How To: Create & Record Your Own Music Song Covers in Audacity

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You'll want to go to Recording in the preferences and work with the Playthrough settings. You'll want either a direct USB capture, or use headphones to listen while you play.

You'll also want to check your latency. That's what makes sure they tracks are not offset in time. Do that by making a click track in Generate. Then play that track and record a new track by putting a mic up to the speaker. Once you've done this, zoom way in and measure the difference between the tracks by selecting the space between them and looking at the number generated in the Length indicator at the bottom. Input that number in Edit/Recording/Latency/Latency Correction. Plus or minus depending on whether the result is slow or fast. Be sure you are doing the test with the same cable/mic setup you'll be recording with. Also don't have anything running in the background.

If that doesn't do it for your system, at least you'll have the keywords to do a proper search.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OsakaWilson 📅︎︎ May 16 2016 🗫︎ replies
and low YouTube this is geo spam smart never said in our brainy video for tutorials UGS in today's tutorial going over something pretty basic and audacity for those of you who know my other audacity tutorials they're pretty popular and countless amounts of time do I see people asking me how do I record myself singing a song with an instrumental in the background and then making it sound good well I'm tired of answering that same question in the comments section so today's video is gonna be just about that here's how to actually create your own music cover very easy to do and let's go ahead and get started now first of all you need to figure out what song you want to do right and you need to figure out if you want to create your own instrumental or you want to use an instrumental now constantly I get people also asking me how do I remove the words from a song and only have the instrumental well I'll tell you again there is no way to do that no matter how powerful of a software you have it can only do it to such a certain extent because it's hard to do that so I have a tutorial on how to remove the vocals from a song so you only have the instrumentals left but that method is not efficient for some songs it completely doesn't work for other songs it works fairly okay so the best bet is to go on YouTube and just type in the name of your song with instrumental after it and if there happens to be an instrumental version available you can you know check around YouTube YouTube is a big place you might find instrumental you like if you have one that's available choose that one but if you don't find it on YouTube you're probably not gonna find it anywhere else some songs the instrumental version just hasn't been released yet sometimes people haven't made an instrumental your version yet for the song you want to do so you either gotta make one yourself or you just can't do a cover for that song or you got to play an instrument yourself either/or so if you want to get one off of youtube I'm gonna be doing a quick example with this one right here this is the one republic stop and stare instrumental what you do then is go up here copy and paste the link and go over to youtube to mp3 now there are several other sites you can use if you just type in Google YouTube mp3 conversion you'll see several other sites Paul you got it was pasted in here click convert video and then click download and it will download you the mp3 file of this YouTube video and then you want to put it in a folder well that's what I like to do you don't need to put in a folder so from here on you have your assets ready now there are two ways of recording you can record by playing the original song this is the original song right here if you want you can have this playing and you can sing along with it that's fine just be aware you better be wearing headphones because if you're not wearing headphones then audacity will pick up the audio from this track and it won't record it along with your voice and you'll probably hear the original artist singing but if not what you can also do is just drag the original track into audacity like so just drag it in like so and what you can then do is press the record I'm gonna mute this real quick you can press record and it will automatically create another track and as you see we're going when this is not muted obviously you want to have it unmuted so there you hear once you hear that playing you can sing along with the track right because it'll automatically start recording down here if you want to redo it press ctrl-z which will undo everything you obviously got stop recording first ctrl z which will undo everything or what you can do is just press lo x button right here on top which will delete the entire track go back to the beginning and you can just basically record again like so we could have another go at it another attempt to record that's one way of doing it so let me give you an example let's say i wanted to record this specific song here and hopefully youtube doesn't copyright me because this is for educational purposes let's just say i want to sing this first portion of the song right i'm gonna i'm gonna it's it's important that you start from the very beginning because sometimes you might want to have some time to get ready and you know stuff like that if you have a song that starts immediately right at the beginning what you can do is you can grab this little tool right here which is the time shift tool grab your track and move it this way move it to the right that way when you start from the very beginning and press record you have some time as you see we have some time here you have some time to prepare yourself before this before the track even starts like that and eventually when it gets to the part where the track starts then you can start recording so that's a neat little thing you can do but we don't need to do that so we're not going to start right here and you can literally just press record here and you can just jump straight to your lyrics here and just completely just sing along to this so here's an example hopefully no one judges the terrible scene this town is cold and now I think it's sick of us it's time to make a move I'm shaking off the rust I've got my heart set on anywhere but here I'm staring down myself counted up the years alright so there we got it I might be singing a bit too loud here but let's take a listen so here we got this now I'll check this out hopefully no one judges the terrible see I'm not that great but I just want to show you guys this is all very easy to do this