How to create cinematic art in Blender, step-by-step course

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hello and welcome to a new tutorial searching Instagram I found several popular profiles on the topic of cinematic photography and I noticed that the composition of most of them is quite similar most of these artworks are nice scenes with a lot of fog and Rain reflective floors with the main character and caring Shadow surrounded by lights to create a silhouette and most often in a teal and orange look another thing that connects this works is that almost all of them were created in blender so I decided to try use my blender experience to see how close I could get to this popular artworks in the 5 hour long tutorial we will create this scene I recorded every step so the tutorial is also intended for beginners after finishing the tutorial we will be able to create any of these artworks foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] a few examples I created using the same technique [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's start creating scene first my recommendation is to create folder where you want save all these files for example you can call this motor scene or something but I already have folder so I will delete this and I will copy address of this folder and now we can start with blender and first thing I will do in blender I will go with file save this and I will call this model C next I want to do here is create silhouette or base shape of this model and place camera in C you can use this default Cube to create Motel silhouette but if you delete this you can always go with shift a and you can create new Cube and now I will press n to open this tab here and now we can enter dimensions of our model last time I use this Dimensions so you can just copy I go with 80 meters for x-axis 6 meters on y axis and 5 meters on the axis now I will go with numpad 1 to front orthographic View or if you don't have numpad you can go with View viewport and front and I will bring this on zero on x-axis so this you can see this red line you don't need to be completely precise but if you want you can type here 2.5 because we have 5 meters on the axis and origin is in the middle to create base shape of a model we can just go to edit mode and we can select this Edge select here and we can add with Ctrl r one Loop cut on x-axis and one on y-axis and now we can with holding shift select this edge here and this one and now we can move this on the axis you can select this move tool or you can just go with G to grab and Z for Z axis now we can set camera I will go to object mode and I will select camera and now you can press numpad 0 to switch to camera view or you can go with view cameras no view viewport and Camera but in this case I like to split this window here so when you see this cross you can move on right and now we have two same Windows here so this is 3D viewport and I will now Place Mouse on left hand I will on left press number zero to switch to camera view and I will press end to remove this tab and now we can see what we do on left and we can work on right event change resolution of or aspect ratio of this camera and because I want to create something for Instagram I will go with this vertical aspect ratio and I will click here to Output properties and I will set this 1280m [Music] 1500. if you want you can always change aspect ratio and make this more vertical or maybe something more horizontal and cinematic but for now I will go with 1000 and 500. now we can set camera and I will put Mouse on right and I will go with numpad 7 to top orthographic View and I will place this camera to about here but one thing I want to do here I want make this camera lower so I will bring this value down first I will set this x-axis to 90 degrees and now I can bring this down and last time I go with value of 1.45 [Music] now I will go to camera properties Tab and I will now set this focal length to 26 millimeters so this is basically Zoom if you go up with zoom this model and if we go down we Zoom this out and I will go with a very low focal length because I won't catch more area so we see this model and all this around and I haven't set this to panoramic because we will get this nice distortion on edges with this panoramic lens and if you set this to panoramic and if you don't see this fish eye and another options that means that you are in EV so I will set this to Cycles and less back now too camera settings and now we need like this lens to 26. and if you now press F12 for first render or if you go to render render image we have first render but you can see that this is very slow for this very simple scene and reason for this is because we have some default settings here and we need to change this first thing I will do here I will set this to GPU because this is much faster and I will set these samples to maybe 100 and also this render settings to 100 so this is viewport Newport is when we click here we we have here viewport render and you can see if we move this this render go to 100. and this is a render preview so this is when we press F12 for final render and you can see how much is this faster now and next we have viewport the noise here if you want use this the noise my recommendation is to use Optics because Optics is much faster in viewport but I don't have problem with noise in viewport so I will just uncheck this but for final the noise I will use this open image the noise because I think it's a little better than Optics because I don't have strong computer you can see my system here so I have RTX 2060 with 60 gigabytes of RAM so I need care about optimization C and I think this is good for this tutorial and I still can render this scene with volumetrics and with lot of particles in maybe one or two minutes so you don't need very strong computer to make a scene like this and now we can continue with modeling this model so first I will join this area here so right click here and join area and click on left to close this here last time I made this one part of this model you can see here and I just duplicate this four times and that's we will do now so first I will go with numpad one and I will go with shift