Modify an STL using Tinkercad! Fantastic, Free, & FAST! What will you make?

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[Music] hey there friends it is me HL my checking I'm back with another sweet Tinkercad lesson today we are going to actually modify a already built design so it does exactly what we want so my friends let's get crackin step one is to find the parts you want to play with I want to take this hockey player and I've got a friend that wants to make it a lady player instead of a dude player so what you need to do is you need to go to thing files you need to make sure that you can mess with it notice it has creative comments so we can just give them attribution if we choose to upload this afterwards but you simply need to download the STL file with it downloaded return to Tinkercad and choose create new design I'm gonna start by naming it so I don't lose it and I'm gonna name it hockey gal return to Tinkercad and we need to use the import button and we need to choose a file I downloaded my hockey file to my 3d modelling folder when you bring them in they ask how big you want to make it I don't print anything 16 centimetres hot tall I usually stop at about 80 or 90 so when I type in that measurement it scales the rest of the exact size I want to play with make sure you're patient as it loads it does take a few moments after about 30 seconds I have got this gentleman brought in to tinker cats so now I can adjust it the first thing I need to do is I need to cut off his head so that I can put a lady up there I'm gonna start by just bringing out a cylinder you can use the cone to bring it up or you can hold ctrl and tap the up arrow till it's the height you want I'm gonna fit view to selection so I can zoom in on that cone and then I'm gonna look and make sure that I'm if the exact neck height that I want so right about there I will be left with just his head and it noticed it messes up a little bit of his shoulder but I'm gonna fix that in a second I'm gonna hold the shift key and I'm gonna stretch the cylinder out I'm rolling the scroll wheel back so I can see it stretch that lets it grow just in the directions I wanted but it grows the same amount in every direction so I'm just making sure that I've got all of his head cut off which sounds a little gruesome but you got to do what you got to do I'm now gonna take this and I don't want to cut this piece of shoulder so I'm just gonna use this rotation handle to turn it a couple degrees and then I'm gonna do one more control up so that I'm sure I've got it with a quick grab or s quick selecting group pop the dude turns red for a moment Tinkercad does its magic and all of a sudden I have got a neck cut off and a place for me to put the new person's head notice I've got a small artifact that's sitting out here I'm gonna just ungroup this quick and I'm gonna take a look at how his chin was hanging out I can either lower this down a little bit or I can rotate it a little bit so it does a little bit more what I want I've got both pieces selected so I'm going to do ctrl Z and undo that make sure I just have the cylinder selected and now I'm going to do that same subtraction again and this time the whole chin will be cut in select both and hit group and cut away at this point you need to return to Thingiverse and find the head of a person that you want to put in here notice these are filtered you need to be wary that artwork can be posted that is not suitable for youngsters I'm gonna use this lady right here I'm gonna hit thing files notice there's a high res and a low res I'm gonna use the low res version just because I think it might come in to Tinkercad a little bit easier once again saving it to my 3d modeling folder so that I can bring her into the part and attach it to our hockey player once again hit import choose a file find the notepad lady she is too large the largest I can do is 25 Meg so let's go back and see how this is 21 Meg we will use it instead it says high resolution we'll see how that affects us this one's too complex I changed my search to say woman and I just want the head let's see if maybe this gets me a smaller file this is kind of a funny one I'll hit thing files and double-check the size 43 Meg's so it does not work unfortunately so I'll just go back and look again alright I finally found this one it's got the cool flowing hair and this person uploaded it in several versions there is a medium one that's only 13 Meg's so I'm gonna give that a shot simply save it to my STL folder and notice this one has Creative Commons public domain license we can remix it so we'd like to thank Ben Donzi for posting this and let's see what it looks like when we bring it into Tinkercad it is super huge I know that I'm gonna have to shrink it so imma take it down to size 30 and tell it import so after what felt like several minutes she appeared if you click on that part you can just use the cone to lift it up or you can do the control up arrow to get it to the height that you want if we take a good look there is a base and a body on her that we don't need so right now I'm gonna lift it crazy high this is a little trickier than what we did before so I'm gonna do D to drop her to the ground I'm gonna move her off to the side so that we can work just on that part this cool little fit view lets you zoom in and let's start with a cylinder to cut away the bottom but making sure that we leave all the hair I'm gonna hold down shift and I'ma stretch it so I'm sure it gets all of the area from there to there and then I'm just gonna go right to the bottom of her hair and see if that gets as much as I want if I drug this to the front that wouldn't work so I'm