How To Create A T-Shirt Business Online IN 1 HOUR STEP BY STEP with Print On Demand!

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what is that party people my name is Darrow and today in this video you are going to learn how to start your own online t-shirt business from scratch with no experience required and very little startup cost now in this video I'm be showing you how to first design your websites in fact you're gonna get this template for free in this video after that we're gonna be designing your products for free and then we're gonna have another company package and shape your products so you never even have to leave your house you could be lazy and make money at the same time so in this video I promise you if you watch this all the way from start to finish you're going to be able to start your fully automated t-shirt business online at home so first let me go ahead and talk about what you can learn in this video to just kind of give you details on exactly how this works so basically we're gonna do is were first going to go ahead and pick the solid clone that you want so you can pick men's you can pick woman's clothing you can pick shirts v-neck t-shirts you can even have a payroll as well after that you can go ahead and put your logo on it you can put other brands on it you can put text on it anything that you want so here you can see that I am actually designing this t-shirt this is more for developers it's kind of a joke but you might want to put on your own brand or whatever you want you can go ahead and upload an image and if you don't have an image or a logo don't worry about it cuz I'm gonna give you websites where you can get a designer to make something really nice or even make your logo for just 5 bucks it's really really cheap after you go ahead and design your product you can then go ahead and put the profit margin so how much money do you want to make from your t-shirts so for instance right here we have the the shirt costing as $12 I'm gonna list it for $29 and I'm gonna get a 35 percent profit margin of $17 now again you can put your prices on our you want we'll talk more about that in this video and after you make the product it's actually going to automatically sync to your store so you never have to make anything you don't have to do any images everything is automated it's going to be syncing right to your store making it very simple and fast process and of course I'll show you how to design this page we'll talk about how you can you know make this look nicer change the colors etc even have to use these same colors and after that you're going to see that the products are now available so this is exactly what your customers are going to see when they come to your store they're going to see this think off $30 they can go ahead and select the price or I'm sorry a size and after that they can go ahead and check out in fact right now I'm gonna show you just exactly how your customers are gonna check out on your website so here actually Bob the shirt I put in my order I put in my test mode credit card and now you can see that I'm placing the order and once the order is placed then your customers are going to get an email you're gonna get an email the company is going to automatically ship the product for you so you never have to do anything lazy money yes that is right here you can see that the order went through and you'll get an email that looks just like this where your company's gonna say hey someone bought something we're gonna go ahead and ship it for you no problem they're gonna get their own email as well and that would be the end of it now in case you want to know how to build the site you're not sure saying you know I don't know do you know I've seen a lot of builders that are good we're gonna be using a drag-and-drop builder in fact WordPress powers more than one third of the internet so if using Shopify if you're using big commerce dear god I hope you're not but if you are you can use this it's much better and it's actually free so the for example right here you can just change this to like our amazing company and then you know you can go ahead and just say I want to go ahead and change this image and don't worry about it because I'm gonna show you how to basically do everything in detail so the page builder is very simple to learn it's literally just drag and drop you can just you know drag drag anything like that and drop it's very simple it's not not difficult at all so in this video I'll be showing you how to set all this up so if you want to go ahead and start your own t-shirt business from scratch so you can workout at home in this video I'm going to go through step by step we're first gonna talk about how to register your domain and hosting after that I'm gonna show you how to set up the websites create the products and then sync it and lastly we will go through maybe you can even go ahead and publish it on Facebook now this is also a great way on how to make money so once you actually get the products you can link it to your Facebook page you can actually go ahead and boost the post now I actually made this for too-tall purposes because I don't might beat my I didn't want all my my viewers to comment on everything so you can see right here I have a lot of comments but I don't want them to see that but for example we can go put the product you can boost the post now for that you can't make money it is that simple if if people are mine are doing it you can do it there's no reason why you can't so if you're ready to start your own online teacher business let's go ahead and go to the first step where we're gonna first go ahead and register our domain alright so the first thing we'll do is set up your domain and hosting so for example my t-shirt business com after that I'm gonna show you how you can install WordPress and again WordPress powers more than one third of the Internet it is super easy to learn after that I'm gonna show you how you can import your