How to Create Playable PS5 Game Backups for Itemzflow

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hey what is going on guys it's moded dwarf here welcome back to another PS5 tutorial so in my last video on items flow I showed you guys how to run your PS5 game dumps but in this video the plan is to show you how to actually create those game dumps in the first place so if you have a game on disk for example you'll be able to run the game without the disc if the disc gets lost or damaged in future you'll have a backup that you can run or if an emulator comes out for the PS5 several years down the line you'll have a backup that you can potentially use to run in that emulator in future to preserve the game and the same goes for any digital copies that you have you'll be able to dump them and run them without the original license so it will no longer be tied to that account so it's pretty handy to create your own game dumps your own game backups for your PS5 games now it's not as simple as it may seem a lot of people seem to think you can just use the dumper inside items flow that is the plan for the long term but shortterm right now that's not possible items flow at the moment is is only copying the game files it does not do any decryption or anything to them which is why people who have been trying to create game dumps by just using items flow on its own are not able to actually get those dumps working so plan the plan with this video is to show you the entire process of what we can do right now to create these game dumps not all games are compatible because Slayer Go's decryption payload does not work on every game like Ratchet and Clank Rift apart cannot be decrypted right now neither can Demon Souls so there are a handful of games right now that are not decryptable but you'll find that out you know when you get to the decryption stage so I've got a dis copy of ghost of tsushima here and if I go to options and check the game version with information I am on the base version just because it's a smaller file size it won't take as long to dump uh for the tutorial but generally you're going to want to install whatever update you you want to be able to use so just install whatever game update uh that you want and then when you create the dump it will have that game update applied so if if you don't know how to apply game updates to your retail games I do have a tutorial for that already which I'll leave linked below but uh what you want to do is just get the game get it updated so that it's ready to dump okay so the first step is to decrypt the executables and the modules for the game that way if it doesn't work if you have one of the games that isn't decryptable right now then you're not wasting time doing all of the other steps so we'll do this one first so first thing we need to do is launch the game cu the game needs to be running in order to be able to decrypt and dump the modules and the ex mutes so we're going to go ahead and do that right now so it is running right now it just tells me that there's a save for a newer version of the game so it's not going to let me go any further but the game is running so if I press the PS button go to the switcher you can see it is active so the game is running in the background so we're going to switch on to the home menu and then run the internet browser and we're going to go to es7 in1 doite Echo stretches 7 And1 host select the PS5 option and run the idol sauce host or any of the other uh spec hosts and then we're going to run the jailbreak so from here we're going to inject the dumper payload so we need to note down the PS 5's IP address right here so 192.168.1 37176197 that's what it's listening on okay so now we need to switch over to the computer and download a couple of things we want to get socat for Windows so go to the code and download as a zip file of course all the downloads will be in the description we also want netcat GUI version 1.2 and we're also going to want the decription payload from slay's goie which I will also leave linked below okay so first we want to open netcat GUI and drag in the dumper payload here slayes dumper dobin drag it into the program enter the PS5 IP address in the IP Box and the port number needs to be 9020 so set that up first and then go into the socat folder so socat for Windows right click in the folder where soc. EXE is and open in terminal and then from here we're going to type in CMD to switch to command prompt because it does not work through Powershell if I remember correctly so press enter on that to switch to command prompt and then we'll clear the screen and paste in the command that will be linked in the description which is this Command right here you just need to replace the PS5 IP address with the actual IP address of your PS5 so we're going to pop that in there and then last but not least to get this working we're just going to press enter on this command for socat and then immediately inject the payload on netcat GUI straight afterwards so we're going to press enter on this and then inject the payload so we press enter and then inject payload and then we get a successfully connected from local address and now it's starting the data transfer and it may get stuck on this for a while but eventually you should start seeing a bunch of data being transferred okay there we go you can see it's now transferring so it was stuck there for a few minutes but it's now going once it says exiting with status zero that means it is finished so we can close out of this now close out of netcat GUI and if you go back into the socat folder you'll see that we now have this ra. tar file in here if you open that up go into the MNT folder the sandbox folder PFS Mount and then we have the actual app folder right here if you extract this out to your desktop this will contain your decrypted executable and modules so we've got our eboot.bin here we've got our modules which is libc and are right. sprx you may have more modules and More executables in here for your game but that is it done now if you have a message that says something like eboot failed if it says any of these failed then unfortunately you probably have