Lets Talk About: The Valve Steam Deck

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the steam deck is a handheld gaming computer developed by Valve and released on February 25th 2022 the device uses Val's Linux distribution steo it's the first commercial success and the true king of handhelds ladies and Gentlemen let's talk about the valve steam deck this is honestly the video that I've been wanting to do more than anything for the past two years the valve steam deck has revolutionized my relationship with gaming not with its handheld portability but with its easy access to my games before I would jump through so many Hoops just to download The Right emulator set up bios files and map the controller to why hope makes sense and after all that I might play for like an hour while this gives me what I want when I want it mapped upto-date and even upscaled Val's implementation of Linux Steam OS is fantastic the steam deck Community has built tools scripts and even plugins to further enhance the experience mu deck Dei controls steam grid DB Auto flat packs animation changer game theme music oh it's so it's so amazing and there's so much more this is steam deck Val revealed the steam deck on July 15th 2021 the deck existing in three different models based on internal storage options was shipped starting February 2022 I was hyped from day one a portable gaming capable PC backed by Valve find me the up I remember seeing every review I could get my hands what were the specs what could it play cyber Punk seu yes just look at all this game footage [Music] [Music] what's so cool to me is that this guy can do so much you know like it can PC game it can emulate it can it's a full-fledged PC you know it's you can do so much with it but but what makes this different from other handhelds what's the magic sauce that valve put in make it different well the seam deck includes a custom AMD Apu based on the Zen 2 and rdna 2 architectures the CPU runs a four core eight thread unit and the GP runs on eight compute units with a total of estimated performance of 1.6 T flops I guess okay half of that doesn't mean much to me either all that you need to know is that it's a customized CPU with some GPU guts built into it AKA and Apu the deck includes 16 gigs of lpddr5 RAM a 7in touchscreen LCD display with a 1280x 800 pixel resolution and a fixed 600 Herz refresh rate um quick disclaimer uh this is the LCD model 256 gig that's the focus of the video if you want to try to equate this to the oleds that's perfectly fine they approximate pretty well but this is the bookus video these are the numbers I'm going to go buy not the current olet so looking at the spec sheet we have a lower to Mid tier gaming laptop kind of but one of the short Source I was so good so looking at the spec sheet we have a lower to Mid tier gaming laptop kind of but when the sort of spots for the steam deck is the storage the base mod comes with 256 G of storage it will cost around $399.99 at least at time of right yeah that kind of sucks let up alleviate this bot neck the steam deck allows micro SD cards for supplemental storage I personally have a 1 tbte installed in mine on top of the built-in 256 gigs I'm very happy with the purchase honestly if you're looking to buy a team deck I would recommend the strategy buy the cheapest here use the money saved to buy a Micro SD card that fits your budget that one terab I mentioned wases for around $80 last time I checked okay now we have it what can it do put game originally designed for downloading Steam games like cunk rizon zero Dawn GTA 5 while these are heavy hitting AAA titles they can run absolutely fantastic on the steam deck even titles like Halo Master Chief Collection with the playable badge it runs perfectly the only issue is online multi player but whatever Star Wars the Force Unleashed had an untested badge but then up proton and then boom it plays perfectly a great tool for this team deck is proton DB it's a huge catalog of game compatibility with proton magic sauce forare game Windows games to play on Linux and here we can search for games and see what we might expect once we download them now this isn't the be all end all trying to get other game launchers like battel net and epic game store running will take more steps and require lutrus to run smoothly though it looks like using lutrus we lose the easy setup of proton instead use wine so the so mileage may vary with the fortnite and the battle pass and like other software EA app I guess it should be fine it should be fine you'll be fine it it it'll be fine fine thinking about it since we're here we might as well actually take an actual physical look at this Hardware like what what's the feel of this thing at first glance this seems familiar enough two joysticks a d-pad and your standard forace buttons evenly marked yba ax paired with the shoulder buttons and triggers the steam deck gives you a Wii U gam pad 5 especially with the touchcreen but that's not all Val decided to add the OS menu button along with track pads and those extra Triggers on the back okay they're more button like with feel but call them triggers or paddles seem more correct honestly the OS menu buttons are okay they don't get in the way and are easy enough to reach with my stubby thumbs the trackpads are absolutely amazing for deathlock mode on the go mouse and keyboard are not needed at all though there is a little bit of a learning curve the fit and finish as a whole feels great little to know FL and my my fingers curve around the handles comfortably ging on this team deck leaves my hands with minimum cramping at worst the ergonomics are very well done now with that said we are just scratching the surface of the potential steam deck Library the links community quickly expanded the steam deck capabilities and reduced the steam deck Community to the wonderful world of emulation This legal disclaimer is provided to inform users about the legal consequences associated with emulation and the unauthorized reproduction distrib with that said emulation is very important part of gaming has kept software from rotting away into nothingness the steam deck is a perfect handle for it using the software mu deck you can sub every conso emulator you could possibly imagine emck is the Cornerstone of emulation on the steam deck it will download the appropriate emulators make the correct folder tree and all you have to do is just have your legally attained files and put them into the correct folders do a little of this and a little of that controls figured emulators set up done and done once you're back in game mode it's open season for most games and emulators okay I have to mention compatibility can be a source spot now this isn't necessary NE steam's fault emulation as a whole is a third party thing if you have a game you must play look up the emulators Q&A and uh good luck the valve steam deck of course runs Steam and not windows it's based on Arch Linux drro and is rather easy and maybe is meant to be an exploitable version of Linux I can't help but think did valve really try to lock down their OS okay lock down might be a bit of an over statement but