How to Create an Instant Hellevator in Terraria

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I no Terraria playthrough would be complete without a elevator a giant hole going from the surface of Your World all the way down to the underworld digging a elevator is usually a pretty involved Endeavor and takes reasonable amount of time to complete and you'll often die a few times along the way wouldn't it be neat if you could make a elevator with a single pull of a lever oh wait H well that was easy this right here is what is called a black hole powered board drill a board drill because it allows you to dig and a black hole because well you can also transmute items from it a theoretically infinite number of items I should add but we'll get to that let's first focus on the boring aspect which I assure you is actually quite interesting a fun fact about boor drills is that they can dig through literally anything and that is not an exaggeration I've yet to find something that the bo drill can't dig through as an example it can go straight through the jungle temple nice things which are normally entirely indestructible such as locked chests this gives us the added benefit of being able to lockpick the chest as well and if you want to you can also do very illegal things such as cutting a chest in half vertically the key among you might have noticed that when a board drill activates it creates a large large quantities of doors sometimes wooden doors sometimes evanwood doors and sometimes completely different doors and if you fly down the bore hole while hugging a wall doors just seem to magically pop into existence this is because the Bor drill is actually a do drill in that rather than having any kind of traditional drill bit is instead powered by a door which also happens to be a black hole but we'll get to that so how does this contraption allow us to dig to hell in less than a second to understand what's going on it's important to understand that the way Terraria handles multi-tile objects such as doors is extremely janky the game thinks of the door as being contained in this 2x3 area the game needs to know this because if you do something such as breaking the door the game needs to know exactly where the rest of the door is so if you break this bottom left tile the game needs to know oh the rest of the door is three tiles up above and two tiles to the right so it can remve the door but what if the game didn't know where the rest of the door was that's where the campfire glitch comes in wait there we go now it looks accurate that's where the campfire glitch comes in by performing The Campfire glitch on a door we can change its frame y value in effect where the game thinks it is on the vertical axis to somewhere else in our case we are moving it from here to somewhere down here which means that if we interact with one of these two door tiles the game will instead attempt to remove these tiles to the right and below it when the door is activated it doesn't matter if these tiles are already occupied the game checks oh I need to break this portion of door hm where do I need to break oh these tiles and that's how you boil drill an interesting consequence of moving the effective position of the door in this way is it causes a phenomena known as a black hole black holes earn their namesake for their ability to do that however the interesting thing about black holes is they can output a lot more than just doors the very same phenomena which causes black holes to generate items happens to be the same one that also allows us to board drill as you can see here whenever I transmute items it removes a set of tiles this is because the effective position of the door has moved black holes will be getting their own video both due to complexity and because you can make black holes out of a hell of a lot more than just doors so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss that but I know why you're actually here you want to know how you can make one of these machines for yourself everything you need can be found in this chest here everything on the right is essential you'll also need wiring and optionally the materials for a dummy engine or some other form of timer these aren't actually needed in order to run the machine except having them makes the operation go faster hey there editing ethereal here I fig I should point out you also don't need the conveyor belts they merely make the setup easier to run but if you want to do this pre hard mode you can substitute this with a Sandstone lamp instead how to do that will be covered in the tutorial all right let's continue Step Zero is to make sure that you're in multiplayer if you're on PC you'll be able to use host and play and perform this alone however if you're on Console you'll need to join someone else to perform these steps meaning you'll need two people someone to host and someone as a client to do this setup as a final note I haven't had the chance to completely verify that this glitch works on Console so if you want to test it out let me know how that goes in the comments down below but again on PC host and player works just fine first to build a small platform elevated about three blocks off the ground then make a gap in that platform to place a trapo and add this arrangement of tiles as shown next place your bass statue on top of the sand and add a few more pieces of wood like so this next step needs to be done quickly we're going to place a block of sand here and then block swap to place Sandstone right here as shown you should get your bass statue back if done correctly then remove the Sandstone then the sand to clean up and next we're going to make space for the campfire glitch now place the torch to the left a switch to the right and run wire between these two objects this allows us to toggle the bass statue which is here but merely invisible you'll know you've done it correctly when you can see these breaking particles appearing upon toggling the switch next make sure that the bass statue is in the off position which is what this torch helps us track place down your campfire and then toggle the switch three times this gives us the campfire glitch except it too is also invisible now expand out the right side a little bit place your conveyor belts like so and a door right here then Hammer the conveyor belts until the slopes and lastly open the door now all we need to do is prime the board drill place a switch here for activation connect the blue wire between the conveyor belts and the campire and then toggle the switch exactly twice you'll notice that the door becomes invisible and then this odd black Square appears this is a piece of a black hole once the mini black hole appears connect this black hole to the blue wire and then begin Drilling one thing you'll notice fairly immediately when in multiplayer is that there's these weird stray tiles that are appearing in the shaft however these tiles aren't actually real and are instead desyncs as a consequence of this Rel logging is enough to fix these tiles like so this also allows us to see the invisible campfire and invisible bass St which were hidden from us before because of a similar desync now all that's left to do is dig it can be done by toggling this switch manually or alternatively by putting a timer in its place using a slower timer such as this has the added benefit of being able to watch the boy drill dig honestly it's quite soothing hi however if you want to delete tiles as quickly as possible you'll want to connect something such as a dummy engine lastly it's worth noting that you don't actually need conveyor belts to run a board drill instead it's possible to use an alternative fuel source such as lamps you'll just need to reset it every so often to allow it to keep digging please pay no heed to the visual artifacts the added benefit of this is it allows you to drill pre hard mode before you have access to conveyor belts that's all I have to say about board drills for now but I have one other thing to add if you like what you see consider supporting me on patreon your support helps me make more videos and it gives you access to a patreon exclusive Discord server behind the scenes content and sneak peeks at upcoming projects so if that sounds like your jam go check it out at the first link in the description below a special thank you to my $10 patrons TK 95020 and JoJo for your generous support if you too would like your name at the end of future videos consider checking me out on patreon it should be the first link in the description down below
Channel: Ethyriel Y.
Views: 121,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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