant with a child it takes 280 days yeah the husband doesn't come home a month later say come on where is it all right he waits just James Ellen said there's one who understands instance there's the gestation period where I come from a few pound of seed for a carrot it takes approximately 70 days for it to manifest all physical seeds have a gestation an incubation period we know that now but we didn't always know that we weren't always aware no one knows what the gestation period is for a spiritual seed and an idea is a spiritual seed but we do know that operates by the same laws and the laws of the universal precise they can be studied they can be understood we operate by law our life is governed by laws like we know it's going to get dark tonight we don't wonder if it is yeah you know when the tide goes out it's coming back winter never follows winter we know these things that's all expression of law mm-hmm well when we bring our life into harmony with the laws we're gonna enjoy more of life yeah if we fight it we're gonna lose yeah this is amazing what is something that you are proud of that most people don't know about you I don't really know I spend all my time thinking about how to teach this you know yeah I'm proud of her company yeah I'm proud of the people I worked with proud of my family I just love what I do I just love it so much I think it's such a shame when people don't study mm-hmm yeah because that's your first habit yeah well there's so much of OTUs that we don't know and we can do anything life is pretty special it's amazing oh really is that's incredible yeah do you have any fears oh I have lots of fears yeah I mean if you're innocent you don't know but you don't let them control you yeah you know I think someone said that courageous people I don't have any fears any rickenbacker said there's no courage without fear you courage gets you to face the thing of fear so I have yeah I have fears to do anytime I go to do anything that I've never done I'll be afraid but I don't intend and stop me yeah in fact I call that hitting a terror barrier you know a terror barrier a terror barrier that's you've got to like you get a new idea let's suppose a person's got an idea they're gonna quit their job and start their own company that's an exciting idea they're intellectually involved with it that's all mm-hmm I mean they can play with that only one they're mine no things ever going to happen because it's just intellectually they take the idea and they get emotionally involved with it now all hell breaks loose yeah they hit the terror barrier well I start to feel the fear ah ha ha and if you don't go through the terror barrier where do you go you're right back into safety bondage and that's where most people live because they don't know how to do it they don't know where the money's gonna come from done or the helps gonna come from it's like I heard one time England the Maharaja was going to take TM to the world one of his advisers said well where's all the money gonna come from he says wherever it is right now I love that because that's where the money is going to come from so when people hit this fear that cuz they've got the money they don't know how they want to realize the way is already here if nothing's created or destroyed if all the power is 100% evenly present all place at the same time everything we've got is we've got it right here it's right here we just don't understand it so you hit this terror barrier if you don't go through it you're toast No so we all just stay in your comfort zone you'll never be able yes so if something doesn't scare me I know I'm not growing it's something out you know as an athlete or did you play sports growing up at all anything not a lot no some recreational stuff yeah as an athlete I was in pain almost every single day we would our coaches would push us to a limit that we didn't want to go to yeah they want to hurt us you know where we'd be broken bones but it was painful I'd much rather be laying on the couch and playing video games or whatever it is having fun but that pain threshold our you know breaking through that pain barrier and discomfort always made me feel a little more confident in myself like wow I was able to do that I didn't think I could push that but now I can do a little more tomorrow and doing that every day over years is conditioned me to want pain every single day in a healthy way and that's where the coach played it an integral role yeah the coaches the mentor they you know and after they pick and if you I think if you have the right coaching for a period of time then you said now if it's in me you see it's part of you now well that's where it is it's part of me like fear would never stop me in fact if it doesn't scare me I know I'm probably not going in the right direction yeah you know should we face a terror barrier every day is it too much to do it every day no I don't think so I don't think so is it helpful if we're looking for things that scare us every day yeah yeah you should be going that way no and you'll realize after you go through it you stepped your fear into it into safety but you've got to understand - what you're doing is you're taking you're getting emotionally involved with an idea you're changing the paradigm mm-hmm now even when you go through the terror bury the fear doesn't leave because the paradigm hasn't changed it takes a period of time for the formula a new paradigm so the figures gonna be there for a while until you feel like oh this is my new comfort zone