How to create handwritten effect in Davinci Resolve Fusion

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hi friends ready to conquer the fusion Tab In Da Vinci resolve and create an amazing handwritten effect we will play around with some images and text to create this awesome effect let's boost your confidence enhance your videos and have some fun let's dive in so let's start by adding an image in the timeline now go to the fusion tab so this might look confusing at first it did confuse me too but I will try to make this as simple as possible first we have the media in which is your image so let's rename it so we don't get confused in the future with more complicated effects select the media in and press f2 to rename it let's rename it to background or BG now click on the text plus icon and as you can see it will create a merge one node so these merge nodes will be used all the time so get used to them I am now just going to arrange it a bit to keep it organized now select the text node and name it I will call it YouTube subscribe node next go to the inspector on the right hand side and in the text box type your text I will use like And subscribe for more videos now I am going to change the font color so we can see the text better you can choose any color you like let's change the font type you can make it anything but for this effect I would recommend a handwritten font I have downloaded high tide and added the font in the description if you want to test it out adjust the size to your liking now if you select the layout tab you can move around the text by changing the x or y values alternatively you can just drag the text up and down or left and right just make sure the transform function is selected here you can press contr + T to make the effect easier for animation I will also adjust the character spacing which can be adjusted here under the transform tab next select the text node and go to effects on the top left and search for mask paint you can doubleclick it and it should connect automatically with the text node alternatively you can press control and space to bring up the effects panel and search for mask paint and select add now as you can see your takes disappeared to view the font with the mask paint selected go to the inspector on the right and select the mask Tab and select invert you should see your image or text now I am just going to create some real estate here so we can see what is happening I will hide the media pool and effects section by clicking on them make the screen a bit larger I will also go to workspace and untick show page navigation cool so I am going to make this font smaller later but we'll keep it this size just to show you the process the next step is important with the Mas paint node selected make sure to select the stroke brush icon in order to animate it adjust the text as you need and select the node again now select the controls tab in the inspector then brush controls and under brush shape make sure to choose the circular icon without the softness right below it you can adjust the size it is important to note that you must make the size bigger than the actual text or image otherwise it might look a bit strange try to make sure to see the entire image or text as you will need to hold in the mouse button now simply brush over the text as best as you can okay cool now to see your text again go back to the mask Tab and select the invert option again making sure it is unticked now go to modifiers in the inspector and select the stroke that highlights the text now move the play header to the section where you want your font to finish the animation and under stroke controls in the inspector you will select the right on key frame move a few frames back and drag the right on control to the left you should see the font disappear again now if you play the video it should have this cool effect nice now let's add an image I am going to resize the font a bit to make space for the image now select your media pool and add your image I used an image and converted it to the sketch effect I added some links in the description for free websites to get this effect now adjust the size and position of your image now go through the same process select the image press control and space and then search for mask paint go to mask and select invert change the brush size and remove the softness paint over the image now go to mask and select invert again go to controls modifiers and oh my goodness there is no right on Section Don't Panic you probably did not select the correct brush I made this mistake many times now let's fix it select the stroke brush and how about that there is the right on effect move your play header to the desired position and select the key frame I will start the animation right after the text animation go to modifiers and make sure you see these red lines when you select the key frame it will change to Green now simply create your animation now you can add as many as you like so let's add another graphic an arrow just rename it now you can create awesome handwritten effects for your videos there you go I hope this video helped you gain 1% more confidence in Fusion drop a comment if you would like more videos and cool tricks in Da Vinci resolve Fusion see you next time
Channel: Creationish
Views: 13,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, video editing, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve text effects, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 18 effect, davinci resolve easy text effects, handwriting effect, handwriting effect davinci resolve, handwritten text effect davinci resolve, davinci resolve editing tutorial, davinci resolve edits, davinci fusion, davinci resolve fusion tutorial
Id: i92vtBWZqms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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