Unreal Engine 5.4. - Real-Time Motion Design Tools For Beginners.

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so the FKS at epic games have just announced on real engine 5.4 the preview and this preview comes with a couple of cool features but one of the features which we're going to talk about today is motion design as motion design has now made its way to onreal engine 5.4 and for anyone who has been thinking about getting into motion design or probably you would like to get started with doing some 3D Motion Graphics stuff then you can go ahead and get on real engine right now and start playing with it and today we're going to take a look at how you can get started with this and start creating onreal engine and for those who like to download onreal engine you can simply go over to link in the description I'll bring you right here where you can download the Epic Launcher and install onreal engine 5.4 and with 5.4 installed what we're going to do is simply fire this up and create a new project the project which we're going to be creating is going to be from the film category and we're going to name this motion design and launch the project so with a real engine open up right here you can see that we've got a plain project no ST content nothing just you know good old playe project right here so one of the things you might notice if you've been working with on real for some time now is if you go over to the menu section you would notice that we have the fuzzy search so at this point you can type things and search them automatically instead of going through menus which is pretty cool and hopefully we're going to cover a video about all of the cool things coming to Onre engine 5.4 I'll probably cover a video about onreal engine 5.4 and all the features when this is fully announced but for those who want to do the Motion Graphics stuff let's take a look at how you can get started and to get started all you need to do is go over to edit go over to the plug-in section and type in the word motion design so once you type in motion Design This is currently in experimental it hasn't even made it to Beta yet so it's still in experimental so you can go ahead turn this on and say yes and this will require you to restart on real engine and while this is restarting let's talk about a few things you need to know previously this was known as project Avalanche and this has been tested over and over and the concept of how you get to create 3D and 2D Motion Graphics with this tool is pretty much similar to what you have with both after effect and Cinema 4D and this video is more targeted to how you can use either the MCH system with Maya or the motion graphic system that currently exist in Cinema 4D and that basically deals with three major things namely the cloners the effectors and the meshes that you're working with so with this finally restarted what we can do is to start creating the first thing which you notice is we now have the motion design button right here so once you click on that motion design this gives you a new UI and from here you can start playing with stuff at this point you notice we've got a couple of things which includes material designer create theault you know the transition logic all of this will cover in separate videos but currently we're just looking at how you can get created so with this new interface you would notice right here we have 2D shapes and these 2D shapes are mostly parametric shape which means you can go into the details panel and make changes to this depending on what you're trying to achieve a beautiful thing with this is they do cast Shadow they understand stand depth and it's more like where you're working with after effect but in the 3D View and in this case you can mix both 2D and 3D to create interesting effect when working with Unreal Engine these 2D shapes also react to light and in terms of texture they do have a set parameter which you can always use to make changes to them as well so all of the 2D shapes you'll be needing you have them right here you've also got the 3D shapes and you've got the actors now within the actors is where you find the null actor the cloner actor the spline actor the media plate the SVG actor the eector and also the text actor so all of the actors you been needing they are all here we'll also cover some of these in separate videos and today we'll be focusing more about the cloners and the effectors as these are the major ones that you might be needing to start creating over here we've got meshes which also deals with 3D meshes and we've got cameras and also lights which are pretty much theault stuff that we always want to work with and if you switch from the traditional one which is what we have here over to the motion design you would notice that within our UI we now have a sequencer so this would help you with all of the animation things that you might want to do so let's start creating stuff real quick go over to the actors and we're going to start up with cloner so I'm going to click on the cloner go over to your base or you know to wherever you like to have this cloners and place it here so what cloners are basically a repetition of similar geometries or geometries that have been piled underneath a cloner so these can also use IDs to individually identify different objects and we're going to take a look at how that actually works so with this we can now go in because if we simply go around our scene you would notice that this isn't properly positioned so I'm just going to go ahead and select that drag this all the way up go to where we have the properties let's just go ahead and drag that all the way make sure that we have our cloner selected we'll set this to all and we're going to reset everything we'll reset the location and the rotation so we've got everything where we want them to be so I'm just going to raise this a little bit upwards and you can see it so if you've used Cinema for before or maybe you've used Maya before this is a no-brainer I mean this is exactly what you've got with those systems so once you've got your cloners you can now spawn or link an fector and so effectors are basically how their names are they just affect several parts of the cloner mesh but before we talk about the effectors let's go in and look at some things so I'm just going to drag this all the way up for the cloners you've got different layout types you've got the grid you've got the line you've got the circle you've also got the cylinder you've got the pyom you've got the spherical uniform which is a sphere uniform and you know you've got the mesh this would require you to plug in a mesh of course we're going to do a separate video about this one as well and you've also got a couple more which includes the spline where you have to plug in a spline and use that to add direct what you want and you know it simply goes all like that but now let's