How To Create An Online Course LMS Website With Wordpress (SELL ONLINE COURSES IN 1 HOUR!)

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hey what's up party people my name is Daryl and in this video you are going to learn how to create your own website to sell your own online courses step-by-step with WordPress and with a super easy drag-and-drop builder plus you'll get this template for free in this video and as you can see this website is beautiful as professional and it's really modern so by the end of this video today you'll be able to set up your own professional-looking website and easily sell your own online courses now let me give you all a quick tour of this website and show you all what we'll be learning today in this video so this right here is my courses page and you'll also get this page for free in this video so right here I had some available courses I have Facebook ads for beginners I have how to talk to women and web design and mastery course now you can have free courses you can have paid courses you can have memberships and you can also have recurring payments where people will have to pay you every single month to access your online courses if you choose to do that so this right here is my course page and I can fully customize this page any which way I want I can change the image I can add YouTube videos I can change the color of the fonts and I can also change the topography of the fonts as well but here we have some description of the course here we have the course information so this will basically tell people this is like an easy course or a hard course you can also categorize your courses maybe you have different topics that you're offering here we have the estimated time here we have the course instructor now you can also have multiple course instructors so if there's two instructors for course you can actually add in two if you want to do that and then here we have this really cool get started button or they can enroll in the course and below that we have a syllabus of what is entailed in the course as well now this right here is optional you don't have to have it but if you want to give people a preview of what's in your course you can add that as well so right here I'll click on get started so this right here is an example of what your students will see so here we have the title we have a progress bar right here we have all of the lessons right here so they'll know how many lessons they have to take we also can go back and go back to the actual page we're on before here I'll scroll down and you can see we have this video and then we have the description now you can add whatever you want here you can give them notes you can give them downloadable file so you can base add anything you want right here and they can also mark as complete and then go to the next lesson so right here I'll click on Marcus completes so when users take this course they'll get a really cool progress bar at the top letting them know that they are completing the lesson it'll also show the lessons they have completed as well and it'll also show them future lessons in the course and the students can go access the lesson resources and again you can add anything that you want here you can add downloadable files you can add links you can add YouTube videos whatever you want and then once the student is done they will click on mark complete and they can go to the next lesson you can also offer graded quizzes in your course so here for example we have what is the best WordPress LMS and we have two choices I'll select option one and I'll click on complete quiz and here we have this beautiful interface where it lets them know that we completed the quiz it shows their score and we got this really cool notification on the top letting them know that they passed the quiz you also have the option to give users certifications once they have completed your courses so here you can see that they are a Facebook pro they can print or they can save this where they can download it and they can show their friends or family every student also has their own personal dashboard so whenever they purchase a course it will be available in their dashboard where they can access it 24 hours a day here you can see I have purchased three courses and I've completed this course and here the progress bar is about I'm gonna say 10% so the students will know where to pick off once they take the course here we have the memberships achievements certifications so the students will have full access to everything that they've bought and anything else that you want to offer in at the student dashboard also let's not forget this website will be made with the number one most popular WordPress theme in the world with a super easy drag-and-drop builder so you can easily customize any part of your website you can simply drag elements around the website and also copy and paste text for a really easy user experience also you will receive a free template that I'll give you in this tutorial where you can simply just take it and drag it onto your website an entire website is created for you automatically it's really simple so if you're really serious about creating an online course website that's professional where you keep a hundred percent of the profits from your courses today in this video I'll show you how to set it up step by step are you ready let's go the tutorial okay party people let's get this tutorial started shall we so the first thing that we're gonna do is purchase your domain and hosting so for example my amazing website com after that we're going to install wordpress and wordpress powers more than one third of the internet it is very popular companies like mercedes benz use it an artists like Snoop Dogg use it as well step three we are going to install the Divi theme now the Divi theme is the number one most popular WordPress theme in the world so you're gonna be using the most modern and up-to-date software for your website and lastly we are going to create an amazing and beautiful online course websites now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here and this is psych ground calm now I've been recommending sacrum Kampf over for years now and people love this web hosting company now why to recommend this company over another's well first off I use this company and second off I compared this company against 15 others for 60 days and sycron came up as number one as the fastest with the best uptime the best support for the best price and you can see here by the like ratio people really did find this information helpful and people really do love sigh crown it's an amazing company you'll never have to worry about your site going down or being too slow you will love the results that you'll get with this web hosting company now there's 3 plans but I'm always gonna recommend one so we have the start up we have the grow big and we have the go geek now all my viewers go with the grow big plan because the grow big plan you can host unlimited websites on your hosting account rather than just a single website so that is a pretty big difference and personally if you're just getting started out you don't really need the go geek just yet this is a little bit more for people who have been in the game for a while so if you're just getting started out the grow big option is perfect for you so right here where it says get plan you'll click on get plan alright cool so you'll be brought to this page right here and this is where you're going to enter in your new website so this same web address right here you're gonna go ahead and put whatever site that you wants right here so give it some thoughts you know talk about with your wife call your sister or whatever whatever is that you got to do I'm gonna put in best Givi tutorial because this is the best if you team tutorial out there you will see you Elevens and once you've given some thought you click on a pro Cee'd right here alright and you're brought to this page right here now before I go any further everything I recommend in this video has a 30-day money-back guarantee for any reason whatsoever because this company is legit they are amazing so if you don't like amazing web hosting companies you can always get your money back but I'm just kidding this is a great web hosting company and everyone that uses this company loves it so right here you'll enter in your account information you'll put in your email your password right here you put in your client information so you put in your country your name your you know street address your social security number etc I'm just kidding you do not put in your social that is a very big joke right here you put in your country but by default it'll select it for you right now visiting Thailand so that's why it's saying Thailand but I am from the United States I am from a sunny California right here you're putting your payment information so all your stuff right here and then right here we have the period now when all my video is I recommend the 12 months because the 12 months will actually give you the largest discount available then other plans so make sure you select 12 months it's a great starting plan for you right here we have extra services now I require you check this one right here the main privacy and the domain privacy this is going to protect your personal information from spammers and people trying to sell you really good stuff and guys trust me you want to spend the 12 dollars for the entire year because what's gonna happen if you don't have this checked people are gonna find out your personal info they're gonna send you spam they're gonna send you sex pills it's all this disaster stuff so please make sure you have two main privacy this will protect you and your website from people that are trying to sell you spam and also it's a really weird stuff so once you've done that's right here you'll click on I have confirmed and you'll click on Terms of Service and I'm sure you're gonna read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy right because everybody does that today right and then you'll click on this right here if you want to receive their newsletters and they don't send spam they just send really good offers trust me they really do send decent offers and once you're done filling all this information else you'll click on Pay Now and I'll meet you on the very next page alright cool so I purchased my host and right here which says proceed to customer area will click there alright awesome so right now it'll tell you that your site's ready to be set up so right here click on set up sites and now what we're going to do is we're going to install WordPress on to our domain so that'll give us the drag-and-drop functionality making it really easy to build our website so right here where it says start a new website you click on select you'll scroll down right here and you'll select WordPress now right here to go ahead and enter in your email and your password now this is the login information for WordPress so this is the information that you need to actually build your website so make sure you get a pen and pencil and write this down so you don't forget it alright so after you entered in your email address and your password you'll click on continue now right now it's recommending the site ground site scanner but personally I don't think you need it just yet maybe later once your site gets like very valuable and make a lot of money etc so right here just click on finish and right now it is creating our WordPress website let me know in the comments what site you're making I'm always interested to