Many Overlooked Terraria Strategies

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Terraria seems pretty simple right fight enemies kill bosses get loot but there's actually a whole lot more to it I mean Terraria has thousands of mechanics and your understanding of the game can change a lot of the way you play so I'm going to be showing you guys obscure strategies to improve your game basic early game strategies all the way to the most outrageous and possibly unnecessary strategies for you to master let's get started all right so let me remind you guys about something you probably don't think about and that is the modifier to your accessory most of y'all are are wandering around looking for some Hermes boots some clot in a bottle and you don't bother with these trash accessories but the trash accessories could have good modifiers so let me show you some trash accessories you can make very quickly that just gives you free stats early game to your character first we have the white string which is crafted with just 30 cobwebs at a loom and if you find a spider biome pretty early on and manage not to die you can craft as many of these things as you need now unfortunately you can't stack them but if you head over over to your trusty little Dy machine you can change their colors which technically makes them different items that way you could actually stack all six at once you might look like a mummy but you can have upwards of 24 defense on your first night without any armor no iron skin potions and you only needed cobwebs and die I think it's worth the tradeoff okay next items are watches other than telling you the time they're pretty useless but crafting one will automatically give you a modifier that could potentially be good and you can actually stack them if they're made out of different material right now I have quick on all my watches and as you can see it's almost like I have Hermes boots next time you get some copper or tin out of a chest definitely make a watch out of it I can understand not wanting to make a golden watch cuz you want to use the ore but tin in Copper watches really you're broke if you're a character isn't clanking around as you move you don't have enough accessories on and you know you always have leftover or sitting around fill your empty accessory slots so Critters are like one of the best ways to collect money early game but what most people don't know is how to actually sell these guys for the most profit are you serious right now bro so you see here the squirrel only sells for five silver go ahead and take that squirrel bring him over to your little cooking pot go ahead and drop him into the pot and make him into a grilled squirrel oh sorry buddy and now you'll notice that the grilled squirrel actually sells for 22 Silver four times the amount for the same exact item and this trick also works for Birds you looking at this trick works for Birds Penguins rabbits and squirrels so go ahead catch them up and turn them into food and of course the little crock pot recipe is just 10 iron and two wood or of course you know you could use lead so it's something you could definitely have in your day one I highly recommend it so if you spawn into your new world and start walking you're likely to come across the desert and inside you're going to come across these little things called vultures and as you'll find out they're they're not too friendly now if you didn't know you could spam jump to keep them in the air which this trick works pretty well but once the train isn't flat anymore uh you can run into some problems pretty early on instead go ahead and hit your trees off spawn and you'll have a chance of getting a fruit by eating this you'll gain the wellfed buff which will allow you to outrun those pesky little vultures off spawn haha sucker like it's such a simple thing but players are so close to being with the outrun vultures that little bit of speed bonus from the fruit is all you need get yourself a fruit so this next has everything to do with the snow biome guys I'm going just say it the best biome to go to is the snow biome other than like how amazingly beautiful this place is the snow biome just is the best place to go early game I mean for starters you can collect shiverthorn here which are used in the crafting recipe for danger sense potions drink that bad boy up and they're going to be real important early game for finding these little traps especially if you're doing a hardcore run another thing to actually note is if you take the pressure plate you could Ste the wires which I know most of you know but I don't think people really use this enough I mean look I hardly even went down and there's another trap right here that I probably wouldn't have seen I didn't mean to stop on now guys I may be crazy but it seems to me that spider biomes spawn the most in the snow biome I don't know if that's an actual fact but it sure looks like it I know I'm supposed to be like the dude giving all the information but like it didn't say nothing on the wiki all right so just take it with the grain of salt okay put some salt on it but yeah if that's true that means you're going to have a whole lot of cobwebs for white string and actually required in the the recipe for the danger sense potions so this place is perfect another great thing about the snow biome is how often penguin spawn it seems like the devs just cracked up the penguin spawns cuz I'm telling you these guys just come non-stop trying to get in my house like no dude and look there's yep yep you'll he to Sing Me A Christmas Carol merry christm but the reason this is so great is cuz you can actually catch these guys up and turn them into bird food and then sell them for 20 plus silver a pop it's a perfect way to start making bank on your first couple days animal trafficking guys it's a business it's a business get with it it's good all right I'm going to need all of you to do me a quick favor and just stop going for or armor you got to go in mind for it it's boring the stats are worse than other armor you can get without having to mind I mean guys it this is ridiculous why am I still seeing you guys using copper armor and gold armor why there is a way better alternative to this early game now because I'm in the corruption I know you guys are probably thinking I'm talking about this shadow armor but no I'm not telling you to go for the Shadow Armor it is pretty rare so I don't suggest it necessarily let me introduce you to the marble biome