a and with Cube and now you can copy these Dimensions here so I will go with the 4.5 meters on x-axis and two point four on Z and y-axis and now we have one part of this motor because we will now work some time on modeling this part I don't want share space with this big model and this point lamp and camera because if you rotating this you can stick to some of these objects so I want to isolate this object and you can do this with numpad Slash key or you can go with View local View and talk local View and if you click this again you're back to our scene so I will isolate for now this object and we can start modeling this part because I know that this model will not be so visible if you look this render you can see that this is basically just silhouette with Windows and if we put just this base object it will not be big difference but because I want to maybe use this next time and I use this model in this scene where is more visible I want for this practice make this with little more details but not too much so I want to also keep this local and I also have tutorial similar with modeling this cabin and we put little more details on this cabin and if you want you can look for this tutorial and now we will make similar but with a little less detail than here this is better example and you can see all these details here planks and this is better example and you can see all these details we made last time but today we will make something more simple and much faster this is reference image we will use for this model you can see that this is very low poly but it will help a lot to make this modeling process easier so now I will back to blender and I will create new material here and I will call this model and now I will go to shading Tab and you can see that we have both of these objects here so just press again numpad slash key to bring this object here now I will bring this image to blender so just drag this here and you can bring this to blender or you can always go with shift a or and search for image texture you can select this find this image and select but now I will just plug this to base color now we need unwrap this so you can go to UV editing Tab and you can again now by slash key and change this and you can select this material preview here and you can unwrap this here but because I don't want all time Jump between these steps I can just bring this up we'll be editing here UV editor so you can just select this UV editor and when you go to edit mode you will see this left and because I don't need this image here I have one here I will just join this area to make this simple before I unwrap this I want check scale because scale is very important when you unwrapping objects so I will press n and you can see that scale is not one so Ctrl a and apply scale and now this is one end if you now go to edit mode and if you press U for unwrap and go with Q projection you can see that this is unwrapped correctly now I will select only this face we need which is visible and I will now on left if this is not selected you can go with a to select this and now you can press s to scale this and you can also grab this with G and you can move this maybe on the axis later because I don't want this window stick to this ceiling you can see that this is not straight but you can fix this if you want here but I will not do this now because I will not get too much and I will now start modeling this window here okay let's modeling this in layout tab so just bring this new material preview here and now we can start with modeling and I will press n to close this step now I will go to edit mode and I will start modeling this window here so I will go with Ctrl r and I will add one Loop cut here and Ctrl R and one about here and here and one here and now we can select this space select and we can go with e to extrude then y for y-axis or you can just press e and it will be stick on y-axis and now I will go with I again and insert one face here and let's now extrude this on y-axis but inside so e and Y and let's press I again to about here [Music] and let's also move this extrude this on Y axis now we have basic shape of this window and I will go with Ctrl R and add one Loop cut in the middle and I will now go with Ctrl B to split this in top if you have more Loop Cuts here just scroll Mouse down and make one look at here and now I will also extrude this on y-axis and now I will back to shading tab because we will use UV editor and we have new editor here and we can now fix this bed UV map so it selected this object this face I will go with s you can go with S6 to scale this on x-axis and just place this on white color I will also select this and I will move this with G and X on x-axis or you can just scale this and place about here and you can also maybe select these two vertices and just move this with G inside and to fix these parts here you can select these objects and foreign and we can just go with you and wrap or YouTube projection and now I will go with s and place this to white color and with this one you can select this face with L this loose part with L and now we can go with air z90 to rotate this on Z axis by 90 degrees and with this one also so l and l z Knight and let's now create glass material so we can go to material property step and we can add new material and I will call this glass [Music] and I will go to edit mode with face selection and holding shift I will select these two faces so let's first fix also this unwrap weekly so I will also so this one is good just move this on white and we need project this to again so you can deselect the face with holding Ctrl and just click drag and click and I will again go with shift and let's just quickly fix also this part uq projection and just project this one white color so LG 90 and there's the 90 again and L to select this part and now I will just bring this here and with G just move this on this white part okay now we can continue with glass material so I will select these two faces and I will assign this glass material here and you can see that we change material here for glass material I will delete this principle bsdf and I will go with shift a and glass and I will mix if you put this here