entire store with a one button devil importer and set up your free WordPress theme after that I'm gonna show you all how to setup your print full accounts and show you how you can design and get products and I'll also be giving you tips on how you can find designers to make you some really amazing designs and again if you wanna make your free accounts you can go ahead and click on the description below in this video does not cost you anything to join them and everything is free with that company after that time I show you all how you can finally manage your online store I'll be showing you all the settings to make sure that you're comfortable so by the end of this video you'll be able to walk away knowing how to use your website and how to integrate your products with your website now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here and this is SiteGround calm now psycho calm is the number one fastest hosting out there how do I know this you know how do I actually know this in fact I'm gonna prove it to you alright now I'm gonna prove it to you so we're gonna go to right now and we're gonna go to best web hosting best web hosting now this is actually my video ranking number one right here this is an ad and I actually tested 16 hosting companies together oh god there's an advertisement but I actually compared 16 web hosting companies against each other and cycle came up number one as the fastest and the most reliable so I really know that this is a genuine great hosting company and not to worry this company has a 30-day money-back guarantee and this is the only thing that you'll pay for in this entire video so let's go ahead and scroll down right here so let's talk about the plan so once we go ahead and take a look at these plans we'll go ahead and register so here we have the startup the grow big and to go geek now in all my videos I recommend the grow big because with the grow a big option you can actually get access to unlimited rap sites hosted rather than just one domain hosted so if you want to make a second website later or third website you can go ahead and do that on the grow big plan so I'm gonna go ahead and scroll down right here and click on order now right here you're going to head and choose your domain so this can be like a amazing t-shirt or amazing I don't know I don't know a t-shirt t-shirt business ot ship is whoops whoops t-shirt business you know I'll do like this you see that's available I think that's available that's pretty generic a t-shirt business is not available so I'll just do something like t-shirts tutorial let's see here we go I got a big one here online t-shirt business online t-shirt business that should be available hopefully it is online t-shirt business ed is available alright that is available so once you're here you'll go ahead and put in your email your password you're basically making a free account you're gonna go ahead and put in well it's not free you gotta pay for it but you got I'm saying the country right here I'm gonna go ahead and put in the country that you're in so I'm from the United States so I'll go ahead and put USA right here I'm putting your payment information your credit card etc and then let's go ahead and scroll down right here and talk about the plans so right here it's going to basically put the closest data center to you and currently right now I'm in Bangkok so I'm visiting Bangkok so right now it's recommending Singapore however if you are from United States myself it's probably going to recommend Arizona so here's a period and I always recommend twelve months because with the told once you actually get a very large discount and remember it's a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can always go ahead and get your money back if it doesn't work so right here you have extra services and I highly recommend to get the domain privacy because the domain privacy will basically protect your personal information when someone tries to search you so I really highly recommend to get the domain privacy so yeah I mean for twelve dollars the entire year it's definitely worth and then right here you'll go ahead and click on I have read in terms of grievance and blah blah blah and you can go ahead and register for their news etc now guys I've been using this company for quite a bit and again they have 24-hour customer supports to help you with all your problems and again you know I tested them with many many companies so I guarantee it this is a company that you will love and everyone I recommend thinks that I actually sent them so they're like oh my God thank you so much so once you actually go ahead and fill this information out so you can go ahead and go ahead and click on Pay Now and I will see you on the very next page okay so you sign up to your account we're ready to go so now we're gonna go ahead and proceed to the customer area where we are going to install WordPress and this company has a brand new interface they actually just made it like I think it's like a week ago or something like that so they got rid of cPanel and now they made some somewhat of a more user friendly atmosphere so you here right now so right here we have this button right here it's to set up site so we'll click on set up site alright and simple so right here it says start a new website we'll just click on select and we're going to use WordPress now we're also going to use MOOC commerce but we don't need to install that right now it's a plug-in and we don't need to do that so right here we'll just just click on a WordPress just just click the buttons so right here you'll go ahead and put in your your email address and your password so this is your website credential so this is basically how to login on your website and make changes and everything so make sure you write this down and don't forget it so I'm gonna go ahead and put in my email address right here and I will go ahead and put in my secret password and then right here I'll click on continue okay