Create a Glow Effect in Photoshop! | Tutorial by PHLEARN

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today i'm going to show you how to make an awesome glow effect in photoshop [Music] hey there welcome to phlearn my name is aaron nace today we're going to start off by darkening this image and then creating a light source and then drawing that light source interacting with our subject and we're including a sample psd as well as a special photoshop brush for free with this tutorial just follow the link in the description right down below we got a great tutorial let's go ahead and jump in so here's our sample image we've got a person doing yoga i thought hey it might be fun to add like a glowing circle of energy around that person so we want to add a light source so the whole image has to get a little bit darker so we're going to do that with levels so we're going to go to layer down to new adjustment layer and then over to levels there we go now when we have our levels i just want to take my brights and we're just going to kind of pull these down right to about there we're going to fine tune this in just a little bit but we're just basically making this a lot darker next we want to make our energy field so i'm going to go ahead and grab a shape tool we're going to go to our shape tools here on the left and i'm going to go to my ellipse tool there we go now with my ellipse tool selected i'm going to click and drag and i'm going to hold shift to make sure we have a perfect circle and there we go right around it looks good i'm going to go ahead and let go now we have some options on how we'd like to fill this circle in the fill i'm just going to set this to none here and then the stroke we're going to set this to a color i'm just going to use like a bright uh green color here and then we're just going to increase the width i'm going to hit ctrl or command h to simply hide my selection real quick that way i can actually see the width of of this circle here there we go that looks pretty good let's make a really small one and i'm going to hit controller command j to duplicate this layer there we go and then we're going to make another one that's a little bit bigger fantastic that looks pretty good there now what with these shapes i want them to kind of look like they're actually glowing so i need a little bit of like blur to the shapes so what we're going to go ahead and do is duplicate these shapes and then just add a gaussian blur it's the easiest way to do it so let's go ahead and start off here we'll zoom into our uh image here this shape here this is with our shape tool so i don't want to go ahead and start working on this let's make a duplicate of it and then i can rasterize that duplication so let's hit controller command j to duplicate that we'll just bring it to the top we're going to right click and go to rasterize layer okay that just makes it into a regular layer okay so the next thing we're going to do we're going to change our blend mode from normal down to screen there we go and i'm going to hit ctrl command j to duplicate that and then we're just going to go to filter and then we're going to go to blur and then gaussian blur and as you can see i have a keyboard shortcut set up for gaussian blur shift option control g so that's what i'm going to be doing from here on out there we go gaussian blur and then you can just basically choose your blur now of course you could set this to a smart object if you wanted but i'm going to be making a bunch of these so i just want to go this as quick as possible so i'm gonna hit controller command j again and then we're just gonna give that a little bit more of a blur all right controller command j again and a little bit more of a blur there we go and let's just do the same thing so again i'm just duplicating and then blurring duplicating and then blurring that's basically all we're doing and that just creates a little bit like more effect so you can see if i make some of these invisible you kind of see the blur effect is kind of going away and then here's my original layer and this is going to get a little bit of a blur on it too we just don't want it to be so perfect right there we go cool now i really like how this looks so far uh i do want to just add let's go ahead and group all those together so i'm just going to shift click all those and hit control or command g there we go now you remember we made this thicker shape here let's go ahead and add some blurs there so let's duplicate that i like keeping my original ellipses there so i can work with them but basically we're working with duplicates of the shapes so let's go ahead and rasterize this duplicate now okay and then this one is going to get a nice big blur on it too there we go we'll do one right about there that looks pretty good let's be sure to change our blend mode from normal down to screen and then another one so controller command j and then we'll just do a nice big blur on that one too i find that kind of like the more levels of duplication and blur you you do that like kind of the real more real the effect tends to look so let's go ahead and group all those together as well all right now here in my original group let's just scroll down don't forget you guys can download the psd of this entire process so if you're looking at this and you're like this is getting a little complicated already don't worry you can download the psd and kind of go through everything step by step and see what we've done basically we're just duplicating the circle a bunch and blurring it okay so here is our original shape i just want to use my brush tool and we're going to add a layer mask i'm going to paint black at like 20 flow uh in some areas and that's just going to make