now in this biome you're going to find these little hoplight dudes which have a 5% CH oh I got I got to go which have a 5% chance of dropping their armor when killed now this place is probably even more dangerous than the corruption early game maybe I'm wrong yep yep yep so you got to be careful I recommend just using like a wooden yo-yo to take them out or you know you could you could find some lava oh I'm in the in total the armor gives you 16 defense which is the same amount as gold armor but the special thing about gladiator armor is it grants you immunity to knock back just like the Cobalt Shield I don't know about you guys but this seems a whole lot better than mining up copper early game I don't want to do all that all right we're just going to get right into the juicy stuff trick is going to be for those poor souls who don't have heart statues and even if you do have heart statues I think you'll find that this strategy is a lot better heart statues kind of suck cuz you usually only have one you got to wait for it to build up hearts and there's a limit to how many hearts can actually spawn so let me show you an easier method what you're going to do is you're going to spawn in and ie of cthulu and by killing this bad boy he's going to drop a whole bunch of hearts and what people don't really seem to realize is you could just leave the hearts there so next time you're fighting a boss is actually hard you can just run over and pick up the leftover hearts and the best part about this is it doesn't seem like there's a limit for how many hearts you could have on the ground from killing bosses at least it's got to be enough to like heal you to full like five times dude it keeps going there's more more there more there there so yeah if you have enough lenses dude you can craft like 16 I have cthulu summons and just leave them sprinkled around and basically throughout any fight you can just go and pick them up seems kind of broken to [Music] me all right this next strategy is how to kill a wyver in early game without really having to fight it there is a way to actually cheese it for this trick you're going to need a star cannon and some Stars also make make sure you drink up a nice gravity potion now I recommend finding a spot in the sky that's really high up and what you're going to do is when a wyvern spawns you're going to hop off the wyvern will straighten out and you just shoot straight up taking him out now if you're doing this at a spot that isn't actually high up enough that's fine once you get to the bottom you can just flip back around bring the wyvern back up flip back down and repeat the cycle trust me guys is going to be the safest way to kill wyvern now if I catch any of you actually futing a wyvern like this still after this video we're going to have some problems in the comments guys um I'm actually going to find you I'm going to come to your house and uh what I'm going to do all right this next strategy I'm going to I'm going to be honest it's a bit of a stretch bit of a stretch but here here's the idea when you break pots in hell you have a chance of getting hearts out of them breaking one can heal you quite a bit basically what I'm trying to get at is if you leave the pots in hell you can actually break them during the wall flesh fight to heal up it's a simple thing but I'm telling you this can really help you especially if you're playing on Master mode or hardcore mode you're going to want those juicy extra Hearts it's definitely a strategy you should try but anyways on to the next one now this trick is going to be the best for hardcore players or people who want to skip the eye of cthulu or eer worlds get better gear and then go back and kill those bosses because the first boss we're actually going to kill is Skeletron so from fishing up Golden crates you should be able to get the turtle mount and with this turtle mount you should be able to move very fast underwater then go ahead and buy yourself the mini shark bring Skeletron to the ocean and you're good the turtle mountain is going to be more than enough to escape Skeletron and combined with the fact that his skulls actually slow down while in water this fight's going to be a breeze now to get him to the ocean you could make a Minecart Track that's what I recommend and once you get to the end just hop right out unlike a lot of other bosses he does not actually get enraged when he's not at his uh his spawn point so this will work perfectly and once you've killed Skeletron you enter the dungeon and you're going to want to look for this little thing called the water scepter the water scepter with this thing you could Shred the eater worlds no problem this thing just absolutely destroys him this way you don't actually have to take the risk when fighting him you just get a nice free fight and if you also skip the I cthulu this thing will work just as well on him so if you're crazy enough fight Skeletron first with the turtle mount and get yourself one of these oh all right for this next one I'm going to be showing you guys the best weapon to get prehard mode without question in terms of how good it is versus how hard it is to get this is going to be the best weapon the problem with other weapons you get in in the beginning of hard mode is there's always a catch to them like you either got to go fishing or you got to fight hard mode enemies and farm up but not for this dude so let me introduce you to the amarok yo-yo this yo-yo has a 1 out of 300% chance to drop from enemies killed in the snow biome so what you're going to do is you're going to get some slimy crowns and you're going to fight King Slime in the snow biome during the fight King Slime is going to spawn his little slimy minions and because you're in the snow biome they all will have a chance of dropping the amck yo-yo meaning you don't actually have to fight hard mode enemies to get this weapon which doesn't really make sense cuz you're in hard mode and now you can get better weapons from killing prehard mode enemies so it's kind of like a loophole in Terraria a little bit I can't think of a better weapon early hard mode the amch yoyo is definitely going to be your best [Music] choice all right let's talk about graveyard biomes graveyard biomes have a unique thing called Ecto Mist that allow you to craft some pretty unique things sometimes even NPCs can sell unique items when they're in this biome so the graveyard biome can definitely offer you a few different things but unfortunately