one of the games that's not decryptable right now with this decryption payload uh which is unfortunate or if the files have no file size if they're all zero bytes then that also means that it has failed to decrypt them but if that's not the case if you have it like this where they have proper files sizes and it doesn't say that any of them failed then you should be good you should have all of your executables and modules successfully decrypted so all we need to do now is get the game files now what we want to do is install items flow and also grab a USB drive that's large enough to fit the size of the game on it we go to our USB drive I've got one here that's got 232 gigs free which is plenty of space the USB needs to be formatted in xat format so the file system needs to be X that make sure you reformat it if it's in any other format and we're going to copy the items flow package in here you can grab items flow from of course the home brw store from PKG on your computer you can just go to it here and download the PS5 version or you can grab it from the home brw store app itself on the PS5 so from here we can go ahead and eject this and plug it into our PS5 so when the decryption payload finished it will give us this not enough free system memory error so we can just go back and refresh the page and run the jailbreak again cuz this time we need to run the ETA hen payload okay then we're going to run the ETA hen payload okay there we go so ETA hen is up and running okay so once you get that message we can press the PS button to exit if we're going to head over to settings we're going to go down to the debug settings which should now be enabled after running ETA hen we can go to game we can click okay to this message and go to package installer and install items flow and then it says ready to play so I can press the PS button and play it app has been granted a jailbreak and here we go so you can support lightning mods via the link there on Kofi I'm sure he'd appreciate it but uh anyway we've got ghost of sushima right here so we're going to select it and we're going to select the option to dump it to dump it to the USB now you can dump all or just the base game or just the patch we're going to dump all even though we only have the base game installed we're just going to select the dump all option if you do have a game update installed you're also going to want to do the dump all option as well so we're going to select that option here and that's going to run the game so there we go game is now running and you can see it's now starting to dump the game so dumping base game and then it will give you progress updates every 6 seconds uh on the progress and it dumps fairly quickly as you can see we're already past 1% so we're just going to wait until it finishes ping the entire game over to the USB okay so that took quite a while but once you stop getting those messages every 6 seconds that should mean that it is finished so we can go ahead and close out of the game now we'll head back over here and close the game and then we'll unplug our USB and plug it back into our computer okay so back on the computer here we can get rid of this package now so here we have the actual game dump itself so ppsa 0328 if we go in here we've got our eboot.bin and our modules and everything else but these are all encrypted these modules are encrypted so this PRX file and of course this one here is also encrypted the way that you can tell if it's actually decrypted or not is you can open up in a hex editor so if we use hxd I'll leave a link to this in the description if we copy the eboot.bin inside you can see this one is encrypted so it's not decrypted the executable in items flow you've got the L file is showing up further down here and then if we take the one that we got from our decryption payload that we ran initially and we take this eboot and throw it in you can see how different it is it actually starts with aelf file right here so this one is encrypted and this one is decrypted so what we want to do is replace all of the encrypted files on our game dump on the USB with the decrypted ones we got from slay's Go's dumping payload so here we have the game dump and here we have our decrypted modules so we want to replace the eboot.bin right here replace file in destination and then we'll also take the scce system and scce modules folder and merge those in with the game files here replace files in destination so the last step we need to do is fake sign these files now to resign the files we can use the make F self script now this is a originally was made by Flats but lightning mods has updated the script to fix I think a few issues and also update it to use the latest versions of python instead of python 2 so that will be linked in the description along with the make F self script and remove F self script by Echo stretch so I'll leave those both down in the video description together you can go ahead and download it you'll get both of these files so you want to make sure that you have python installed in order to run this so I've got python version 3.11 installed right here so make sure you go ahead and install that if you don't already have it so now we just copy the two files the python script and the bat script into the game Dump location and double click the bat file to run the script and you can see here it is actually fake signing the files so the libc wr. sprx and the eboot.bin so that is now done now if you get an error message that says something about the word python not being a recognized command if you get that message it's probably because you installed python through the python installer on the website instead of installing it from the Microsoft store in which case you'll need to edit the bat script here by right clicking and selecting the edit option to edit it in notepad and then from there you can change the word python here to py instead and then save it and then try and run the bat script again and it should work this time so if we refresh we can get rid of the bat script and the python script and we now have the fake signed version as well as a backup of the decrypted version which is the es back