this thing like not perfect right like uh you know in here it looks kind of like faded away here it looks a little bit stronger i just don't want it to be like absolutely you know absolutely the same so here's turning that layer mask off and on you can see it's just subtle difference but it kind of helps just give it a little bit more of an organic feel all right so that's our entire thing i'm going to group those both together and then guess what i can just hit ctrl or command j on everything i'm going to hit controller command e to merge that together and then we can start playing around here you can go with different things uh you know what the cool thing here is i can even colorize this if i wanted to i can add oh this dissolve is kind of cool i actually really like that dissolve it's something that i don't get to use very often in photoshop but dissolve looks super cool so what we're going to do is i'm going to stick with this dissolve but i actually don't want the layer to be i want this effect but i don't want the layer to actually be set to dissolve because once it's set to dissolve if i for instance uh you know add a layer mask and things like that it starts to behave a little bit weird and like really up close it's just a bunch of squares so i want to refine that dissolve just a little bit so if you ever have an effect that you're like i like that dissolve effect but i want a little more control here's a good way to solve that what we're going to do is add a solid color fill layer right underneath it there you go and then here's a real good visualization of just the dissolve so next i just need to be able to select the color range of the dissolve so i'm just going to create a new layer we'll go to select and then down to color range there we go and i'm just going to click here right on my circle and then we'll just bring up our fuzziness you can see the white area gets selected so that's basically what's selected with the dissolve and then on a new layer check this out i'm going to hit shift delete and we're just going to fill this with my foreground color which is that same blue color all right and then controller command d to deselect and then all these layers i'm just going to delete them because we don't need them anymore so now check this out i have this layer which is basically the dissolve effect right really cool but it's on a regular normal layer so basically i just put a black layer underneath it so it could stand off a little bit more and then we just extracted this out with a selection pretty cool so let's add a little bit of a gaussian blur because it doesn't it's got that photoshopy look right now so we're just going to add a tiny bit of a gaussian blur and that's just going to help it look a little more organic you can see there's the preview before and after makes a pretty big difference i think all right and then let's just do one more of those and i'm going to hit controller command t we'll just kind of scale this up there there we go and then this is going to get a little bit of a blur to it as well there we go a little bit more of a blur all right fantastic i'm gonna scale it back down i think that looked good that was looking good okay cool now here's my original ellipse i don't know if you guys remember it let's just go back i'm going to group all these together and just pull this down there we go and then here's our original lips i'm just going to set this from normal to screen and then we're just going to make this a really small ellipse so let's go ahead and click here i'm going to hit u for my shape tools and then we're just going to lower the radius of that there we go lower the stroke radius rather all right there we go maybe let's increase this just a little bit you can see i've got a lot of control here even after the fact all right and that's looking pretty cool i got to say i'm going to take this entire group here and i'm going to duplicate that so ctrl command j controller command e and that just will merge an entire group together so basically now all that work that i did you can see i just have it as one layer and then we're just gonna set this you can do all kinds of fun things like overlay and soft light and hard light you can get all kinds of really cool effects here in fact this vivid light is really really nice i'm just going to dull this down a little bit so let's hit ctrl command u and what we're going to do is i'm going to make this a little bit darker okay and then we're going to bring up our saturation a little bit there we go fantastic let's bring that a little bit darker so you can see i'm kind of just working with these layers to create the glow effect that i want and then i think our background's got a little gotta get a little bit darker so let's just go ahead and double click on this curves adjustment layer and i'm gonna go to my red channel we're going to start bringing down the reds in my background too it's going to give the whole image just a little bit of this green type effect and i think it just kind of helps it in general look a little bit more like we want so it's coloring the image and we're making it darker because as you can see this doesn't really work on a light image you got to make your image a little bit darker and better yet just start off with a dark image okay well all this is looking really good right i'm super happy with all this we don't need that to be visible but everything else i'm like all right this is cool that's our glow effect so what we're gonna i'm just gonna double click and call this glow ring there we go and now all i need to do is kind of mask this out where our subject is visible so i'm just gonna make that invisible real quick let's go ahead and turn this layer off and i'm