we have just glass but I want transparent glass so I will mix this with transparent and if you don't have enable this node Wrangler add-on you just need to go to edit preferences and head on send search for node and enable this node Wrangler and now if you hold Ctrl shift and drag right Mouse click you can just connect these two shaders or if this don't work for you you can always go with mix shaders and just plug one here and another here now we can improve this glass material with some roughness variation and for this I usually use concrete texture and I found this concrete texture on pixabay so this is I will share this link with you so this is this link and you can just download this for but usually I found this my concrete texture on you can just type here concrete and you can find a lot of concrete texture here on and you can use any of this texture or you can use this from reason I now go with pixabase because you don't need profile to download this and for you need just make free profile and then you can download every day 15 these images and last time when I suggest a few people send me that this texture is not available but if you cannot find something I use in this tutorial you can always find something similar so if you use any texture similar like this you will get very similar result so if for some reason this link don't work you can download any similar texture and you can also use mbscg to find three textures so you can type here concrete and you can download this also without registration any of this texture okay when we have concrete texture I will bring this this here and I think I have problem with my mouse so you can again always go with image texture and you can import this image here and I will now plug this to roughness and if you go with the Ctrl shift and click on this node we can just isolate only this texture here and if you want you can go to edit mode and you can scale this image here or another method is with Ctrl shift with select this node and Ctrl shift and T no just Ctrl t you can also change this scale for example two I will bake this again to one and I will play with this in UV editor okay and now when we see how this look we can plug this to roughness so I will make this node with the Ctrl shift and click here and you can see that we get the variation in roughness and to control this I will go with shift a and color ramp and now if we plug this here we can make more contrast here and the one thing you need to know that this black color means value of 0 and Y colors means value of 1 so white colors means so white colors now means roughness all to one so white colors mean completely rough and black colors means completely shy so I want to make this window shiny not too much rough so I will bring more black colors here and I will also bring this white color more to black to make this less intense and we can also add some bump information here so I will for this go with mask grip texture and this procedural texture is similar like waves so if you go with control shift and click here you can see how this look and you can change scale if you want okay something like this and I will now go with the bomb and I will plug this to height and now these two normal and back this material with Ctrl shift and click here and you get this effect and I will bring bring this all down to make this effect less intense but we have also some Distortion in glass here and we can also back to this model material and I will move it image texture here and I will select this concrete texture and let's plug also this color Ram and two roughness to add some details also here I don't want the shiny Parts here so I will bring this down and I will add more roughness here okay so we get some details also here and let's add some bevels here so we can always select this middle part and with Ctrl numpad plus we can expand selection and if we now go with Ctrl B we can add some bevels here and I don't want if you scroll Mouse up you add more vertices here but I want keep this slow polish so I will just add one bevel here okay now this is little more visible and we can now back to layout and we can continue modeling this door here and if you go to solid view you can see how this look and we have some geometry here and let's now back to edit mode and to material preview and we can again with select this object and go with Ctrl R and you can start adding Loop Cuts here [Music] and let's select these two faces and press I so I will now back to with Control Plus select all this and I forget to extrude this so e y to extrude this on y-axis and now we can I will add one Loop cut here down so I want distance make this distance so I will go with Ctrl R to about here and now if you select this so and I will bring this up and I have one problem I stretch also this UV and if you go with double tap G you will now not stretch this but you can also enable this in in edit mode you can enable this correct face attributes and now you will not stretch this UV and we can place this in metal and now I will select these two faces and if now press I you get this but if you go with I twice so I I we insert this on individual Origins [Music] just bring this down and this one up and we can also fix this two I will fix this problem with just K so if you press K and if you go with the vertex select and with K we can just connect this part here and it's okay stick to this vertex and just press enter and now we can through this in with E and Y and we can also extrude this out if you want e y and I think we need also extrude this out if you select one face and hold Ctrl blender will select or connected Parts here so Ctrl so if you hold shift you you will just select one face but with control then there will connect all this part so I will now hold Ctrl and click here to select all this and now we can go with ey or we can extrude this out [Music] and let's see how this look and now we can back to shading Tab and we can fix this UV if you need so let's uh [Music] if you don't see this tools here you can go with middle Mouse button and you can now move this and I want to select this Edge select here and just hit G move this [Music] okay I think this look pretty good