that's right broken through this now this is the new norm I feel comfortable I refer to is an X X I said you know X X X and the y is the new idea mm-hm and the Y doesn't mix with the X you hit the Y intellectually the X is the conditioning and the wine will mix with the X so that sets up a foreign vibration which we call fear well when you break through the terror barrier and you finally eliminate the fear the Y becomes the new X and that's why why why that's right so it becomes a new action of the conditioning still there it's just on a higher level oh yeah what are thoughts that we should be thinking every day you give us habits learn study have a mentor have a goal or multiple goals but what are the ideas we should be saying to ourselves internally and well I think you have an affirmation a positive statement from yourself you give to yourself and that has something to do with your goal you know that's how you change the paradigm the paradigm can only be changed one of two ways one is an emotional impact which doesn't happen often and the other was an example for that what's a example for that would be 9/11 yeah now 9/11 wasn't an emotional impact for me it probably wasn't for you but for people that lived right near there or lost somebody there that was an emotional impact just something that hit just so hard yeah it just knocked you off your pins emotional impact and repetition constant spaced repetition she you take this affirmation of thing I want to change and you've got to keep repeating it to yourself you got to keep seeing it through the repetition of it pretty soon it becomes fixed in your mind then the thing you're afraid of becomes a habit you just automatically do it yeah like there's things you do automatically today that you don't even give a thought to yeah but at one time you're afraid to do it sure so that's I think that's how you keep changing thought is a very powerful thought is the preamble to everything thought waves are cosmic waves they penetrate all time in space I had a good fortune working with Ed Mitchell he was the captain of the lunar landing landing module on one of the Apollo flights and he did thought transference exercises from the other side of the Moon Wow with the Sherman and Fort here on earth they're all gone now but you're doing thought transferred exercises all the time and we just have not got to a point we really understand that like if I if I dialed your number I'm on your frequency mm-hmm I will never get Tiffany's a phone to ring right I don't really get your phone to ring if I take a picture of Tiffany and I send it to a friend of mine in Singapore simultaneously who's me hitting send here in Los Angeles they've got it in Singapore you know that yeah well thought works the same way I could be thinking of you I'll trigger cells in your brain and your cells if you're not thinking those cells will start jiggling you don't start thinking to me mm-hmm and maybe I'll phone yo say this add a missing was just thinking of you yeah how was all time where we at understand what's happening you think on frequencies now this has to do with goals when you set a goal you have to flip your brain on to the frequency that the good that you desire or that you need for that goal is there so you you you notice people don't make the decision because they don't know how to get it you don't have to know how to get it that's why I von Braun said when Kennedy asked them how to get to the moon the will to do it you're gonna make the decision you don't make the decision when you've got enough money or when you've got all the resources you make the decision when you make the decision you flip your brain on to a higher frequency and then you're on the frequency you begin to attract everything on that fridge that's where the law of attraction comes in see the secret right at the law of attraction but they didn't explain it none of them explained it I didn't even explain they didn't get the time most people don't even understand it you can only attract according to the frequency that you're operating on attraction is the secondary law the primary law is the law of vibration that's a that's a primary law of the universe everything in this room is moving nothing rests this tables moving it just appears to be still the law of vibration decrees everything moves nothing rests well when you think you put you onto a frequency you can only attract what's on that frequency hmm you think about a person a lot just concentrate on that personal phone yeah we're gonna bump into them on the street if you you're thinking about it yeah yeah the law of attraction takes over you could attract to you what you're in harmony with well when you set goals you got to see yourself already there that's called a mindset a lot of people talk about mindset they don't understand what it is they set their mind on the frequency that they have to be in to attract what they have to attract and that's how the goal moves into form you get emotionally involved new you're 50 years so intellectually and emotionally involved the only problem is you don't have it on the physical plane yet but it will manifest in time we just don't know what the time is so you're guessing at the time you reach your goal right I love this stuff I love this I look for this all day with you I want to ask a few final questions this is a question I asked everyone at the end it's called the three truths someone imagine that you get to pick the last day on this physical earth for you some point you got to go