Create FREE Flowcharts and Diagrams Using ChatGPT

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hey folks have you ever found yourself  scratching your head trying to create a   flowchart but getting lost in the process you've  got a brilliant idea but turning it into a visual   flowchart feels like trying to untangle a  mess of wires traditional flowchart tools   can be expensive and complicated leaving  you feeling stuck and frustrated but fear   not because there's a revolutionary tool at  your fingertips introducing chat GPT chat GPT   isn't just for conversation it's your secret  weapon for creating flowcharts in a snap and   guess what it's completely free without  further Ado let's dive into exploring the process this is perves danani and you are  watching Guru Tech [Music] Solutions first   of all open your web browser you have chat  GPT before you we have already decided our   topic around which we want to create flowchart  as we are interested to create flowchart around   discussing the steps to carry out an academic  research let me paste my copied prompt over here   you can see we have asked chat GPT to provide us  the steps for academic research besides we have   asked to write steps for each research methods as  we know there are three different research methods   these include quantitative research followed by  qualitative and mix method research once you are   done with this typing hit enter and wait for  the process to be completed here you can see   chat GPT has created a comprehensive list of  steps to carry out academic research so this   begins with General steps in academic research  you can see there are different steps that start   from identifying the research topics and ends in  reflecting and revising further as per instruction   it has written steps for each research method here  you can see it started from qualitative research   methods followed by quantitative research and  then it has listed down the steps for mixed   methods study now we want to create a flow chart  for these following steps in order to do so again   in the prompt bar we will instruct chat GPT to  create the flowchart that illustrate steps for   carrying out academic research besides we have  explicitly mentioned to incorporate the above   steps that has been created by chat GPT further  we have instructed to ensure that related steps   are placed side by side these prompts will  be provided in the description below so you   can create your own prompt using these samples  once done with typing hit enter and this free   AI will create a flowchart for us here you can  see the flowchart however we are not done yet   in order to have a perfect flowchart we will  be converting this flowchart into mermaid code   later these codes will be pasted in separate  free AI to create stunning flowcharts let's   ask chat GPT to provide us the mermaid code for  this flowchart here is AI generated mermaid code   let us copy this mermaid code from here now here  comes the next step let's open a new tab and this   time time type draw IO from here let's hit the  very first provided link this will take us to   the official page of this completely free AI tool  draw IO actually generates stunning flowcharts so   let us open a new separate file and let us set the  name as academic research and then hit create so   here is the workspace where we will be creating  our flowchart as we have already created mermaid   code and this is the time to use those codes in  order to use those mermaid codes let's hit insert   and from here let's click advance and then we  will click Mermaid so this is the space where   we will paste our code first let's delete the  existing code now let's press contrl +v to paste   the code over here then hit create and we are  good to go boom here is the flowchart however   it is not the final look draw IO has created a  comprehensive flowchart for us now you can play   around and make changes as per the need a detailed  flowchart and the connect between each step can be   seen this is the time to play around and make  some changes to make it more appealing first   let us make changes in the text by clicking here  you have got numerous options to play around we   can change the font size and let's make the font  bold this time and we have got many more options   so in this way you can make changes as per your  needs and requirements now let's click style and   make changes in colors here we have got numerous  color options let me apply these colors to some   of the op options and this the final look of the  flowchart after choosing various colors likewise   we can make other changes so here in general you  will be able to see different shapes in order to   make these shapes part of our flow chart we just  need to drag and drop the shapes under the general   button you will be able to see numerous shapes  just under this we have got misk here you can   see numerous other resources that can be included  in the flow chart this time let us insert a table   in our flowchart we can do it in a single click  of a button further options can be seen over here   next the important thing is an option to replace  the arrows here we have got different options let   us check out Arrow style and it can be adjusted  in a single click of a button so in this way you   can make changes to the flowchart manually to make  it more appealing once you are done with all these   changes it's time to download the AI generated  flowchart in order to do so let's click file   and from here let's hit export and here we have  an option to download the flowchart in numerous   formats you can choose your desire format as per  the requirement in our case we would prefer to   download the flowchart in jpeg once you click you  have this option you can choose these options as   per the requirement once done hit export and it  will be downloaded into your system so let us open   it from the system here is the downloaded version  of AI generated flow chart you can see this is the   stunning flowchart which we have created using  chat GPT T and draw IO completely free now you   can manipulate the prompts which we have used  and you can create your own appealing flowcharts   like this in a single click of a button try these  steps and create your flowcharts and let us your   thoughts on it in the comment section if you like  the content please don't forget to subscribe Guru   Tech solutions for more AI related knowledge  see you in next video bye [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Gurru Tech Solutions
Views: 18,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flowcharts, ChatGPT, Tutorial, VisualPresentation, Drawio, VideoTutorial, LearnWithChatGPT, Productivity, Visualization, DataPresentation, ResearchMethods, TutorialVideo, EducationalContent, KnowledgeSharing, TipsAndTricks, Subscribe, LikeAndShare, ValuableContent, Instructive, HowTo, InformationVisualization, Diagrams, EducationalTechnology, ProblemSolving, Communication, AcademicResearch, LearningResources, SoftwareTutorial, GraphicDesign, TeachingTools, StudyAids, chatGPT for flow chart,, Diagram and flowcharts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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