How to run Cheats & Trainers on a Jailbroken PS5

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hey what is going on guys it's moded Warf here welcome back to another PS5 tutorial so in this one I'm going to be giving you guys a full guide on how to get cheats and trainers up and running on your favorite PS4 and PS5 games so you can get your favorite cheats applied so this is now possible thanks to the PS5 debug payload and of course some updated tools so we can now get our trainers running here on the PS5 so first thing we're going to do we're going to do a PS4 game and a PS5 game so for PS4 games I've got days gone so if if I press options and head down to information it's very important that you check your game version before trying to apply a trainer cuz if you use a trainer for the wrong game version then it will just freeze the game so you can see I'm on version 1.51 of days gone so next we want to run the internet browser and load up our exploit host so I'll use um es7 i1 do site to go to one of the exploit hosts and I'll use Idol sau's host here to jailbreak the PS5 if you don't know how to get that set up up and running I have a full guide that I'll leave down in the video description but uh we're going to go ahead and run the jailbreak here so once you have the exploit loaded you need to run the PS5 debug payload first of all make sure that's the first payload that you run now if your game is a retail game not a fake package game then just run the PS5 debug payload and nothing else however if you're using a fake package game like a fake package PS4 game then you will also then need to run the K stuff payload in order to be able to run your PS4 game so run that payload next if it is a fake package game that you are wanting to run the trainer on and also note down your IP address that shows up here listening on 192168 13722 we want to get that information there as well so so once you have all that done we're basically ready to attach the trainer so we'll go ahead and run the game okay so I've got the game up and running here so we'll pause the game and switch over to our computer to grab the trainer so the trainer we want to get here here is the multi-t triner 1.81 or any higher version by shinen gami which supports the PS5 as you can see here the latest update has added offsets for PS5 so we're just going to go ahead and download this you can just enter zero if you don't want to leave a donation you'll be able to get the download or you can enter a donation if you want to help support the tool and get the download so you have that option there so this will all be linked in the video description everything that I use here in this video so from here we can go ahead and extract the multi triner out to our deck desktop now it may show up as a virus in Windows Defender I had to add it as an exception it's just because it's heavily OB fiscated The Source codes heavily offis skated which causes false positive detections and antiviruses so you may have to disable your antivirus or just add an exception for the program to get it to work and to stop your antivirus deleting it which is kind of unfortunate because Windows Defender is obviously what most people use so anyway if we go ahead and open up the trainer here and search for the game so you can see we've got 7 108 trainers loaded and if it doesn't load all of the trainers immediately you should press the button here to update trainer list and that will grab all of the latest trainers there it goes downloading them all so 78 trainers loaded you can also reload the trainers if you add any manually and you want to refresh it you can go ahead and do that too we also want to head to the settings and make sure you enter the IP address of your PS5 in the PS4 IP Box so 19216811 37226 was the IP address of my uh PS five also you've got the folders here that show you where the trainer route is if you want to add your own trainers which we will be doing later keep a note of that there as well so from here we can go ahead and search for the game so days gone we'll just type in days so we've got a few trainers here so that's for 1.80 1.81 the one we want is for 1.51 cuz that's the version that I had installed so select the correct trainer for your game version so that's going to be this one here now I am on a slightly different game version I'm actually on C us say 09 176 not 175 so it'll probably complain when I attach the trainer about the IDS being mismatched and some issues that can come with that but generally it should still work cuz they're pretty much the same on the same game version so I'm going to go ahead and attach the trainer and there we go project game doesn't match the actual game I'll just click okay and get it up and running so there we go it says trainer attached you also get a notification on the PS5 itself to say that the trainer's been attached and then we can enable some cheap so let's enable bottomless Clips so we don't have to reload our weapons so we'll enable that now it's important to leave a few seconds between activating each cheat cuz if you click on too many at once then it will probably time out it takes a while to send all that data to the console um and for it to you know verify it and all that so once it's checked we can go ahead and activate the next cheat