How to Create Polygroups in Zbrush? | Lesson 3 | Chapter 6 | Zbrush 2021.5 Essentials Training

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[Music] [Music] selections and maskings are great for isolating parts of the model but they're very temporary however you can assign parts of your model with a permanent designation called polygram this way you can always come back to a particular selection or mask there's also many other things you can do with the polygraph so let's dive in and see now we got our model here if we turn on the poly frame here by pressing shift and f so here you can see that it's broken up into different areas of color and these are called the polygons it's a way of organizing your model now you can create new polygroups with masking or selection so uh that we can do and some other uh like project files so let's go in the light box okay and let's go to the dog now here as you know my polyframe is on but you can see i don't have a polygroup here it's all one color that means there is no polygroup over here now how to create the polygon let's see so let me go to the orthographic left view and all you remember how we can hide or select any object over here to hide it is ctrl shift and alt and to select or anything is only ctrl shift so i will just press my ctrl shift here and here at this part i will go to the brush and i can choose uh select lasso tool okay so i will choose this one and this will help me to create a lasso with the ctrl shift and i will only keep its head the dog's head over here now i have the dog head if just notice if i will press ctrl w on my keyboard see what happens ctrl and w so what this will do is that it will create a different color for this dog head and this will become a separate polygraph now if i want to bring everything back so control and shift and if i will drag it here okay oops i just have to click it here so you will see that i will have my whole object back and you will notice both of them are different colors so what else i can do over here how i can else uh make my like a like a polygroup so another way to do the polygroup is through the masking so let me undo this whatever i have done so far so i will go back to my orthographic mode control for the mask and let's do one thing here let's go press ctrl go back here and choose uh like lasso here and i will make a mask lasso here oops not that correct okay that's fine so you can see that i have masked his head only now if i will press ctrl w at this time so you can see that whatever our mask is now have become a different polygraph so the colors always will be different color it will be not giving you the same color okay but if you don't like this color so maybe you can undo and then press ctrl w again so maybe it will this time give you this color if you don't like this one also again you can control z undo and ctrl w and maybe i like the purple color so i can go with this one sometimes both of your colors are same okay so it's little hard to see so for that purpose you can undo and uh press ctrl two again so uh those are the two basic ways of creating new polygroups there are also some automated ways as well so let's scroll down over here let me undo this uh at this stage over here okay and i will go down and go to the polygroup option over here and i'll click on this polygroup here it is and the first option that we are going to be looking at at this stage is the auto groups so uh let's click on the auto group here for now let me just put this and zoom it out a little bit so you can see the whole dog so if i press the auto group here and let's see what happens so nothing actually happened here so because the zbrush couldn't find the pieces of the geometry that had made this uh you know like object and like from different pieces it was all created from one piece the reason over here is that this model is actually made out of all one piece of geometry so there was no separate geometry creating this one object it's all it's just one a piece of a geometry so it's going to make one polygraph however if you have some other models that are created with different kind of polygraphs though so those polygraph will will usually like they will automatically become a different colored polygroup over here now another way of uh making an automated polygraph is by group uh grouped by normals now and on this model it will not work because there are not uh like there are not many uh too many sharp enough angles change uh over here or there are normally uh normals basically normals are what something which is kind of curving around okay so if i will try over here and click on group my novels okay it might not work but maybe if i will change uh the maximum uh like point of it and try okay and let's see no it's not working because this model is quite smooth if i will decrease this and try now you can see it's working but i have made it quite uh lower so something around 10 and then press group by normal so wherever you have the sharp curve change there it is making a new curve like especially inside of these okay and wherever you have a sharp uh curves okay and maybe if i can make it uh 50 so 50 one more night might not give me reserve 30 will also not give me maybe 20 if i will try yes 20 is giving me some result over here or i can do 15 so 15 also you can see 15 is giving me quite a good result over here but it's breaking into so many small you know like pieces so this is what the group normal do actually it uh calculates your normal like your angles that are going uh inwards or outwards and based on that it creates the polyglots so now we are getting some interesting results and it's a little bit chaotic right now you can see as i told you before there are a lot of small polygroups as well over here so we can also avoid that uh avoid this and if you will notice that we have the small circle over here and if i will click on the small circle and click on the group by normals again so you can see that it's giving me quite an interesting result over here so uh let's do one thing let's increase this and try now you can see that uh it's it's much better than before you can you can see there are not a lot of small groups here even if uh like if i will increase it so uh even more better you can see it's like you know it's just going inside the ears and it's giving me okay where the normals are more twisted or bended or curved there it's selected especially on the ears you can see or inside the mouth you can see that so this is a good way of uh creating an automated uh like polygraph if your model just like or this dog is not created uh out of different uh like parts otherwise you can just click on the autographs now one other way that's interesting is to do it by group front so let's click on that but first i have to bring this thing uh on the orthographic front part and then i will click on group front okay and if i will move around you can see that the one that was in the front part okay that was showing in the front angle is now the different color and the one that was not showing is a different color also here i can change the these uh like settings suppose right now if i will do it you can see it's just like that but if i will change the settings maybe i don't want 90 degrees maybe less than that maybe 60 and if i will click on the group print now so you can see that it's the you know the polygraphs are sprawling more to this area and if i will go back here and increase it maybe to even more like 179 which is you know the maxima so it will cover the whole thing okay but tiny bit will be left over there so as much you will increase it what it will do is that it will keep that front part more and this black part okay and if i will keep it 90 and turn on the editor and then do the group front so you can see that you have a little bit better result than as you have it because what it does that it just adds a little bit part of or you know from the non-facing areas here but the method i actually like is basically manually doing it either by doing uh with this effect okay and ctrl w okay and then bringing back everything okay and then you know doing with the other parts like here control w and bringing back everything else okay and you know just like that okay so this is my uh you know favorite method to create uh polygrips so now that we have created these polygroups they can be used for a lot of different things so you can convert them back into selections or masks you can use them to drive uv layout which we'll cover later in this course and you can use the borders between polygraph to create curves and sculpted details and we'll get into all of that later feel free to explore the ways of combining these techniques to make various polygraphs so i hope you have understood about the polygroups right now so we will take care until we meet for the next class okay and uh please if you have not subscribed to my channel subscribe to it and if you have not click on the bell icon you can click on it because i will be uploading more other tutorials as well and live session so you can get some like notifications as well so guys uh till the next class take care of yourself and keep supporting me i will keep supporting you and i will be helping you out by creating these tutorials so take care and we'll meet in the next class [Music] you
Channel: zinteractive
Views: 1,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush 2021, video zbrush 2020, zbrush tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2d, zbrush remesh, zbrush artist, zbrush summit, zbrush extract, learning zbrush, zbrush subtools, zbrush speed sculpt, zbrush new features, creating a character in zbrush, zbrush polygroups, zbrush polygroup tutorial, zbrush polygroup basics, polygroups, polygroup, polygroup tutorial, polygroup basics, polygroup mesh, zbrush polygroup assign, zbrush poly color, zbrush 2021.5
Id: qm02W5eJvOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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