How to export Unreal Engine into After Effects

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welcome to Wu films where we talk about cinematography lighting reviews products tutorials anything dealing with creating a cinematic image especially using Unreal Engine cuz it's an amazing tool for people that want to do narrative work set design uh you know set extensions and music videos and stuff like this this right here is a music video but this would apply to anything all right so today we're going to take Unreal Engine and bring it into after effects for those people that might want want to composite more better in After Effects uh they do have a few more tools than Unreal Engine um so you know you might want to go into After Effects be able to split it up and create a little you know just working after effects so I thought this might be a useful tool for those who might not know how to do it this way and um this is what we're going to do so let's get to it all right so I already have my uh my scene this is the uh this is a pretty cool see this is a pretty cool uh pack here you know what I mean it's pretty dope they got a lot of places in here that you can shoot um trying to find my boy again there he goes all right so you know like I get this this is pretty nice they got some nice stuff in here man that you can really light up and stuff so you know if you like this pack make sure to get it um let me show you where it is it's right here it's this right here it's this pack right here abandoned construction site it's not too bad you know what I mean I think it's under it's under $100 or something like that but it definitely dope so this is the pack here but let's get to it um so I got my project opening remember anytime you bring in a green screen or something make sure you go to your plugins your I mean your project settings and check the anti-aliasing all right and put it to none because if you leave it the way it is sometimes when you open him up he looks a bit jittery you see this sometimes so if he looks a bit jittery like this go into your anti-aliasing right here sometimes the the this one fast approximate anti-icing works pretty good I turn it off but it does help see what it does do is if you look at the background here and then I turn it off see how it's a little more sharper so it does help with that the fast one look like it ain't too bad so if you want to do that you can it doesn't seem to affect him too much at all so if you know you can put it on the fast or none that's what I would do at the moment all right but most of my that I shoot is really I put it on none I'm going just leave it on the fast anyway I'm ranting on something I don't even need to need to talk about too much all right so check it out all right so this is where we at man um again and again if you bring this just for those who don't know make sure because sometime it's hard to know if he is the correct scale on the right proportions for this world let me bring them out a little bit more um all right so to check that you know what we do for those who've been around you know I'm going just erase all this uh all this bushes cuz I keep grabbing them I hate that J all right so for those who um know what we do we come up to uh we come up here to the left at add featured content we grab our third person blueprint and we bring it in all right and then we go to that blueprint and just place the the Avatar there sometimes I call it an avatar I don't know and so see this lets you see that you know where your proportions are to what the world should be all right so bring them around there and then and if you want take your avatar and I facing the same way and then just kind of scale him based off of that Avatar all right now he's a man so I mean I I I could have grabbed the man one but it don't really matter um I'm bring him up I'm going to make him a little bit more I'm and I'm just saying just just so you to know where about he should be doesn't have to be too perfect most people ain't going to ever know all right so that's what I do there all right so let's grab a cam real quick all right come here to cinematic cinematic Cinema Camera actor go get that one pin it right here bring this up turn it around 180 and let's set him up all right over here on the side is where you got your camera controls I like this do what you want I shot this on a full frame and um let's go 30 mm with it and the focus settings right here I'm doing this real qu fast for those if anyone's watching that haven't seen the other stuff for some reason but most of you probably have and then let's just let's just push in here all right to where we will kind of want to be I'm going go up with it all right so that's our shot right there all right so that's our shot I'm not going to get into making the lighting nice and all this other stuff I'm going just kind of leave it like it is all right so that I don't have to you know pretty much worry too much but for these closer shots sometimes when you're getting real close cuz this is a closer shot that I can get closer I would say that that you should change the material in it so that it's better quality and so that case we would go into our material all right and it's not too hard don't get don't get don't get crazy over here don't get weird just click on this one all right and right here hit translucent all right and that just basically it edges them out better if you look I have another thing about it but if you see right here you see he's blending more how he should be naturally if you leave it on on on masked it's a bit more harsh see how harsh it is now it's very refined that line is very refined when I have any kind of closeups or medium closeups I always put it on translucent and make sure look at that I get that nice quality back it makes him a little brighter but that's okay you know what I mean go watch how to control his brightness if you have to do staying on real engine or just do it here go watch um my other tutorial on brightness saturation contrast it's very easy um but this might be a a lighting situation in here like yeah see the directional light so we could just lower that down some he'll be all right all right but if you wanted to control more of the world and you know the lighting you don't want the lighting back there well let's say you know you know now I'm all into it now let me do grab a point light bring it back here you know what I'll bring it back here all right create something nice you know like let's say oh throw a blue light back