How to create flowcharts and diagrams using ChatGPT in 2024!

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in this video I'm going to be showing you how to easily create process flowcharts and diagrams using chat gbt I'm going to show you how to prompt I'm going to show you what softwares to use that are totally free and I'm going to show you how to do this as easily and quickly as possible so right here is an example of what we're going to be working towards during this video and as you see here this is just a process flow chart for restaurant food creation or a service process and it's pretty well done and I was able to create this in under 30 seconds using Chad gbt so I'm going to show you how to recreate this and there's a couple things that we need to do here so I'm going to do is I'm going to bring over my Chad gbt window and I'm also going to launch bridg mind AI okay so now I have my chat gbt window opened up and I am going to log into my bridge mind account real quick so I've logged into bridg mind and I'm now going to search for a flowchart prompt and one that's going to help us be able to write this prompt so here's a flowchart prompt and as you can see here this prompt is pre-built and I'm going to put this prompt down in the description below so that you can access it but what makes it really nice is that on bridg mind rather than having to type out your prompts manually they allow you to go in and just click the edit button up here and be able to put in the variables for a particular prompt so they call it prompt in with purpose because these prompts are totally pre-built for users to be able to go in understand the instructions understand what's needed by The Prompt and to then be able to enter their variables in their data and it's going to give you basically a perfect flowchart so now using this prompt and using chat GPT 4 or chat GPT 3.5 I'm going to show you the two different ways to be able to create a process flowchart or diagram using chat GPT using this prompt and using a specialized GPT called Whimsical diagrams so you there are basically two use cases if you are a paid subscriber of Chad GPT you have access to the GPT store and you have access to a very particular GPT called Whimsical diagrams and this GPT is very popular for creating diagrams so all you have to do is go over to the GPT store and look up Whimsical diagrams and you're going to be able to find this promp fairly easily as it has over 400,000 ations so a lot of people are using this specialized GPT and you're going to see why so clicking on this GPT now we can see some of the reviews the ratings we're going to start a chat with this GPT and what it's going to do is it's actually going to create the entire flowchart and diagram for US based off of our prompt so we're going to use basically a blend of the prompt engineering software over here and a specialized GPT to create the best prompt possible so to show you an example of this I have have just generated a um analysis process of something that I want to turn into a a diagram or a flowchart so here it is over here as you can see here this is just a good example so that you can see what kind of things you can do so if you want to use this prompt you can just input whatever data or whatever process flow that you are trying to analyze but I just generated one in chat gbt that basically breaks down the Journey of a meal from Kitchen to table but I've just copied this in now I'm going to go back over here and I'm just going to paste this in as the analysis input variable so now that this is in there I need to establish the flowchart goal which is to generate a well formatted structured flowchart based off of the analysis input and for the design preference I'm going to say that I want to have it be a downward flowchart um key step um I'm going to leave this blank because I do not need ENT anything for it right now there's nothing that I want to highlight but this variable would could be used if you want to highlight a particular part of the process that you want to focus on but for this I'm not even going to put anything in and that's okay so I'm going to save it and here you can see that this data has now all been entered Ed into the prompt so everything that we entered is now in the prompt and all I have to do is go down and click copy and now that it's copied I can go over here to my GPT and just paste it right in and this is all pasted in so I'm going to send this off and it's going to analyze this prompt and be able to generate a flowchart based off of The Prompt so it's already starting its action and what this GPT does is it communicates with the servers at whimsicle they are the ones that have created this GPT and it creates the diagram that you will then be able to edit over on their software and it's completely free which is great so if you do have the free version of Chad gbt I would highly recommend upgrading if you haven't already it is definitely worth the $20 because you get really powerful gpts like this one which allows you to really just do a lot more with chat GPT so as you can see here we're starting a custom action based off of our prompt and this is communicating with whimsicle doom and it's going to now return a custom flowchart here it says I've created a flowchart to outline the process and here is our flowchart that we've created just from pasting in the analysis that we have so what the prompt allowed us to do is it allowed us to basically create a much better flowchart so you can see here that using that prompt and using the Whimsical diagram GPT we were able to create this over in whimsicle so after clicking view or edit this in whimsicle it launches this other page page and now you can actually go into whimsicle docomo chart so over here you have access to being able to customize any of these you can customize any of the shapes that you want you can customize the transparency you can customize the color you can customize all sorts of different things so Whimsical GPT is a great GPT to be able to use because you don't even have to access any software all you have to do is access the GPT impromptu it correctly so over here just kind of checking the work you can see that it did do this correctly we dropped in our analysis and it created a downward flow flowchart of the entire process flow of the Journey of a meal from Kitchen to table so now that we've gone over this I'm now going to go over the free version if you are a free user because it's a little bit different so instead of using Whimsical we are going to use the generic chat GPT 3.5 if because that's all you have access to if you're a free user but there is a good way to be able to create these even if you are a free user so I'm going to relaunch The Prompt here and I'm just going to paste in the same things that I pasted in so for the analysis input I'm going to paste in the analysis again here we go I'm going to take this over here so I'm going to copy this again but this time for my key step in my design preference I'm actually going to input what I wanted to Output it as so create a downward flowchart design preference I'm going to enter I want you to Output this in mermaid code so mermaid code is just a way of formatting this so that we can enter it into a different software at to be able to create our flowchart and for the keystep Highlight I'm actually going to say phase three so for the keystep Highlight I said phase three is very important make sure that it is broken down properly and I'm going to save this prompt and again it's going to have entered all of our data into the prompt that we can just copy and now I'm going to paste The Prompt in and I'm going to also add to it ensure that your output is in mermaid code so what this is going to do is it's going to Output this in a format that we can then use on so I'm going to launch a new browser here so here's Whimsical I'm going to launch and is a free software to be able to enter flowcharts and data based like this so here's an example that I was working on from a previous video but what we're going to do is we are actually going to I'm going to launch an incognito tab so that you can see if you are a first time user of the software here's what you're going to see it's going to say save diagrams to and I'm going to decide this later but what this software does is it enables you to be able to paste in mermaid code which is what we got this outputed as and create diagrams based off of mermaid code so now that I have this entered all I have to do is enter the plus here and go down to Advanced and go to mermaid once you click on mermaid you can just copy this and paste in the mermaid code that you got from chat gbt and insert this and now as you can see this created a downward flow flowchart of our process and as you can see it even focused on phase three of creating the meat standards and it created a kind of a specialized you know goes back to the meal preparation does a quality check if it doesn't meet the the the standards then it goes back so you can see that from our prompt it was able to focus on the uh the phase that we kind of outlined in our prompt so these are just two easy ways to create flowcharts and diagrams using chat gbt again we used bridg AI software we used Whimsical diagrams GPT and we used and all this information is going to be down in the description below but I hope that this helps you and enables you to be able to create really good looking flowcharts and diagrams using chat gbt and if you want to stay tuned in to more videos and more to come from this Channel please feel free to subscribe and make sure you give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: BridgeMind AI
Views: 6,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, flowcharts, howto, diagrams
Id: sRF-tFn3__0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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