now right here they're offering very services the Cyclops eye scanner you know I do have on my website but you don't have to get it in this video but once you kind of like get a lot of traffic and you start making sales I would definitely call them and get it I mean to monitor your website every single day for twenty dollars a year is dramatically cheap but you can do that later you don't have to do that now so right here I'll click on finish alright so it is creating our WordPress websites so hey guys doing today you know you guys as a life you know how was why everything good there's everything good at home everything's everything's cool you know my my traveling experiences you're interesting I'm traveling in Thailand met some chick decided to stay for a little bit that little bit ended up being 3-4 months five months but you know living the life in Los Angeles and Hollywood it gets really old really fast I mean those girls they're just absolutely crazy like by me it is by me that it's like oh shut up honey you know Jesus Christ so here we go so you're all sets your website with your domain has been created so right now you can go ahead and go to your site tools and after migration point your domain to your new hosting server etc so everything is all set everything is all done right here click on and manage sites all right so now this is the new interface that they have right here so this is basically like your customer portal right here so here's like your IP address these are name servers you know you don't need to know this information right now especially for beginners but later on down the line you might want to go ahead and you know use that so right here you can kind of see you have different options like file manager FTP account etc so right here just click on WordPress and click on install and manage so right here you have the online shirt business comm now right here under actions we can click on either these little three buttons and you can go ahead and update your password etc but right now just click on this little door right here that says login to admin panel so I need to go ahead and allow up there whoops give me one second that you if you have pop-ups disabled just just go ahead and make sure that that allows that so I'm gonna go ahead and fix this really quick okay so I loud pop ups you guys just saw that so go back over here and just click on the log into admin panel and it's going to go ahead and now log me into my websites now you're gonna get a screen that looks just like this right here so it's gonna say welcome to your WordPress website now right here guys just click on exits this is basically just trying to make you install a plugin that you really don't need so this is basically your website and right here if I go to my WordPress and click on visit sites this is your site as it is right now it is live on the internet it is ready to go you can people can come to this domain and they will see this right here so this is your dashboard so pretty cool so I'm gonna go oh I guess I have to go ahead and log into my password again so it looks like it kicked me out so if that happens to you just go ahead and enter in the password that you actually wrote down and have before so right here click on save and voila alright so right here I'm gonna click on this alright so this is your this is your back-end but I want you to do first right here is go to plugins and go to installed plugins and I want you actually to go ahead and deactivate this WordPress starter we don't really need this and that's not the default one now for those of you who have no idea what plugins are they're basically applications for your website and we'll talk more about plugins in this video there basically there's just like added features and stuff like that that you might want to have to your website so you know it'll you know add functionality it'll do certain things but if you ever heard of WordPress you know in pure employers might have asked you know to use WordPress this is it this is WordPress it's super easy so the first thing I want you guys to do is I want you all to go to your profile right here and do you guys ever have any problems with your password or you get logged out you want to change it right here is the section where you go to new password right here so you click on generate password and then you can go ahead and click on that and then you can go ahead and set up a new password for your WordPress website and then click on update profile alright now over here we have different options so basically how WordPress works is by themes so right here we'll go to appearance and go to themes and right here click on add new now right here when I click on popular you're gonna see a lot of various WordPress themes and these are basically styles of how your site can look now to be quite honest a lot of these themes they will probably all look the same because a lot of these themes use a lot of the same page builder so you're gonna come across themes that use the same builder but then again there's themes that don't even use the Builder they use their own their own custom style of building so imagine Wix or imagine Shopify with every single store having a different builder that's kind of how this works but we're gonna be using a drag-and-drop super easy page builder that makes it just just a breeze so we're gonna install the Astro theme so this is the Astro theme right here and you can see it has tons of ratings it's very very popular in fact it has over I think in this version of WordPress they took it out but it has around I think like a million active installs I'm like that so right here you're gonna type in Astra Astra just like that and this is it so right here you'll click on install all right so it's installing our WordPress theme don't worry if you don't understand this just the bits it'll all be very clear once we actually kind of mess around everything so right here we have the Astra and the hero