Create a basic Collage Animation in Davinci Resolve 18!

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want to learn how to make this collage animation is very engaging and today we will make this basic animation in Fusion if you find this video helpful drop me a comment so I can create more collage animation tutorials I have provided the images in the link below okay let's start if you are in the edit page in Da Vinci resolve you can rightclick in the media pool and select new Fusion composition I am going to make this about 10 seconds and call this collage animation now you will see a media out node next let's add a background node press f2 and call it whatever you want I will name it main background now let's change the color to something more colorful now we will add another background node drag it from here I will name this node to Circle connect the back ground node to the main background node and it will automatically create a merge node hold control and press space polygon or you can access it from here make sure it is connected now select the circle and choose a color now select this polygon node and right click on the image and go down to polygon one polyline the go to create and select Eclipse I am going to make the width and height 030 then select okay and now you will see a circle or eclipse on your background now select the circle node and hold control and press space and search for transform now you can just drag it or change the settings from the right panel now you can choose where you want it or change it later now let's add a grain effect to the circle search for grain and select select ad now if you zoom in here you can see the effect it creates you can make changes on the right panel now select the transform node and let's do an animation I will move the play head to frame 30 and select the center and size key frames now move the play head to frame zero and make the size zero now I am also going to move it more to the center by just moving it with the arrows then you get this cool animation I want to make it a bit smoother so select transform and then spline at the top and the zoom to fit and select all icons press s and t and change the ease in and ease out settings to your liking let's add another background let's connect this node to create a merge node I am going to make this color white so select the node and change the color press f2 and name it I will go with moving line now with the moving line node connect select the polygon tool now I am going to draw around this circle to where the text will appear and back out and through the circle and out of the frame now for this to work you need to untick solid on the right side panel and change the Border width I am going to give it a thin border now if you change the length values you will see part of the line disappeared let's move the play header to the start and make the length zero and select the key frame now move a few frames forward to the moment the circle is fully visible now select the position key frame and move forward a couple of frames now continue doing this until you at the point where the text appears okay so I have this animation but it is a bit fast in the end select the polygon and make sure key frames is active then move that point to the right to make it move slower so this is what we have so far okay let's make a text appear when the line goes past this point drag a text plus node and connect it to the merge node type in your text on the right panel let's move it to around here you can adjust your line path by simply selecting the polygon and moving the points you want to change okay now let's move the playhead to the moment the line reaches the text area we can change the right on values but we will do it the opposite way move the play head to the end of the text area and slide it back to the beginning let's make the animation Smoother by selecting spline and changing the ease in and ease out values this looks better cool next we will add an image I have added the files in the description if you want to follow along drag in the photograph IM image name the node photograph connect it and move it to the Right add a brightness contrast node move the saturation all the way down select this privide post multiply this just makes the changes on the photo and not the entire timeline now let's add a drop Shadow for the photograph node next let's add a transform node and change the angle values move your play header to the moment where the photo will be in its final position hit the key frame and move the play header to the moment the photograph must start appearing just go to spline and make the animation smoother now we will add the traveler image so just name it to Travelers so I notice the line animation goes through the photo let's add an animation where the photograph and line interact let's anim at this move a few frames forward and let the photo move back into its original position now add smoother animation let's connect the Traveler's node to merge mode add a transform node and change the values to your liking add a drop shadow node add a brightness contrast node now I will add this airplane image make your changes now one last thing let's change the text structure when the airplane interacts with it select the text node and go to transform and animate the Z rotation one last thing add a stop motion node if you guys enjoyed the video please let me know and if you want me to continue making these types of videos please drop a comment check out some other videos here
Channel: Creationish
Views: 4,719
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Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, video editing, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve text effects, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 18 effect, davinci resolve editing tutorial, davinci resolve edits, davinci fusion, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, collage animation, collage, motion graphics, fusion graphics, fusion animation, fusion motion graphics, davinci motion graphics
Id: v6FKrv7H3hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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