and it could be a hundred years three hundred years could be tomorrow whatever it is you want it to be you get to pick the day and you've imagined you've created everything you want to create or close to it and you you feel grateful for it all you've done everything you want to do you've had the life the relationships but for whatever reason you got to take it all with you everything you've created it's got to go with you when you leave however you get to write down on a piece of paper three things you know to be true that you would leave behind for the world three lessons that you would leave behind and this is all people would have to be remembered by you or your messages I call it the three truths what would you say are yours that's an interesting question live in them now if this just my last day and I was doing what I wanted to do I'd be right here doing what I'm doing right now yeah because that's what I'm doing yeah I'm doing what I wanted in so I think you have to do the thing you wanted it you've got a B C if you ask the person two questions where and what time is there always going to give you the same answer I'm here that's now that's where we should live everything else is an illusion there's any such thing as time that's an illusion something we use for a physical benefit for not physical beings were spiritual beings so I'm here is now living the now be grateful Wallace wattles in the science of getting rich said gratitude on the first page of his it's chapter 7 the hole in there for you when I read this the entire process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word gratitude so doesn't matter how disturbed you I doesn't matter what's bothering you you can solve whatever it is you can be forgiven for whatever it is it's your gratitude just sit what are you grateful for and number three is give simple jee-in in all the programs we run a number of different programs and that's what it's all about that's what our company's about in this business that I'm in I think you go one of two ways you try and herself in grand iseman you want a bit bigger star I've never want to be a star and they're one to be a speaker I don't see myself as a speaker I want to teach more people so I'm teaching people to teach people we operate in over 100 countries now we have representatives in 100 countries we will stream the seminar well last time we streamed in 215 countries that's really what I think this is all about it's not about me it's really about you so if we can get into the habit of helping the other person to understand himself a little bit better enjoy a little bit more of life I think run the right track yeah so I think your three questions and that's a good that's a good question you know live in the now be grateful gonna be great like that's first thing I do in the morning yeah me too I write down what I'm grateful for and we teach people to do it where I really started to do that I have a wonderful business partner in Sandy Gallagher she was a securities attorney and a very bright monsoon she was damn good she by banks sell banks turned banks public witness in community banks but a lot of money and she came to a seminar around the time the secret come on hmm I kept hitting people what do you really want no although she had been very successful she graduated as the top banking lawyer in every University in the United States she was number one she studied in Europe in England and she never thought it what she really wanted her dad was a banking lawyer she sort of followed suit and she'd be damn good person for an interview sometime Larry Larry King interviewed her one time she's really a bright gal and financially she was indifferent freeze it all together she's very very bright but I've done that way he started to talk about her she she's made a bigger change in her company than anybody she came to solve the granite to write a story I was we were doing a seminar in Phoenix and I was leaving town and she was staying she was doing at work and she said could you get together with me for a cup of coffee she had some personal problems that's a chair so we sat down the coffee shop and she said good taking me three things I should do yeah solve her personal problems I said sure can tell her so I took like you know how they have these napkins to the ocean I took my here write down ten things you're grateful for when you get that done I want you to send love to three people that are bothering you Wow yeah that's hard thing to do somebody really obsessed all childlike I send love to three people that are bothering you and and share it with somebody yeah so she had a pad just something like yours and iPhone Gina Jenni was still in town my assistants Gina could you get a pad made and I told her what I wanted and I said she made up a pad she had it where that or within an hour she went to Kinko's there someplace in her computer and she had this pad with her name on it and she was going to Hawaii the next day with her mother and sister and so she took a pad for a mother and sister and the three of them every morning I thought this was really dumb sit down every morning write down ten things you're grateful for the whole three of them their lives changed well it had such an impact on her her mother and sister we started to do it we do it in every seminar no no and she she's one of the teachers if she was in the seminary she's almost focused in it and she tells the story about me doing that with her and now she does it with everybody Wow and so on then this