How to Create CRAZY OFFSET CLONE Effects !! | Adobe After Effects + Premiere

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel lately we've been talking about a lot of instagram stuff a lot of 3d stuff today we're going to get back to our roots we're going to talk about some music video effects we're going to go into after effects we're going to go into premiere and customize the video today we're going to be breaking down larry over fredo bang 21. i hope you guys do enjoy as with all the other music video tutorials we show these are all recommendations from you so keep sending me those links comment down below if you see something cool on the internet other than that guys smash that like button for the youtube algorithm it helps me a huge amount in trying to grow this channel and giving you guys brand new content subscribe turn on that bell notification to stay up to date with our new videos let's pop over to that music video do a quick little breakdown and then we're to get right into adobe after effects to start creating the effect we're going to do a quick little breakdown i want to go through this very fast so we can get into the step-by-step parts but let me give you a little overview of what i'm going to be showing you first off directed by jolo hopefully i'm pronouncing that correctly and right off the bat you see we have some different effects going on so this is mainly after effects offset effect we're going to talk about how you can use masking to just create something like this in your scenes i've actually made a few videos in the past touching on this but we're going to go a little bit more in depth because they take that concept of the offset and they use it in a lot of different ways in here so this is the main place right here where you see that offset but you're also doing in this sort of clone fashion and this is going to be the main centerpiece of the tutorial that we're going to be showing again i want to show you guys the tools taking a lot of the concepts that we talked about in the past something like overlay something like rotoscoping something like the opposite effect and combining it in to create these creative effects and that's what i'm trying to push on this channel showing you guys the tool set but allowing you to do with it what you will combine create new different things i think there's a lot of power in that i think that's where you can get some cool looking stuff like what you're seeing here see some more uses of offset just to spin a few things you'll see some other little effects tossed in here just to add a little bit of sauce into some of these parts so we will touch on this again using that offset using that cloning in some different ways mixing some different things i think you guys have the gist of it let's hop into adobe premiere adobe after effects and start showing you guys some cool different techniques that you can use for your videos alright so we're going to start off with in adobe after effects later on in the tutorial we're going to come back into adobe premiere to show you how to do some of the end parts from that video of course if you only have after effects just open it up there but if you want to work with the dynamic link just go ahead and click this little page button new item in your project bin create a transparent video drag that into your timeline give it some space right click on it and replace with after effects composition to get started now anything you do in after effects will be linked within premiere so at the end we can color grade add anything on top all that good stuff alright guys so originally i was going to show you how you can create this bass offset effect that you see in the music video here just anywhere in the environment of your videos i've actually made a full tutorial on this over a year ago so instead of wasting time in this tutorial showing you how to do that i'm going to leave a link there you guys can check it out it's a full step-by-step that way we can get to some of the juicier stuff where we're combining these concepts all right guys let's start making our offsetting clone effects now obviously you want to find a good spot in your footage where you have a clear view of your subject that you're trying to create this effect on so this should work fine so step number one you need to isolate your subject and we're going to use rotoscoping for this i highly recommend you guys update to the current version of after effects so you can get rotoscope 2.0 which greatly improves the speed of masking with rotoscope using ai so that's going to help a lot with this it's going to save you a lot of time either way to set up double click on your footage that you're in a layer if you're still in a composition just double click on it again select your roto brush tool it should be up here in the top left a little guy with a paintbrush and start drawing if you guys have any issues with rota brushing we've made full tutorials talking about this essentially you're just going to use this little green cursor to draw around your subject and connect like this i'm getting this issue here where it says frame rate mismatch to set the composition to 30 fps if you're getting that issue it's a very simple fix go to composition go to composition settings and you're going to see the frame rate right here let's change that to 30 to match the footing that we're using here now that's completely good to go a quick little rehash of what to do here if you go up to window and you show your brushes window here it's going to pop up on my right you can change the size of this cursor so what you want to do is again get this purple line around the outline of your subject to get rid of this area here hold down alt to change this to a red cursor and we can start cutting away the parts that we don't want just like that and then all you need to do is just make little adjustments again holding down alt to delete and for example maybe you make a mistake you draw in with green it'll fix that in our effect controls on the left let's just add a tiny bit of feather onto here we can add more later on but once you have a rough outline just click page down on your keyboard and you're going to just want to keep making adjustments for each layer and like i said with that ai improvement for rotobrush 2 the more frames you make the easier this process is going to be so you'll see that's all i had to do for the next frame clicking