How to create A Top Down Angle in Unreal Engine

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what's up y'all welcome back to we shoot films we talk about cinematography we do product reviews and we talk about unreal engines so if you into any of those things make sure to uh click that subscribe button all right so I appreciate it anyway and a lot of y'all who watch this aren't subscribed so please subscribe it'll help me out you know what I mean it w't cost you much or nothing you know so today we going to talk about top down angles in unreal l cuz I had a few people holler at me and they was just like how do you do it so we going to do it so we going work on it I got an example right here this is an example as you see I'm recording them in my long little scen screen room I got the black magic up here and it's just pointing down at them now that's all you basically doing I already almost out I'm almost done pretty much it's all you're doing you're replacing the camera you're putting the virtual camera wherever you place your physical camera in real life that's all it is all right so I'm going go ahead and show you you know what we doing all right let me show you what we're using it's kind of expensive they got this one right here for $54 it's called Old cedral it looks pretty dope I'm have definitely going to get that one but this one right here is the one I'm using today it's a bck 39 it's kind of expensive but I mean look at it though I mean it's just it's just amazing you know what I mean like you can't even front on it it's dope so that's what we using all right all right so we're inside of Unreal Engine now I'm assuming you already know how to key out your green screen if you don't I have that you know in my tutorials just search through my videos you'll find it um you're going to key out your green screen and create PNG sequences or you can do exr sequences I usually stick with PNG exr is a little more quality and um if you're doing some heavy grading I would say exr but for the most part you know I've been able to be good with PNG so it's up to you and then once you finish all that if you don't know that process I have tutorials for that so just check it out um but once you finish all that we bring it into unreal and that's where we are so now we're going to hit content here right click new folder I give it a name and we're going to right click media image media Source I will name it again double click and right here where it say sequence path you go find where you saved that sequence at just click on the first one and hit open and then right here frames per second whatever frames per second you recorded it at that's what you're going to choose I did 60 I always recommend commend is when you do green screen use 60 frames per second at the minimum so that um you have less motion blur as possible hit save then we go back here media media player you want to click here all right and hit okay and I'm going call this something something else now if you want to see it pop up here just click on the media player click here and then hit save and it pop up up here if it if it helps you some people don't like it like not seeing that anyway come up here to shape and put your plane up in there and bring it up grab the media texture and apply it there you go all right make sure your angle is make sure your snap is activated you click on here and if you hit your space bar you can run through all of the controls all right and we're going to do it 90° 90° and bring it up all right now let's create a sequence come up here add level sequence and I'mma place it in the same folder and plus track right here go to Media track click here media Source it should be right there right click properties down to Media texture click over here and it should be the one with the star on it and then change this to your frames per second also all right now he's moving there you go now to extend this I'mma just I just put a bunch of nines on here to make this the timeline real long all right when you see these lines remember when you see these lines that mean the video is just repeating itself so right at that first line put the end there and then you can bring this in whatever and we all good now he's there period all right let's bring him down till hit the [Music] ground and like I always like to do even though he's at a weird angle I'm going still bring the mannequin to mesh out just to kind of size it up a little bit see how he's still smaller so it is a weird angle but we can still kind of size it up to where it makes sense so so we I'll leave them like that again you can have your judgment of what you want to do with that all right all right so there he goes you feel me there he goes now again some people might be like oh my God I might have to switch him up like you know move him no you don't move him leave him the way he came in all right my bad leave him the way he came in straight ahead now go grab your camera I mean go grab uh create a camera now so come up here cinematic send a camera actor boom bring it up all right now let's let's let's get this camera situated I'm going to grab my camera and throw it in my sequencer okay so here we go I like to see my camera here I don't always like it to be all blown up but let me configure that you know I like my 239 aspect ratio so right here where it says the crop you can make it whatever you want 16 by9 4x9 custom I do 239 all right and we want to track him so that he's focused so right here we hit tracking and you should see this Doppler if you don't see it then it's under here see so hit the Doppler and hit him and now he's focused best Focus system ever and I'm going to go with full frame this is where you just got to mess around I already know this works and go I'm I'm going to do 30 mm full frame all right again this is just for you to know the concept and then you tweaking it and adding your thing to it is what you what you supposed to do bring it up now make sure this angle the snap is turned off so then you have you know you can move it around as you please and then you just got to make it make sense all right you're trying to recreate what you originally did that could possibly be it right there now I think he needs to be a little wider so I might just you know spread them out a little bit again it's all judgment but that's basically what it is right there there's nothing else I'm done now I'm going tell you about something else now I've seen people do this also all right all right now now with this where is that right here you see how he looks so like white I've seen people leave it like that do not do your don't let that happen when you got that going on there that looks mad amateurish you want your light to try to help it but don't don't do that all right you don't want that you want it to look natural like that looks natural okay that looks natural straight up that looks natural I know he looks weird over here here but it's all about whatever's in this camera remember that all right so that would be a top down angle and you can have them wrapping up to the camera you can have them wrapping straight whatever it is you feel me but that's the whole concept now I'm going to tell you one thing what I don't like is you see these harsh I'm going try to put it right so you see this very I'm going try and see if I can get closer you see it's very defined here it's a very hard line I don't like that the only time I might leave it in that mode is if it's a wide angle shot and it's not getting too close but it just you know it's just kind of going in and out or it's just not too close but anytime you're a bit close I like to make it just more quality so how you do that you go here and you go to your material and then this one is the one you want to click on and then down here you see it says mased you you want to change that to translucent translucent is going to give you the best quality that you can get okay all right so what I want you to do is I want you to look at this harshness when I hit apply you're going to see it's going to get a little more feathered out and he got darker but don't worry about the darkness of it if you see all right I'm going to go back now I'm going go back to Mast okay and you see it's it's very it's it's real harsh line and when you go translucent there's a there's a there's a feather to it and that's where it needs to be at now all you and then you hit save all you got to do to to he got darker but that's no big deal just bring back the light you know bring the light towards him [Music] again just make it make sense don't put it on this side make it make sense so it it don't look off for weird or or nothing like that all right and that should pretty much do [Music] it and if you didn't want to do that you can also do the saturation brightness contrast I have a video for that you can search for that but this is basically this is it right here this is it right here he is top down looking up inside of Unreal Engine and that's the shot but that's the concept hopefully that helped you out hopefully that gives you something new to put in the bag so you can make some more money you know impress your clients whatever you need to do you know what I mean so again I'm on the move so it's going to be a few days before I able to do anything else cuz I'm moving into a new location but yo I really appreciate y'all supporting your boy appreciate the comments appreciate the messages the love everything you know I really do um make sure you like subscribe you know what I'm saying make sure you comment like what I do man it really helps me out you know what I mean to keep me keep me motivated to keep going but um that's about it man hopefully it helped you out you feel me anything I forgot leave them in the comments other than that make sure to subscribe hit the Bell on the side so you get notified on time and like I always say it is what it is I'm out
Channel: WeShootFilms
Views: 1,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, how to use unreal engine, unreal engine 5, how to create music videos in Unreal Engine 5
Id: Nznx0Gjk1b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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