How to make your voice sound better in Audacity

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in this video i will show you how to make your sound better using audacity there are quite some factors to consider for better sound like a quiet recording environment or a good microphone but i will keep the focus only on what audacity offers for sound improvement these four effects are the effects to make your sound better if you can apply these four effects with correct settings in correct order you will get the maximum improvement over your sound this order is very important as the wrong order will not improve the sound instead may degrade the audio quality if you are not happy after applying those you have to rethink your recording strategy and recording environment let's see one by one what are the correct settings for these effects i will apply the effects to this audio clip and let's hear it a bit i will improve the sample audio using audacity you just heard the unedited audio the volume level needs to increase and also there are some noises you see those noises as small dots in the waveform i will fix the noise in volume level using those four effects i will make a duplicate of this audio clip so can compare it with the edited one i will rename this one just to better differentiate between the clips after editing the first step is noise reduction to do that i have to select a noise only part from anywhere of the audio clip only 0.05 seconds of noise sample is needed for audacity to recognize after selecting the noise sample go to effects noise reduction you have to feed audacity the noise sample and audacity will search for similar noise to remove click on get noise profile then select the part of the audio from where you want to remove noise for me the whole audio i select all by double clicking and go to effects noise reduction again this time you have to configure noise reduction settings like how much noise to reduce or how sensitive it will be to reduce noise i will keep the default settings for those and will set the frequency smoothing bands to one for a detailed noise reduction guide please check the i button in the top right corner click ok and noise will be reduced i will just adjust the track size height from view track size i will choose fit to height and it looks better after noise reduction you have to do equalization eq is a very important step and doing it right can make the audio quality much better there are two ways to eq an audacity filter curve and graphic eq the filter curve gives better control so i will pick that the strange curve you are now seeing on the screen is my custom eq equalization is the process to boost good frequencies and cut bad frequencies the problem is there is no fixed answer to which frequency is good or bad it mainly depends on the voice and the recording itself so you have to try with different settings and have to find out which is working for you to find out your eq please use a headphone when it sounds better to your ear after applying an eq setting that eq is the best for you if you already have some experience then you can try out this eq and adjust to get it right otherwise i would suggest starting with simple presets that audacity offers by default you can get default presets in manage factory presets many beginners make a mistake by choosing this default base boost i will adjust the slider to make it more visible the default base boost applies a 9 db boost to the frequency below 100 hertz this is a mistake for two reasons first people's voice starts with 80 hertz or later so boosting those lower frequencies only boost noise if there is any second the 9 db boost is too much with that much boosting other frequencies do not synchronize so voice becomes unnatural boosting should not exceed 6 db if the bass boost is not good which one should you apply you should try with low roll off for speech this preset cuts off frequencies less than 100 hertz as i said earlier there is no voice in the lower frequencies so rolling off those remove the noise of lower frequencies if you want to add some boost to make your voice deeper you can do that after 100 hertz for example if you want to boost between 100 100hz to 200hz you can click on those points then you can click in the middle of that and drag to adjust please remember to keep the boost lower than 6 db i will apply the default role of speech preset click ok and the eq will be applied to make the sound crisp you can add some treble boost i will go to the filter curve again from the factory preset select the treble boost here a boost of 9 db is set from frequency 4 000 hertz and onwards i will drag it to 6 db if treble boost increases sibilance or sharp as too much start the boost from 5 000 hertz or 6 000 hertz click ok to apply treble boost after eq is done it's time to apply the compressor compressor minimizes the gap between the loud and quiet voice for example if you have whispered in your sound the compressor will make it loud enough to hear clearly you have to set a range for your sound one is from which point when you would consider too loud sound that is set by threshold another one is when to consider a sound like noise that is set by noise floor if i set the threshold to -9 then only sounds more than -9 db will be considered as loud and audacity will compress sounds only above that minus 15 means anything above minus 15 db will be considered as loud in audacity we'll try to bring that down i will keep it to default minus 12. noise floor gives audacity the idea how hard the compression should be a lower noise floor means audacity has to compress loud sounds more so the gap between a quiet voice and a loud voice will be minimized a higher noise floor means audacity should not compress too much otherwise noises will become louder i will apply the default settings the last setting i will apply is normalization normalization is a kind of digital volume controller the allowed peak amplitude is 0 db i will set it to 0 to show what it would do if i play this audio you can see in the playback meter how much it has increased the meter is in the red region you should aim so the meter is around minus nine or minus six i will undo the last normalization you can use either command z or control z to undo another way is to view the history and go back to a previous state i can set any negative value here like minus one or so i already know minus five will work fine for this audio so i will set that you try with different values and see when the playback meter is around 9 to 6 or 12 to 6 most of the time let's play this i will improve this sample audio using audacity now let's play the unedited one i will improve the sample audio using audacity so using those four steps you can make your sound better you can check the eye button for noise reduction techniques or software or you can check one of these videos on the screen please let me know in the comment which video you would like to see next on this channel thank you for watching this video and see you next time
Channel: Master Editor
Views: 69,083
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Keywords: how to make your voice sound better, audacity make your voice sound better, audacity tutorial for beginners 2021, how to make your voice sound better in audacity 2021, audacity how to make your voice sound good 2021, how to make my voice sound better in audacity, how to make your voice sound better in audacity, make your voice sound better, how to sound better in videos, sound better audacity, improve voice audacity, improve sound audacity, how to improve voice quality for speaking
Id: Ji0U70Lb6Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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