page down now the ai is starting to get the hang of it and you probably will only have to make minimal adjustments you got a little bit peeking out here so let's go back and fix that just clicking page up move frame by frame holding down alt delete dots and there you go i'm just going to keep clicking page down and if i find any issues i'll adjust that also friendly reminder while you're doing this make sure you click control s or go up to file save you don't want to be like me forget to save and get hit with this all right so once you have a decent track going on here for all of these frames in your selected area we're going to go ahead and define the area that we want to freeze so i'll start at the beginning just drag like this i'm going to hold down control and alt on my keyboard and i'm going to use my mouse wheel to zoom in here this little area where this cursor is and you'll see this kind of gray line with these triangles just grab the end part start that there click and drag grab this end part and drag it there so this is the define area that we're going to freeze for our rotoscope once you've done that go ahead and just click this freeze button i might be blocking it but it's right there click that and let it do its work and you'll see how it's going to cancel out our background alright so once you've done that you always go back to the composition to see what you've actually done and here it is you'll see it's pretty choppy on the outside you'll see that whenever you have a lot of blending colors that are hard to kind of differentiate you'll see this is very dark on a kind of darkish background plus you have curly hair which never really bodes well but we can do some adjustments to fix this up so first off select the layer in your composition go up to your effect controls we're gonna go ahead and reduce chatter i'm also gonna add a bit more feather i'm gonna go ahead and shift the edge maybe just shorten that a little bit all right so now that we've isolated the subject let's go ahead and select this layer we're gonna rename this to subject isolated i'm going to select it and click control d to duplicate it i'm going to right click and i'm going to rename this to background so selecting the background layer we're going to go to our effect controls and just delete the roto brush and then click the background layer and drag it under the subject isolated so now if i hide that again subject isolated and then just normal footage so what you can do from here is you can select this background layer and you can start applying effects to it so we can go to our effects and presets on the right and i can look up the offset effect drag this onto our background layer and then check it out we can rotate shift the center of this it makes the hair look a lot better now that there's a background because it's kind of blending everything together so let's make a little keyframe animation of us doing this starting at the beginning keyframe shift center two and drag to the end and let's go ahead and crank however fast you want this to be so let's click play that's pretty fast so if you want to adjust the keyframe open up your little options here open up effects open up offset and then you'll see with your cursor over this keyframe let's make it 9000. that looks pretty good so now you'll see this is pretty choppy it's not what we want fully so what we can do first of all is we can enable blurring for this layer so if you click toggle switches and modes you're going to see some of these switches so this triple oval over here this is the motion blur switch enable that for your background go up to composition composition settings we're going to click on advanced and we're going to crank up that shutter angle and you'll see i already cranked mine up but this is going to change around the blur you can also go to our effects and presets and add a directional blur place that on our background blur direction again you can keep it at zero if you're going up and down or you can make it 90 if you're going left and right keyframe your blur length scroll to the end and just crank that up so even start at the beginning and just have the blur length at default start at around maybe 20 maybe something even like 70 just so that you're not seeing that line that's coming in at first and that looks a lot better more disorienting you don't really see the seam in between there because we're blurring the background footage with nothing underneath what you can do is you can click ctrl d put a background two under there and delete the directional blur or what you could also do is you can just click s on that background layer and just scale it up a tiny bit and now you're getting that cool kind of isolation on your subject with the blurring going on in the background all right so another thing you guys can do is throw in some overlays so i have an overlay and elements folder i'm just going to look up some fire some ember overlays that i may have if you're looking for some free assets you can just search on the internet just search for search for fire overlay or you can go on my website we have a bunch of free assets which you can download and use for your projects link down below if you're interested with my project bin open i'm just going to grab the clips and start dragging them in so the cool thing about this effect since we've isolated the subject in the background we can take any of our overlay layers and we can place them behind the subject here's my fireburn footage i'm going to go ahead and click toggle switches and modes to bring up my blending mode i'm going to change the blending mode of that to something like add or screen let's even put this in reverse so it kind of starts from the edges and maybe engulfs into flames so i'm going to right click i'm going to go to time time reverse layer we want to speed that up we can right click go to time time stretch and we're going to make it something like negative 50 negative 25 to speed that up drag this over and negative 25 was perfect so just like that by combining some different overlays and elements you can place them behind your subject here you can and you can create some really cool stuff i love adding that offset that motion blur into the background to be able to keep the same kind of overall feel of the normal clip but just to add some of that variation you guys can always control d on your subject layer as well to duplicate that let's