focus on the grid so with the grid you've got different counts we've got X Y and Z count and in this case I'm going to set this to 10 set this other one to 10 and we can set this to one so you now see what we have we can also change the spacing so if we like to space this you can do all that spacing and of course if we have other counts within the z-axis we can space that too let's go in and reset all of these and uh take a closer look at this things one more time if we go all the way down you notice we've got different parameters which actually deals with a few other things which will be covered in the subsequent video right here here let's talk about the effectors because this is where the whole motion thing starts playing so in terms of spawning or linking effectors you can so I can click over here and this is automatically going to create an eector and Link that effector to the model piece or to the cloner that we have so let's go ahead and change our UI just a little bit just to make sure that we have enough things to play with so we're going to dock the motion design right here and we're going to switch the outliner and duck it right over there for effectors your effectors by default they affect three major parts which includes the offset in this case it is called offset but in other tools this could be called translation it also affects the rotation and the scale so for the offset if we like this to offset any object that is within the bounds of the eector by say a th000 that is what we will get so once you have this fector selected and you move it around every object that is within the bounds of the eector simply gets offset by a, so so this also has follow off and depending on the type of effector you're working with these may be called bounds or radius or you know inner boxes or outer boxes and So within the type of eector we've got the sphere fector which is what we're using and we can simply go ahead and increase the inner bound of the spher vector or we can increase the outer bound so the outer bound serves more like a fall off so you can see something like that we can also change this to box and at the same time this has an inner extent outer and you can do all of that stuff additionally among all of this if you like the effector to affect everything within your world you can set this to Unbound and if you like it to just affect Things based off a certain plane you can set this to plane so in this case with plane this is what we've got so with this idea of what we know you can now see that we will be able to set our effectors let's say 150 and if we like this to affect the rotation we can also do that so we can set the rotation to about 90 let's go ahead and also scale the effectors because you can scale the effector in on real engine so I can have that and we can scale this so once we scale that you can now see we can use it to drive other things so you would notice that anything that is within the bounds gets rotated by that number let's set this to 180 so we can see that and we can also set this to say maybe uh 45 so you can now see it more clearly the same thing can be said for scale so for scale we can lock the scale in and so for everything that is within that scale we like that to be by 0.5 and that way we now have it as well let's actually drop this down so you guys can see a bit more visible um change to that so we can go ahead and take a closer look and you can see that right now so once we start moving things around you'll be able to notice that we've got this going on for us but this is not the only thing effectors can do like we mentioned it affects three major parameters but then in onreal engine we have something called forces and forces can dramatically affect how objects behave and currently the forces that exist with onreal engine are five the first one is the orientation Force so with the orientation Force anything within the bounds start rotating based of the orientation Force rate and the orientation itself so if we set this to about 10 you'd notice they start animating really quick so you can key frame this if you want so we can simply just have this effector selected go over to our sequencer by either clicking dragging and dropping and from here we can set this thing so we can set this right here by turning on the key frame and we can go over to where we have our location turn on the key frame right there drive this over to a certain point say maybe 75 for example and we can change and turn on the key frame one more time go over here where we have our orientation force and possibly set this to about one and so once you have that and you turn on the key frame as well you would notice that one once we press the playback button we have you know the motion graphic stuff playing back and because this is on real engine you can move the timeline however you want stretch this if you want and you you've just got all that creative freedom to do exactly what you want and so with this let's go ahead and get rid of that and so with this you can select your fector and make orientation animation at any point in time when working with this to so and this is one of the effector forces that exist other effector forces includes Vortex so in this case you do have Vortex and you can see all of the magic that the vortex does we can also go in and reduce that I'm setting this to 100 and if you turn off the vortex force and turn it back on that is where whatever value you've entered gets key in so this is real time Motion Graphics but then in terms of forces you need to turn this off and turn this back on to get the desired result the same thing can also be set for the call noise so we can turn on the call noise as well and you can see we've got that beautiful call going on we can set this to 100 as well turn this off turn this back on and that is what you get beautiful stuff the same thing as well can be set for the attraction everything gets attracted to the center the same thing can also be said for Gravity so wherever this just travels to these things starts falling down so if you do have collisions this is potentially going to collide with those bodies there are a couple more things I believe most of you guys may want to know in regards to this one of them is what if you like to have multiple objects in and if you like to have multiple object in your scene what you can do is simple we can go over to 3D shape and we can pick out a sphere and we can click to actually create one so if you hold down shift you can create a proper sphere and in this way we've just added a sphere in our scene and to have this Fair work with the cloners we would need to click drag and drop it right inside of the cloner and just like I mentioned earlier this is going to use some form of ID to place this you can add a stuff so we can let's go ahead and get a tus so I can get a tus hold down shift click and drag