click on activate all right so we have this setup wizard right here where it wants us to basically create create our starter website templates etc but for now I want you to just click on X right now we can actually saw that a little bit but I want you to change one other thing I want to do two things right now before we jump into the theme and I started showing you everything I want to show you a little bit more of a technical thing so right here in our settings I want you go to permalinks right here and I want you to change this to post name right here now the reason why we do this is because if someone comes to your store we want them to go to your website - shop right not 9 0 to 180 ba-ba-ba-ba it'll look really ugly we want to make our website look really clean and this actually helps for SEO purposes so right there just click on post name all right and click on Save Changes ok cool so once we done with that we're going to install a plugin that's going to install our SSL for us so right here go to plugins and go to add new now I know this might seem a little difficult but just bear with me here this is just one thing you have to do and then it'll be easy so right here just type in really simple SSL it's a free plugin doesn't cost you anything and again remember plugins are just added like added they're just basically added apps for your website s really simple let's see really oh really simple so I spelled that wrong really simple SSL alright and this is it right here so right here you'll click on install now it has over 3 million active installs it's it's incredible so basically what an SSL is that that allows you to take payments on your websites so if you don't have the SSL on your website your site might look like a scam so this will actually force the SSL to work now this might kick you out of WordPress so make sure you have your your your your your email and your password so right here just click on go ahead activate the SSL alright now I here I will click on refresh alright and it kicked me out but now you can see that up here we have the green padlock it shows our connections secure and anyone coming to our website will be a lot more comfortable buying stuff on our website then having a big X red you know this is a virus website etc so again SSL's allow you to take payments on your website it allows you to encrypt information so basically it's safe for everybody ok so let's go ahead and go back over to appearance and now that we installed the Astra theme we have Astra options so go ahead and click on Astra options and right here we have this install importer plugin now these right here are notices that we don't really need to have so I'm gonna go ahead and delete that because they just they just bother me you know they're just they're annoying so right here I'm gonna click on install importer plug-in now what this plugin is basically going to do it's going to import that website I showed you earlier so it's just basically going to automatically create your website for us it's gonna be really simple so there's different page builders for WordPress you know like you know every every platform has different builders this has different builders I really like Brizzy but elements are amusing in this video because they actually have one of the templates that we need for this specific websites so right here I'll click on next and they have hundreds of templates hundreds and hundreds of templates now if you want to go ed an upgrade to their pro version reading gets all of the agency ones you can go ahead and do that there is a link below to purchase the the Astra pro along with Elementor pro so the ones that are free right here you just click on free and these are all of the these are all the ones that you can use now I chose to use this one right here because this one basically best represents what we're trying to do so you can see right here that it's going to automatically import this entire website and once we import it we can go ahead and design it however you want it to look so it's going to import the home page the products it's going to import the about Us page right here so I show you how to customize this really simple and also our contact page as well so people can send you questions if they want to buy something on your store so right here on this bottom left just click on import sites now it's going to go ahead and import all that content it's going to install all the necessary plugins it's going to design everything for you step-by-step so you can be lazy and not do anything at all in fact even after this video I mean maybe you can even start your own web design business I have a lot of students that I've done that where they've watched my videos install their own web design business you know installed started their own web design business just by simply watching these videos so right now it is installing so I go ahead and I grab some chips right now you know it's late it's late right now what time is it it is it's almost 12 12 a.m. almost 12 a.m. not too late okay so it has finished importing our demo website and now we can click on View websites all right and this is it guys this is your brand new websites you know it's beautiful it's simple it's easy you can see it has all of the demo content it looks great so this is what we're gonna work with right now until you get comfortable maybe you can go ahead and make your own website a little bit later but if you want to make changes here but go to the about Us page right here and now we have this edit with element or an element or is the name of the page builder so just click on it and it'll allow you to basically change anything that you want so right here you can go ahead and change the text so right here you can simply put in no we are an amazing t-shirt business and then on the bottom left right here we have updates so whenever you make changes you'll click on updates now if you want to go and add in something new or you want to change