pad repo note there's 10 things on the top and then I have to write it was my left hand every day I'm doing that for a year that's a very powerful thing to do yeah gratitude is everything it's the antidote to all stress anger first and the entire process of mental adjustment there it is that's a stress and it doesn't matter what your problem is change your perception you change your life like you said yeah and it might only be for a minute but that minute changes your whole world changes your vibration to attract more what you want yeah yeah I would acknowledge you for a moment bond because you've been doing this for a long time you've been doing this before I was even born or you know twenty years before I was born and the fact that you continued to show up with the same focus intensity generosity a day in and day out on your seminars which I hope everyone listening goes to they can go to Bob Proctor comm and learn more about everything there but you continue to show up and serve and give and I think it's very it's very inspiring for me and so many people to witness as a as a mentor and a role model there's so many people that the more success you have you continue to give and the more you continue to learn you continue to share and I want to continue to be that example like you have been living for so long so I'm really grateful for you I'm really I really acknowledge you for your gifts your wisdom and your humility and your sharing not just acting like you have all the answers but costly learning and constantly sharing so I acknowledge efer for everything really listen I really enjoyed being here but I love this so much that's great yeah I know I mean I would always feel deprived when there's some reason I can't do this because I just love doing it I wake up in the morning and it's like I mentioned written we first started I knew when I could change like I'm happy healthy and wealthy today I travel all over the world I got wonderful friends all over the world as that one when I died that was losing the way I was can start winning anybody can yeah so I mean I don't care I've gone into prisons with this own in to see maximum security in in Canada and I had them let a guy out that was the warden consider him a Mad Dog they put him on special parole I got the Canadian government to tear up his his his parole and give him a passport to move to England with me hmm I mean I've seen situations that you wouldn't believe could happen I've seen them happen you talk about miracles I mean they're they're happening every day right so I knew when I could win anybody and it's just a matter of getting the right information from the right people I think we get too much information from the wrong people yeah and personal development today is such a well-known thing that for anybody not to be developing themselves personally it's rather sad I think you know so we have to help them as well we can it's like I don't think a person deliberately destroys himself I think they're misguided yeah they're there they're ignorant they don't know they don't have a shift they don't know and they don't know they don't know yeah their losses and so I believe we do know it's our responsibility to help them yeah that's great yeah well you share a lot of information on your website Bob Proctor calm you've got all the information for your books you do conferences all over the world seminars you're doing one here in LA all the time it seems like you've got them all over the place so people can find you Bob Proctor calm we're around social media dangun on Instagram or Twitter or anything yourself or your team does the team B I prefer I stay on but I make a lot of YouTube videos for YouTube I shoot them in the studio and write them up there Bob Proctor on YouTube everywhere else yeah find your name they can go get at seminars books everything that you've got going on the final question for you is what is your definition of greatness that is a good question yeah I think greatness is something you work toward I don't know as you'd be coming thank you for thank you you think you're great you're in trouble yeah I think it's simply work toward I think it's an enviable place that you go after you know because you're bringing out the best of yourself there's greatness within every one of us there's no question about that in every person there's greatness I think it's the essence of who we are I don't know as you ever get there I'm always going there you know yeah yeah I want to get there I'd like to become great at what I do I think I'm pretty good at it but there's people that are better and there's people no more I want to learn from them yeah yeah that's awesome Bob appreciate you okay appreciate a real pleasure I've enjoyed it thank you
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 3,024,685
Rating: 4.8575807 out of 5
Keywords: lewishowes, the school of greatness, interview, 2019, business, self help, motivation, Bob Proctor, intuition, self image, quality of life, habits, abundance, lewis howes, proctor gallagher institute, self improvement, personal development, lewis howes interview, law of attraction, bob proctor interview, self development, how to become successful, bob proctor motivation, inspirational video, motivational video, keys to success, growth mindset, motivational videos, wealth, inspiration
Id: 4wnAKP3qZjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 1sec (6181 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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