there then blow it out you know what I mean all right it's kind of cool you know what I mean so I'mma just leave oh you know I can't just leave that long can I man I got to keep I got to make something look nice I can't stand it just looking average whatever a curse man I just can't leave it like that so I'mma just I should just leave it cuz this is not the tutorial but we going to go ahead I'm going to go ahead and do it I'mma make this maybe uh uh yeah something you know more in a Tungsten World maybe I don't know I'm going just do something like that all right and um I don't know I just can't control myself man and that's what I'm going do okay I'm not doing no more I'm leaving it at that all right I'm done all right so this is not about this we'll have another thing where I'll show more about that but let's say we like this this is what we got all right so let's create a camera animation all right I guess this is a little bit more about I want I like to show you the whole process sometimes a little bit of the process processes instead of just going straight to the just a straight tutorial um like I should but let's just go real quick to the to oh we already got the cinema camera so grab your cinema camera and bring it in all right all right again I don't like to really work in that I like to see it I like to see it up here I don't know why but I just do all right so let's take let's take this let's create a quick key frame here so down here your cameras you go down here we're just going to do a quick location stuff just click them off if you want to do them individually you can and then I'mma do a simple just in and out or something like that so mostly in and then as it goes in I want to obviously bring it down so it doesn't cut him off too much you can cut off some of his head and then I'm bring it over here and bring it out all right bring it out and let's say that works okay let's just let's go with that all right it's pretty slow let me bring it closer bring those closer so it reacts faster you know what I mean actually I didn't think it was that I thought it was going to be faster boom so I'll do this here we just going to do simple stuff like that and then see let's say you wanted to I'm going do a little quick side tutorial let's say if you wanted to stay there for a minute you would copy these control and then V and then it will stay there for this amount and then if you wanted to you know bring it back you can go bring it back forward again all right and you can keep going from there whatever like like I said I'm just I'm just trying to hurry up and get this to where I need to get to all right so we got a little bit of some you know animation going on he starts going in then he goes back slowly again all right so we got all that so we got that cool I'm sorry y'all I just can't accept help but try to explain in case you're watching this and you didn't watch the other stuff you get a little bit of knowledge about what's going on all right forgive me this is what the real teaching for today really is all right so we have our shot we love it all you know you done did everything you going to do um I'm hoping I'm not confusing you okay so we got our scene we good right this is it we want this scene but you want to take it out of here andol control it a bit more in After Effects for more compositing cool let's do it so let's you see the plane let me let me drop all this all right so grab the plane all right we got the plane right here which is your green screen all right bring that into your sequencer and then right here on plane hit the plus and right here H after hitting in game and then hit that and now he's not going to be seen anymore all right now also up here in your camera cut go back up here and make sure you pick your camera all right so it's looking through this lens all right so we have our shot which is this it's not this you want this to be rendered out that's what the camera is looking at you want all of this to be rendered out all right now you're doing this after you after it's perfect after you did your focusing everything you going to do is done all right all right so then you just render it we come here and you have to have your movie render queue all right if you don't have the movie render queue just go up here go to plugins and look up for movie render queue all right go go there and just just look up movie render que okay make sure clicked it's going to tell you to restart probably and all that good stuff all right so we're going to go right here we want to delete that and we're going to create a PNG sequence all right you want to go to your deferred rending and right here accumulator includes Alpha make sure you click on the alpha very important or you won't it won't be transparent in transparent areas all right you got all of this stuff okay and then you go here and anti-aliasing very important I'm going to put it at eight usually you can get away with 16 you can do 32 you can do 60 it all depends but the higher you do it the more longer it's going to take to render trust me all right and then you always want to hit game override just in case so you can get the best quality out of just even though you can get better quality sometime with console variables but that's a whole other thing let's just keep it simple your output it's 60 frames per second so I'm going to keep it at 60 frames per second I shot it at 60 frames per second so just in case you want to have some slow motion later and post you can do that if you keep it at 60 frames per second all right and let's export it you got at 0 0 and let's say we need to 593 so that's what we do here we zero and we going to do it to 593 that's what we're going to do all right every I'mma I'mma export 1920 by 1080 find out where you're going to do it at where you going to I'm going just put it on my crazy desktop like I put everything on the real After Effects tutorial I'm going go in there and then I'mma hit background all right hit select folder and accept and render local then you got to wait it's the whack part you know but as you see it's rendering through this the camera that we made it's rendering it out um it's going to take about 5 minutes or so to render so it's going through the whole process that's what it does uh I'll get back at you when it's done okay so we're back all right bring back the homie there all right and now we got to do a render where we take out the background I'mma unpin this for now just now we got to do a render where we take out the background and only