town is coldest now I think it's sick of us how do you see we have some we have a problem here and to fix this problem well you just use your time shift tool zoom in here let's try to align these tracks up get sick of us was it go back us it's time to make a move I'm shaking not for the worse so like that they were good now we have it aligned up now say you don't want the original songs so you don't want it say you want to have an instrumental where here is where your instrumental comes in you grab your instrumental here this is our instrumental and just drag it into audacity just same way you did with the other one and it automatically loads in now what I'd like to do here is I have to grab this track and just move it up to the very top because here what you want to do is align these track so I'm gonna go ahead and mute this mute my own singing and we're gonna zoom in here control I think it's control and my mouse wheel that assumes it and what you want to do here is a line these up so we see here that's not aligned we can use a time shift tool [Music] a good way to match things up is to listen to the drums is very easy you can tell the spikes in the waveform here and when you see spikes in the waveforms you can kind of match them up so that they so it basically sounds the same and you're lining up the instrumental of the actual song like that's a perfectly matched up okay so now we have our instrumental matched up with our original song now we don't want the original song because we don't want the guys singing in the background so we're gonna do is just press X hold on a little bigger press X here and that will delete the original track and now we can go over here and check this out hopefully no one judges oh and if you want to delete something like this what I'm just sitting here talking you can just grab your a select tool up here highlight and don't press backs because if you press backspace this entire things gonna move so go to edit remove special and split delete I'll delete everything up to that point and not move this so now we take a listen this town is cold now I think it's sick of us it's time to make a move I'm shaking off the hearse I've got my heart set on anywhere but here I'm starving down myself counting up the years alright so there it is now if you know obviously you want to make sure your microphone isn't too loud you want to make sure that your microphone is a decent level and you can adjust that up here with the microphone level here adjust a microphone volume and then if you want to add some vocal effects to make your to enhance your voice to make it sound more professional well I already have two videos on that you can check both those videos out on how to make your voice sound a little more professional a little better especially you have like a crappy microphone there are ways to make it sound water so you can check those two out sorry for the Skype message that was me that wasn't you don't go checking escape so yeah it's pretty much all I want to go over hopefully you guys understand and essentially when you finish this when you have finished recording and be aware if you want like records you only went on record parts of the song like say say okay well say and I know how to do this part but say I mess up I like this part here so yeah say I messed up on this part you don't need to restart the entire recording you can literally just delete a portion of it for example say say I messed up like right here say like right here I messed up all I can do is just go over here go to edit again remove special split delete and we forgot to leave this portion here and then what you can do is just once again go from the beginning and press record and another track will be made for you here and you can automatically just record again or what you can do is go to the part where you want to start recording press here then press record on anywhere the I'm staring down myself counting up the year just like that and here we go we have the here I'm starin tap alright it's a bit early but you know you got a sometimes it aligns perfectly sometimes you gotta move it up a bit I probably started singing a bit too early there but you see it's very easy to do and you can just align two tracks together and it's very easy to do once you've finished everything go to file export audio don't click save project as cuz save your project as will not make it a playable audio file it'll basically only make it a project so if you if you want to record one date and you want to finish recording another day you wanna click save project I'll save the project to go save the waveforms do you click export audio it would just combine everything into one trap you can't edit it anymore so go to export audio then you can just save it if a chart comes up you can just skip it you can save it as a WAV as an mp3 what not just large the toriel's on my channel that can help you out with a lot of stuff so if you want to check it out well I will link the audacity tutorial playlist in the description you should see an annotation on screen now as well but it's all fairly easy to do it just requires you to you know learn a bit about it so hopefully that clear things up hopefully you understood the tutorial and hopefully I won't get so many questions asking me how to record a karaoke cover or a music cover so thank you for watching as always if you want to check out the other tutorials one a channels such as a video editing Adobe After Effects Premiere Pro Movie Maker all kinds of cool stuff that will help you out so you want to check that out you can I also have a gaming channel having a device channel I have a vlogging channel I even have my own music channel even though I don't sound that great but I try here I wasn't trying hard very much here but I do try so I check all that out you can I also have a patreon if you want to check that out too all the links are in the description at the end card let's measure this video this is just manner smart I'll be back sooner you think don't go anywhere [Music]
Channel: Tutorials with GS
Views: 752,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audacity, How to Make a Song Cover, How to Record a Song Cover, How to Make a Music Cover, How to Record a Music Cover, Recording Your First Music Cover, How to Record Song Covers in Audacity, How to Record Music Covers in Audacity, Music Covers in Audacity, Song Covers in Audacity, Audacity Tutorial, Audacity Help, Audacity Guide, How to Make Your Voice Singing Sound Better in Audacity, How to Record Yourself Singing, Record Yourself Singing in Audacity, Singing in Audacity
Id: 3dmd2XCWBng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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