the background color this section right here allows you to actually kind of mess around with these settings right here so we have layout style and advanced so right here under style we have background type we can go ahead and say you know what I wanna go ahead and change the color to something that I want to change it to so that you have something like this or like that the background type again you can always go ahead and image as well you can also add in a video as well if you decide to do that as well over here you can go ahead and say you know I I want to change this text to something else or over here or you click on these little buttons right here you can add in your own widgets right here so let's say you want to add in more text you can put in text and then simply go ahead and type this in now guys I'm this page blur is very simple to learn it's not complicated at all in fact I have a full tutorial it's about an hour about an hour and a half on this video on this page builder but in this video I'm not gonna go ahead and cover every single detail that this has step-by-step because I already have a full another video on that but just for example you know you want to switch these around just simply grab it and then you can go ahead and switch it if you want to change an image just click on it under choose an image you just simply go ahead and just call your media library and you go ahead and just pick an image and swap it etc you want to go ahead and add in a new section right here type in add a new section and they have this something called blocks and they really recommend using the block so right here I'm click on this folder and then over here they have different templates so these are all different templates and if you want to go ahead and purchase these these pro templates right here I do have a link in the description to purchase their pro as well but you don't need it it's just their pro version but if you decide to say hey I really like this temple like this one right here I really like it you can go ahead and purchase it as well so right here we have blocks now these blocks are basically sections so what you can do right here is just kind of take these little blocks and you can go ahead and just add them to your websites so I just took that one I clicked on it and then it's going to go ahead and insert that block onto my website right here so now I have this block right here and then it's so simple you know I just go ahead and start designing it right here from scratch let's say I want to go ahead and add in a background right so I showed you how to do that so right here I would click on that style background color and then simply just go ahead and change the color to whatever I want etc now again I do have another full video on this so I'm not gonna cover every single detail guys also if you want to make these bigger so for example the space right here under the Advanced section there is something called padding so for instance I want less space so I'll put 50 and now I see right here the space I'm gonna make it smaller someone put 50 so 50 pixels that's basically what's referring to and then I'll click on update as well so you can kind of go through this and kind of mess around with this you know just it's not difficult to learn is very very simple it's a drag-and-drop builder but definitely once you are done with this or you know you're done messing around with this check out my other tutorial video on this builder just because this this builder has a lot of features that I'm not going to cover but I just can't go over it cuz in the video will be like 4 hours long so I really just I can't go there but again just by looking at this you know it doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand the builder very simple to use very very easy so go ahead and mess around with those settings alright so now that I've showed you guys how to actually mess around these settings let's go ahead now and register for our print fold accounts so there is a link in the description of this video he'll take you to the prandtl website you can also get there by going to Darrell Wilson comm printful this is my affiliate link so if you guys do decide to use this I might make a commission but I might not so it's not a big deal so once you click on the link you'll be brought to this page right here this is printful comm I'm gonna click on this accept all I'll accept all cookies why not so once you're here you click on start selling so right here click I'll start selling now I'm not gonna make another account just to make sure they didn't change anything too much so go ahead and enter in your information so full name and then I'll put in my email right here and I'll go ahead and make my password we'll go ahead and agree to the terms right here you can go ahead and subscribe to their stuff but sue the hell want to do that you know who wants spam email and then they all promise you oh it won't be spam and then it is family no so no I'm just kidding they're probably they probably don't in fact I've I've they only send it to see stuff for something sells so right here go ahead click on confirm your email so go ahead and check on your actual your your domain right there and make sure that you wait for their email so I think mine then might come yet maybe to my spam folder no it did not come yet so I'm gonna go ahead and wait for their email I might take just a little bit all right so I have to wait around for minutes and I just got my printful email so right here I'll click on confirm email address all right cool so here click on Save Changes okay okay this is this is so annoying okay okay just don't say it keeps asking me that's so annoying alright so once we're here we're gonna go ahead and go to my printful okay i don't know why i keeps asking me okay so over here we have connect your store so we need to do right here is we need to connect our store with our website so right here click on choose platform