file so the script also creates a backup file of the original module so this is the backup that will still will be you know the decrypted one so if we open this up in hxd you can see this one is still decrypted but the new one that is made here is the fake signed version so it has resigned the file and that means it should be playable now uh via items flow now we can just leave those in the game dump folder because there might be some other method of running these dumps in future through some kind of fake package method or through an emulator in future in which case you might need those original decrypted FES um but for running them in items flow we need the fake signed version so once you've done that your dump should now be playable or at least runnable obviously different games have certain issues when trying to run them using this method not all games are playable but at least now you have a version that you can try and load and see if it actually works so let's go ahead and give this a try now we'll eject the drive and plug it into our PS5 and see if we can get it loaded okay so I'm just going to go ahead and delete delete my save file real quick because we were getting that issue where it was saying hey there's a save file that already exists for a newer version so I couldn't actually like progress in the game and get further on so we'll go ahead and delete the saves for Ghost of tsushima I just need to do that because I went from being on a higher update to the base version so uh you wouldn't have to worry about that but anyway we're going to go ahead and eject the game here as well so we'll eject the dis and delete the game for the dis version okay so that's gone all right so now we're going to go back on items flow and add our game dump version here and's see if we can't get it running okay so we'll go to PS5 app change app path and we'll press R1 to switch to the right menu for our USB stick there's the dump right there ppsa 0328 we'll press square to select it and there we go game changed successfully and launch so when you launch your game dump for the first time you'll get this message that says launching and then the game title and this will be stuck on here for quite some time it could take several minutes before it actually launches it's copying a bunch of files from the dump to the hard drive not the entire thing but just uh the SE system folder the contents of that get copied over to the hard drive so it can create the virtual app so that needs to happen first of all but once that's done the second time you launch it and any other time you launch the game they after it should just launch instantly it's only on the first launch that you may be stuck on here for quite some time so just give it a few minutes until it actually starts to load the game okay so now it launches you get that Universal data registration error thing that's normal with these dumps and this something went wrong we get a couple of messages here this is just something that happens with Ghost of shishima but once you click okay you can see the game actually launches so there we go we've got a working game dump of our game so our disc game is now running without the original disc as you can see right here got it all loaded now it is normal to run into some problems with these dumps it is early days so a lot of games just don't work right now so you might be able to get a you know a quote unquote working dump where it's able to launch but then it has some other error that pops up while it's trying to launch the game or certain things don't work in the game or you can't get past like the main menu or like a signning screen or something like that so this is why we have the compatibility list to show you get a good idea of what games are playable what games have issues that might require a few patches to get them working and which games just do not run whatsoever H can't even launch so that's really you know what it's all about here so you can see we've got the the base version here we'll just go ahead and get into the game make sure it's all loaded yeah so the base version just like if you don't have a save it just launches you straight into the into the cut scene so yeah anyway as you can see game is running here if we exit out to the home menu we've got it now showing up as the uh Flow game or full game or whatever you want to whatever acronym you want to use for that but we've got the game showing up here the game dump and we can Now launch it so so that's pretty much it that's how you can create your own PS5 game dumps of your physical games or your digital games and get them running without the original disc or license file uh so that you have a working backup that you can you can use in future if anything ever happens to your retail copy you'll have a backup you could use it to running an emulator in future and any of that kind of stuff so yeah obviously this will hopefully get easier in future lightning mods is intending to add proper decryption into items flow so that it can do the entire thing for you decrypt the executables and dump the game files and basically create a working dump straight from items flow uh which would be good that would be the the kind of ultimate solution but obviously right now because we have issues with the decryption payloads there are quite a few steps involved unfortunately we have to decrypt the execut first then dump the game files then fake sign the executables and the modules in order to be able to get a playable dump but in future it should get easier so anyway that's it for this video hope you guys enjoyed it or found the information useful if you did please leave a like And subscribe and once again I'll hopefully see you guys in the next [Music] video [Music]
Views: 31,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4, PlayStation 4, PS5, PlayStation 5, Game Dumps, Game Backups, PS5 Dumps, PS5 Backups, Retail, Disc, Jailbreak, 4.03, 4.50, 4.51, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Guide, Setup, How to, tips, deep dive, discussion
Id: 1uZ8Edw35Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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