leave the plane all right now when you got big backgrounds like this doing this you know deleting slowly everything you know you're going to take this out every all them that's going to take forever doing this you got every piece of everything going on some places are some stuff is bigger than other stuff um the good thing is you don't have to take out the whole world you just got to take out whatever is seen so if you want to come up back to camera and then click if you want to do it this way you would just take out whatever that can be seen inside of that camera you feel me so you could do it like that or you know what I like to do I like to delete you know what I mean so I just grab everything here you just got to make sure you do not delete the camera you used any lighting or your postprocessing anything that affects that anything that affects the plate do not delete it so you just got to make sure that so like right now I'll go from there to there and I'm going just delete them bad boys you know you know what I mean boom you know what I I ain't playing so you just got like I said I love it's easier just to delete you know what I mean and just don't save it just don't save it though because then you save it deleted all right see right here don't delete that plane but I'm about to delete everything under all this make sure you know make sure you know what you're deleting but pretty much this is that's all of it almost I think so you take all of that delete it it's gone all right you also want to delete the volumetric cloud now it is now anything that's affecting your plane you don't delete but this isn't affecting the plane so it doesn't matter your Skylight um Sky sphere Sky atmosphere now see that affected him see it I'm not going to keep it because that it wouldn't make no sense to keep it um I'm going to take that out okay uh postprocessing I would leave it because if we take that out that might that might affect him also even though it's not affecting too much but I'm going leave it exponential High fog you don't want that directional light you need that see how that that affects him so you need that directional light in there so leave anything that you feel is important to for him but then again like the like the sky atmosphere did affect him a little but I can change that later and post and so cuz you want a pure PNG Alpha with him you want him to be totally separated from anything all right so that would be that that's the fastest way delete just don't save just delete but don't save you going to have to repport repport it if you have whatever you know what I'm saying man all right let's get to it so you got them all right cuz the other way is this I'm going to show you the other way real quick I don't want to undelete the other way would be you would bring all of the stuff all of that stuff you have to bring it into your sequencer and then unclick each one of those and that's too much work yo all right so this is easier all right so again no same process go back all right we got him he's he's right here hit your render queue this should all be the same remember that deferred rendering has to have that out alha but this should all be the same should nothing be changed and nothing changes here except for where you hide where you place him bring him in here create a folder and just say um PNG sequence you know whatever that's the homie's name label it what you need to hit accept and render and then wait on that to render and and this is only going to take us what 2 minutes so I'll be right back all right so we're back that happened we got it we rendered it everything out you good you don't need this anymore all right now we're going to go to after effects open up your After Effects again this is sometimes something I like doing because you can control stuff sometimes you can get a good composite and it matches inside of unreal but sometimes man it could be real hard um and it just creates I don't know you got less control so I find this way you have more control sometimes and no no frontting if you got a few plugins that I'm about to let you know about it gives you even crazier controls yo check this out all right all right so go to where you saved them at all right and bring them in okay into After Effects into your projects if you go like this it'll show you what's what's what so you might want to rename it if you want I'm say plate and this is the background all right I'm going grab the background create a composite there you go and then grab the plate put it on top there you go and there you go the whack thing I don't like about after effects is it's just to play back it just takes forever so I got it on third but um you know as you see and I got a good computer and it still does this which is ridiculous but anyway that and if that's good for you look you're good you finished there's a lot you can do more with this but if you already good and see now let's say okay you want you know I know we got this here but remember if you want to kill that all you got to do is do your composition settings in 1920 you can go 800 but keep this in 1920 all right so 1920 by 800 that'll cut that top and bottom off and you'll be good but look at this it's it's it's doing it and and now since let let's go to the wide all right it's doing it and it's keeping it like you know it's the focus is there everything's there all right all right so the good thing about this is now you could take the plate all right now if you don't got this little thing right here that I'm using this is from uh video co-pilot it's a free plugin that lets you just find your effects but if you don't got that all you got to do is either right click and go to effects and then you could do it right here but it's a plugin on video co-pilot I'll try to find it and leave it in the link below that you can install it to your After Effects but you know I like it you hit control space and then I'm going hit curves all right and now you can control him separately look at that you feel me you can control him separately you can control the background separately whatever I'm going to throw some more curves on this back background again see everything's separate you can control everything like you want to do it that's what I like about this process um you could do so much more to this like you can create you know you can bring element 3D inside of it let me know if you're interested in incorporating element 3D inside of this also so that you can have you know you can add 3D things to it or add stuff to the