and let's make now this glass material but I also want to keep this white color Rail and this details here so I will go with new material and I will now select this glass material and I will click here to make duplicate of this object and I will call this glass white and now I will assign this material here so I want back this color information here so I will go with image texture and I will select this model material and I will delete this and I will plug this color so you can see this texture from before but I want to also make this white I won't mix this image texture with this Shader but if you mix these two texture you will get this problem so this is just color and this is Shader so we cannot mix color with Shader and we need to convert this also to Shader so I will to make this I will go with diffuse vsdf and I will just plug this to color and I will use also this roughness information for for before and now if we go with Ctrl shift and right click we can mix this two shaders and you can see what we get if we go over to left we get only this Shader and if we go or to right we get this Shader here and I will go maybe in Middle to get to back some white color in this texture and maybe we can increase this Mass grip bump to get more details more Distortion here and I will also scale this up to get more tiny details I don't like this green links so I download this image from and I will share this link with you but again you can download this texture or you can just search here white planks or you can also search on Google or maybe on pixabay and you can download any of this so this this is one we use now [Music] so let's back to blender and I will now create another material and I will call this white links and let's also bring this let's now go with copy this address and [Music] and we can go with shift a and search for image texture and paste this address here and just bring this and plug this to base color and nothing happened because we need apply this material to this object and I will now go to layout tab and we can go to edit mode and we can select faces where we want to apply this texture you can go with holding shift and you can select this part here but you can also go with c and you will get this brush here so you can scale this up or down and now you can start selecting this faces which we want to and if you want to rotate to this side you need go with escape to remove this brush and now we can move this to about here and now we can go again with c and we can select all these faces [Music] and one thing I like to do here so I will go with Escape when I have selected this part if I press something I will lose this selection and I can make this with Ctrl Z but later I will not be able to bake this selection and if you want you can save this so if you go to object data properties you can add new vertex group and you can call this like blinks and you can now assign this and if you want for some reason click and now we don't need select all these spaces again we can just click select this white planks and click select and we have saved this vertex group and now we come back to shading Tab and we can now assign this new material here and we get this problem here you can see that this scale of this plank is bigger so I will go again with you your projection to unwrap this again and now we can select this texture here and we can press s to scale this okay and we can back to object mode and we can now play with this texture so I will go again with image texture and I will bring this concrete texture we used before to bake this roughness details so color ramp and plug this to roughness so we can get this roughness information here and I want more rough Parts than shiny so I will bring this more to White and we can again use this whole software color information and I will go with another color rim and let's plug this here let's check scale of this so I can go with Ctrl t and maybe I can make this smaller so 0.25 [Music] and you can move this on y-axis maybe 0.7 okay and now we can make this with Ctrl shift and click here and we can mix these two texture with Ctrl shift and right click we get this mixed node and if we go all to one we get this concrete texture if you go all to zero we get this plane texture but I want multiply these two textures so we will take only dark part of this texture so I will set this to one and I will choose this multiply so now we take only black colors from this color ramp here and this is too intense so I will bring this on left and let's play with this y-axis here okay and you can choose how much dirtiness you want here I don't want too much so I will bring this to about here just to get some details and you can use this playing texture to get some bump details so I will go with bump and let's go again with color them [Music] and let's plug this to height to color ramp and this to height and these to normal and now we get this bump details here and I will try inverted this okay and I will bring this to point one and this all down but if you go to solid preview you can see that we don't get no details here so we will also create some real planks here but uh first I will add a bump also not bump bevel also on this door so I will select these two faces or we can just select few of these edges here and we can bevel this so withholding control we can select this connected parts and with hold and now we need hold shift to skip to this part and again with control or if you are not sure with this control you can always let's this select this with control you can always go just with shift so shift and you can select one by one okay I think this is enough and let's go with Ctrl B to Bevel this okay this look little better now we can now add some real planks here but I don't want too much because I want to keep this slow pulley so we can go to edit mode and we can add with Ctrl R we can follow these lines here and now if you select these faces we can go with e y to extrude this on y axis and l x to rotate this on x-axis and we can for example Barrel only this line here so with Ctrl B and you can see how this look we get this plane here and if you want you can go with the select this edge here for example