Using Bees to Achieve INFINITE Speed in Terraria

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thank you [Music] so yesterday morning I woke up and thought to myself hmm I wonder if you can accelerate infinitely in Terraria oh okay then there's two main components to this glitch the first of which is the unobtainable golden chest which you can create by transmuting a marble chest I say create because there's no way to place this chest down normally as it does not have a corresponding item this is not to be confused with the obtainable golden chest you can get from Pirate invasions mousing over these two chests makes the difference immediately apparent the obtainable golden chest behaves as you'd expect it has an inventory and you can place and remove items from set inventory meanwhile when you Mouse over the unobtainable golden chest your player will enter a glitch state in this glitch State all of your vanity will disappear you lose the ability to move jump and use items and you also become immune to contact damage this means that bosses such as the Eye of Cthulhu with no projectiles can't damage you however bosses such as empress of light will still be able to harm you just fine because they mostly use projectiles there's one other strange side effect to being in this state if you watch my speed I begin to accelerate the instant eye Mouse over this chest it turns out that this is a downwards acceleration because well in this glitch State the game does not realize that you were on the ground and accelerates you downwards until you hit terminal velocity for a regular player falling terminal velocity is 51 miles per hour if you grab a portal gun your terminal velocity becomes 179 miles per hour however it's fairly difficult to exceed that speed when moving downwards but what if we could that's where the second part of this glitch comes into play the beam out the beam out normally has two states a grounded state where you can walk around slowly in a flying state where you can maintain a limited flight before the bee Mountain grows tired and you'll hover down slowly towards the ground now then if you Mouse over the golden chest while in the flying state your player will freeze and your velocity will tick up slowly to about 20 miles per hour however if you Mouse over the golden chest while grounded in the B mount your speed begins to increase alarmingly quickly and in no time at all you will have passed a thousand miles an hour the rate of acceleration seems to be about 120 miles per hour per second or about 53 meters per second in less painful units now then the next logical thing is does this look for jousting lenses and the answer is kind of the damage of a jousting Lance increases as your speed goes up and importantly there's no hard cap to how much damage you can deal foreign you can accumulate pretty ridiculous damage using just the basic jousting Lance and no armor or accessories therefore switching to a maximum DPS loadout buffing and using a Godly Shadow jousting Lance the damage gets ridiculous very very fast this is fine for all intents and purposes 800 000 damage per second should be enough to kill anything you pointed at but you might have noticed that around the 7200 mile per hour mark the Lance disappears and this is because even if you turn on auto fire and hold down left click the Lance projectile has a finite lifespan because you can't actually use items in this state this means that even though you can theoretically accelerate infinitely I don't yet know how to use lances when above 7 200 miles per hour which is why even though I reached 5.4 million miles an hour in the thumbnail I was not able to do several billion damage to one target dummy but it's something I'm still hoping to find and if anyone has any ideas feel free to experiment there's definitely still modified with this glitch nothing what are you probably here for how do I set this thing up for myself step 0 for setting up the glitch is that you need to be in multiplayer however using host and play for the PC version looks just fine for this if you're wanting to perform this on Console it's a bit trickier as you need to be on a dedicated server and generally speaking I haven't been able to test these glitches for myself on Console versions so your mileage may vary but feel free to give it a shot everything you need to perform the glitch can be found in this chest here as a few quick notes you can use either a marble chest or a granite chest for the same result and you can use pretty much any Lance for this although higher 2 lances are generally better if you plan to use this setup to kill bosses I suggest that you build it near the top of your screen so that when the Lance is deployed it's pointing straight up this way we can take advantage of the natural tendency of many bosses to hover above you when you're sitting still the easiest way to achieve this is using some rope about 25 pieces is good for most screen sizes although this can vary the next thing you'll need to do is take your wood or any other building block and set up a small platform for yourself next we'll need to build the following upside down U structure as a place to house our bass statue then knock out two tiles from the floor for the trapdoor place a piece of wood to the left a piece of sand on top of that and then a few more blocks of sand for the best statue to rest upon your setup should now look something like this some speed is required for this next step so make sure you have both the Sandstone block and the sand block in your Hotbar before proceeding first we need to block Swap this piece of wood with a sand block and then we need to place a Sandstone Block in the bottom left corner of the bass statue in Rapid succession like so in effect what we've just done is we've created a parallel universe because what we see is different from what the server sees the server still has a bass statue there but that bass statue is invisible to us if you want to learn more about how parallel universes we use to break Terraria be sure to subscribe so you don't miss the comprehensive guide the transmutation after cleaning up your platform a little bit place a torch to the left a switch to the right and run wire between these two objects next expand the platform all the way to the left once again and now and now place your marble or Granite chest in the middle once again now when you activate the switch you should notice that the top of your chest will turn into one of the glitch chests and lastly by introducing the honey goggles where you're able to achieve our unlimited speed lastly a few tips using the setup against bosses firstly due to an intentional mechanic if you take any damage while wielding a lance the Lance attack will be canceled this means that while you are immune to contact damage any hit by a projectile will cause you a lance attack to get canceled forcing you to restart a partial look around this is to build yourself into a small box ensuring that you have enough of a gap at the top such that you can still use your Lance attack as lances cannot attack through walls and secondly the Lance attack only lasts for one minute meaning that every minute you'll need to reset in order to redeploy the Lance therefore you have one minute to accumulate speed and deal as much damage as possible as demonstrated earlier your DPS will Peak around 70 000 without any gear and 700 000 with gear at the end of that one minute these damage numbers are kind of ridiculous and are enough to instantly kill any enemy foolish enough to get in the way of the Lance or to wander in front of it I guess and there you have it you now know how to achieve infinite speed in Terraria I invite you to experiment with this glitch for yourself to see if you could find better setups ways to accumulate speed faster or ways to attack while at higher speeds if you like glitches like this don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss an upload and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Ethyriel Y.
Views: 182,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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