let that be click go right in here drop it actually let's drop it right in here and that magic starts happening and again the same things that the eector is doing to the cube it would do to all of them and this is one brilliant way of creating you know cool stuff and of course if you do have a model from any other DCC app and You' like to bring that in you can also do the same thing with it as you can import any model of choice then use that to either replace the default Cube or add it up as an additional model piece that will exist with the default Cube within your cloners let's take a look at how you can add multiple effectors and for this I'm just going to go in and delete the default Cube so let's get rid of that and I'm also going to get rid of the Taurus so what we want to do is potentially just get rid of the effector let's let's just get rid of this fector so we know we have nothing and we can go ahead and select the cloner that we have and in this case we would like to make make our cloner about let's play with the size a bit so I'm just going to set this down to about 100 and 100 so it's a bit more tightly kned and for this I'm also going to set this to 1,000 and 1,000 so we we've got a lot we've got a lot going on for us we can go over to the content section let's go in and take a look at the sphere so we've got that fair right here let's go ahead and change the material for this Fair probably something about that color looks good and for the cloners I still think they are a little bit more tightly kned so what we can do is we can also go in and change the spacing so I'm also going to go in and change the spacing maybe we can set this to about 80 maybe okay now that looks uh really nice at any point in time you can definitely switch to your layout so probably you want to switch to a top view layout and uh take a look at this you can so you can go ahead take a look at this from the top of your layout if this is what you want and you can do some very interesting stuff with that and that would definitely give you some sort of guidance in case you're you're wondering and now that we have this let's go ahead and add some effectors so to add these effectors again is pretty simple we can choose to spawn an effector from here or we can go over to the actors and we can click on effect actor and once you click on the effect actor click and drop that within your viewport if you go over to your cloner you notice right here where you have effectors nothing is placed and for that we will need to create an array by clicking on the pl plus button and clicking on drop down and selecting that effector and this is how you add effectors so if you don't want to Simply use the spawn link fector this is one way to do it and of course you can go ahead and check it out so once we have that the next thing which we're going to do is go all the way down and for this I would like to make this an unbounded one so let's set that to unbounded and we can go all the way to the mode section and I can set this to noise so once we set that to noise what you notice is nothing happens but if we like to start cranking things up we can by going over to The Locomotion and we can actually start from there we can set this to about 100 and now some noise pattern begins to kick in now this noise pattern is happening but nothing is going on within the pan so for the pan maybe we might want this to pan a little bit we can go in and set that so I can set this to maybe 10 and we can set this to maybe two for example and of course we can set this to also maybe one or potentially 10 let's see what what we get so in this case we now have some sort of motion going on for the frequency which deals with the noise frequency we can set this to higher value so that we can get something crazy or we can set this to 0.2 to get something slightly milder so depending again what you want to create you do have um tools like this let's hide that floor so we can see what we've got all right so we do have something like this running pretty cool and for performance so let's actually just drop this down 1,000 seems to be a little bit too much now so I'm just going to set this to 500 and 500 and now we've got something way more smoother and I think we should also drop that a little bit down which has to do with the pan so we can also drop the pan say maybe five five looks good okay so we can drop this to about five that looks really good so in this case you can bring an effector from anywhere and you can add it and like we looked at add add a second effector is also going to be a super cool breeze so to add a second effector I'm just going to click drag and drop and here we've got a second effector now for this effector we would like this to either play or make some alterations when an object begins to get into the bounds or something like that and so to do that just like we've done with the previous one we go over to the cloner and we can choose to add or set this to the second effector which we've added which is effector number three and for this let Define what we like this effector to do let's set these to about 500 which might be pretty big and we can set this to say uh 150 so that should be a little bit more interesting we can set that down and of course you cannot notice any um any difference because we haven't told it to do anything so for here we would come over to the offset and let's say for the offset we will want this to let's say offset by 100 okay so we will like that to offset by 100 and once this starts getting closer to the object let's move that over to space like so once it starts getting closer to an object let's also rotate and uh go all the way down to a point like that let's make sure we have it all right so once this move gets to that point you can see that we've got that offset this isn't so visible so again I'm also going to go in and increase this to about 800 Crank that up set this to maybe um 200 okay now we're getting some magic and in this case I'm also going to go in and set this to say 500 okay now that makes sense so we can go in and uh let's take this a little bit upwards Zoom all the way out beautiful so now we've got the second one happening we can again go over to the force and what we like to do is throw in a little bit of a coil and this coil Force seems to be too much I'm going to drop this down to about and turn this off turn this back on and now we have that actually I think we should also drop the noise to 0.5 and let's turn this off turn this back on and there you have it so we can now travel through and leave a trail of some you know interesting things wherever we're going and so we can just have this sort of thing happening but yeah this doesn't look too necessary let's go in and turn that off and just leave this the way it is so with this this here I going to go in and scale this slightly so with this here what we