hear what kind of site people are making some people make sites for you know their business or the roofing company or for their family etc so right now while you're waiting let me know what site you are building for yourself or for anyone else alright so after you've waited you'll be brought to this page right here it says you're all set so go ahead and scroll down and right here it says manage sites click on manage sites alright and this is basically the site ground dashboard so this is where you can set up email accounts this is where you have your files etc your IP address everything and also you can see the amount of visitors and everything else right here from your website now on the left side right here we see WordPress click on WordPress and right here click on install and manage so we've already installed WordPress so go ahead and scroll down right here and you'll see manage installations and you'll see your website right here now right here under the actions you'll click on login to admin panel so go ahead and click on this right here all right so it'll take you to this page right here and this is the wordpress starter now you don't need to have this and actually recommend to take this off but for right here scroll down and just click on exit alright cool now this is your new website now your website right now is live on the internet so right now people can actually go to your website and they will see it now if you want to see your website on how it looks on the top left right here you'll click on visit sites and this right here is your new website so this is exactly how it looks it doesn't look anything like I showed you all on the demo but don't worry we're gonna make it look amazing now whenever you want to log back into your website right here on the top just type in - WP dash admin like that and what its gonna do it's gonna prompt you to enter in your username and your password now remember how I told you to write it down so I'm gonna enter in my information right here so we have better Divi Divi tutorial go to 3 and I'll enter my information and I remember this is what you're going to or this is we're going to login every single time that you want to build your website and there are some there's a few things I want to show you and to talk about before we actually build your websites now right here click on plugins and click on installed plugins now right here we have a wordpress starter I want you to deactivate this plugin we don't need this plugin it's basically just like a welcome party from psych round but personally we don't need it and right here if you go to dashboard and you click on dashboard you'll now see that your interface has changed and this is the actual default interface with WordPress so this is what everyone's used to etc so there are some things I want to go over and show you before we jump into this so right here under users you'll go to your profile now whenever you want to change your information or your password for your website you can do it all from right here so right here I want to go ahead and change my my color to Midnight's you can go and change your colors you'll scroll down right here and this is basically your email and and this is very important because let's say for example you forget your password it will go ahead send it to this address and also right here whenever you want to enter in a new password just click right here on generate password and this is the password and again you can go ahead and put any password you want and once you've done that you'll click on update profile and that's how you change your password for your websites now one more thing I want to talk about before we download the actual builder is to go ahead and change your permalinks so right here under these settings we have permalinks and right here we have different options but I want you to put this - post name and the reason why we do this is because you see these permalinks right here how this one's very clean so for example your website com - about us - contact us right you don't you want that and you don't want this - 0 9 - 11 that looks really bad and this is the best for SEO it'll help your site get ranked much higher so once you've done with that you'll click on Save Changes alright and go click on dashboard right here alright so next I want to make sure that your website shows secure right here cuz right now and says that your site is not secure so I want to fix that and we're gonna do that with a free plugin so right here click on plug-in and click on add new and for those of you who have no idea what plugins are plugins are essentially like add-ons for your website so this one right here you can turn your site into like a forum this right here you can have like a out of community etc so right here click on popular I'll just give you a little crash course on what plugins are so right here for example this is a contact form this right here helps with SEO helps your site get ranked better this right here is the ability to sell on your website which I'll talk more about and another tutorial in fact I'll go ahead and link it in the description below once I have that toot already with this same theme but right here just go ahead and type in really simple ssl and this is the plugin that you'll saw right here it has three million active installs with very high ratings so right here just click on install now and then click on activate all right so right now the plug-in can actually find our SSL it's on our website but before we do this I want to make sure that you have your password and your in your and your your email written down because after we do this it's going to kick us out of WordPress and I'll show you how you can always log back into your website to make changes so right here just click on go ahead activate SSL and then go ahead and go up here and click on visit sites now you'll see at the top left right here our connection secure and people won't get a warning from Google it'll say that our website is secure etc so to log back in to your websites and this is for future reference whenever you want to build your website cuz people ask me the comments made rule I got kicked out my website how do I log back in right right here you'll enter in WP dash admin just like that and you'll press ENTER and you'll go ahead and put in the email and you'll go ahead and put in the password that you entered right here and once you've done with that you'll click on a rubber mean or whatever and click on login and this is how you can always log back in to make changes to your WordPress website alright next I'm gonna go ahead and close all these notices because they get really annoying really fast and the next thing that we're going to do is we are going to download the Divi theme now there's also a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that will give you a discount off the Divi theme you can also get there by going to Darrell Wilson com - Divi - discounts and press ENTER and once you're here you'll get a discount for the Divi theme so go ahead and scroll down right here and there's two plans now they have the yearly plan and they have the access plan now we're out the back guys I want to let you know that this company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for any reason whatsoever and this right now is the most popular WordPress theme in the world in fact you can go to a website right here called Bill with calm and simply type in Divi theme right here just to get you know just to get an idea of how good this theme is right here right here will click on TV you should statistics and right here it's basically telling us that this is the most popular on the entire internet for WordPress themes top 1 million right here the most popular in the United States most popular Netherlands most popular France in Canada etc it is the number one most popular WordPress theme in the world so I want to make sure that you guys are getting the best value and I have to do have a discount for you all as well so we have two plans right here now I personally recommend the lifetime access and the reason why is because once you get the lifetime access you can solve this theme on any number of websites forever you can solve on a thousand websites and they will give you lifetime updates and also lifetime support so they will always help you out with your websites now other companies do not offer lifetime because they feel that's too aggressive but this is a great plan and I highly recommend a lifetime access and personally I have the lifetime access for my account as well and I'll show you in just a bit but you can also do the yearly but remember the yearly you'll have to pay this every single year but for the lifetime you only pay it once and you're done forever so go ahead and sign up with the plan that you choose but again I highly recommend the lifetime because other companies do not offer a lifetime so once you've actually purchased it it'll take you to your members area so congratulations and you can see right here how it says I have already purchased a lifetime membership because I've already purchased it so I'm not just biessing you I really do have this product so right here we have the Divi theme Divi builder plug-in and then you have these plugins as well these are all very nice plugins in fact I do have separate tutorials for all of these but for most of us we just want the Divi theme damage just give us the Divi theme zero just give it to us right here you'll click on download the Divi theme alright and once you've done with that I'm going to close this you'll go back over here and the next thing we'll do is we will upload the theme onto our websites so right here you'll go to appearance and themes and right here we have add new now these right here are default free themes and quite honestly they're not good so I really can't I mean people out there use them but it's it's like when you have Divi you how would you use these things these are they're really there really bland and boring and you don't want to go there you don't want to go down that road trust me I've been there I've licked the pot clean it's no fun so right here upload theme and we'll go ahead and choose the file and then we'll go ahead and select the Divi theme all right so right now I uploaded Divi and right here I'll click on install now ok it's installing the theme and it has successfully installed the theme so right here click on activate and now we have activated the number one best theme in the world on your WordPress website so congratulations if you want to see how your website looks right now right here you click on visit sites ok and this right here is your current website now you can see how things have slowly changed so we have some pages up here we have the icon we have this hello world and then we have the sidebar and all this ugly stuff right here now the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna create some pages and then we're going to create a menu right here and then we're going to auto import your new website automatically so you'll have a fully functional website that is already created for you so let's go ahead and make some pages now there's a few ways to make some pages right here you can click on plus new and go to page or you can go to your dashboard right here and you can make some pages in the backend it's the same result so right here pages add new and then this would be your home page so here I'll put in home I'll click on publish and publish so essentially what we're doing right now is we are just creating pages for our