walls and stuff like that um but right now if this was all you wanted to do is control him more separately you know have him in separate plates then you you got it you know and that's all you do um now for some compositing ideas all right I'm going to bring it back to full quality some compositing ideas all right let's say you want to composite him better to the background he's not that bad but and if you got got these plugins it helps red giant all right Universal or Universal or Universal I don't know whatever grab both of them effect RGB effects and hit super comp this plugin is so amazing for compositing I mean it really helps out a lot I wish unre had this but this is the great thing about doing this look you right here man super comp man they need to make this you go right here you click on this hit color correction all right and then right here yo match background now look at look at over there watch him match the background it's going to match him to the background see it just changed his tones a bit now you got more control if you want to make them a little darker or brighter but it pretty much went from here to there so he's matching the background all right and that's amazing I mean just that by itself but it can do more like you can add you know whatever you got a light wrap in here Edge blur you know to blur the edges a little more you have full control over all of this stuff um you know you got the light wrap here that's going to take some of the pixels from the background and and wrap it around him let me make it extreme if you see over here he's now re re acting with this light it's do is putting some of that light on him so it makes him look like he's more part of the world than what he is everything is about subtle being subtle you know when you're doing compositing see how subtle this is it's off then it's on it's subtle you don't want things to be so obvious all the time all right but the light wrap stuff is really cool cuz it helps a lot for certain things you see right here it's off you see it turned on see that right there them subtle things the eyes see you feel me and it helps a whole lot you can even diffuse him a little bit if you wanted to the edge behind volume fog you know had add some diffusion on him so that he lit up a little bit and I would drop that down then you can do the same thing for the background add some diffusion you know add whatever you want you got volume fog I mean there's a lot you could do with this so just in that itself I don't want to boore y'all I'm just saying that's a big help in trying to do this and then I would put a layer new adjustment layer and you know add something else I might some sometimes I'll throw a ENT in there and put it to you know 25% and I'll add the whites to um so it can match that still not be too far off grab a black you know what I mean and that's without it and that's with it and it's still starting to blend it even more and you can go on from there add some curves add a little glow effect and very lightly you add a you know know it's so much more to blend with this add a little a little bit of grain if you want to just a little bit everything helps start selling it eventually I'm not going in Crazy detail but I'm just trying to give you the process and show you the tools that you can do to get it done you know what I mean so I think this is a very very good thing to do if you need to do it it it's it I mean it's so simple and uh I'm I'm kind of going to leave it at that but you could definitely still do more you know and also this is doing it in slow motion I don't know why it does this but if you want if you already have it down here you could also click on your plate right click go to Time Time Stretch and then put it to 50% and uh it'll react faster and then bring this over here to clip right click trim comp to work area don't do it just to one of them do it to both of them all right 50% okay cuz if not you're going to mess it all up because they're both synced together sometimes you can even layer new throw a solid up in here and let's say you want to have like a that that you know that tungsten look I'll go on a Tungsten something like tungsten like that it's not as tungsten but let's go with tungsten there and you create a solid right right and then you just hit t for your opacity and bring it way down now that helps also if you want that look it starts to blend it all together see without it with it and you could change you could experiment with colors and and then maybe on top of there you can actually throw this on top of there this adjustment throw a Curves in here you know get some more going on it's all based on what type of look you want you know what I mean it's a bit too saturated if I don't want it like that you know drop the saturation a little bit if I wanted that more bleach type of look it all depends on what you're going for but what I'm saying is it gives you a lot of tools man to be able to to do what you need to do and like him he might might be a little too bright [Music] now I just wanted to give you these tools cuz I think they're important if you're interested or I might do it anyway I would Implement element 3D and so you can import 3D images and have 3D images in the background or in the foreground you can add smoke to this particles all that stuff all that type stuff you would just have to track the shot you know just track the shot and um and inside of After Effects you know what we're going to do that next time I'm going to go ahead and do it you know so I'll do another one where we take the same scene and I'mma track the shot so we can add 3D elements to this shot as is so I hope that helped you you know I appreciate the love appreciate the subscribers and yo if you haven't subscribed yet you know I would appreciate it you know share like comment if there's any questions if I can answer cool I'm going go live one day pretty soon I don't go live too much but um I'm always here uh hopefully again I I hope this brought you some type of something to add to your Arsenal man so you can go get that money and do what you got to do um and that's about it make sure to subscribe hit that Bell on the side so you get notified on time and like I always say it is what it is
Channel: WeShootFilms
Views: 2,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, after effects tutorial, unreal to after effects, how to export unreal engine game
Id: cXIhtlofJCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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