How to Jailbreak the PS5 Completely Offline (4.51 or Lower)

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hey what's up guys it's moded Warfare here welcome back to another PS5 jailbreak tutorial so in this one I'm going to be showing you guys how to fully set up the PS5 jailbreak from start to finish completely offline a completely offline solution this is primarily for people who want to prevent system updates from being downloaded onto the console which if installed would patch the jailbreak and the best way to avoid that is to be completely offline from the start so that's what we're going to cover here in this video there's also people obviously who are worried about getting console banned if they connect to the internet that's not really an issue because we're on an older firmware and we can't connect to PSN anyway so it's not really a problem but if you want to be extra safe then being completely offline from the start is the way to go so we're going to do this by using an ESP 8266 or an ESP 32 32 S2 or 32 S3 those are the supported models right now so these are basically little Wi-Fi development boards that can run their own isolated Wi-Fi network as well as a web server to host the exploit so it's a completely offline solution cuz you just connect to the Chip's own Wi-Fi network and that Wi-Fi network is not connected to the internet and therefore you stay offline while still being able to access network features so it's pretty much the best offline solution for PS5 jailbreaks right now so you can either go with like I say the 8266 or the esp32 or the 32 S2 or S3 the 8266 is the cheapest I believe of the chips and it does have a little less features but it will work just fine so normally they're about half this price you can get them for about $3 or4 and they're practically giving them away on AliExpress although those are probably cloned versions which are you know we don't really know what the qualities like on those so you can go ahead and grab yourself one of those for just a few dollars okay so first we need to get things set up on the PS5 so we're going to head into the settings go to our network settings go down to settings make sure the connect to internet box is unchecked for for now then we're going to go back and go to the system and go to system software and system updates and settings and you want to make sure Download update files automatically and install update files automatically are both unchecked make sure that is set and then head to the console information and you just want to make sure that your system software version is jailbreakable so after the dash you can see mine is 0 4.03 that means I'm on firmware 4.03 you can follow this if your firmware matches any of the firmwares you see in the list from 3.0 all the way up to 4.51 then that means you have a jailbreakable firmware so once you've confirmed all that we can switch back over to the computer in order to set up our ESP chip so switching over to the computer first thing I'm going to do is right click on my start menu and go to the device manager so what I'm going to do is plug in my ESP 8266 chip into my computer with the USB cable and then it should refresh in device manager so we now have in ports Comm and lpt we have a USB serial device showing up here and I can see that it's on comport 8 so just make a note of the comport of your ESP device now you may need a driver in order to use your ESP chip so you can download the drivers from the link in the description normally it will be either a cp210x driver which you can download from here or it might be a ch340 driver some ESP chips use ch340 some use cp210x so you can go ahead and download the ch340 driver here so down here you've got the windows.exe you just hit the install button and install the driver so once you have that up and running you should be good to go right here now there are some ESP chips like the esp32 S2s that need to be switched into a flash mode or program mode in order for them to be detected by your computer so like for the esp32 S2s you have to hold down the boot button and then press the reset button button on the chip in order to switch it into program mode but for most ESP chips you should be able to program them just as is just by plugging in the USB cable and the drivers should be automatically detected or installed by Windows 11 so from here what we want to do is get the node MCU flasher utility which you can download from the link in the description on GitHub download that application and copy it somewhere on your computer and you also want to download this PS5 ESP hosts 7zip file here that I've created in order to kind of make it easier for you guys to get everything up and running for your ESP chip so if we extract this first of all over to our desktop what we want to do is open up node MCU flasher you might need to run it as administrator and then from here we're going to click the reload button and then browse for our comp Port so you if you remember mine in device manager was on comp Port 8 so I'm going to select com 8 and then we want to select our node MCU firmware so you want to go to the PS5 ESP host folder uh from the download and then go to the binaries folder and then select the binary that matches your ESP chip so in my case I'm doing an ESP 8266 so I'm going to select the bin file for esp8266 so select the one for your chip and then click open and then we're going to leave the B rate on 115200 it does say on your chip probably on the back of your chip it may say what the preferred right speed is so you could set it to that but if you don't know I'm just going to leave it on 11 152000 then we've got the flash mode which I normally just leave on Dio you want to say yes wipe all data and then flash node MCU and this will write the binary file onto the chip which will give us our Wi-Fi network on the chip as well as the web server that's hosting the exploit all of that will be flashed onto the chip right here so there we go leaving once it says it's leaving then we should be good you might get an error if you're on an ESP 32 S2 or S3 or maybe some other ESP chip uh where it's unable to come out of its flash mode in which case you just need to unplug it and plug it back in and you should be good now you should do that anyway at this point so once it's finished writing we're going to unplug our ESP chip and plug it back in and it at this point you can just plug it into the PS5 I would plug it probably into the back USB port so it's out of the away and that way whenever you turn the PS5 on the Wi-Fi network should come on your PS5 can be set up to automatically connect to it and that way it's just a permanent setup every time you turn the PS5 on the Wi-Fi Network's there hosting the exploit for you so we can switch on over to our PS5 again and get things set up with the ESP chip now so if we head over to settings if we go down to network