websites so I'll click on this W right here and go back and we'll make a new page so we have our home page rights now let's make our about Us page so here about us click on publish and publish and we are working we are making pages here I'll click on the W again to go back to view page and then right here I'll click on add new again and I will make another page so this will be the contact us here I'll click on publish and publish all right cool so let's go back really quick right here and let's delete some of these pages so when you install WordPress by default they give you some of these pages that you don't need so whenever you see a page that you don't need you can just click on and that will just basically get rid of the page so you don't need it no more all right so now we have the home the about and B contact us don't worry about the other pages we're going to solve a free plugin that's going to give us the pages for us automatically the next thing that we'll do right here is go to appearance and we'll go to menus so now we're going to assign a menu for our website because we have no menu so this will be the main menu right the main menu of your websites and right here I'll click on create a menu now here you can see pages and we have all the pages that we created so here click on View all and I will go ahead and just select all and add them to the menu now we have this home custom link we don't need this this is actually a custom link so right here you click on this little drop-down arrow and then click on remove so that's how you can remove stuff from your menu so all this the pages have the same settings now I want to rearrange this so right here I'll drag this I want the home first right and then the about Us and then the contact us I'll make this a primary menu and then here I'll click on publish okay now let's take a look at our website so right here we'll click on visit sites and now you can see we have the home page we have the about Us page and we have the Contact Us page okay so you have your pages created but we need to assign the home page as our home page so when someone comes to your website for the very first time what page you want them to go to right so let's open up the theme customizer so right here under my blog you'll see theme customizer now the theme customizer has a lot of different options in it and it basically designs it controls your website everything outside of the page builder so for example right here I'll click on homepage settings and we're gonna go to a static page and choose the home page as home so basically what I'm saying is I want my home page to be the home page and that's it here I'll click on publish and now you can see that our home page now is our home page so let's go back over here now if you want to mess with some of these settings you're more than welcome to but personally I think the only thing that you probably want to mess around with on your own time is something like the header navigation or you can kind of change the like the the menu you can change the style of its you can do like vertical you can do like a different style of the menu but I'm actually gonna give you a template that is actually created for us automatically so we actually have a custom built menu instead of using the actual default one with WordPress and Divi so now that I'm finished I'll click on publish right here and close so next let's go to my website Darrell Wilson comm and I've actually created a free template for all of you so for purchasing Divi and following along I'm gonna go ahead and give you guys this free layout that I made now this layout is designed to make this tutorial easy for you so right here you click on a view layouts now you can use your own layout you don't have to use what I'm giving you but I have tons of free layouts for you in this video but right here I'll click on number two and I'll leave the link also in the description below and this is the layout right here it's called the Divi theme online course layout for free so here you can see that we have a home page style one home page style two and home page style 3 and then we have the about Us to contact us page and when then we also have the Divi theme builder layout and right here you can actually click and actually view the website so this is home page number one this right here on the next one is home page number two and then we also have home page number three and the site that's designed differently for every page so you want to go ahead and pick one that fits for your specific niche because I realize maybe you don't like number one so I've created three to help you kind of you know diversify or whatever you want to do so well you do over here is you'll click on Add to Cart okay and you'll go to view the carts and you'll just go ahead and purchase it and again it's completely free it doesn't cost you anything whatsoever so right here you just click on proceed to checkout I also have tons of other layouts so you guys can check those out you know on your own time and then right here your first name and then your email address and then click on a place order alright cool so the order has been received and now you can go ahead and download this free layout so right here you'll click on divy online course dot zip and if you using Google Chrome it'll be on the bottom right I'm sorry bottom left and Firefox it'll just prompt you to save the file all right so you can see here how my file is being saved now what you're gonna do right here this is really cool so with this theme we can actually just drag and drop everything so what I want you to do right here is go back to your home page and enable the visual builder alright and here it's just saying that they want to introduce you to Debbie and etc so here I'll click on start building and they have three options so we can clone a page use a premade layout and then we can also build from scratch now on your own time Divi actually has templates that they also offer upon purchasing TV there are tons of layouts personally I don't think a lot of them are that good but that's just my opinion maybe maybe I'm just competitive I don't know but I don't like a lot of the layouts half of them are good half of them are a you know but right here you'll click on build from scratch now what you're gonna do right now is you're gonna minimize your window okay go ahead and minimize it just like this right and you're gonna see the file right here divvy online course so this is a file that you downloaded from my websites you're simply gonna open this file right here and find the home so there's three home pages right all you need to do now is just drag and drop it on the website and it'll auto import everything so for example right here let's just say I want home page number one I'm just gonna drag and drop it like that and then right here you see they have these options and I want to click on import and then here we have the home page one Jason we can replace existing content and also download backup before importing and also apply layouts default to this website but I just want to go ahead and do replace existing content so if I had content there before I want to delete it and then simply click on import to Divi builder layouts so what this is doing is that it's going to basically import the entire design for us so we don't have to do any of the hard work like making everything from scratch so this will give you something to work with and you can modify it and adjust it etc alright cool so let's take a look at our website I'm gonna make this a little bigger right here and I'm gonna go ahead and scroll down as you can see we have a fully functional beautiful website now right here this is we're going to put our courses and this requires a free plugin so just ignore this part for right now we're gonna actually come back to that and we're going to add our courses and as you can see right here everything was successfully imported so now you can see that you have a fully functional website where you can go ahead and start modifying stuff and changing stuff now let's just say all right so I have this template how do I change them how do I you know how do I make changes it's so simple you know right here just double click our new amazing courses and maybe right here you want to add more space you can just go ahead and get this little blue little padding thing and just drag it up like that and also right here you can have these little like you'll see these shadows you can kind of move stuff around so you can kind of understand now that this is a visual drag-and-drop builder so here I can push this down I can change this image in the background so let's say for instance do you want to add a new section right here so right here I'll click on this plus icon right here and I'll collect a click on a regular row now here we have these different rows so this is how Debbie works in a nutshell so for example I want a three column row right so three columns and here we have different modules so here you can put stuff inside of those little modules so what do you want to add well maybe I want to add in let's see here I'll put in I don't know which we put in I'll put in a I'll put in a call to action a call to action guys is essentially just a button that you click on and it just goes somewhere it's just a very fancy way to say link so here we have the title so right here your title goes here so amazing contents the button we can make that say click here now to activate the button you'll you'll have to put in a link so right here under the link you just put in you know link for somewhere like Darrell Wilson comm and then click on check and if someone clicks on this it'll go to Darrell Wilson comm here let's go and add in another one so here I'll put in an image now I find that the Divi theme is just the most suitable for beginners because most beginners can just use this and within like I want to say maybe like three hours there like a pro you know so they're actually really good at this because it's a very simple theme to understand so right here I have this image but I want to delete this image so here I'll click on the trash can and I will add an image and here under media library I'll just select one of the images that I actually use so I'll just say alright upload this image now if you want to upload your own image which most of you probably do right here click on add an image upload files and then click on select files and then simply go ahead and select the file that you want to upload so for example I'll upload let's see these are actually a little big you want to have your images like under I want to say 500 kilobytes so if your images are more than 500 kilobytes guys it's gonna slow your website down a lot so make sure you do Sal ittle bit you know you don't want them too big but this is this is just an example here so the image was uploaded and here I'll click on upload image and you'll see that the image is now appearing so that's just a quick way on how you can upload images to your websites but maybe you want to go ahead and say you know what I don't want this module so if you want to delete something right here just click on this trash icon and now the module is gone so that's pretty much it if you want to add something else you can click on the plus icon and then you can go ahead and have fun like adding a blurb and then over here check I'll go over here and I'll put in a button maybe you can even drag the button under the blurb and have something that looks like that right there right that makes a little bit more sense now I do also