How to create multiple check box items in Nitro PDF forms

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hello everyone so today we will see how we could convert simple word tables into a fillable PDF form using Nitro I actually decided to do this because I had to create some for my organization and I had to look around a lot of resources so I thought ok let me create something on this so here is my demo form so these kind of forms can be used for research surveys leadership assessments personal assessments and some general surveys as well so here's the demo form that I have which I created on the left are some criteria and on the right I have options such as yes no I'm maybe and I want my users to be able to check whatever option they want to so the two things you would want to keep in mind for your word document here first all the roles here should have a consistent height so adjust your text in a way that they have consistent height it just makes your work in the Nitra PDF easier and then the columns here also have the same width so basically all these cells are equal so the only other thing now I'm going to do is I'm going to make these cells these outlines invisible so I got it table properties and Here I am just going to make it invisible so that I can do draw those in my drop area so here we go this is my PDF with blank on the right side now the next few steps I would go to forms and create a check box that's almost the row and the height of the cell I want I'm going to leave just a millimeter gap so that it helps me in alignment no need to draw this again just a little bit of gap and that's the box I want now I go to properties and then I am going to make copies as many you want you can select as many now I know I have ten rows and three columns so that's what I would select here now nitro has a magic tool for alignment you don't have to worry about manually aligning each one of them together no now you would just select all of them control a on Windows go to alignment and here where you see spacing we cannot just we can bring them closer the way we want this to be you can always play around with the space to keep it the way you want it so that should not be a problem so this is how I would want to keep it and now I can just go here and see what it would look like which looks pretty okay now I'm going to go back to farms so another thing I want to mention here is when you want to create multiple pages the way I was creating then you would just duplicate this so when you create multiple pages one thing you would want to keep in mind that on the second page so for Nitro each checkbox should have a unique name so that the results are unique so if you have created a page it has cloned the number the name of the checkboxes so you would manually have to go and change each checkbox so that it's not same as what it was on the first page so this is how I would just keep on changing it until I have the whole thing and then it makes it unique from the first page but for our thing here I'll just delete this for now and we'll see what the first page looks like now I'm going to save this first page and we will see what a web version of this looks like now this is what the sperm looks like on the web page so here you see you can check uncheck check function and there are no more laps each cell has its unique entry so that looks good I hope you like this training if you did you can just hit the like button and I really hope it was beneficial for you thank you
Channel: Vani Manocha Lalit
Views: 5,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #NitroPDF #PDFForms #FillableForms #CheckBox
Id: NSh7r_bsU7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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