and we are using WooCommerce now I think also there's WordPress it's the same thing so right here we have connect with WordPress or I'm sorry WooCommerce now they actually show you how to set this up so right here click on setup for an existing store but all you need to do is actually install a plug-in right here they're just steps on how to do this so right you click on my printful and let's go ahead and go back to our website right here and we're gonna go ahead and install a plugin on our websites so right here let's go to our website go to dashboard and we're going to install the printable plugin so plugins add new and right here type in printful and this is the plugin that you need to install so right here click on install now alright it's installing what are all these plugins for zach ich in product design i'm so interested on that so many plugins out there there's over like 50,000 plug-ins for WordPress so it's it's really hard to know what all of them do right there we actually go ahead and we we installed our our plugin so where is it right there it is the printful right here so right here you'll have the new option for printful and right here just click on connect and now it's going to go ahead and sync our sites with printful so right here saying printful would like access to your store say sure I approve I think we need to enter in our credentials as well so I hear a click on approve and right here connect to an existing account so all of you to do right now is just simply click on sign in sign in just like that and right here confirm connection connect store to our account that we made with printful and right now it's go ahead and syncing our who commerce store all right so that's it so basically right now what we're doing is whenever we make a product on printful its gonna automatically go ahead and create the product on our website so we don't really have to make products from our store we're gonna be making them from printful and then printful is gonna go ahead and send all that information over to our websites to make everything more automatic so right here seeking your commerce store to printful this might take a few minutes or just one minutes and voila so now our site is completely synced up with printful printful has full access to it now there is some things i want to go ahead and change really quickly so i'm gonna go ahead and back go back to our website right here go to view sites go to my dashboard right here now right here you might have this run the set wizard if you decide to have this this will basically basically kind of guide you through the WooCommerce settings so basically what set what currency do you want stuff like that so right now I'll just click on run the setup wizard if you don't have this here don't worry about it I'm gonna show you how to set this up in the settings just a bit so where is your store located I'll just put the USA right here can just go ahead and put in you know an address something like this and then you can go ahead and put in some of this information you don't need to put all of that just just some just some of it so right here I'm sure I wanted to sell physical and digital products go ahead put your currency etc click on let's go right here it's basically going to setup stripe for US and PayPal but we don't need to use this just yet right now click on this we don't need to setup stripe but we will be doing it in just a little bit's so right here click on continue so right here we have shipping now right now for other videos I always recommend shipping but for this video we're not going to go ahead and get into shipping too much because they actually do all the shipping for us so I'll talk more about that we'll talk about the settings last in this video make sure this is unchecked for print labels because they are going to do all the shipping for us flat rates right now we'll just do free shipping and we'll go ahead and come back to this in a little bit's for these right here automated taxes we don't need to have the automated taxes however we're just gonna go ahead and leave all these checked or actually we're gonna go ahead and check out that one and you know we'll check off all these we don't need these and again remember these are plugins we can always install these later but they're just upsells basically so we don't need to have that so here I'll click on continue and then right here on the bottom just click on skip this step we don't need this plug-in it's basically a plug-in they're trying to make us install but we don't need to have it so just just yeah there you go and then right here visit dashboard alright so that basically got rid of those features right there now right here it says install WooCommerce admin I want you to actually install this plug-in right here it actually once you start to sell it actually make a really nice interface on how you can basically it'll show your sales it'll show every so the plugins called the WooCommerce admin so if you didn't get that if you didn't get that notice up there remember you can always go to plugins and go to add new right here and I believe it's called a Caesar will commerce admin to commerce services let me go ahead and double check this really quick I believe it is Moo commerce will commerce admin so that's it right there so this just basically gives you reports it's not you don't have to have that so don't think that this tutorial like oh my god I have to have it it's it's it's optional it's completely optional so if you want to go ahead and install it you can just type in WooCommerce admin and then there you go it's right here so you can go ahead install it etc it just gives you report on your sales so it's just you know it's just something nice to have etcetera you don't have to have it but once let's go ahead and go to visit store so this is our store right here but let's go ahead and go back to our actually really quickly so when we make this store and it makes a bunch of products