have a Divi tutorial that will explain everything about the Divi theme in detail so this right here is the video I will leave this in the description below but this is a full tutorial it's a three hour tutorial on how to use this theme and all the special features step-by-step so in this video I'm not really gonna cover every single thing about Divi because that can be a very long two toriel and I've already created a tool for you so if you having trouble with Divi or you're just not understanding it too much or you just want to become a professional on how to use the Divi theme you can watch this video and I'll keep in mind the Divi theme is the number one most popular WordPress theme in the world because by looking at this it's very easy to understand and everything's very visual so let's go ahead now and click on save and again if you want to change stuff just double click and then make any changes you want but for those of you who want to move on to the next section let's do that so here I'll click on save and here I'll click on exit the visual builder so we have our home page awesome here I'll click on the about Us page now let's do the same thing for the about Us page because I'm so awesome and I've created all these pages for you so right here I'll flick on enable the visual builder and I will minimize this window build from scratch close that and then here we have the about Us page so I'll take this and drag it right there we have no content so it doesn't really matter so we'll just you know import built in pill builder you know and this should take somewhere like I don't know 30 seconds something like that to import everything all right cool so the page has been imported now right here we have this white section and we can just delete this we don't need this so see this trash can just click on the trash can and it's all gone and let's go ahead and scroll down and as you can see this is a fully functional about Us page so now you have an about Us page that looks really nice and professional so right here click on save and guess what we're gonna do the same thing for the Contact Us page so right here exit visual builder I won't even need to make this bigger I'll just drag it over a little bit more and here I'll click on the contact us page and enable the visual builder and then again simply just drag and drop it because this is an amazing theme it's so simple so here build from scratch close this take the contact us page and drag it right there and import to Divi builder layouts alright so the page has been loaded and again we have this white section right here so I will delete that and scroll down and here we go we have a contact form so when someone fills us out it will go to your inbox so this contact form right here the emails from your website will go directly to your email inbox so right here click on this gear icon this is the settings and I'll scroll down right here and go to email now here I'll put in my email now whenever I receive an email or someone fills out this form it's gonna go directly into that email so here I click on save to make sure my changes are saved also I want to let you know that this page builder will also it'll actually save the page automatically every 30 or 40 seconds to make sure that you don't lose your progress because sometimes people forget to save their page that happens all the time now right here we're gonna delete this because you do need a Google API to have the maps now I know Google sucks because now they want you to pay for having Google Maps which really sucks so I'll cover this in another video as far as Google api's and maps etc but you have to pay for it and you might need a developer so right here I'll click on delete the section and then here click on save and I will scroll up and as you can see we have a beautiful Contact Us page ready to go so here exit the visual builder now I want to remind you all that this is a live website so as of right now I mean for someone that's just getting started out you have a fully professional beautiful online course website already so congratulations now there is one more thing that we need to do we need to install the actual header and the footer because it is a little ugly right so let's do that so right here under my block we'll go to dashboard here we have Divi and then we have the Divi theme builder so click on theme builder so this right here is the Divi theme builder now the theme builder allows you to have a custom menu and a footer on your website now what you can also do is have different headers and footers on different pages so for example right here we have this header and then maybe on another page you want a different header so the theme builder is a very powerful feature created by elegant themes and I don't want to cover the theme builder too much in this video because I've actually already made another video for the theme builder it's only about a 20 minute video and you can see here how we just have a different header and footer for different pages that's all but what we're gonna do now is we're gonna apply a custom header and footer throughout your entire website to make it all look the same and make it look really professional don't worry if you're overwhelmed right now this right here is a new feature they just added but it's very powerful and it's really amazing so right here you shoot these two arrows click on these two arrows and here you'll click on imports now what you're gonna do is you're actually going to import the file that you actually have in the folder so right here choose the file we're going to select the actual template or the the file that you downloaded from my websites and here we have Divi theme builder Jason this is the file that you're going to import so right here click on open and then here I will click on import Divi theme builder all right so now you notice that we have these two little green things right here and don't worry I'll explain what this is in just the bits but right here first click on Save Changes now right here I'll click on it visit the site and see what that's done and voila now we have this home the about the contact us and also you notice how these links work perfectly with the actual new header and footer so that's really cool if we scroll to the bottom right here you'll also notice that we have this beautiful footer so this looks a lot more professional than what we had before right so let's scroll up right here now let me go ahead and talk to you a little bit about the theme builder to explain what just happened so right here I'll go to my dashboard and Divi and theme builder so first I'll just click on this global header and I'll click on this pencil icon so essentially what the theme builder does is that we can design a header for our entire website so you see how it said global so that means it's going to be throughout the entire website so this right here is your current menu and we created this menu with the actual page builder itself so right here we have the first row and then we have the second row now you can see right here that this blue icon controls the entire section and then we have this teal icon right here controlling this entire section of the row setting now let's say for example you want to change the color of your design so right here I'll click on row settings and I'll scroll down to background and then right here we have different colors so you can actually just change the color of this to whatever you want maybe you want it to have to be black now also right here we have these other icons now if you actually can't click on it because everything is too close what you can do here is click on this little purple icon and then click on this little blocks right here and you can design everything that you want from here so for example click on this gear icon and let's say you want to put in your phone number right there so I'll put in like call us at one eight hundred you know I hope that's not a real number and then follow us follow us on social here I'll click on that check and then here I'll actually go back and now you can see that the number has changed we have follow us on social etcetera so here you can actually design the menu now again I have a whole other video on how to actually do it step by step where we actually creates a custom and see we kite we create a custom header from scratch because it might be a little difficult for beginners so I understand that's but if you watch that video you'll learn it in 20 minutes it's super easy so I've just kind of showed you all that we can kind of build out a custom menu and yeah that's pretty much it so what I'm gonna do now is I'm actually going to go ahead and go back right here so what I'm gonna do is just close this and I don't want to save the changes so here I'll just click on discard and exits and that's pretty much it also right here under the global footer you can click on the pencil icon and you can do the same exact thing for the footer so here you can just go ahead and change whatever you want so you can put this as like a about our company and then we can link this to other parts of the website so maybe you want to link this to the about Us page so you put W W dot you know your website comm - about so you'd put the link of your about Us page in here you understand how that works so it's pretty simple to actually kind of modify and change so the theme builder is really incredible and it allows you to have a different header and footer and you can just you know keep customizing it you can change it etc so that's just a crash course on the theme builder guys so you may have not being a master with the theme bowler your first time and nobody is but after you spend about I want to say like an hour with it you'll be like oh my gosh I can create all these new like a maze things now on my website where you actually downloaded the website for free there is another layout kit right here and we have different header styles so there is a lot of different header styles and you can just simply import the one that you like change the color and then whatever you want to do just replace the logo and you are all set so that is a the theme builder in a nutshell so your first time again you might not be a pro at it but just give it like maybe give it like an hour or two and you will be professional with the Divi theme builder okay now that we have a fully functional website let's install a free plugin that will allow us to sell courses on our websites so up here I've got a dashboard next you'll go to plugins and add new essentially what plugins are in case you guys are total noobs and you guys don't know what that is it's basically applications for your website so just give you an example here I'll just run you through Lee quick this one right here helps for SEO this one right here allows you to sell products on your website this right here protects against malware and so on and so forth this optimizes etc so plugins are just apps for your website basically but the one that we are going to use you're gonna type in lifter LMS and this is the plug-in that you'll need right here it has more than 10,000 active installs so it's using a lot of websites and it's pretty highly rated so right here click on install now also you're going to install this plugin right here it's called lifter LMS labs this will allow you to design the lessons page with the Divi Builder but right here under a lifter LMS it'll say activate go ahead and click on activate alright cool and the plug-in should prompt you to this page now if it did not prompt to you don't