can do is to attach the both together and to attach the two of them together we would go over to the cloner and go over to where we have the array so if we go over to the array section I can click on the plus sign and with this I would Define the first one to be the first effector so just like you have with resolve the layering system is pretty interesting so we will Define the first one which has to be the background one as the first one in this case it is going to be the index of zero and then we're going to define the second one as the second one in this case it's going to be the index of one and so once we have that we can now have all of these effectors doing exactly where we want them to be so in this case I can have the effector of three pick it up and move it around and you can see all that magic if we also go over to the effector 2 probably like to dial this down because we might want to see a few few things happening we can so for that I will set this location to 0 point actually let's set this to 10 so we can have a little movement or maybe we can set this to uh say 50 let's see what we have all right 50 looks good then we can go ahead and pick this up and maybe we can really crank this one out 1,000 let's get that 1,000 in good stuff and potentially we can also increase this to maybe 1,000 or maybe 2,000 yeah 2,000 sounds good so we can have that and you can see with this we can drive some interesting motions in our scene and to animate this is as easy as what we've just seen so you can definitely go over to your sequencer and you can click and drag anything into your sequencer if you like to add a camera say for example we are right around here and we like to add a camera I would always suggest instead of going over to the the camera section adding a camera yeah don't do that just you go over to this tiny button here and create a camera from where you're looking at and that would automatically create a camera for you and I think this is one of the cool things that you can do so we can create a motion design camera actor and automatically we have a camera and we can simply drag and drop that camera right in here and that becomes the camera for what we're creating at the same time if we would like to animate any of the effectors we can so we can animate this effectors in multiple ways say for example we like this fector to do a few things maybe it travels from one point like that over to this point or maybe travels from there comes over to this point yeah we can I think we can also just move this around so we can have this travel across the scene something like so maybe something like that or maybe just travels from here let's get that go from here over to this point all right we can totally do all of that so how to do it is simple go in Drag The Factor drag and Dr drop it right here key frame different parts so at this point in Unreal Engine you can key frame from this section so you don't necessarily need to do all of that from the sequencer as you can now do it from here so I can just key the location and we can also go ahead and uh let's increase the magnitude I think we should make this maybe about four four looks good so we can set that to four so we can key frame that and we can also key frame the camera as well so for the camera we're just simply going to go into the camera go over to the transform of the camera I'm just going to turn on the key there and we can crank this all the way to this point and from here we can you know animate it so my want this to just have a simple rotation and we can add a key frame to that from this part and of course we can go ahead have our you know our fector selected and we can drive the fector you know depending on where we want it to be in space so we might want to drive this over to this point if you would like to switch to any of the axis in this case we can also switch to the local AIS and drive it to go anywhere we want maybe something like that and the effector would also do the very same thing that we just wanted to do so we have that right here so if we set this all the way back now and we press the playback button you now notice we've got the animation plane and speaking about the sequencer and animation if you like to combine both the 2D and 3D objects in your scene just to create some sort of after effect animation you can so we've already seen how you can bring this in and in this case I'm just going to go go ahead and get the ring and we will drag and drop that ring right here so with this we can position this right here actually let's go in and do that by simply holding down shift on the keyboard so we can have something more stable so we can drag that in and position it right about a point like so with this here there are some parameters like we mentioned earlier and those parameters are super animatable so if we have this selected and we'll go over to the detail section if we scroll all the way down we can use the angle degree to create some sort of motion graphic stuff so you can make multiple copies of individual ones like this and create some very cool effect this would be super useful for a lot of persons that are trying to stylize their scenes and also Drive certain things with it the same thing can also be set for the text and the other 2D shapes that exist right here so a combination of both 2D and 3D elements alongside the motion design mode which is now available in onreal engine would give you some super useful tool sets that you can use to start creating so this is it for those who are thinking about getting started with this this is more like a quick Pilot Course for you guys so you can get started with onreal engine 5.4 and start exploring all of the motion design tools that are now here in subsequent videos we'll talk about a few more features that are now available in on drill engine 5.4 and also how you can leverage of the motion graphic tools of the motion design tools that are now available and of course a huge shout out to the folks at Epic Gam games for making this possible and accessible to all tell me what you guys think about this one in the comment section and of course if you like this video or you like something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and until I see you guys in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: askNK
Views: 24,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asknk, maya, 3d Tutorials, Houdini, asnk, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, blender 2.92 released, character creator, 3d character creator, reallusion character creator, blender 2.93, blender, blender 2.93 new features, blender 3.0 new features, b3d, unreal engine, rendering, free assets, free 3d model, unreal engine fortnite, unreal engine 5, unreal engine tutorial
Id: WeVo9RfMz-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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