going to do a select color range on this black part of our subject so let's create a new layer here we're going to go to select and then down to color range and then i'm just going to click right here on our subject right let's click on this little plus icon because i want to make sure she gets selected but basically i'm just i'm using this to select basically her shirt right the light areas get selected the dark area's done so perfect so her shirt is pretty well selected okay and then now i have my glow ring active so the shirt is selected look at this the glow ring kind of like intersects the shirt like that but because i have my selection active and i'm on my glow ring layer all i have to do is click on my layer mask okay and it's going to automatically load that into a selection we can see it just did the opposite okay so if that ever happens just click on your layer mask and hit controller command i and then you invert your layer mask okay now i'm going to hold alt or option and click on my layer mask we can see it's selected some of this stuff in my background which we don't want so i'm just going to make sure to paint that white in my background just so the glow ring is visible in the background okay we don't want to hide it there i just want to hide it over my subject's shirt i could have went ahead and headed manually like trace that out with a pen tool or something like that but this was a lot easier to do right so just basically made a selection right there all right keep in mind i can change this stuff at any time that's looking pretty cool already so the next step is to start painting a little bit of light over our subject to help it integrate right because if you got a light source in your image it interacts with everything that's in that image so let's jump in we're just gonna use the brush tool for this super easy let's go ahead and create a new layer i'm gonna hit b for my brush tool and then we're just gonna sample this really nice bright color like something like that and then with our brush tool okay there we go i'm just gonna start painting in let's go ahead and grab our color there we're just gonna start painting in right here right around the edge okay now here's the story when it comes to painting anything like this in photoshop it's all about taking your time right and also this glow ring right here it's on the top right so it's not really going to be visible on the bottom right here right so you want to kind of paint the top of these areas and leave the bottoms alone right because that makes a little bit more sense right the tops get affected and the bottoms don't really okay and then here the opposite is going to be true right there we go so we're going to go ahead and paint that on the bottom this color i'd like to be a little bit more saturated there we go and don't worry about doing like a perfect job here this is not something where you have to get it like perfect you know from the very start as you can see i'm not doing a perfect job necessarily but it's real easy you can just hit e for the eraser tool and then just come back and erase away wherever you're like ah that doesn't look right all right there we go looking really good so this is one of those things where like uh i'm super zoomed in here okay so i'm zoomed in to like uh 400 there we go so you want to do a pretty good job zoomed in you want it to look good at like you know two three four hundred percent something like that but then when you zoom back out to like a hundred percent you're gonna see that like it's gonna look really good even if you're like oh it doesn't look perfect zoomed in like this uh when you zoom out you're like oh it's fine like here i'll just zoom out we can see just turning that off and on all the little like mistakes and errors and things like that that i made they all just kind of like blend in and it starts to really look good there we go so i'm just using a nice small brush here and we're just going to kind of start right around the edge so there we go and this is one of those things that just kind of requires a little bit of patience and it i think it's a really fun exercise because it gets you to kind of like think about light right like okay there's a light beam right there so like obviously it's gonna be really light close to it and then it's gonna kind of fade away and then this bottom part is gonna get lit up right and then that's gonna kind of fade away and then the bottom part gets lit up and that fades away there we go so we're just going to kind of paint this in here and then it's going to get more intense right so i'm just using a regular brush tool here and i've got my love my flow there we go you can use a lower flow if you want to do a build up effect there we go so you can see i'm just kind of like letting this uh there we go kind of like letting the light itself dictate where i paint around my subject now this is just round one we're going to wind up doing a couple different rounds of this there we go and the more time you spend on this and the more intentionality you put on it the better your end results are going to look right pretty much everything in life there we go so but right now i'm just kind of tracing right around the edge not necessarily trying to make something absolutely perfect but you can see let's just turn that off and on already it makes a pretty big difference right there we go now another like little hack that i have is sometimes i'm so i'm using a pressure sensitive tablet when i'm painting and that really makes this sort of thing a lot easier i do have to admit if you're using a mouse or trackpad you can definitely do this it just depends on like how like comfortable you are with the medium you're using but one little