worry about it because I'm gonna show you how to get to this page in just a second after we set this up but for those of you who got to this page where you should have gone right here this is the setup wizard and this is going to configure and set everything up for us so everything will be more automated so right here click on get started now page setup so this right here is going to setup pages for us so it's going to the checkout page the students dashboard a membership catalog and the course catalog so the course catalog is basically where you can display your courses and don't worry you can also display your course on any part of the website the membership catalog is having memberships so for example people can buy three courses at a price of one price they can also be members where they can pay you a recurring basis for your courses as well so right here click on save and continue this is going to be the currency that you're going to use and also right here click on enable offline payments we're going to enable offline payments just to give you an idea of how everything should look and work from the customer point of view so right here click on save and continue' and right now they're asking us about a coupon you can choose allow or no thanks it's strictly up to you but right now I'll click on no thanks and here it's saying ok you're all finished let's install a sample course so sure let's install a sample course so this right here is your sample course but before we dissect this and give you an overview about that let me go ahead and go back to the options just in case you could not find the actual setup wizard and we also need to finish installing that one other plugin so really quickly right here under plugins under info plugins you're gonna see the lifter LMS labs now if you have that plug-in you didn't install it and activate it right here just click on activate ok and also you'll need to go to lifter LMS and you're gonna see labs so what I want you to do before we actually go to the lessons is I want you to turn this on so while we're making lessons you can use the Divi builder if you decide to do that and don't worry you'll understand more about what I'm talking about once we actually create lessons right here you'll click on configure and you'll have all three of these checked and you'll click on save ok so the next thing we're gonna do is show you how to set up the wizard so if you didn't get the wizard if it didn't prompt to you don't worry about it right here click on lift your LMS and then click on status right here under tools and utilities you'll see setup wizard so just click on setup wizard and that will always prompt you to go back to the wizard page where it's going to create the courses for you and also the pages just in case it didn't prompt for you so sometimes accidents happen but for most of us we'll go back over here to courses and click on courses so this right here is an example of where courses are going to be displayed so whenever you make a course they're going to be displayed right here so let's just dissect this here I'll click on the course here is the actual cover page for your course so when they click on your course this is the first thing that they're going to see so for example right here the official QuickStart course for lift sir LMS this is to be the title of your course right here you have description so what is inside of this course here we have course information or you can put some information about you know is this a hard course how long does it take here we have the course instructor right here we have the price of the course so you can put you know free or $100 or $200 etc and then right here we have the continue button and then right here we have the course syllabus now everything here is totally optional so let me give you an example of how this page looks so this right here is the actual course page so when someone clicks on your course it'll bring them to this page right here where they can go ahead and get all this information about its etc so let's go ahead and go back over here so this is the outline but what you want to do is you'll keep scrolling down until it says course options so here we have some other options about the course so for example I'll click on reviews do you want to enable reviews if you do you can click on check and you can you know people can leave reviews do you want to display the reviews if you want to display the reviews you can leave that checked etc here we have restrictions so do you want to enable a written Roman period so here you can actually decide when you want it to start and when you want it to end over here we have the enable course time period you can also enable prerequisites so prerequisites are basically courses they have to take before they take this course and then also you can limit the amount of students per course over here under general here you can display a URL of the course so for example if you want to display a YouTube video you can actually paste it right there you can display the your video on the course tile so for example when someone sees your course I'll go right here to home and I will scroll down if you want the video thumbnail to display right here you can actually go ahead and paste the URL and then say yes I want to display so that's basically what that means access plans access plans are pretty important so this is basically what you want the button to say and how you want to charge your course so for example we have planned title we have the planned SKU we have the enrolled text so this would be something like by now we have visibility so is visible sure is this free no the price is 99.99 and you can charge them on a one-time payments you can make them pay every month every day every week most people might want to do like I think for like memberships for like was it like monthly memberships you can just tell you every month every month for about a year for 12 months so basically I'm saying that this potage people 100 dollars every single month but I'm just going to do a one-time payment for this instance access expiration so when do you want this to expire all but never and then you want to set a sale you can put a sailor right here they'll saying from these dates from April 30th or 23rd to the 30th I want to charge them 59.99 check out redirect so once they purchased the course it'll return them to the course where they can take the course and learn all about it so here I will click on save and these right here are manual so for example one students register on your websites you can go ahead and enroll those students manually so for example I only have one user right now and that's the admin so if I want to enroll someone manually I can do that right here I'm just saying okay we're just on my website and then on ROI in the course so you can tell your friend hey bro come you know come to my website sign up and then I will go ahead and enroll you in the course and you don't have to pay anything like that so that's what it means by enrolling new so let's go ahead and scroll back up right here and also right here we have sales page so a sales page is basically the actual page that were on right now and I want to just display the default course content because we can actually put all of our own content in right here and yeah so here I'll click on updates now one thing I do want to also note is that right here under the documents if you want to make this a full width page right here under Divi page settings you'll click on no sidebar and then click on updates all right and that's take a quick look at this course so here we have the course we have the course information the course instructor now we have the price right there and as someone clicks on this will go to buy now they'll be prompted to put in their billing information it'll give them an order summary and then we have manual details etc they can go ahead and buy it now I'll run you through more about how to set up PayPal and stripe etc once we're done with making courses and all that stuff so on this page right here you can actually edit everything so for example if I want to put in something like Facebook ad so I'll do something like this is the best course for Facebook Ads and of course I can always go ahead and rearrange these I can put this lower I can delete something so let's say for instance I want to delete that block now whenever you want to add a block right here click on this plus icon so if you scroll down right here you'll see lift your LMS blocks these blocks are specifically for lift your LMS if you want to add some contents right here just click on paragraph and here would be the content you would add it in so for example you can put in like this is contents about the course and I'll move this up and up and maybe right here you don't want course information so I'll delete this block by clicking on those three dots and remove block let's say for instance I want to add that block again here under the plus icon I'll scroll down to lift your LMS blocks and the one I deleted I believe was course information and there you go here you can rearrange stuff you can delete stuff course instructor and then maybe right here under the plus icon under the stillness blocks you can always add the course instructor again so that would be be basically how you can customize this page any which what you want and then if you want to add in more contents right here paragraph here you can add in a YouTube video formatting there's there's so many different little blocks that they have if you want to add in an image here you can upload an image by just going to media library and then maybe just putting in like an image of something like that and you know there you go so this is how you can customize your main landing page so when I click on updates you're gonna see that all these changes are taking effect onto our course right here so here we go we have the girl and everything is all sets and there we go so that's basically how you can design your cover page which is pretty important I think that you know making this page look really really good is very important also a featured image this is the image of the actual course so for example right here if I want to display my main image as this girl right here and click on updates I'll delete this one because I don't need two images of the same girl right I'll click on updates and I'll click on preview so whenever someone sees this course and rolls in it they're gonna see this image right here also right here in her home the course the actual page is going to be the actual featured image so make sure it looks really good make sure that you have a featured image that just looks really nice and professional because that's going to be what people are going to see on your course page alright so now that I've shown you a little bit about that let's talk about the course builder so this is the outline this is the the shell of the course so right here if I scroll to the bottom right here you're gonna see course builder here I'll click on launch course builder so here for example I was messing around with this earlier we have Yoga for Beginners the food diet for beginners launch your course and next steps so whenever you want to see what's inside of a section just click on this little plus icon so here we have launched your course admire your course and start course marketing now you can see right here how there's this is basically the topic and inside the topic are lessons so there's nothing right here two edits because this is just the topic but on lesson