settings settings connect to the internet set up an internet connection and select the ESP chips Wi-Fi network which will show up as a PS5 web access point so select that option there PS5 web AP then you've got the password which should just be password so PSS w o r d again this is an offline isolated Network so it doesn't have to have a secure password but I will show you how to change the password very soon so we're going to go ahead and click okay there and get connected up to this network connecting to access point and then of course it will fail to connect to the internet because it doesn't have internet access but we are connected but because it's running its own Local web server on the ESP chip all we need to do is go over to the user guide page and it should redirect us over to the web server that's running the exploit so we'll say yes to the security certificate and there we go bam straight onto a jailbreak site where we can Jailbreak our PS5 now you can see there it's also downloading the offline cache so we'll wait for that to complete it can take quite a while there seems to be something where on certain ESP chips it takes a really long time to cash so you may have to wait several minutes in some cases but basically what that's doing is caching the page there we go finished cashing site so it caches the whole site for offline use now you're already offline but but what that will do is it means it will no longer require the ESP chip in order to access it so you'll be able to access this even if the ESP chip is not working or the Wi-Fi network on the ESP chip goes down you'll still be able to access this and it should load things faster than it would normally load loading it directly off the ESP chip itself so now that we've cached the site we should refresh by hitting the options button and clicking reload see how quickly it loaded this time because it's running from the offline cache so from here we can hit the jailbreak button to try and jailbreak our PS5 and let it run the exploit triggering uaf okay so it failed to find victim socket which is basically a crash except it doesn't happen until you close the browser so as soon as I close the browser it's going to crash on me so uh yeah obviously when you load the jailbreak it's not a perfectly stable jailbreak it will crash from time to time when trying to load the jailbreak but once the jailbreak does load it should be stable so we just have to reboot and keep trying until it eventually loads successfully redri established and there we go we have it up and running right here so we've got all the different payloads that we can load the main jailbreak payload for the PS5 of course is the ETA hen payload so we're going to run this all right there we go as you can see ETA hen is up and running loaded special thanks to Golden of course this is by lightning mods so that's now up and running so if we press the PS button to exit we now have the jailbreak running now I'm not going to go into any detail on this video about how to use the jailbreak I definitely recommend checking out my main jailbreak tutorial uh which covers the online method but it's also gives you a good introduction to using the PS5 jailbreak so anyway from here if we go back into the settings we now have access to the debug settings and we can use this to install a kind of web browser package that will launch into the exploit on the ESP host uh which is which can be quite a bit more convenient than having to load it from the user guide every single time so let's go ahead and do that real quick so if we switch back over to our computer again grab yourself a USB drive so I've got one right here usbf so I'm going to go into that USB drive and then from here if you go back into the PS5 ESP host folder we've got the pkgs folder if we go into the packages folder here you can see we've got a package for ESP host and ESP host media if you copy those to the root of your USB make sure the USB drive here is formatted in either X fat or fat 32 format in order for it to be detected ected by the PS5 and then we're going to eject the drive and plug it into our PS5 okay so back on the PS5 we're going to go into the debug settings and go to game click okay to that message and go to package installer and we've got both of the package files showing up here so we'll install both of them so there we go ESP host and ESP host media is now installed so the difference is ESP host media just goes into the media section and ESP host goes into the game section and and that's so that uh these shortcuts can actually disappear if you keep launching lots of different games it will push this shortcut further and further back until eventually it goes into the games Library where it will not be able to be launched from the games Library so it's just handy to have one in the media section where you probably don't have that many apps so that that is unlikely to happen so from here you can just basically launch one of these shortcuts and it will take you straight to the exploit site straight from the whole menu which is a little bit faster getting access to it a little bit better accessing it from this rather than the user guide so that is the basic offline setup done and this gives you the advantage of also having network features so that you can do things like access the file system over FTP use PS5 debug send payloads over the network you can do all of those things that you wouldn't be able to do if you were just using the offline cash method without an ESP chip so the ESP chip gives you all this functionality while still remaining completely offline so that is the big Advantage here so if you were wanting to use any network features and connect to the PS5 from another device in order to do that let's say you want to FTP to the PS5 to access the file system remotely then all you have to do on the device that you're wanting to connect to the PS5 from in my case it's my computer I can just connect to that same Wi-Fi network as you can see here I'm connected to the PS5 web access point and then from there all I need to do is open up an FTP client put in the IP address of the uh PS5 which I think is 100 and then port number 1337 and then we can quick connect and click okay and there we go retrieving directory listing it's a bit slow on an esp8266 that's the only thing uh but as you can see I have access to the file system even though we're completely offline on our PS5 we can still use Network features and connect to it from another device so that is the big advantage of using an ESP chip instead of just relying on an offline cache which has no network functionality uh once you go offline so that is the big Advantage right there now if you want to configure the Wi-Fi network then you can press L2 to switch to the browser and from here there's a pinned link which will take you to the admin panel of the web server so if we press X on that you