trick that i like to do is i hit r from my rotate tool and that allows me to rotate my canvas you can see i can just rotate this around and that allows me to paint at a more natural angle so sometimes you know this is natural for me but doing like this feels kind of unnatural maybe the same with you and your mouse or something like that so i like to hit r for the rotate tool and then it allows me to just kind of paint at a little bit more of a natural angle there we go and it just gives me a little bit more uh more control and i feel like i can do a bit of a better job and then just hit r to bring it back and you can hold shift and it'll pop it back up uh right up to the top there okay there we go that looks pretty good okay that's looking pretty good i gotta say uh so next thing we wanna do is start with the hair and it's a really simpler process here with the hair uh we're just gonna just make sure we make our brush a little bit smaller okay and then i'm gonna paint where the hair is okay just where the fringes are and trying to keep in mind that this is like slightly behind my subject right so there we go so some of the areas that might get hit by the light that's where i'm going to kind of focus on right like not in front of the face of the subject too much but behind her face that's where it's going to get hit there we go and i can kind of just like you know work with the existing hair the other thing that i can do is i can just make all that invisible for now and i can just try to select some of this hair so i'm going to go to new layer i'm going to go to select color range and then i'm just going to go right here on the hair let's just kind of click on the hair and i'm going gonna see if i can select some of this hair that looks pretty good so let's hit okay i'm gonna turn all this back on there we go i'm gonna create a new layer and then with my brush tool let's just grab like this nice bright blue color and hit controller command h and then look at this i can just kind of like paint on this little outer strands of her hair right because i just made it into a selection so all this little bit of hair is just going to get kind of lit up right pretty cool huh again e for the eraser tool if you do something you didn't like there we go there we go that's looking good and then b for the brush tool i'm gonna deselect and then we're just gonna go real small just like the size of hair uh you'd be surprised at like you know if you take your time and really do it you can definitely paint something that looks like hair just kind of try to follow the existing hair that's there and again does this take a little bit of time definitely it as you can see i'm just like individually painting hair um but it's something that like if you if you do well and you know kind of practice on it a little bit it's like man you can really do some cool effects and it doesn't take that long to do and you can see i'm just kind of like painting highlights on on the hair some of this was already existing here and you can kind of see i'm just kind of coming into it and adding my own trying to kind of follow like the lines of the hair and stuff like that look at that so all that we just did we just painted all that hair the next thing we want to do is just a general glow of this kind of color on my subject as well and for this we're going to use a little bit of help we're going to use a tool called blend if to have this show up in the highlights so let's go ahead and create a new layer i'm gonna hit b for my brush tool and we're just gonna start painting this in here there we go i'm gonna start on the darker surfaces there we go like right around her arm we'll do a little bit around her leg there we go don't worry about getting everything perfect by the way that's what layer masks are for all right this is something that you don't have to get a hundred percent right to begin with you can always come back in and refine it okay so we're going to go ahead and change this layer we can try something like screen which looks good okay this just makes things lighter and now i want to have this only visible in the highlights so let's go ahead and bring this up here i'm going to double click on my layer and we're going to go into our layer style here and here where you see blend if i'm going to go where it says underlying layer okay and i want it to be invisible where the underlying layer is dark so i'm going to hold alt or option and click on this you can see these little two tabs right here if i hold alt or option and grab one out you can see it kind of separates into two little tabs so hold alt or option and then grab this tab on the right and kind of bring this from the left to the right and as we can see it does a really nice job right let's hit okay and it's like oh that already looks much better right so let's just here compare that that is the before and then this really helps us blend in all right now i also remember we just painted the darker areas so i don't want this to be visible where the underlying layer is light so i'm going to hold alt or option and drag it from the right hand side as well right because i only want it to be visible where the underlying layer is darker okay that's just going to kind of help me with my uh blending a little bit all right and then all we have to do is just grab a layer mask and kind of mask this in there there we go perfect again we want to kind of mask out the front part of the arm where it wouldn't get much light on it there we go that's looking pretty good right so we got all that glow effect like pretty quickly could we spend more time and make that more accurate uh for sure you can spend as much time as you want but the fact that we were able to do that in