one right here if I click on this WordPress lesson editor what is inside lesson one so here we have start stretching and this is where you can out all the content for less than one then under here under lesson two we can add in some other contents so this is all the content for lesson two so now the beginning you giving you all kind of like a brief overview about this let's create our own course from scratch where we can add quizzes and assignments and all that really cool stuff so let's go back over here and make our own course so here we'll go to courses and we'll click on add a new all right so what kind of course is this I'm gonna pretend that I am doing I'll what should I do here I'll do yeah I don't know Facebook Ads Facebook Ads mastery course and here I'll click on publish and publish now you can also use the Divi Builder to build out this page or you can use the default editor I personally recommend you can use both it doesn't hurt but I would use a default editor because that will give you actual the blocks for that's our LMS but the good part about this that plugging that we installed earlier is that we can use the Divi builder on this page if you choose to do that so let me just give you a quick example of the Divi builder just in case you want to use it so here I'll click on both from scratch and maybe you want to add in a section so here I'll add it in a section call to action section and then you can just go ahead and start using the Divi builder to build out your page so just like we did on the front page you can add in whatever you want you can add in a bunch of contents and you can design this any which way he wants so that's an example of how you can use the Divi builder on your lesson page here I'll click on edit the course discard an exit I don't really want to use it just because I don't really need it the first thing I'll do is I want to make this full width so under here on our page layouts I'll put no sidebar and click on updates now here I'll click on return to default editor so here we have the Facebook Ads mastery course right so I need to actually give some description about what's inside of our course so remember this is the outline of the course so for here I will go ahead and just pay some demo content you know I'll just say you know what what can you learn in this course here what will you learn in this course something like that so here we have just some description about the course right here I'll click on plus and I can decide to put in some course information or course syllabus here I'll put in some course information so how long will this take you know three hours something like that three hours right here click on documents and I will add in a difficulty I'll put easy just easy and then remember you want to put in a featured image right here so here you'd want to put in something that represents your course here I'll just grab this one right here set this as my featured image you have these other options right here post attributes not really important discussion I would not allow comments on that and so on and so forth so here we have the course information and let's add some more blocks so here add a block I'll put in the instructor name so I'm the instructor for this course now we need to also add the button for the price but we haven't set the price yet remember down here we need to actually go through these options so inside of this course do you want to enable reviews do you want to put an enrollment date so you would go ahead and mess around with these settings to fit your criteria but the most important is putting the price so right here under sales page you go to add new forward access plan here I'll put bye now and then he'll put enroll in the course the price I will put $89.99 this is a one-time payment and then here you can put in some more description if you want to do that I'm not going to so we we set the price but whenever you set the price you need to add the button so for example right here plus will scroll down lift your LMS lift your LMS pricing table you need to make sure that's there and then that will display right there so we basically set all this up right here so we have facebook as mastery course the image will display right here if you want to add in an image or a video you can go ahead and do that for example right here the plus icon you can do something like embed so here I'll paste a YouTube video and click on embed so maybe this would be something like hey guys you know thank you for so much for clicking on this you know you guys can buy my course you can kind of hype them up to buy the course at this point so this is maybe where you'd want to add a video something like that but anyways here I'll click on updates and let's preview this course now so here I'll click on preview let's take a quick look I'll close all these other tabs and here you go Facebook ad mastery well we learned this course I could have cleaned it up I could have you know structured everything a little bit better but you guys understand that you guys can just keep adding stuff so you know if you want to add an image just click on the plus icon add an image and then so on and so forth so that's how you would design the outline of the course so this is where you convince them to buy your course next let's actually design the course so I'll click on updates now if I scroll the bottom right here you're gonna see course builder click on launch course builder so now we're actually going to build the course alright so let's do section 1 section 1 is well do intro to Facebook intro to Facebook now intro to Facebook we don't have any content remember this is just the topic so we're gonna add lessons to this topic so right here let's add a lesson so right here maybe do like you know making a Facebook page alright so we have making a Facebook page now you have to give it like a few seconds and then the W will open up right here so here I'll open up the WordPress lesson editor okay so this right here is my lesson now I want to add some content in this lesson right so here I'll add a block I will add in a paragraph you can see right here the cursor is right there so this is where you would paste your content so here I'll just go to my secret website and just you know throw in some dummy text right here and then paste that in there and I want to move this up and up and up remember this is mark as completed and I want that to be you know below it looks like here we actually got to move this up - there you go now let's say also you want to add a YouTube video or something like that which is pretty common so what you'll do is just click on the plus and you'll go to embed so here you can actually put the link of the YouTube video so I have one I made right here I will copy that and I'll just paste that and embed it and then I can move this up and up like that so this right here can be a video of something and then here you can have some contents and you can add as many stuff as you want here you can put plus and you can you know add in whatever blocks you wants now for lesson courses you want to make sure mark is complete and the next course is available so here I'll go ahead and delete these I'll delete this and I will go ahead and oops I will delete this as well so when you create lessons under the add block you'll notice that lifter LMS gives you two blocks to use so users can Marcus completes and users can also navigate to the next lesson or oops sorry I put into my bad they can go to the next lesson or they can go back so you can always add that at the end of the course under the documents you can choose to have it again full width right here no sidebar and that's pretty much it so here I will update it and let's take a look at our first lesson so making a Facebook page here you go making a Facebook page here we have the video we have contents you just can mark as complete or they can click back and go back to the outline course where they can read about the actual course again let's go back over here one thing I want to note that if you decide to make the course page full width then the sidebar will automatically get taken out so if you want these widgets right here now you will have to have a sidebar if you cannot find these widgets when you have a sidebar and there's nothing there all you need to do is going over here to widgets by clicking right here on widgets and this right here is just widget sections so you can have widgets I guess you want to call widgets like gadgets they're just little things you can add so right here we have a lesson bar and we have course progress and we also have course syllabus you can give these a title if you want to do that and you can also add more things to the lesson sidebar so for example let's just say you want to add maybe an image of like your course or something like that so here I'll put in an image I'll click on add an image maybe you can add like a happy face to make people feel good about their course or I don't know whatever here we'll just add this to the widget and I'll save this so what you can do is you can take these little widgets right here and just drag and drop them if you want a video and you can add those to your lessons sidebar so whenever a student is taking the course they will see the lesson sidebar if they have the sidebar enabled on the course so let's go ahead and go back to that last section so here you can see we have the course and now we have the picture of the girl and now we have the sidebar etc so you can rearrange these you can change the order any which way you want if you decide to have a sidebar I just chose not to use a sidebar just because I want my courses full width but then again this is your website so you can design this any which way you want let's make a second lesson now so here at a new lesson so making a Facebook page maybe here you can do something else like Facebook audience targeting actually that's that's too bad that's too advanced will do here we go graphic design for Facebook page right graphic design for Facebook page and then once you do that this little editor will open up and again guys same thing open WordPress editor and now you can write the content for graphic design for a Facebook page so maybe here you can just give them files you know maybe you can just give them something to you know say hey you know you guys can use this if you want or something like that so here I will do paragraph just paste in some contents move this up and that would be the end of its documents page layouts no sidebar etc now again you are welcome to use the Divi builder on this page as well if you want to make it look really stylish and beautiful you are more than welcome to use the Divi builder if you choose to do that so if you are less than really quick and there you go so this should be less than two all right oh I forgot to move that header that's so annoying yeah just like yeah I did the mistake on the first one looks like you have to move the header up so here we'll just move that up up up and there you go so now let's go ahead and say ok we made lessons for section 1 let's make a new section so here we go so now that we know how to do Facebook pages and designing the Facebook page let's do marketing marketing and Facebook add a new lesson and then here I'll do something like Facebook targeting out of your lesson and then here you can use something else like Facebook targeting and then maybe something else like here we'll do Facebook retargeting actually now Facebook audiences I think retargeting would be like a new section right new section there we