come on how do they not see the Arch Linux Community taking advantage of this platform they must have been pretty confident that Nintendo wasn't going to Rattle their Collective the steam client on the deck features a revised interface and functions different from the standard desktop Clan game mode is huge blat out straight from boot right into your previously played then with a quick flick of the thumbs you're into the steam store or your extended library to me one of the best features is gamescope hardware monitor device system controls menu thing look at all these options it's a tinker's dream playing Horizon zero Dawn crank up the GP wattage and clocks getting some childhood men berries going turn it all down to save some battery and with third party applications like Dey loader the level of customization goes to the moon want custom AR work for your games thumbnails want the games OST playing in the menu change the whole boot animation customize the fan curve update all your apps now some disadvantages is that it's a console yes you can enter desktop mode but the trackpads and UI keyboard isn't exactly enough for classwork and answering emails yes it's absolutely usable but as a portable device we are giving up some of its PC DNA for a better gaming experience honestly this is a worthwhile trade console by day gaming PC by night and the transition is Flawless no awkward settings or messy preconfiguration between game mode and desktop mode works the first time every time and with desktop mode this steam deck is complete web browser mouse and keyboard desktop gaming it's really no different from Windows but if you want to get to the nitty-gritty you have full access to the command line folder structures honestly the whole device is at your fingertips as much as I praise this beautiful piece of Hardware I can't help but feel somber about it it's aging it's going to be outdated and unfortunately valve has yet to BR out or even mention it sequel the steam deck 2 if you will but also at the same time I kind of feel like someone already else has yes it's base model starts at $599 while not having a discrete GPU but it's Hardware smokes the competition the top tier model comes with a 7-in 1080p display at 120 HZ powered by the AMD ryzen Z1 extreme processor paired with 16 gigs of RAM and a 512 SSD this handhold is one hell of a wake up called a valve and while it sales look great this isn't pushing the steam deck numbers why the price is it the color or maybe it's something more fundamental I mean honestly it's just making the game go more room right I mean even then it still can't just go or can it yes Windows pretty much has 100% capability with all all Steam games windows can be slapped on almost any laptop desktop and even some tablets the GPU drivers are pretty much built for Windows and windows is backed by a multi-billion dollar company and it's been trusted for gaming for the past 30 years give or take but when it comes to handhelds it misses the mark steam the secret sauce of Val's runaway succcess the steam deck has the potential to finally usurp Microsoft's throne in game browse internet write a word document listen to music transfer files to USB or over Network you can even run window Windows applications through proton Mage may vary but the gap between what makes windows such a great staple and a clunky hostile user experience is close closing rapidly so if seos is what makes the steam deck so amazing why should everyone buy one just download the Steam 3o recovery image and start cracking well Val honestly doesn't want that at least not yet don't get me wrong valve is perfectly within their rights to keep seos from officially supporting anything other than the steam deck or so they hope keeping an Arch Linux operating system locked down to one piece of Hardware is adorably naive okay I don't think Val is really that naive but their lack of official General Hardware support does show that valve wants or maybe even needs more steam deck sales why release an OS to support PCS that immediately outperforms their own console but frankly it doesn't matter or at least it did Hollow ISO is probably the redheaded stepchild of the Linux community come to life this project attempts to bring the steam deck Steam OS Hollow redistribution into a generic installable format and provide a close to official teos experience main point the project focus on reimplementing proprietary as in runs only on the deck components that the steam client the OS itself game scope and user create applications on the deck rely on and making me learn and relearn Linux in a fun and unique way yay okay enough reading the GitHub what does this mean in the real world this is Steve say hi Steve my name he says hi Steve at the time of filming is running Hollow ISO 5.0 we have support for our more powerful RX 5500 XT 8 gig the CPU is well old rocking into i74790 Steve isn't going to break any cabitch records but he can game let's try some of those same titles from earlier and see how the marks play [Music] out [Music] [Music] that's right any High settings and we could go up to 4K with most titles now that isn't the most optimal resolution for this set hardware but the results are stunning and we have so much more room to push this PC it almost makes the steam deck kind of useless in comparison and the high-end rig would be even more so Now set up the OS is quite a challenge especially if you want it right out of the box so the steam deck is the 3DS the Wii U no Holo is riddled with issues the Dey plugy manager is usable but not fully functional yet Wi-Fi Solutions can be hit and miss as well your OS Drive is pretty much it any additional drives can be added but won't easily mount on boot so some wins some losses so where does the steam deck fit all this mess it's right where it was from the start a massively successful handheld meant for PC gaming on the go it is still the gold standard most manufacturers will have a uphill climb to compete any PC handheld will Almost 100% of the time have the same store installed on it meaning valve will make revenue on game sales only making it easier to R&D their next handheld and ultimately making it easier to smoke the competition with its next iteration of the steam deck so a potential sale the Rog Ally Only means more sales on Steam game store good job Asus honestly out of everything I still recommend this the fit and finish the feel the the overall Excellence with the OS and the UI and how how everything just fits together and it just works so well Windows can't match it the Asus RG Ali can't match the price but speaking of the RG Ally there is something interesting about it it's more powerful has high refresh rate you know 1080p display you know RGB has still like the back buttons there's a lot here that I enjoy but there might be something else I might be able to add [Music] to and as always thanks for [Music] watching it's
Channel: Numb Skull Krew Entertainment
Views: 2,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mt93, NSKE, Valve, Steam, Deck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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