Create MOVING CLONES & TRANSITIONS Like Lil Uzi "Movie" [Fan Made] Music Video

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[Music] welcome back guys as always if you're new here consider subscribing leave a like if you enjoy comment below what you'd like to see next today we're going to be talking about some of these rotoscope clones that you see in this little uzi movie music video now the past two to three years you guys see so many freeze frames and music videos but you're not really seeing a lot of these roto clones and now that after effects has new update made the rotoscope tool a million times easier let's talk about how you can use that tool to create some awesome looking stuff i also recently worked on this new fed the god wiz khalifa music video where i use this technique in there as well to have him kind of spawn in like you guys see and adding in some movement so if there's a good spot like right here where you can do it you can get a really nice final result so let's hop in after effects to show you how to do this all right so if you want to do this the easiest way possible what i recommend you do is you find the place where you'd like to create the transition of your roto clone so for example say i want to do it right here i would cut out this clip drag a little bit to the left so that i have some area where i can work with where it pops in the before clip and then what i'm going to do with this clip is actually render it out because i don't want to make things complicated so you select that clip ctrl c throw that in a new sequence and i'm going to file export and i'll export it as an mp4 cbr 40 bit rate so we don't lose a lot of quality once you render that we'll drag that back in once you have that in there you right click and replace with after effects composition all right so once you have your clip in after effect this is why i like to render it first i don't have to sort through the composition it's just one steady clip double click on it so that we're in a layer grab your roto brush tool and you go ahead and start drawing in the area that you'd like to mask hold down alt on your keyboard and you can delete parts of this mask and you want to try and get that purple line around the outside so once you have the line around your subject over on the left we can bump up a little bit of feather if you'd like and now you use the page up and page down keys on your keyboard to move frame by frame so you want to move over one frame and if any of this gets messed up like for example the fingers just come in here and make your adjustments it's happening pretty fast so it doesn't have to be perfect but as you see here i made all my adjustments because we exported out at the beginning i don't have to go through here and change the timing with this gray box like you usually would with rotoscoping all i need to do is click this freeze button so easy as that that's the main bread and butter of creating the clones now let's talk about some of those little little uzi variations that you saw in the music video so always click over to composition if you're in your layer you're still going to see the roto view click comp and now you can see what it looks like masked out if you need to clean it up a little bit you can add or lower the feather you can reduce chatter by bumping that up what i like to do to start i'll click page down for a few frames i'll click ctrl shift d to split it and then i'll add in a little bit of exposure here just so it kind of spawns and glows so it kind of shoots in just like that so to add that you just go to your effects and presets you can use glow but i'm going to use exposure so drop that onto your clip and then all you need to do is crank up that exposure like crazy keyframe the exposure move to the end here and then set that back to zero so now what you see it's going to glow in and now you have it sort of flash just like that and of course if you want you can mix in the glow so we'll drop in some glow raise our radius if you're using that dynamic link that i set up at the beginning if you file save you'll see how we have everything in premiere ready to go so you can color grade it from there etc now let's talk about some of the variations you can do with this something that you can do with these clones is have them fly in or out from any direction so for example in this clip how you see it kind of popping in flying back out let's go ahead and set that up to do that in after effects all you need to do let's click open our transform options here we're going to drag a little bit and we're going to go ahead and set all these keyframes so just click and drag down for your little toggle animation switch and then let's drag back to the beginning take our position and just move it however you like so i'll move it to the right so you have a little animation of this just flying in now you want to add that motion blur like you saw in the original video you don't want to just have this kind of crisply flying in so to do that it's super easy you'll see the switch here enables motion blur for the comp enable that make sure that this motion blur switch is also on for the layer if you're not seeing that just click toggle switches and modes so we'll put that on now you see instantly how we have that motion blur in there if you want to change the motion blur you go up to composition comp settings and then you go to advanced and you can change how much you want there with the shutter angle so just like that