and go with Ctrl B and scroll Mouse to add one Loop cut and now with Ctrl numpad minus we can subtract selection so we have selected only this part or you can always go manually with shift and we can just move this to get this cut here and we can add a few more so control r and you here and let's select few of these and go with e y and you can rotate also this on y-axis so here y to make some variation here this is too much and their exoles and you can see that when we go with RX we get the result because we rotate this from this Middle Point here and if we now go to individual Origins will now place in origin or in any of this part so you can now go with air X you can see that now this works correctly and let's go with Ctrl B to add one bevel and you can see how this look and let's add some details also here so e and in this case X for x axis and L y and another method we can use here we can just go with face selection and we can select one of this playing and we can go with shift d and P selection and now this is separate object but we need set origin to center of geometry here and now you can go with a to select all e to extrude the next to extrude this on x-axis and l y and if we press l l you will select This Plane here and you can always go with shift d and move this maybe here and error X to rotate this or you can go with the path to Loop Cuts here and maybe we can now duplicate only this face it's shift d and Halsey for the axis and extrude on x-axis rotate just to make some variation okay because this will be visible from this distance I don't want to create a lot of geometry here maybe just fuel on this part here so I will back to edit mode and let's extrude this on y-axis and let's add one Loop cut here so you can always also go with if we go with Ctrl R we add Loop cut through all this model and I will now go with just with k to add one playing here now we don't have this lot of geometry here just this part and let's go E Y and R X and Ctrl B and let's extrude this this one and let's bring this maybe this edge here and let's extrude these two parts so e y here x and Ctrl B and now because we don't use modifiers we can easily join this in one object because now we have a few objects here we can just select all this and we can go with Ctrl J and now this is again only one object I like this mailbox and numbers from original reference image and I belongs if you hold the shift and right click you can place origin here and now I will go with shift a let's copy this address first shift a image images as played and I will paste this here and let's select this image and let's now go with lz90 take this on this direction let's bring this here and let's press s to scale this foreign cut this mailbox [Music] and also these numbers here so k and just cut this part and we can also use this as nice details so just select these spaces we don't need delete faces and let's now go to edit mode and press L over this part and paste selection and now we have two objects so this is one and another one with same origin so object set origin to geometry and object set origin to geometry and now I will just make this more three-dimensional I will press a to select all hand let's move this here and E to Y for y-axis and I think this this is because you can fix this if we select this in material preview viewport deck face I think yes and now we can you cannot add Loop cut yes we can add Loop cut with Ctrl r but if you cannot add you can always go with key to knife and add one cut here and now we can let's bever this with Ctrl B and now we can move this part to make this like mailbox and let's take this here we can rotate this on x to line up this and I will now again go with Ctrl J to make this one object I think this is enough details and information and is still low poly so if you go to edit mode we don't have too much vertices here and I can now go with all 3D to duplicate this or make instance of this object so all the and x and move this about here and now I will go with shift r twice so we with shift R we just repeat this last step and we get this model here so because we use alt D instant shift d if we make changes here we will make changes or all these Parts but if you you want to make changes only for this object you can go with shift d and now you can do what you want for example we can add the to make changes in material or in mesh here but I will go with all these because I don't have plane to make any variation here [Music] and let's just quickly see how this look in render preview so I will go to render preview and view Cycles and I want to make this world here World Properties more black so completely night and now we can go with shift a and Light maybe Point length and let's see how this looks so I will increase this light maybe to 100 and I will go with shift DX and maybe we can put here only maybe maybe 50 and I will bring maybe color to some radish and you can see that this look pretty good from distance [Music] okay and if you put one with 3D we can put one light inside this motor so we can see how this look when we have light on inside let's go with numpad 7 to top orthographic and you can see how this look then we have light inside and if you want to remove this visible light here you can bring this radius down or you can just click this uncheck this multiple importance [Music] but I like this detail so I will just bring this radius down like this detail here so we don't need keep this perfectly connected so I will go with gy and let's move this here and maybe we can with gy move this little out so we get this nice details here let's continue modeling this so I will back to viewport shading and I will now go with numpad Slash key to back to our scene so let's select this because we use same object data you can always go with select linked object data and you will select all this objects so this this one I use shift d so vendor will not select this so let's select this manually and let's move to about here and if you go to material preview we can see that we miss this part here so let's let's just select all these faces and go with shift d and Y and I will scale this on y-axis it is not so important so we get also this part here