right click and rename this to behind clones and then place this underneath our subject and you can do the same thing with this you can offset it you can motion tile it so let's look up offset and drag that onto our behind clones layer and you'll see if i cycle through here you have this continuous loop of different clones and you can apply those same effects onto there if you want to you can even go to the background and just copy and paste these effects so ctrl c to copy them click in the effect controls ctrl v to paste them and then maybe change up the speed of the offset so it's a little bit different from the background so we'll go to effects offset and let's go to this end keyframe for our shift center and instead of 9000 let's maybe make this something like 4 000. there you go just an example of how you can keep adding on to this and getting a variety of different things you can add different clones in there with the different offsets there's a lot there's a lot you really can do to combine into this and make something unique so that pretty much sums up the first part of this i'm going to show you some of the alterations that were in that music video but first let me show you a little end tip for this i'm going to select everything right click and i'm going to pre-compose it i'm just going to name this finish clone comp i'm going to right click i'm going to create a new camera and click ok and then i'm going to go ahead and click toggle switches and modes and i'm going to enable this as a 3d layer so making make sure you're clicking that so you can see that 3d cube switch enable this and now in this camera control here you guys can click c on your keyboard and uh these will cycle through the different camera controls so again this is panning this is zooming rotation you only really need the panning and the zooming let's start that a little bit zoomed in here at the beginning of our timeline let's keyframe all of these transform options for the camera drag a bit and you guys can zoom you guys can move the camera just give you a little bit more free control of the effect and where you want to go with it what you want to highlight even if it's just adding a simple little zoom in there you can create some pretty cool stuff so that sums up the basic offset clone effect i hope you guys like that so far let me show you a few variations so here's another example in that 21 music video where they use that little offset clone effect on only the subject not not the background i want to give you another quick tip if you are using a dynamic link with after effects and premiere so if you remember at the beginning of the tutorial we set up that dynamic link with premiere so everything we do in after effects show in premiere so let's go back to after effects here's my linked composition that we made this is what i just showed at the beginning we can delete this and everything is done in this offset clones finished composition so in my project bin i can just grab that drop it into the linked comp file save and then if you go back in premiere this should update in a few seconds there we go so now you can apply anything within adobe premiere such as transitions onto this but you can also kind of split the layers up and what i mean by that is i can go to after effects this is what's in the finished clone comp so let's go and just paste this out paste this part in for now so you only want the clone in here so i can remove the background and we're only going to have the clone rotoscoped maybe you want to isolate it in premiere what we could do is again click this little page here under our project bin create a transparent video and this is just isolating the subjects within premiere so now we can use any presets that we might have in premiere now we can use any other effects that we might have for in premiere so i'll grab the background here ctrl c ctrl v to paste it into our second linked comp file save i'm actually going to grab the overlay because if we hide this you'll see now we have that transparency if we click this little show transparency button we can put the fire with the linked comp 2 over top of the background so file save everything now you have everything isolated in premiere so from here say i want to add some sort of transition if you guys have any presets you can apply those if you need any adobe premiere presets i have a bunch on my website my new transition three pack recently just dropped so i'll grab star power teleport replace that and there you go by using that dynamic link by using presets that you may have in adobe premiere or adobe after effects keeping those layers isolated you can change different things create a bunch of different visuals let's put this pixel glitch in on the top clone part so this starts kind of disoriented and then pops in like that mixing together any other effects or presets while also mixing together that concept of splitting the layers having your subject isolated and applying different things to the background and the foreground here's another cool one this is intensify in thought that was a cool combination but i'll leave it up to you guys to experiment if you do have that or any other things let's get on to our next little effect using the same rotoscoping concept but we're going to create some different clones and add some different things onto them so here's the example that i'm speaking of this kind of double clone ghost that you're seeing here back in after effects again since we split this up with a dynamic link we have our subject isolated and then we have our background and two different link comps hopefully that's not too confusing let's just focus on our subject isolated here all you need to do is click ctrl d to duplicate that let's rename this to back clone one and let's control d again back clone two grab both of the back clones and drag them underneath your subject we can even delete all this other stuff because we're only worrying about the subject for now we're going to go ahead and transform these clones to kind of swivel out like you saw in that example so starting with back clone one let's look up a little transform effect in our effects and presets and apply that onto back clone and in our effect controls we can go ahead and just keyframe everything at our starting position let's scroll a little bit and then let's maybe pop this one over to the left maybe we could rotate it over scale it up we'll rotate