such a short period of time i think is just uh really really nice all right so that's the glow let's do the same thing with her hair and her face but we're going to do them separately all right so her hair let's go ahead and paint that there we go and this we can just change this from normal to like a soft light layer we don't even have to go crazy i don't even have to use blend if i just want some of that color to be in her hair right we'll just use a layer mask here and then like like layer mask out like underneath you know there we go underneath like folds a hair where the light wouldn't hit as much right there we go so here's before and after that layer mask next let's go ahead and do another one of these just with our brush tool over my subject's face there we go we're going to change this from normal to soft light as well there we are and then once we're over top of my subject's face i just want this to be visible in the lighter areas so let's double click here with my blend if we're going to hold alt or option and then click and drag from the left to the right this is going to hide it in the darker areas and it's going to have it only be visible in the light areas okay so just the highlights really let's try screen i think it's going to look a little bit better there we go fantastic and then we'll just put a layer mask on this and paint this like right here and then i want to do another layer of this so let's hit b for the brush tool and i'm just using the same color over and over again there we go let's do a um let's do an overlay on this one as you can see i'm just using the same color over and over again just this green color here and now we're painting with overlay here on our subject's forehead and really anywhere that's going to hit the light there we go and i want to double click here again and hold alt or option to say don't be visible in the darker areas because i really just want it to show up in the light right she's already got light on her face i just need to change the color of that light pretty cool i think this is looking really nice let's just change make a new layer i'm going to put this to soft light just do a little bit of a glow right here let's try screen there we go double click on this alt or option make it not visible in the darker areas there we go and then i'll just put a layer mask on this and as you can imagine you could spend all day doing this if you wanted to um but we really don't need to because it already looks pretty good so let's go ahead and group all of those together and check this out this is our glow effect on our subject right so this is our first one where we just painted like the really strong highlights and you know what i'm going to do i'm actually going to duplicate this whole thing controller command j and then hit ctrl command e to merge it all back together again okay and then this layer we're just going to set this to something like a soft light and then i'm going to apply a blur so we're just going to do a little gaussian blur to it there we go i'm going to put this back to screen i think i want it to be a little bit more visible there we go so you can see i'm just adding a little bit i wanted even one more so one more duplicate and then one more blur okay so we went from this we'll just show you right down here it i didn't even do a perfect job we're actually going pretty quick but you can see once i zoom out to 100 you can't really see that i didn't do a perfect job okay so i just added one more layer of glow and then even one more okay there we go let's go ahead and save this out because we've done a bunch of work up until now so let's go ahead and hit save this out and by the way i do want to mention here uh check it out let's hit save you can download this psd on for free just follow the link right down below you can open up all these layers you can even change all these colors if you wanted to you can have a lot of fun with it all right so that all looks pretty good and then we added this glow around our subject and already i think we're looking really nice so all of this together you can see all of these little effects they just start to add up and that's the fun thing about these glow and light effects so the next thing i want to do is add a little bit more color on the ground so we have our glow ring right the whole group is this glow ring i'm going to hit controller command j to duplicate that glow ring and let's just take the layer mask and throw that in the trash let's just hit delete okay i'm going to hit controller command t and we're just going to basically hold shift and i'm going to shrink this down again because i want it to be visible like in the grass and stuff right there we go because it should interact with the with the ground right all right that looks pretty good now this entire group here i'm just going to hit controller command e and merge that together okay so this now i needed to be visible uh like in the grass and try to just be in the highlights as well so first thing we're going to do is go ahead and double click here to bring up our layer style i'm going to hold alt or option and i don't want this to be visible in our shadows right just just the highlights that's that's the important part okay there we go that looks pretty good and all in all i say that looks really relatively good let's duplicate this layer because i want i want to come back for another round but uh here this in the foreground here this area should be less visible in the than in the background right so we're just going to add a layer mask to that and then i'm going to just paint black with my layer mask like right here and so it's like that's hey not as visible anymore and then of course we just want to uh layer