you got to make graveyard biomes with Graves that are dropped when the player dies so for hardcore players graveyard biomes really don't seem to like be an option but something that's very overlooked is NPCs also drop Graves when they die so for this next trick go and grab your nearest Blade find the nearest NPC I'm sorry no don't do kill enough of those guys and you should have enough Graves actually create a graveyard biome if you're in need of ecto mist and you're playing hardcore this is how you're going to have to do it man this is it yeah so if you're going to go murder all your NPCs I should probably tell you the benefits of graveyard biomes the best use I've found for these is crafting Boulder traps smack those guys in your Arena upside down and they were great for Farms I mean just check it out on the Pirate Invasion each time a new layer Bowers come down is just like a clean sweep of the floor I mean these guys stand no chance and the crafting recipe is just Stone so these things are pretty cheap Boulder traps also work very well versus The Destroyer you want to try that out I mean bro just look at this damage this is just the boulder traps but let's not forget about the Abigail's flower which is a summoning item you could find growing as a flower next to graves in a graveyard biome I mean this thing is a beast in early game I definitely recommend checking it out but yeah other than that I don't really see a use to the graveyard biome for me so if you don't think it's worth it to murder your NPCs I don't blame you but if you're fine with murdering them you can get some real good items that'll help you run all right so this next one is for all those Goonies who play on Crimson worlds I mean personally I highly prefer the corruption it's just like the OG biome offers you things like the Shadow Armor which the Crimson doesn't I mean I don't really know what's attractive about this and you got these weird goobly goblies chasing you like what the but the one thing you don't have to deal with in the Crimson is worms which is great because if you just want to speedrun some crystals you can get around this way perfectly fine and safe I mean if you're down to play like a little Turtle this is going to be great for you now that last trick reminded me of something you should also be doing when you start a new world and that is finding a cave near your evil biome I'm telling you guys the amount of times these caves lead directly to a shadow orb or a crimson heart is crazy and combined with the fact that you most likely will have bombs from pots within the first 5 minutes this is just free loot I mean here's some examples I'm just so close to these these crystals and if you didn't know the first weapon that'll always drop from a crystal is a gun which means you got the Arms Dealer if you blow this thing up on day one I always like to skip my starting cave and find a cave closer to my evil biome if I can and even if I do go down a starting cave I always try to go left the right to find my evil biome cuz there's just always a crimson heart or a crystal right there and you can avoid all danger with your evil biome and just get some free loot now let's talk about the mechanic for a minute so most people think you can only use her wiring after skeleton's defeated but that's not really true there is a way to make Farms early game without needing her at all the first thing you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and find yourself a boulder trap now it is important that it is a boulder trap and not a dart trap because we are going to be collecting the active stone blocks now these blocks are made out of wire and stone meaning that if you Shimmer it you get wiring back unfortunately you need a wrench to place wiring but with this wiring if you combine it with a watch you can create timers so go back underground to where there's already wiring set up place your timer place down some statues like a slime statue or a bomb statue and you got to farm early game didn't need the mechanic at all and you're just chilling all right guys I want to talk about the old ones Army this event offers so much but I feel like it's just so overlooked I mean usually you just find the old man like slumped up next to a rock you help him to his feet and then you basically never see him again but guys this event is good for two reasons one the accessories you get and two the armor is busted the Old One's Army drops four accessories each one doing the same thing offering extra centuries and Sentry damage but many people think the summoning damage is just for the sentes but that is not true it is also for your little summoning Pets the normal guys as you can see my DPS is 700 then once I put one of these accessories on it goes past 1,000 put two of these accessories on and damage is not a problem anymore I mean you're just going to be shredding mobs and of course the second reason the old ones Army so great is because the armor I don't want to go into it too much I'm not trying to make a documentary here but let's just take a look at the Squire armor 27 defense on the chest piece and 18 on the boots this is comparable to Turtle armor that actually is better and you could buy The Squire armor right after you defeat one Mech boss like the hollowed armor is just instantly outclass and if you mix and match some of these pieces you're pushing 100 defense before even fighting two of the mech bosses this this armor is crazy and it's not even like the damage is bad either it's actually increased and after killing gollem the tavern keeper is going to sell the vajala night set and let's just take a quick look at the boots here 24 defense 20% increased summoning damage 20% increased melee Critical Strike chance 20% increased movement speed on the freaking pants bro like this armor is completely underrated do yourself a favor check it out check out the Old One's Army it's great but yeah all right but yeah guys that is going to be it for this shorter video I actually do have two other videos that are just like this one they're each about like 13 minutes long same exact type of video I don't usually repeat myself either so completely different tricks and strategies and all that but uh yeah see you in the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Wild lmao
Views: 455,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: elcuN_tRk54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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