gonna just go down to right here and I'm gonna do that as my first cut grab those two parts and group them and wait patiently for it to finish cutting when it looks like that so I'm closer to having her neck so now I'm gonna do this again I'm gonna drop it to the ground again so I'm working off that base this is where you also need to decide how much of a perfectionist you're gonna be with cutting off these parts I'm just doing this to show you how so I am NOT gonna make it perfect but I'll give you a few minutes of work so you can see how it can turn out with just a little bit of effort when you use these black handles it only shrinks in one direction my strength is just a little more and then I'm gonna do d2 drop it so it's at the right height I think that's acceptable for her hair what I want to cut off so now I'm gonna group those two parts and see what that looks like making sure that I only get the two of them for some reason it's grabbing my hockey player dude and I don't want that now I've got the two parts selected right click rotate so you can get a look at where you're at I want to cut off this piece now I'm gonna do it again with a cylinder shrink it down d2 drop it to ground level and then if I look at it from these corners I can find that rotation angle I want right there so that I can do small degrees until I leave as much of the hair as I want yet still cut off those little pieces in the back I don't have to have a round shape that doesn't really help me at all so I can just adjust this by grabbing these dark handles to get it to the spot I want and then once again tweak that rotation so it's doing exactly what I want back there leaving the hair yet cutting off most of the stuff in the back I'm gonna group those two notice it says two shapes that's where I'm getting my two from okay I am pretty happy with that I'm gonna just remove these two little pieces by bringing out spheres I'm gonna make that a hole as well let's lower it down so it's got that rounded corner where I want I'm gonna hold down shift and shrink it all just a little and I'm gonna nudge it with the arrow keys so that it's just cutting off that corner control D duplicate so I'll bring a second one over to this side with the arrow keys and I'm just making sure that that's selected as well I'm gonna lower I'm gonna move that back one and then I'm going to do control down arrow to lower it a little bit remember you can change your nudge to whatever you want I am gonna call that wonderful group it and then we'll put this young lady's head on her hockey-player body notice it said for shapes that meant I had grabbed more than I wanted let's try again making sure I've only got the three shape so I'm going to do this from a different direction now I've got the three shapes and when I group it I will have her head ready to be attached okay here we go this is some neat trick eration notice we got a flat spot right here if we set that as the workplane so now that is where the next part goes if we click on this head and hit the letter D it drops her to the right height and we can just pull her in using the arrow keys to get her to the right location and it'll actually be ready to be attached the arrow keys may not go the way your mind link thinks but that is just based on where the work plane is sitting now the only problem was I am working off the hair so that is a bit of a problem but if I do control down arrow now it'll drop that right to the neck and then I can check the sizes to see if it's where I like it and where I want it I'm gonna hit W and set my work plane back to the ground and now when I use the left arrow it moves left like I expect I can get her neck lined up and do control down arrow to sync it in if I take a look at her her head is pretty close to the right size if I hold down shift and stretch it it grows proportionally so I can find the exact size that I think looks good for what I'm trying to create and right there we have hockey player girl if you grab the two parts and you group them it only takes a few moments and you can check out your crazy awesome creation you can have all kinds of fun customizing to your heart's content you got Let's Go Red Wings that I added here you get all kinds of words logos anything you want to make this more awesome friends I hope you enjoyed the cool skills that I gave you here there are lots of ways that you can make this more epic one of my favourite tools that you can use is mesh mixer it adds supports and I'll put a link in the video to where I teach you how to add supports so that you can get a higher quality print without Western a lot of time I print the sports they usually come with a printer friends I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please give it a like if you got a question comment or suggestion add it down below if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for smash that subscribe button and last but not least hit the notification bell if you want to be the first knowing this brand new video from me HL mod tech thanks for watching have a great day [Music] [Music]
Channel: HL ModTech
Views: 7,396
Rating: 4.9254661 out of 5
Keywords: HLModTech, 3dprinting, design, stem, educational, basic skills, tinkercad, beginner lessons, teacher created, HL Modtech, stl modify software, web based, change a stl, replace a head, 3d printing, change 3d print from male to female, modify stl file, thingiverse, remix, customize stl, customize 3d print, adjust 3D print, modify 3D print, import stl tinkercad, subtract shapes in tinkercad, remove unwanted parts
Id: gPeWdLQYfuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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