let's continue with modeling so I will now add roof tiles so I will isolate only this object and let's now create one roof tile let's see how this look so we need one part of this and I will go with the maybe we I will go with shift and click here to bring this origin here and I will go with mesh plane and I will now press n and I think on x-axis I want maybe 15 centimeters centimeters and maybe on y-axis 40 centimeters I think this is about this Dimension here and now let's isolate only this object again so double tap numpy slash key and now we have only this object here and I will go with Ctrl a apply scale and now we can go with Ctrl R to add one Loop cut here and we can bring this up and now with Ctrl B maybe two or three Loop cuts to make one well let's bring this little more up and let's now go with Ctrl B [Music] and let's now unwrap this so I will go with a u q projection and later will be easier to unwrap this and now I will go with e z to extrude this on the axis to add some thickness here and now I will go with the shade smooth right click shade smooth but we get this weird Shadows here so I will enable this Auto smooth key to fix this and now I will go with numpad one and I will go with shift d X and and I will now go with air y 108 to rotate this on y-axis by 180 and let's take this here and let's add another one with shift d x to about here and we need one more okay and let's now create a new material for this so I will go call this foreign and before we go to shaded tab just select all this so we can easily with numpy Slash key bring this here and let's try create quickly this material here so I will go with the color Ram and I will add reddish color here so [Music] so let's first go with the image detection and I will again use this concrete texture and let's see how this is projected to this object [Music] let's check scale with Ctrl T Maybe two or or just 0.5 okay this look pretty good and now I will plug this color ramp and these two base color and now we can play with color so I will keep this dark color but I will add few colors more here so I will add maybe reddish or yellowish color here and I think this white color is also nice so if you want more black you can always move this and you can play with these colors here and we can also use this to add some roughness and normal information so color ramp and let's plug this to roughness one thing I forget to mention here is is that I want make rainy atmosphere here so this means that we need more glossy Parts here because of rain so I I don't want two shiny Parts but I want a lot of more black colors here [Music] and let's add also bomb details here so plug this to height and to normal and let's see how this looks so bring this 0.1 and this down [Music] okay and let's now go with the select all these three objects and with the last selected object is this one I will go with Ctrl l to link materials and now all this objects will be same material but if you this don't work for you you can always just bring this with drag and drop bring this material here and let's now make some variation in UV editor so we can just press a here and scale this down and you can also rotate this if you want let's a and let's now rotate this select all on left with a and let's scale this also and let's rotate this to make some variation now I will back to layout and I will go select all these objects and I will go with Ctrl J to make this one object and now I will hit numpy slash key back to our scene and I will select this object and I will go with air X to rotate this to try line up this with this object and now if you try move this this still work but better solution for this is if you go to normal orientation so now we can move this easily on this row so if you want to move this up you can always use this y-axis on normal orientation or X or Z so if you use this Global orientation you get these problems here okay let's make this to normal and let's now bring this little up and let's now add array modifier so I will place this to about here and let's increase this count here I want to make this bigger than this roof here so let's bring this to about here and let's now add another array modifier but not on x-axis I will set one on y-axis so we can use this count to array this on y-axis [Music] and one thing we need to do we need to go to object mode to edit mode and if we rotate this on x-axis now we use this normal orientation let's back to Global and let's now go with here why no error X and let's rotate this to about here and let's break back to normal and let's scale this little on y-axis and we get this roof tile here let's duplicate the let's back to Global orientation and let's duplicate this with shift D and move this on y-axis and now I will just change this rotation to plus 38 so just delete this minus and we get this on opposite direction and with numpad 3 we can go to write orthographic and we can place this here [Music] because this is not visible and we have a lot of geometry here I will just bring this count not this one I will just bring this maybe two two [Music] and now if we go to material preview we have a lot of repetitive texture here and let's try break this a little so if you go to shading Tab and [Music] we can now go with uh noise texture and if we go with Ctrl shift then click here we can see how this looks so I want bring this value down over maybe to 0.1 to see how this look now and we need more contrast here to see this little better and I will now bring just take this and you can see how this looks so we can now use this as vector I will now go with mix RGB and let's plug this one here and let's use this aspect and let's go with Ctrl shift and click here foreign [Music] and you can see what we get so we get white color where is this white color here but I don't want white color so I will use this I will bring this to Black and I will also go with multiply here [Music] I want make darker variation of this so I will plug again these two vector and I will now go with the fuse I will plug this here and to make this part darker I will go with Hue saturation and let's bring this value down maybe to 0.1 and if you want you can make this you can desaturate