The BEST way to model and texture anything in Blender FAST - Tutorial

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when we open blender we get the  fourth Cube how to convert this   Cube to high detailed realistic train which I need for my scene in this case in this short tutorial I will explain steps   you need to follow to create any  realistic object in blender fast before you start you need to determine how  quality you want the model to be and how much   details you want to add this depends on how close  the subject will be to the camera in your scene   for example if you take a train with a lot of  details and just a cube with a few Loop cuts and a   train texture and place them apart from the camera  you will hardly notice the difference especially   if you add motion bluer the closer the object is to  the camera the more details and higher resolution   texture you need in this tutorial we will create  a train with a lot of details that looks good even   from a few meters away from the camera this is a  short tutorial the whole three hour long tutorials   plus 12 other tutorials can be allowed by  clicking join more information in the description the first step is to find reference images I found   two but since I will also use textures  as reference I don't need more you can   place reference images in blender  so you always have one eye on them if you look at this train we can see that it   consists of two rectangular objects  it is a great shape to start with   imagine a man standing next to a train he can help  you estimate the dimensions of one object in this   case my estimate is that the chain is about 15  meters long in about two and a half meters high   and wide now I can easily create a basic shape  with a few Loop cuts I will start with the yellow line that goes down  the middle of the trail for easier orientation   if we turn on cavity we can more easily  see Sharp Corners in the viewport since our train is symmetrical it makes  no sense to model the same details on both   sides that's why there is a mirror modifier  if we cut the train in half and add a mirror   modifier along the x-axis everything you  do on left will be mirrored on the right   in addition to the mirror modifier there  are many other modifiers that help with the   fast modeling in blender if you are a blender  beginner I recommend that you study the most   common ones beside mirror there are array  subdivision surface bevel wireframe curve with projected image textures on the object it  is much easier to model I found the textures at my advice is to put all Textures  in one collage instead of creating a separate  material for each texture when creating a  collage make sure you have all parts you   need but if you forget something you can always  add textures if you leave some space that way you won't have to waste time  jumping between materials in blender   the only thing you need to do is Project  the faces in different places in the UV   my recommendation is to create looping textures for easier UV projection later now that I have one texture that cover  all the parts I created three different  materials with the same texture shiny  material for shiny Parts rough material   with more bump mainly for the engine and  wheels in a glass material for the windows I usually avoid lot of procedural  textures even the best procedural textures   are not as realistic as simple photo  when we have projected textures on the   object it is much easier to model now  we can add more and more details first   I will start with a large and more obvious  details later I will go to smaller details   for example we can project the window textures  onto the object and create a 3D details by   following the lines but for that we need modeling  tools or shortcuts that activate these tools there are a number of modeling Tools in blender  you can find them in menu but you will rarely see   anyone use them that way they are usually  activated with shortcut keys if you are a   beginner I recommend that you learn the most used  once like S for scale combined with x y z for x y z   axis air for rotate Ctrl R for adding Loop Cuts E  for extrude all e for extrude along normals I for   insert I twice for insert individual faces Ctrl  B for bevel edges Ctrl shift B for bevel vertices   G for grab k for knife you can find all the  shortcuts on the internet these are good for start to make modeling easier it is necessary to  use some of the selection tools most often   you will use a to select all L to select loose  parts box select with the left Mouse click and   drag box selection and control to remove the  selection hold shift to add the selection   Ctrl to connect edges and faces along  the shortest line control numpad plus   to expand selection control numpad  and minus to subtract selection   also with shift+g you can find  tools for selecting similar ones in blender if you are a beginner you can encounter  a lot of problems that can be motivate you however   these three appear most often and you can  solve them quickly the first one is scale   if you scale the cube in object mode along y-axis  10 times we will see that the scale along y-axis   has increased by 10 times this can create a  lot of problems for example UV will create   stretch textures bevel will be 10 times longer  on y-axis some modifiers will not work properly   you can solve this by pressing Ctrl a and apply  scale or by going to object apply scale the second one is double vertices there  are several arrays you can create double   vertices without wanting to for example if  you press e because you want to extrude a   face but change your mind and press Escape it  looks like nothing happened but you create a   double vertices you can undo it with Ctrl C  but if you don't you will run into problems   later for example if you want to create  a bevel it will not work you can remove   double vertices by pressing a in edit mode to  select all F3 and search for merge by distance for example you are going to create  a bevel you have checked for double   vertices but something is still wrong like  double vertices you can easily create a   wrong face orientation you can check this  in the solid preview under the overlays   the side facing the camera should always  be blue in addition to modeling problems   the red side can make materials look weird  and create a bed shading you can solve it   with F3 and search recalculate normals or flip  normals if you select only the problematic faces now that we know how to use tools and what  the most common problems are we can easily   follow the reference images and textures  and add as much details as possible If this is to fast for you, you can find the full 3 hour step-by-step tutorial by clicking  on the join where you can unlock   not only this tutorial but 12 more  tutorials listing more than 50 hours
Channel: Šime Bugarija
Views: 201,458
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Id: qdu5V9wFbMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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