for us so over here under products click on all products now these right now our demo products so when we imported a theme it created a bunch of demo products but we don't need these products right now and I don't want you to get confused so I want you to go ahead and delete all of these products so click on this little X right here move to trash and click on apply so right now I'm basically just deleting all of the demo products because they're not real alright so now that we've actually got rid of all of our products let's go ahead now and create our first product you guys ready you guys ready to do this ok so right now click on add product now if you don't know how to get here going over your dashboard stores and click on add a product all right so here are the items right here so we have men's clothing woman's clothing just like you saw early in the video right here click on men's clothing and let's just say I want t-shirts alright now we have various t-shirts but I want to go ahead and sort from probably lowest to high right now later on you can go ahead and venture off with messing around with each of these shirts but these right here are the most popular is probably because they are the most cheapest you know this right here is just a simple shirt these ones right here they're just basically different materials and some of these can be a little expensive but all most of them are average you know like twelve thirteen dollars you can go ahead and mark them with the twenty nine dollars etc so you're going to go ahead and go through some of these shirts right here and check them out but go ahead and just select a basic shirt something like this right here and we're gonna go ahead and first design this shirts so this is the shirt right here now you can design the front the back the left sleeve the right sleeve the outside label and the inside label as well so right here I just click on front label or front and then click on design now you can always go ahead and upload your own file you can use their clip art so if you already have an image or you already have something that you want to use you can go ahead and upload the file right here just click on upload file they even have sample files for you as well so if you want to go ahead and use some of their sample files you can go ahead and do that so let's just do that really quickly so I'm just going to give you an example of how this works so I went to upload file I just chose a basic one and right here you can see that I kind of mess around with this you know we kind of make it bigger I can drag it and we can rotate it to however you want like this etc and we can also allow customers to create personalized versions of our design but that's really up to you I I really wouldn't do that I just like the basic you know making something and then getting it to them but you can go ahead and do that and you can you know do that on your on your own huh on your own time I don't want to get too advanced here so this is basically the this is basically our shirt right here and again if you want to go ahead and design the back you can design something in the back you know you can use one of their clip arts you know put something you know put something here etc something like this now don't worry I'm going to give you another resource on where you can find designers in just the bits but I just wanted you to get comfortable with this and just kind of understand how it works so I have this image but you know what's I don't want it no more I want to go to add some text right here so the one I did raise right here was lorem ipsum lorem ipsum and add the brackets and the fonts too big right here so you can see right here the font is a little too big so I need to make this a little smaller there we go and I want to drag it up right there and I want to change the fonts you know the fonts is a little ugly so I'll do that good is that good right there actually I like monster at Mile trust my favorite one actually yeah I like I like the lorem ipsum font or that I'm sorry that the monster have fun I've always liked it and I'll go ahead and make it like that and there you go so there is my shirt right there and I can go ahead and keep adding more text if I want but I'm just going to go ahead and say okay look I made this shirt I'm good I'm done let's go ahead and click on proceed to mock-ups all right so right here we can see that this is what is be published on our store so we have the front and we have the back now there's other mock-up styles as well so you can see right here there's different guys you know you can have this big strong guy that always sells you know or you can have these beautiful girls right here promoting all your stuff so you can kind of go ahead and pick what she wants to kind of represent what you want on your store remember these are going to go directly to your store so go ahead and pick one we'll go ahead and you can always do additional mock-ups as well but you know I'm not I you guys get it we can do additional mock-ups and we can go ahead and just you know added more stuff butts right here I'm gonna go ahead and go to proceed to description now right here we have the description so we have a little bit about the product we have the description right here we have the sizes now you can always do Imperial or you can do metric so it just depends on what part of the world you're on but I'm just gonna do Imperial and then leave it at that's right here in English the product title so what is the name of this so we can put something like lorem ipsum shirt and this is the description on the products such as material etc now there is also another part of the description we need to enter in but I'll show you how to do that in just a little bit's so right here just click on proceed to pricing so here we have the actual printful price and then we have the retail price now right now just go ahead and put in whatever price you want to set so you know right now