mask it away from like our actual subject right there we go because we don't want it to be visible there okay and then i have this other version this is going to be in just the background there okay there we go and then this whole layer is going to get a blur on it because there it shouldn't it's just a glow of light right it shouldn't actually be that well defined there we go okay so this layer here now i'm going to just create a black layer mask on this and we're just going to make this visible just here in the grass down there and you know something like that all right try to do a little shadow for her and then double click here and then i'm just going to make it not as visible in the dark areas there all right that's looking pretty good there let's just shift click this layer mask i think maybe bring a little bit uh maybe bring a little bit of that back in there and there we go just doing a little bit of refinement to make sure that this looks good because i it looks okay it looks totally okay let's go ahead and just lower our opacity oh it's set to a normal blend mode of course it doesn't look that good um i'm like why doesn't this look good oh that's why let's change this from normal we're gonna go to soft light for now and then i can make it a lot more visible i'm like why does that not look good oh it's set to a normal blend mode duh all right this is going to get a little bit of a blur to it too and then this one let's set this to like a color dodge there we go and double click on this so hey you always remember your blend modes they're really helpful let's hit ok on that this is going to get a little bit more of a blur because it's just like um it's the glow of light right it's the glow of light fantastic all right and then that's just like way too visible there there we go so we have a globe like and you know what these both need to be blurred even more it's it's not it's not blurry enough so just go with it go to the layer you can go to filter and then blur and then gaussian blur i just have a keyboard shortcut set up for it that's going to help it make it just a little bit faster basically um yeah that looks pretty good let's hit controller command j on that twice and i'm going to group those together and then i'm going to put a black layer mask on that and then i'm just going to make that visible just like right here you know it's just like right under the light itself cool and then let's just lower that opacity and we're going to look really pretty good let's go ahead and group all those things together and then i'm just going to put a layer mask on it and then just with a small brush i'm just going to paint black like this in kind of like a random pattern because it it's just a little bit too perfect looking honestly i want it to look like it's hitting individual blades of grass which the blend if kind of like helps with that but i need to interrupt it so here's before and after that layer mask and you can see that's what i painted on the layer mask it's like really not my best artistic work but it totally gets the job done right it makes it look a lot more real this looks just kind of fuzzy and here we go that looks a lot better okay well we're not done yet i want to add a little bit of like a sparkly glow kind of around all of this stuff so here's how we're doing it uh and this we're going to create a custom brush by the way and then we're going to include this custom brush in your download so just click on the link down below so we're going to create a new layer i'm going to hit b for my brush tool okay again i just want to sample this nice bright color here so we're just going to paint with this we're going to go to window and then down to brush settings okay and then here in our shape dynamics i'm going to turn our size jitter all the way up okay we're going to turn the control off so you don't need a pen pressured a pen tablet to do this our brush tip shape we're going to bring our spacing all the way up and our high our hardness up like that okay i'm going to go with scattering we're going to do both axis is we're going to turn that all the way up okay and then we're just going to turn off transfer so basically there we go we just have these little dots i'm going to make my brush a little bit smaller all right there we go and i'm just testing this out right now yeah that looks pretty good so they're scattered apart they're spaced apart that looks pretty good so uh let's just see if we like this and then i'll save it and then you can download it all right so now with our brush tool i'm just going to kind of do some small little dots right here around our little particle thing just the more kind of like natural or like random bits of stuff you can do it's just going to make these effects look not as like you know hey he hit the glow button in photoshop right it's like oh cool that kind of has like a little bit of a natural effect to it there we go that looks pretty good let's make another one and then i'm just going to use a bigger brush and then we'll just do a couple like that's too big of a brush there we go just a couple of these little big particles here little big particles hey uh next thing i want to do the particles i think actually look pretty cool um next thing we're going to do is i'm just going to double click on this layer and we're going to go to an outer glow so we're going to go ahead and add an outer glow to these our blending mode is going to be screen and then our color let's just make like a really nice bright color and then here you can see the preview turn off and on okay and then we can kind of just change our size here too there we go nice soft a little outer glow to it and then you can see i can just turn this off and on and it's