which is going to be infinite ammo and then I'll also activate infinite items so that uh yeah we have basically infinite consumables that we can use enable that one as well and there we go everything is enabled so if we switch back over to the game we'll check to see if that if that has worked so we'll go ahead and fire our weapon you can see we don't have to reload the crossbow and we're not running out of ammo can also do the same with our pistol here unlimited ammo is enabled and then also grab our Molotov you can see we've got unlimited Molotov there as well and in terms of like infinite items here we can craft as many bandages as we want because we have infinite items so yeah there we go that's all working absolutely fine so yeah those are PS4 games there's lots of trainers available there for your PS4 games in this multi- trainer now to switch to a PS5 game I'm going to go ahead and first of all detach the trainer you should always detach the trainer while you're still on the game before exiting so there we go now the trainer is detached we can close out of this close out of this here so for PS5 games there aren't really many PS5 trainers in here I don't think there's any right now there was a trainer for Demon Souls somewhere but I'm not seeing it in in here right now so that's a bit of a shame so I went ahead and created my own PS5 trainer that I'll apply to the game there's also like some other PS4 games that are missing in this list at the moment like Assassin's Creed uh Mirage is not in here for whatever reason so I'm going to go ahead and show you guys how you can apply your own trainers U basically your own trainers and add them to this multi trainer so that you can have more PS4 games as well as adding any new PS5 game trainers that come out in the future so in order to do this we're going to close out of the application right now and I've got my Rift apart trainer that I made for Ratchet and Clank Rift apart a native PS5 game it supports the base version and 1.2 of Rift apart so to install this trainer what I need to do is first of all open up my documents folder on my computer so if we open up the documents folder this this is where the reaper reborn folder gets created from the multi-t trainer so if you go into that folder after you've run the trainer you'll have the trainer's folder and in here you've got all your different trainer types that you can add to these folders to get them to show up in the program so all we need to do is add our PS5 trainer in here so it's an shn EXT file which is a sh next trainer we'll copy it into this folder here we'll pop those in there and we can also add our cover image into the covers so that we can get the icon showing up properly as well so that's been added and if you want to add more PS4 games uh more PS4 game cheats then you can actually just download the whole goldhen cheats repository which has the most cheats for all of your different PS4 games you can just go ahead and download it here as a zip file from this GitHub repo and download all of the gold handen sheets for the PS4 and then from here if we open up the golden cheats repository we've got our Json cheats mc4 and shn if I go into into the Json folder I can highlight all of these and then go back to our trainers folder for the multi trainer and go into the Json trainers folder and basically just copy all of these Json Trainers for gold hen into the trainer folder so we can get all of those added and then we can also do the same for the mc4 cheats we'll just drag those all into the mc4 trainers folder okay and then finally I'll also do the shn trainers and copy those into the shn trainers folder and there we go so that's all of the cheats from gold hen have now been added to the multi trainer now they will not show up correctly in the multi trainer because they're not named correctly for the multi trainer to be able to identify them properly so what you can do is I've also created another program uh which I will leave in the video description so I've created a program here called goldhen to trainer. exe if you copy the exe and the dll file into the trainers folder in Reaper reborn and then just highlight your Json trainers your mc4 trainers and your shn trainers and drag them on top of the program and then just say yes to delete incompatible files and then there we go done that will basically rename all of them so that they should show up correctly in the trainer and there we go that is all done shn trainers all renamed so we are good to go so now if we go back into the multi trainer run it again and you can see how many trainers it's loading now from 700 n to almost 3,000 obviously a lot of these will be duplicates but not all of them will be duplicates you can see we have our Ratchet and Clank Rift apart trainer added in here and if I search for Assassin's Creed we should find assassin's creed Mirage is now available so there it is there Assassin's Creed Mirage so we do have a bunch of extra trainers added in here that we didn't have before all right so let's go ahead and try a PS5 game now so Ratchet and Clank Rift apart I'm on version 1.002 so I'll load up this trainer here here and then switch back over to our PS5 and Run the game so we'll close out of days gone and we'll load up Ratchet and Clank Rift apart okay so here we