this part so you can see that we have darker part here and if it's big these settings here this color Ram we can choose how much we want this darken part of this light so if you want more details here you can type here 0.05 or no 0.2 for example and we get more this variation here or 0.3 I think this is too much and you can choose how much contrasts you want here I will bring this black color little to White to make this effectively less visible or you can just bring this value here okay we can now back to layout and let's see how this look let's now switch to render preview to see how this look okay let's uh we still have this main Cube here so I will delete this and let's back to render previously we can see this light inside and let's add one point flame here on top foreign okay I think this roof hill is too shiny so we can quickly back to shaving tab and this go to roughness so bring this more to White and this one also okay now this is a little less shiny but because we want to add rain in this scene I think this is pretty good [Music] and we need to fix this hole empty part here so I will go with the numpad tree to side view and let's let's duplicate all this faces with shift d and move this on the axis to about here let's try cut this with knife tool so I will go to x-ray mode and wire promote and I will now go with k and let's just make one cut here so click here and enter and again with K took knife and let's try cut this part here so I think when we press keyboard Knight we need press C to cut through so key and C and let's see now with uh if we press now C in edit mode we get this brush so we can let's now back to turn off this x-ray mode and let's see if we can select this let's go to face selection and see and let's see if we can select this part here okay escape and with control this like this part you don't need so Escape control to dislike this and let's delete these faces it is not perfect but we can fix this let's delete this vertices and this happened because we are not in x-ray mode so we cannot select what is behind so delete vertices delete this vertices and let's again we try with Knight cut this part delete vertices and okay and let's turn off this x-ray mode and let's see if we can select this right side with this face selection see okay this work pretty good now delete basis [Music] and let's with Knight cut this part [Music] and let's delete this vertices okay I think this is pretty good it's not important if we have just be sure to maybe we can scale this part a little to avoid these problems here just no we are now in individual origin just go to bed just bake these two bounding box and let's scale this a little hand I think this is pretty good okay this is we feel now this part here and let's now again go to render preview and let's add little more lights to see this better so shift DX and I don't want too much lights here maybe just 20. and one more here and you can see that this look pretty good from distance and let's just put for test start one salon foreign bluish light to imitate the moonlight okay and you can see how this look [Music] okay before we start with the noun sign here I want to add this porch here so let's back to viewport display and let's add the shift right click OK I turn off this overlays with the shift and right click we can add origin here and I will go with shift a maybe Cube and scale this on the axis and let's scale this also on y-axis and also on x-axis so s z SX if you want you can rotate this little next and that's why to scale this little more [Music] and let's back to material preview and we can add same this White Plains textures if you want and let's let's apply scale Ctrl a apply scale and now we can go with you Q projection and we can go to you'll be editor and with numpy Slash key we can bring this object here and let's scale this a lot [Music] okay and let's back to layout and we can now go with again with shift a and Cube scale this down and with numpad seven go to top orthographic View and let's Place one wood part here so I will scale this again down and you can go to edit mode and with face selection we can just extrude this down [Music] I think this is big so I will press s to scale and now I will again bring this down to about here and we can bring the same material to this object so apply scale Ctrl a to select all new Q projection and let's rotate this with a select all and air z92 rotate this Jose axis by 90 degrees and scale this if you want we can go with shift d and I will rotate this I will scale this all down s z to scale this on Z axis and Sy to scale this on y-axis and now we can go with RZ 45 no air x 45 now l y 45 to rotate this on y-axis by 45 degrees and we can make this nice piece here and now if we let's unwrap this again you you projection and because we didn't apply scale you can see how this looks so just Ctrl a apply scale and now you you projection and [Music] just scale this and rotate on the axis and let's now go with shift d move this on x-axis and just rotate this on minus just add here minus select these three objects and we can go with Ctrl J to make one object and now we can go with alt d X and let's Place one here and we can now go with shift R to repeat this process and now we have this nice details here okay I think I don't like this white part here so let's see if we can use this roof tile also for this so I will go with shift d why and let's just bring this array maybe two four and I will go with pair y l x and let's place this here and we can select both of this and error air extra rotate this little more on the x-axis and bring this down and we can also bring this down let's see how this look now in render and we hide now this light here so we can bring this down and let's duplicate this light here so I will bring this also in this room so shift the X and this week this is what we have for now and later we will add noun sign on this roof here foreign foreign
Channel: Šime Bugarija
Views: 57,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 48ApGujSR-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 41sec (4901 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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