a little bit glow i can hold alt or option and click and drag this from one layer to another one and look those little particles have a nice outer glow to them too now okay so that looks really good and i'm pretty happy with this brush i think it did a nice job so let's go ahead and save it out we're gonna go to window and then down to brushes uh i'm still in the same brush right like if i paint around you can still see it it makes more of an effect which is kind of fun i can just make a tiny tiny brush and just do a little bit more around here why not i'm having fun with it may as well just add more of these little things okay fantastic so now that i have this brush we're good to go let's go ahead and save it out so b for the brush tool just right click and then go to your little settings icon here and then we're just going to go to new brush preset okay and then we're just going to call this learn energy sparkle there we go uh and we don't need to capture the brush size in this so it will work with any brush size perfect and then you can see i could just click on that brush any time and i've got my effect which is really really nice okay now we're almost done with this i just want to do a little bit of color balance work here at the end so let's just go ahead and zoom out i think it looks pretty cool right uh we're just going to grab an adjustment layer i'm going to go to our color balance here we go color balance adjustment layer and then let's just take our highlight color we'll bring that more towards cyan a little bit more towards green let's go to our shadow color and maybe push the i'm just kind of going to move these and see what looks good i wish i had better advice for coloring in stuff like this other than move it and see what looks good but honestly that's what i do and that's what most people i know do also so if you're in that camp of like i just move it to where i like it um don't stress out because most people do that there we go now i'm going to take all of these layers where i did all this glow stuff we're going to move this all together by the way when you download the psd of this it's going to be a lot uh cleaner i'm going to clean it up for you guys so it's not going to be as messy but look at all this we just drew all that now i'm going to hit ctrl or command j to duplicate that entire thing so all this going to get a duplicate let's just turn our color off for right now and then i'm just going to hit ctrl command e okay so all of our original is there but i just added all this and then this i'm just going to change it to a soft light adjustment layer and then we're just going to give it a nice glow or blur rather nice blur so let's go to a gaussian blur and there we go oh that's looking cool and then let's just go ahead and double click and tell it not to be visible in the darker area so it's just visible in the light okay again i did all that cool glow stuff i might as well just kind of enhance this glow while we're at it and there we go so that looks pretty cool and then if you wanted of course you can just hit control or command j and duplicate this you could even you know have this one be even less visible in the dark areas there we go cool and then you can go in you know if you want this sort of thing like if you like it in some places let's just group those together again you can see i'm kind of just doing the same thing over and over again if you hadn't noticed already uh but let's just make this visible and invisible and then you can see like hey where do you like this uh just you use the layer mask so let's hold alt or option click on our layer mask that's just going to make a black layer mask i'm just going to go to grab a regular brush now and we're just going to paint this in like little areas that i like like i thought it looked good right there i thought it was kind of cool right there her hair obviously looked good her hair looked good you can hit shift and click on your layer mask to see the before and after to see like you know where you might want to paint this in her hair right there looked pretty cool her arm so i'm just painting this back in right you don't have to have these visible everywhere uh it can literally just be like wherever you think it works here we go cool and then i'll just paint like you know make it like stronger over there and stronger over there and stuff like that see how this adds a little bit more like randomness to the to the energy field or whatever you want to call it around her um it's that sort of thing that'll just help this effect look a little bit more realistic all right and there we have it man i'm super happy with how this effect turned out so let's take a look at our before and after [Music] thanks so much for watching florian i hope you enjoyed this don't forget you can download all this stuff the brush the sample image and the psd on just follow the link right down below hit that subscribe button we'll send you a free tutorial every single week my best much love for me to you i'll learn you later bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: PHLEARN
Views: 53,740
Rating: 4.9483633 out of 5
Keywords: Phlearn, Aaron Nace, Photoshop, Adobe, Tutorial, Help, Tips, How-to, Education, Adobe Photoshop, Class, Course, Learn Photoshop, photoshop effects, beams of light, photoshop effects on photos, photoshop effects for pictures, photoshop effects portrait, glow effect photoshop, photoshop tutorial, lighting effect in photoshop, photoshop special effects tutorial, photoshop special effects brushes, photoshop special effects free download, how to give special effects to photo in photoshop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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