go new section and then this would be like Facebook retargeting cuz that's a little bit more you know it's a little bit more detail than than here you would do a new lesson and remember you can always drag and drop these lessons so you can swap them around you can move them to anywhere that you want so if you want to move a lesson around you can do that if you choose to do that's Facebook retargeting intro to retargeting alright so now that you guys know how to use this stuff and everything let's do something else let's add a quiz so we have these different icons down here where you can you know add a video you can put audio enrolled students only no prerequisites and also drip disabled so right here you can click on add a quiz now right here you'll notice that we can create a new quiz so let's create a new quiz so let's add some questions so once they take the course of making a Facebook page let's say you want to make them take a quiz for what they learned so here we can add a question do you want to add multiple choice true and false a picture choice etc but right here I'll select multiple choice what is your question so my question is is this the best tutorial on YouTube right and YouTube for online courses and then right here you would select the right choice and the wrong choice so I'll put yes darrel is the best and then this one would be no so obviously the right choice is letter A so that would be you know that would be it right there so I can ask a question and then it's worth one points you can also you can also put many points as you wants you know whatever here I'll add in another question true or false is Darryl handsome and then here you can put something like yes I'll just put true/false we'll leave that true false and then here I'll save the changes so we have the quiz right there now right here in our general settings I'll click on this and here we can give some description about the quiz like this is a a quiz on lesson 1 here you can select the passing percentage how many times they can take the quiz we can limit this to like 5 minutes and then we can also show correct answers you can also randomize the question orders as well so that's basically how you can create quizzes for your courses ok so now you know how to create lessons so I think by now you have enough information on how to create lessons and quizzes so let's go on to the next section where I'm gonna talk about memberships now these next sections are pretty easy to understand you don't have to follow me here you can just watch and just kind of get an idea of what a membership is and also what engagements are etc so right here we have memberships and we don't have any memberships of course because we haven't created ism so here I'll click on add a membership and I will create a membership so this will be like The Ultimates member your ultimate membership bundle right alter membership bundle I will use a default editor so a membership is allowing one user to register for multiple classes for one price so for example you might have three or four or five courses you can say look if you enroll in all my courses you only have to pay this one price so for example right here we have auto enrolment now this is a new feature and it's only available for memberships so right here I will add a new course so right here we have two courses we have the sample course and we have the course that we just made so I will select the Facebook Ads and then I will also select the lyft or LMS one right here so now we have two courses and right here we have the actual access plan so he we can actually just say how much does this all cost so right here add new and then for these right here if you can do the same thing so we can charge them on a monthly basis we can charge them the same way we did before so here I'll charge them only $150 so here by now purchase and then right here we have $150 because they're getting a discount because they're rolling in two courses and this will be a one-time payment and then once they actually purchased they will go back to the membership page where they will access their courses here I'll click on save now don't worry about the membership in the dashboard we will talk more about that a little bit towards the end of the video and then right here we have sales page and then the access plan we already have so everything is all ready to go and right here you can just basically explain to them what they get so right here we have the paragraph and you know what do you get in this you guys understand now right so here you can explain what they get in this bundle and then here under the document you can add in a featured image if you want to do that so here maybe put in a featured image of something you can put in this girl like that's it's pretty big picture though 1920 by 1080 alright now I know this membership looks a little bland but you guys kind of get the understanding right you know what this is it just allows you to bundle multiple courses at one time so here I will click on preview and then here we have the ultimate membership bundle where users can actually purchase this and they can go ahead and enroll in all those courses and they'll be available in their dashboard so that's what memberships is in a nutshell so you can choose to use memberships if you want you can choose not to I'm just explaining what memberships is the next thing we have right here is engagements so engagement is something like certificates or achievements or something like that so first right here we have certificates let's go ahead and add in a certificates so you are a Facebook Ads pro and then right here we can added some content about the actual certificate so here I'll paste this stuff in certificate title so sir certification of Facebook Pro and this right here is the background image here I will click on publish and you can always preview your certificate right here by clicking on predetermine right here we have the description etc so this stuff right here certification of Facebook Pro this is going to display on the certificate this title right here will display when they get that little pop-up notice on the right side of their screen so whenever they get an engagement they're gonna get a little like a pop-up saying oh congratulations this congratulations that it's really really cool and don't worry we're going to complete a course step by step in this video to give you a full demonstration of what your users will see next we have achievements so you guys know what that is you guys I probably seen those right I think Facebook now even offers achievements so you are amazing so this is just the title and right here we have you finished you finished a course and then here I'll put in some demo contents and this right now you can put it in a background image so what this is whenever they do something like for example finishing a course they're going to get this notice and alls me to do now is we need to assign this so this right here is your finishing finishing course man my spelling is terrible don't tell anybody about this here there we go so you got the finishing course achievement right there and then right here we'll click on add engagement next so this will be the engagement so triggering events we have when a student creates an accounts they purchase a plan they enroll in a course they complete a course complete what course well I'll just say the lift our LMS course and it awards and achievements in awards and certificates so for example I'll do an achievement which one well we made one right so right here we have the finishing course achievements and this will be finished a course and here I'll click on publish all right now I think my course is free right now so let me go check right here I think this course is free so let's do this now so now that we've actually done all this stuff right here of the courses the memberships and the engagements let's go ahead now and actually go to the process of how your users will navigate and purchase courses etc okay let's imagine now I am a brand new students coming to the website for the very first time what is my experience on the website so let's go ahead and go over here and I'll say alright I got this course I want to enroll in it's here I'll scroll down and I'll enroll so here the student will put in their information then they will go to enroll now and they will enroll in the course also one thing to note is that you can actually customize this page as well with Divi so if you want to get rid of this sidebar you can go ahead and just enable the visual builder at the top and just tell the page that you want it to be full width so right here I'll say all right cool let's enroll in the course alright so the user has now finished the course so right here you can see back to the course I am now finished I took in the course and I have done the quizzes and everything else now your users always have access to their courses in their dashboard so right here you can see that I tried to buy the course again but right here it says oh you can actually go to your dashboard now every student that you have has their own dashboard they have their courses they have their grades their memberships their achievements their certifications notifications all this stuff and they will always have access to all their courses in their dashboard so next let's go ahead and add in the pages to the menus so you can see right here how we don't have the dashboard and we don't even have the courses page yet on our website so next let's add that to our website alright so back on our website let's go over here to dashboard and over here under appearing we'll go to menus now the menu right here will automatically sync up with the theme builder so whatever you put right here is going to display on the actual theme builder so right here we have dashboard purchase membership catalog and course catalog and we can add all these to the menu and here I'll click on save menu now you can always rearrange these things again whatever you want to do after this we're actually gonna make a custom course page because I find that making a custom course page just looks a lot better than what they give us by default so here I'll click on visit sites and now right here we have dashboard Membership catalog purchase and course catalog so we're here course catalog dashboard this is basically where the uterus will all go ahead and put in all their stuff here we have a membership catalog where the memberships will be displayed and then we have purchase where users can actually go ahead and purchase something now these are the courses that will be in the cart so once they are ready to actually purchase it the courses will be displayed right here and then they can click on purchase and then buy the courses so the purchase page is essentially a cart page basically the membership page is basically where you can offer bundles so you can have all of your courses displayed right here on your memberships page the dashboard page again is where the users can access all their stuff and the course catalog is what we're gonna edit right now so we are actually going to create a custom course page but first let's go back to the other browser and see what the user has now done so here I will reload the page now if I click on the dashboard you'll see that users can now just go ahead and click on their dashboard and they can have access to their stuff right away and remember you can always edit this page as well with the Divi theme builder I'm sorry with the Divi editor so over here you can see here under dashboard