it up so it'll look something like that how it kind of swivels out and we'll add the motion blur a little bit later in terms of the motion blur you can take off the keyframe here for shuttle for shutter angle and you could just bump that up off rip take back clone 2 and do the same exact thing double click to add a transform onto there keyframe everything at our starting position move a bit and then just use your little transform controls here to figure out what you want to do with it so if we press play here's what that looks like our clones just kind of float out now if you want to have that sort of ghosty look to them like you saw in the original example you can go to your effects and presets and just search for an echo effect place that on the first clone here and let's start messing around with some of these properties let's change the number of echoes to something like three and you'll see it's very bright so let's take the decay and just lower that you can also change around the echo time if you'd like just ctrl c on that echo effect you can paste it onto echo clone you can change things from there if you'd like again let's open toggle switches and modes let's enable blurring our two little back clones so this little switch right here just click and add those on now you're gonna see since there's motion added with those two switches turned on you're gonna have this blurring going on which is pretty nice you can change the amount of blurring by going to composition composition settings under advanced your shutter angle here you'll see if i bump this down it's going to be a lot less motion blur and if i crank this up it's going to be a lot of motion blur so really cool effect i think that the blurring is really what adds that kind of like ghosty you get a cool result and i like how that kind of transforms out like that since we're using that dynamic link if you guys aren't using it you can just show your background layer behind here but if you are using the dynamic link file save to hop back into adobe premiere and check out what that looks like a ghosting part where they kind of float out and then solidify these clones that we have and then we can add that strike up transition that you saw that's actually in my speed demon transition pack you guys don't have to be using my stuff if you want to you can i appreciate it but there's a bunch of other transition packs other presets or just base things built in you can use as well either way to add that transition i'll move two frames here ctrl k to make a cut move two frames back to the middle move two more frames control k to make a cut right click and nest this little area here for the background and then i'm just gonna search for quick strike up and this cuts black because in our original after effects comp you'll see that there's nothing after this so what i can do is i can just extend a little bit we can get some footage here ctrl shift d and at this part just delete all the effects off of here it'll go back to normal file save and here is what that looks like you'll see it just does this quick little strike going up another thing you can do if you want to save a lot of time but you still want to create something create something similar to this effect since we got premiere open here what we can do is instead of doing the rotoscoping at the beginning which is probably one of the most annoying parts for this we can just create a little freeze frame and you can do this in premiere you can do this in after effects i'll just go ahead and do it in after effects here so for this part let's just ctrl shift d at the part we want let's right click and we're going to go to time freeze frame so now this is frozen click g on our keyboard or grab your pen tool and let's just draw a little mask over our subject here again this is the exact same thing but instead of doing the steps for rotoscoping where we're masking out motion you're just freezing the video making a mask so you're getting that freeze frame and then you're gonna do the exact same thing so it's a little bit of a shortcut we've got our cutout here let's click m with this layer selected and just add a bit of feather so open this up maybe add like 10 pixels of feather let's ctrl d to duplicate this rename this to background rename this to freeze frame take your background layer drag it below click m to delete your mask here so it's normal and then you guys can go ahead and do the same thing where you grab your offsets all you need to do now is add that directional blur if you guys want you can rewind the video for those steps if you want to make it if you want to make it from scratch if you've already made it here or the background you guys can just grab the effects that you've already made so ctrl c and then just ctrl v to paste them here and there you go an extremely fast way to replicate that exact same thing without having to do all the rotoscoping and of course you can do the same things that i showed you earlier where you put overlays in between them where you can duplicate the freeze frame or you can use the dynamic link and you can apply presets or other effects from premiere it's all up to you guys i like this because there's a lot of customization involved it's using a lot of the base tools that we've talked about things like offset things like masking rotoscoping all right guys and that's about it i hope you do enjoy like i said at the beginning of this all the tutorial ideas come from you so keep leaving me links so i can check out these videos you guys like all relevant links will be down in the description other than that guys as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting and i'll see you guys in the next
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 107,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, clone, adobe, ae, after effects, max novak, premiere, freeze, frame, morph, effect, editing, tutorial, easy, asap, ferg, floor seats, corridor, rocky, l$d, jitter, peter mckinnon, transition, playboi carti, asap forever, trippy, music video, praise the lord, cinecom, fredo, fredo bang, lary over, 21, big steppa, infinite, loop, omar, jones, awge, aj suede, gas light, $not, excuse me, offset effect, preset, pack, plugin, free, lonewolf, director, best effects, top 10, advanced, zoom, shoe, top, lil durk
Id: H_UEb5ohswc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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