How to Create Neon Glow Effect Lights & Objects | Adobe Photoshop

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everyone hope you doing well we've all come across these stunning images on Instagram of glowing geometric forms in the middle of nowhere so I'm gonna show you how to do it so you can add this to to your editing techniques in Photoshop so let's jump in and I'll show you right away okay guys once in Photoshop you load up your images be sure to use images that tend towards the dark tones otherwise your glowing objects will not stand out as much in this case I have this landscape shot and an afternoon in Musante and a portrait of myself in the middle of the forest yeah when I look at this landscape I imagine a glowing archway over this little winding road so that's exactly what we're going to do first step is to make a new layer we're gonna name this one our main glow in order to get the decent and not flat looking color we need to make several layers of glow so we're gonna grab our pen tool and draw out a polygon whatever form you need or desire in this case is just gonna be a simple archway okay let me just adjust this last point yep happy with that then you're gonna right-click and stroke path the tool is gonna be brushed okay and then you delete the path so there we have a little light heart rate now we're going to duplicate this layer and we're going to name the duplicate inner glow the inner glow is the one that's gonna have the whitest and straightforward line and light I'm sorry okay so the next step is right-click our main glow go to blending options and checkmark outer glow be sure to use the blending mode screen pass it to 290 the color to red and the contour to point okay here okay and as you can see now it has a little lower but it's still not enough so we're gonna go up to filter - blur - Gaussian blur and we're gonna set the radius up to 5 hit enter again and now you can see has a little glow to it now we're going to duplicate this layer once again but this time is going to be our outer glow our are to glow we're gonna set the filter again go to blur Gaussian blur but this time we're going to set the radius to 20 yep as you can see it's looking quite like a neon light ok the next step is to put the ambient light so in this case I'm gonna make a new layer and with our brush tool set to red give it a big radius in this case I'm gonna go to which a big help out to 200 yeah okay so it's gonna be the light from the poles hitting the ground so with ctrl t transform or command T you can adjust the perspective of this little dot that you made happy with that click enter and with the Alt key you can copy it hope not this time okay alt yeah now you can copy it okay it's a bit too strong but for that first you gotta combine these two layers and then we're gonna go up to blur once again Gaussian blur at 20 and there we have it now it's a lot more diffused we're gonna get the opacity down about 270 it's a little too strong yeah like that okay now we're missing the ambience light on the surroundings so for that we're gonna create a gradient map well already double-click on the gradient and set this point location to 50 and the color to red yeah then this other point we're going to go up to color I'm going to type in this number hit OK okay now we be sure to use to put the gradient map below everything so we're gonna go up to image adjustments I'm gonna go to invert okay now with your brush tool set to white you can color whatever you want to be read from the gradient with the black color you will erase whatever you've done so I'm gonna set the radius to 50 of the brush and start coloring away be sure to use weight okay I'm pretty much happy with that yep okay now we're gonna go up to blur once again Gaussian blur this time the radius is gonna be set to 100 so now it's a lot more diffused okay it looks pretty good another step to make it more realistic is to add a brighten it cut right nurse and contrast mask so we've hit this little button here and the brightness to 150 contrast to 70 okay it's a bit too much I'm gonna turn the opacity a bit down about 70 no maybe 50 okay it's looking pretty good okay now I'm gonna show you how to change the color if you wish so you select for your gloves make them into a group and then you're gonna add a hue and saturation mask okay with the here you can play around with the colors be sure to set that little button there that only affects the object below okay so how about like that whole range yeah I like it like that but then you have to change the gradient as well so right click the gradient not the mask the gradient double-click and in that middle point you're gonna choose your orange color that's more like it hit OK and there you have it that's how you change color and I have I'm happy with this archway happy with this image yeah so now let's go to our second example and the portrait of myself so I'm gonna set this to white once again create a new layer same steps this is gonna be our main glow and in this case I'm gonna do a polygon around my head okay so with your pen tool you start to draw out it's gonna be your polygon okay the stroke path is determined by your brush - so you're gonna set the brush tool to ten the radius okay now you've got the stroke path okay now you can delete the path and there you have it's going to start out to be your neon polygon I'm going to duplicate the main globe once again to our inner glow remember our inner glow is the one that we don't put any color on it so we go back to our main glow and this one go to blending options I can go down checkmark outer glow use the same ten values us in the last example hit OK okay not looking pretty neat put the filter blur Gaussian blur radius to five remember okay now we're going to duplicate this layer for our outer glow yep the filter once again Gaussian blur remember this time it's gonna be wider so it's gonna be 20 yeah okay pretty much looking cool like a neon sign okay next up the ambience gradient map double click on the gradient with this pot set the location to 50 and the color to red hit OK and the last spot down here remember to type in this number magical number okay hit OK remember to invert this mask I can go up to image adjustments and to invert [Music] now with your pencil - pen - - I'm sorry you can draw out whatever you want to be illuminated by the neon yeah around my eyes obviously that's going to be remitted a bit of my ear so now we're gonna go to blur Gaussian blur and set the radius to a 100 and now it's pretty pretty cool actually okay the gradient map always goes below all the neon lights gonna set the opacity down a bit how about 270 yeah next step trade the brightness and contrast mask set the brightness to 150 and the contrast to 70 okay so do passed it down a bit about 15 yeah and you can invert this one as well or in this case I'm not going to do it so just make a group once again I'm gonna change the color up yeah you're in a saturation mask and in the here you can change the color of your new hope remember to check mark this little button okay and now I'm gonna change the color of the gradient double click on the gradient double click on the color and choose a color that coincides with the neon side so I look at this it looks pretty pretty neat pretty happy with the results actually it looks pretty good it's pretty interesting give an extra touch to your portraits and landscapes [Music] so guys the final steps to cut a fat friends and start doing the five movements that oh it starts to open the port I'm just kidding guys if you make any photos and upload them be sure to tag me on Instagram I'd love to see your work got some knowledge out of this just leave a thumbs up please and subscribe if you want to see you next one Cheers [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tone Fuentes
Views: 463,543
Rating: 4.9436517 out of 5
Keywords: light effect, neon effect, neon effect photoshop, photoshop glow effect, neon lines, neon glow effect, neon lights, photoshop, photoshop tutorial, photoshop glow, neon objects, how to create neon effect in photoshop, tone fuentes, neon geometry, how to create glowing effect, create neon lights, how to make objects glow, glowing objects, neon shapes, create glowing lights, make neon signs, neon signs, neon photography, neon photography photoshop
Id: CTNliX7J7_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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