can see we can adjust the the web panel here you may need to select the config editor on the other ESP chips to access this page but from here you can change the SSID so the Wi-Fi network change the Wi-Fi Network's name you can also change the password from here as well but I wouldn't really recommend messing with any of the other settings but you can change the SS ID and the password and you also have access to the file manager which can be used to update the payloads now you'll need to do this on the computer by connecting to the network so let me just go over that so once we're connected all we need to do is go to that same admin panel link here so admin. HTML if we go to that link that will take us here and then we can go to the file manager to update our payloads you may want to update the payloads quite often especially ETA hen which gets updated quite frequently at the moment so if a new build of ETA hen comes out I think 1.4 is due to release really soon it might be out by the time this video goes out so if you want to update a payload like the ETA hen payload or add any additional payloads to the host then this is what you need to do here so if you go into the PS5 ESP host folder we've got a files folder in here if you go in there you've got the host which is the actual host that is running on the ESP chip which contains all the payloads and you have this update script here so what you need to do is let's say I've got a new payload so I actually have ETA hen uh version 1.4 which is right here so I've got this payload so what I would do is I would delete ETA hen version 1.3 because there's not going to be enough space for both and I'm going to put ETA hen version 1.4 in here so I've updated the payload and if I have any other payloads I also have this slay's go decryption or dumper payload I'll also throw that one in as well so once you've added your payloads to the host you then want to run the update payloads dobat file so give that a run and there we go that'll update the poost map and it will also create a new app cache so that the payloads can be cashed offline now if you get an error while running that uh update payloads dobat make sure you have python installed from the Microsoft store before running this otherwise uh it will not create the cache and then from there you just want to upload this to the chip which you can do from that web panel so if we go back to the web panel here all we need to do is go to the storage format and format storage click okay that will basically just delete all of the files on the ESP chip so it'll just get rid of them all in one go there we go so if we go back to the file manager it's now empty so now we'll go to the file uploader and then from here we can select files and if we go back onto PS5 ESP host we just want to go into the host folder select all of the files in here and click open and that will add them all in and then we just click upload files and that will upload all of those back onto the chip so we're now up uploading our updated host with our updated payloads and new payloads that we've added we're now adding that back onto the chip okay there we go we can see we've now got 3.00 to webkit JS that means all the files have been successfully uploaded because there's not much space on these chips and there's not much flash memory on them then of course if you add too many payloads it it's not going to fit onto the device and then you'll notice that when you tried to upload all of the files some of them didn't upload because there wasn't enough space to include them so you're going to have to work around that space limitation okay so back on the PS5 if we launched the ESP host again and you can see it's now downloading new cash because we've updated the payloads so we'll give it time to update the cache so we've got our updated ETA hen payload updated to version 1.4 and there we go site has been updated to a new version it says please refresh so we'll go ahead and reload and there we go cash is now up to date so we can run the jailbreak again and there we go so the way the payloads are added it doesn't include the source or description anymore when you update it but you can see we now have ETA hen version 1.4b showing up here and the Slayers dumping payload as well that I added is also on here along with all of the other payloads that were available before so let's run ETA hen version 1.4b and there we go you can see that is running 1.4b enabled and we have done it so it's as easy as that to update the payloads in the host if you want to add a brand new host that's completely different you can also do that upload a different web host to the device that's totally possible but uh yeah with this solution it's pretty straightforward so that also works just fine so now one final thing I should mention if you're on an ESP 32 based chip so a 32 or a 32 S2 or S3 three you actually have another ability which is the ability to compress the payloads and that will allow you to fit more of them on the host so you can fit more on that limited flash storage uh that the ESP chip has so for example what you can do if you have szip installed you can basically just compress any payloads that are large like the ETA hen payload you can go to seven zip and add that to Archive and make sure you select gzip as the compression format or the archive format and you can put it on Ultra compression and then that will put it from you know 1.3 megabytes down to 443 kilobytes and then delete the original payload and an esp32 chip the host will actually decompress it and then launch it when you select the payload which will take a bit longer to actually load the payload but it will work and that way you can do this with all of your payloads you can also do this with all of the you know all of the files in the host every single one of them you can actually compress uh into a gzip file to really squash the file size down and then you can put more payloads on there so if you want to get more payloads on your host that is a way to do it but it only works on the ESP 32 based chips and the offline cach will not work uh with compressed payloads so anyway that is basically it for this video thanks to stug for creating the source for the ESP chips and to wo for actually updating the source for the ESP 8266 to include the web panel which is much appreciated so anyway hope you guys enjoyed this video or found the information useful if you did please leave a like And subscribe and I'll hopefully see you guys in the next [Music] video
Views: 40,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, PlayStation 5, Jailbreak, Offline, ESP, ESP32, ESP8266, 8266, 3.xx, 4.xx, 4.03, 4.50, 4.51, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Guide, Setup, How to, Deep Dive, Tips, Homebrew, Wifi
Id: rg6iCWmqITo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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