we can click on enable visual builder we can edit the page and we can design it how we want it to look so for example no sidebar and then here use the Divi builder so remember you can always edit this section you can add a section right here that says like your accounts make it look a little bit more stylish you can also manipulate this by changing the actual font you can change the color and you can change the text size and you can see here how it's highlighting these words so you can actually customize everything so if you want to change the fonts you can change the fonts so this would be for heading text one right here heading text two you can see here how it says dashboard and maybe you want to add in another section so maybe right here I'll delete this and maybe right here plus regular I'm gonna put in some text and then here I'll do something like your accounts and I'm pretty proud of this so here what I'll do is I'll take this section I'll drag it up to the top and this would be like the new section for their account so this right here I will put in heading one design heading text one and then just change the font so I like to use Poppins Poppins is like my favorite font here we go Poppins and we can make this bold and then we can make it a line we can even change the color and make it bigger like that and then here I will reduce this space like that and reduce this space something like that you guys understand what I'm getting here so you can kind of customize this page and you can customize every single page on your website so you can have it look really really sharp all right party people in this last section I'm going to show you how to start accepting payments on your website and I'm gonna run you through your process and we're actually gonna run a transaction on this website to show you exactly how it's gonna look from a new users point of view so for example right here we have our courses and then we have a list of courses and then we have the Facebook Ads for beginners and we have web design and mastery course so I'll just select Facebook Ads for beginners users will see the course and then right here they'll see the price now this is a free course so I probably want to do a paid one right so I think a paid one is the other one the the how to talk to women mastery course so this course here cost $200 so I'll say alright buy it now and we have a few options so you can do PayPal you can do credit card which is what most people recommend or you can do manual which is not recommended so with the credit card you're going to use stripe and this will allow users to enter their credit card on your websites and after they purchased it they will get access to the course right away PayPal is the same method manual is not so I do not recommend using manual but for example right now I'm just going to imagine that I'm a first-time user and enter in a credit card ok so here I'll click on credit or debit card and your users or your visitors will enter in their credit card now this right here is a fake credit card it's not real so don't think that I'm like putting my information on the Internet and once they put their credit card in they'll click on buy now all right awesome so the user has purchased right here they got the course enrollment success and right here now the users have access and they can get started on the course right away if I go to my dashboard right here and i refresh my little page right here now you can see that the price has gone up to 399 because somebody has just purchased our course and this will be directed to our bank right away so it's a very convenient process to use stripe so that right there is using stripe and accepting payments on your website so this right here is the website that you're going to use to sign up with so it's called stripe comm it's free it doesn't cost you anything you can also use paypal comm so I haven't a PayPal account you guys can see you have tons of money in there but PayPal is a little bit more can I want to say difficult because you have to get a lot of API keys but what you can do is if you want to use PayPal and you can't find your API you can call PayPal get your API key and you can also put it inside of the setting so you can use either stripe or you can use PayPal so there is a link in the description below to this website and this is the website that you're going to use so it's lifter LMS and this is the same company that makes the plugin now you do have to pay for the add-on but I do have a coupon code for you guys if you guys you know want to use that but first off we'll talk about the bundle pack so there's a few different pricing models that we can that we can choose for our website so the one that we need only cost $99 and I do have a 15% discount code so you only pay around 85 bucks however the univers bundle gives you a lot more so that'll give you the PayPal integration the stripe integration and it also gives you other things like the design add-ons it gives you other services that we didn't use in the video like assignments etc so they do also have like marketing add-ons and they do have form add ons as well so the universal bundle will give you a lot more and you'll end up only paying $300 for the entire year so that's not too bad however if you want to just go ahead and buy the plug-in individually you can go to individual add-ons and click on browse and the one that we need is the stripe integration so scrolling down here you can see here there's other plugins they have so it dance quizzes lyft or LMS groups advanced videos assignments private areas social learning which is really cool custom fields etc the one that we need is this one right here the stripe extension you can also use PayPal as well or you can just choose the bundle so the bundle will actually get you a lot more but if you're on a budget and you just want to accept payments you will need the stripe extension right here so what I'll do here is just click on learn more and right here it I'll say just purchase this add-on we can click on buy now so right here I have the universal bundle and also the stripe extension so it just depends on how you want to pay now I do have a 15% discount code so if you use the code Wilson for any plan you will get 15% off so here I'll ply the coupon code and now you can see you say it around $59 so if you use just the stripe extension you can do that but if you want to use the universal bundle and get all the add-ons you can also do that as well so I already have the universe bundle so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to show you my page and just give you an example of how to download the plugin so once you purchase your plug-in or your package you'll notice that there is a large amount of plugins that you can download and add to your website so this right here is like a duppy forms add-on ellipse or LMS add-on etc the one that we need is the stripe extension and here you'll click on download next you'll go to your website and go to dashboard and you will upload that plug-in so plug-in add new here we'll go to upload plug-in browse the file and then upload that same zip file that you downloaded from the website and once you've picked the plug-in you'll click on Install Now and then right here you'll click on activate okay so now we have the plug-in installed so if you go over here to lift your LMS and go to settings well click right here on checkout and we'll scroll down and right here we'll notice stripe so click on stripe and right here we'll click on enable stripe and I'll click on test mode for now so let me go to my account really quick and explain to you how this works so what you want to do is right here we have the Ewing test data so once you've actually made an account this right here is your dashboard if you want to accept real payments in real time you'll click this right here and now we can accept real payments so right here under developers all you need to do is copy and paste the API key so right here you have API key I'll reveal this I'll copy this publishable key and go back to our sites and then right here you would just paste it in I'm in test mode right now so let's first do test mode because that's actually easier way to see if this works or not so right here now I'm in test mode so viewing task data so to switch back just click on that little on-and-off icon so here I will go ahead and copy and paste the publishable key and then I will do the same for the secret key and once I've done with that I'll click on enable Save cards and click on Save Changes all right now let's go ahead and purchase something on our website to see if this is working so here I'm going to go to Facebook Ads mastery and role in the course for $89 here I have all my information and right here I will do the credit card with stripe so I'll put in my credit card now remember once you actually have the live this will actually take real credit cards but right now we're in test mode so right now saying for test mode just use 4 2 2 2 2 2 etc and here I'll click on buy now all right awesome so here we got the little thumbs up so now we are enrolled in the course and your user can now start taking the course and learning all about you and whatever you want to offer let's go back over here to our websites and let's see if it has added it and there you go so now I went from 399 to around 400 $89 so you can see now it's connected to our website and it's taking payments if you do want to refund someone that might you know you might have a refund here and there which happens sometimes so if you want to order refunds for people what you'll do right here is just click on one of your succeeded payments under your stripe accounts and then just click on refund and that's all you have to do so it's very simple very easy to do and that's it it's stripe will do everything for you so it's extremely easy to accept payments with stripe on your WordPress website so guys that is pretty much it for the entire tutorial so hopefully by now you guys have a online course website that you guys are proud of you guys can accept payments you can accept recurring payments you can accept credit cards from all over the website you have a multiple page website so you guys are pretty lucky there and you guys have just ultimately a very nice amazing course website and I wish for my very first time I had someone like myself to teach me cuz I was taught by someone else and the website I made was terrible heeeeelp with snow bad and I'm like why is nobody buying anything you know so now you know that now you have a fully functional online course website make sure to LIKE this video and let me know in the comments below how I did what I could do to improve myself and I really good luck with your website and I wish you all the best my name is Daryl Wilson and I will see all of you guys in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 83,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create online course website, sell courses online, wordpress, how to make an online course website with wordpress, sell online courses, make money online, how to make an online course website, lifterlms, lifterlms tutorial, wordpress for beginners, how to create an online course wordpress, darrel wilson, how to create an online course with wordpress, wordpress website, divi, divi theme tutorial, divi theme online course, lms, learning management system
Id: mQ-s75D2CaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 39sec (5559 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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