are loaded up into our native PS5 game so once again we'll pause it and switch back over to our computer to enable the trainer so we'll attach trainer so I just added a few options into this trainer as a little example so we've got infinite ammo one hit kill and infinite health freeze Curren see at vendors which basically means anything you buy at a vendor will not take any of your money away and then also we've got Bolts Plus rare rare ranium multiplier which will multiply any currency you earn in the game by the multiplier value so for instance here we'll go ahead and enable infinite health first of all so Infinite Health Plus One Hit kill so Infinite Health Plus One Hit kill is a toggle so we can also enable infinite health from here get that enabled and then also one hit kill so that way you can have infinite health plus one hit kill or just one hit kill or just infinite health and then also we're going to go ahead and enable infinite ammo and then finally we'll also add the multiplier and we'll do like 10,000 or 100,000 no we'll do 10,000 10,000 bolts so every bolt we get will be equal to 10,000 bolts instead so we'll go ahead and enable the multiplier and there we go that should be all good so let's give this a try switch back into the game resume so we should be good right here let's try and take some hits see what happens okay there we go we took a hit but the health bar didn't even appear because we didn't take any damage we're still on Max Health right here 30 out of 30 still 30 out of 30 as you can see we're not losing any health now in terms of one hit kill it's kind of two hit kills right now because you have to knock their armor off but once new stuff spawns in it should be one hit kill so this ship shouldn't normally take one shot but I can kill it in one hit right there that's also working so we got one hit kill you can also see how many bolts I'm getting hundreds of thousands of bolts here thanks to the bolt multiplier so it's going absolutely crazy down there in the bottom right hand corner you can see how many bolts we've got and we can kill all of these enemies in one hit they all go down in one shot all of that stuff is working we've got our bolt multiplier our limited ammo as you can see I can like hold down not losing any ammo whatsoever still 154 out of 154 so yeah anyway that's a native PS5 game that we have a trainer for there are other trainers there is one for Demon Souls out there if I find it I'll leave it in the description and I'm sure there will be more PS5 games added as time goes on it's just a bit slow right now uh because it's only just available for PS5 and a lot of the cheat developers are still on PS4 there's not that many of them on PS PS5 right now so there's not as many PS 5 game trainers available but there will be more added as time goes on so you've got all these PS4 cheats that you can use for all of your PS4 games on the PS5 right now as well uh there's hundreds of cheats for you know all these different PS4 games that you can use from the jailbroken PS4 that can now be used on the PS5 by the way if you want to learn how to make your own cheats yourself how to create your own trainers like this then definitely let me know because I can definitely do an updated tutorial on it I did one like a couple of years ago about it uh which is definitely outdated now because of some of the updated tools that we have um and of course I never went into code cave in that video so I could certainly you know go a lot further and do a new tutorial covering that and showing you guys how to make your own Trainers for the PS4 and the PS5 since it's the same tools that you use to develop the cheats on both PS4 and PS5 so definitely let me know if you would be interested in that and also just to show you guys that the cheats from Golden do in fact work when added as you can see here Assassin's Creed Mirage that we didn't originally have cheats for was added with the golden cheats and the trainer is working I can attach it and enable things like one hit kill and infinite health and when I go into the game you can see that it is actually working I can kill the enemies in one hit and I'm not taking any damage so that all works as well so you've got all so you've got hundreds and hundreds of cheats for your PS4 games there's only a couple of cheats available for PS5 games right now but that will improve as time goes on there's just not that many uh cheat developers on the PS5 yet and uh it's still early days but we will get more trainers available for PS5 games in the future and I think there is a demon souls trainer somewhere so if I find it I'll also include it but uh yeah anyway that's it from me so hope you guys enjoyed this video or found the information useful if you did please leave a like And subscribe and I'll hopefully see you guys in the next [Music] one [Music]
Views: 27,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4, PS5, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Cheats, Trainer, Mods, Modding, Mod tool, Jailbreak, Games, 3.xx, 4.xx, 4.03, 4.50, 4.51, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Guide, Setup, How to, MultiTrainer, GoldHEN Cheats, PS4 Cheats, PS5 Cheats
Id: O7EtugWRVe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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