we'll click file save and we'll check how that looks in adobe premiere and there you go all right so what we showed you before was using rotoscope for a transition now let's talk about creating these clones and adding different effects onto them so we'll talk about this and some of the other ones that you see throughout the video so you can see how you can use rotoscoping to create a bunch of different behind the back effects i'm going to make a separate tutorial talking about this where we have these kind of animated in glowing logos so make sure you guys stay updated for that also going to be talking about 3d characters etc blah blah blah we're going to rotoscope it using the same steps that i showed you earlier and then we're going to apply some effects that you saw in the little uzi video [Music] all right again super easy i only had to make a couple of adjustments doesn't have to be perfect we're placing things behind him we don't need a perfect rotor scope mask so we're going to click freeze here now pop back into your composition what we want to do is since we're placing this behind him we need to duplicate this footage so select it and click ctrl d to duplicate it so we're going to name the bottom here original footage and we're going to name the top clone distort let's take that clone distort layer and we're going to duplicate it again so we'll click control d and then let's select original footage and we're going to go to our effect controls up here and let's delete the roto brush off of there so that it goes completely back to normal so now that we have these two little clones at the top here if we take the middle one we can click p on our keyboard and change the position and you'll see how that's now placed behind our subject you'll see if we only had one in here if i hide the visibility of the top now it's in front so that's why we create that second duplication there so that we can get the clips behind where we want if you want to create this distortion here all you need to do is add some sort of distortion effect so i'm going to go to my effects and presets and look up turbulent displace and we'll place that there and then if you start cranking up these settings you'll see you'll be able to create something very similar you can also animate these settings so you just click and drag down at your starting position drag a bit you can change how this looks and now whenever you drag through you'll have this animated clone distorting in the back i talked about a lot of this in my behind the back tutorial i posted a few years ago some of the different ways where you can use distortion but now we're adding rotoscoping into the mix so that it's really following along with the original path of our subject so once you have everything set up like this you can add some other effects so let's delete the distortion you can use the sapphire flicker plug-in bump up your amplitude and there you go you're gonna have a flashing clone in the back now if you don't have sapphire which many of you probably don't you can also just use an exposure effect like we did before to spawn in our clone keyframe it move a couple of frames bump that up move a couple frames bump that down so you get the idea to create that sort of flicker that you're going after another thing you can do with these clones is just keep duplicating to create some sort of accordion looking effect you'll see they use this throughout a bunch of different spots in the video and that's super easy all you need to do is keep duplicating this behind the back clone so you click ctrl d so keep in mind the positioning whenever you are creating all these other duplications it all depends on the layer structure so this top one here this is going to be obviously the one that's above all the rest and this bottom one here this is going to be in the very back so you can use some keyframes to animate these if you want i could click p here drag a little bit create a keyframe we'll go back to transform and just reset and we'll just keep doing that with all the other frames so i'll click p on the second one to bring up position drag past that keyframe and we'll click to set our position here go to the beginning and we'll click reset and there you go you can see how they grow out just like that so creating little animations from the clones super easy way to just add some depth in there those are the main tools that they use in that little uzi video if you guys want to see a tutorial from any of the other stuff that i did in this whiz video just comment down below there's some other ways to use rotoscoping there's creating these glowing symbols adding in different assets so whatever you're interested in just let me know as always guys thank you so much for watching leave a like if you did enjoy it subscribe if you're new and i'll see you guys in the next bye
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 32,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, effects, music video, clone, lil uzi, roto, adobe, after effects, premiere, max novak, how to, lil uzi movie, freeze frame, wiz, best, preset, pack, plugin, daniel schiffer, justin odisho, peter mckinnon, cinecom, amv, cole bennett, fredo bang, offset, 21, big steppa, infinite, loop, omar jones, zoom, lonewolf, free, awge, asap forever, trippy, praise the lord, playboi carti, floor seats, excuse me, aj suede
Id: enceQYl7eSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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