the printful price is around $18 and we're gonna go ahead and put something around I'll just say you know I want a profit of something you can put a dollar or precense but I want to put a profit margin of 40% and it's going to calculate the reach versus the printable price or you can say I want a profits $1 of 20 bucks that's going to go ahead and calculate the price for you so I'll just go ahead and put in a percentage so the percentage is more ideal so summing up saying I want a on a 50% I want a 50% profit which is pretty high for a t-shirt I'm not gonna lie generally the profit margins for t-shirts are probably around 30 to 50% max so I'm just gonna go ahead and leave it at at that right there and then we're gonna go ahead and publish this product now right here we have product categories now if you have no product categories don't worry about it I'll show you how to set this up in just a bit but right here under t-shirts I'm gonna select the submit to store so now what it's doing right now is that it's actually going to go ahead and create that product right there and it's going to go ahead and sync it to our store and this API is actually very fast so you're gonna see that it's going to sing up to our store pretty fast so let's go ahead and visit our store right here so we're going to visit our store and actually I want to check something really quickly I'm going to commerce and go to settings now earlier we talked about the WooCommerce setup wizard and everything like that all the options right here you can see are basically where it was talking about before now I'm not gonna go into every single detail on the WooCommerce plugin because I already have a full tutorial on it in the description below but generally guys is pretty easy to set up it's just basically asking for like general information like products shipping emails there's another plugin out there that actually makes it really nice emails but I'm not gonna cover that in this video but you'll get it as you go along trust me just kind of mess wrong with it you'll understand it these options are very self-explanatory etc so going over here to visit sites we're gonna go to all products and now you can see that this is actually starting to it's starting to actually basically import our products so here we have the various sizes so we have small we have medium we have large etc so right now you see that the large cost that's around $28.50 and right here click on add to cart and view the carts and right here it says shipping to the UK so I need to go ahead and probably around with those settings and then proceed to checkout all right and then you hear your customers just going to go ahead and enter in information and then you can go ahead and click on place order and then everything is done so that's basically it quick rundown of how this process works all right guys in this last section we're gonna talk all about all the technical settings I'm gonna show you how to set up payment processors I'm also gonna show you a website on where you can get designers for your t-shirt business now first off right here there is a link below to a web site called now fiber comm basically has really really cheap labor you can get a designer or a graphic designer to make you a custom t-shirt and then you can take those same designs and you can basically put them on your shirts so for example right here there's this gig right here and they'll make you something like this right here and you can just tell these guys what you want and then they can just basically design a shirt for you and then once you get that design you can go ahead and go to your printful account and then just start creating products with that specific design now I've been using fiber for quite a bit and I'll be honest you have to do your research you have to kind of find a good seller find the top-rated seller you know you can get a logo or anything you want for just $5 but there are other sellers that do charge more money but they might provide better quality so at that point it's kind of up to you to kind of you know mess around with this and check this out in fact I got a logo from this website so I have a graphic designer I use and I also found my developer that I use for my websites on this on 5 or so there is talent here there's a lot of talent just got to go ahead and just do your research find someone that you can trust find someone that you know is a good designer and then go ahead and use them for your t-shirt it'll take like a it'll take like a day or two for them to make your to make your your design for your t-shirt but so now that I've actually talked about where you can you know get designs let me go ahead and get all of the technical stuff out of the way such as taxes shipping and payment processors and then I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to make your last product just to make sure that you're comfortable in this video so first off want you to do is go over here to your dashboard and we're go to the WooCommerce settings alright so over here will Commerce and go to settings now usually in all my tutorials I always show you how to set up taxes and I show you how to set up shipping as well however since printful is basically handling all the tax and shipping for us we don't need to have it enabled on our websites so over here in our shipping actually first we'll go to general right here we'll go to general now right here we have enabled taxes and calculations now I'm not gonna have this checked now I am NOT a legal adviser here but to my best knowledge because we're basically kind of drop shipping that we're basically going to report our income to whatever government agency that you're living in at the end of the year because printful is already charging sales tax for this product so if we were to charge sales tax again that would be double taxation right so I'm no expert again but I'm just going to tell you that the money that you make you do have a responsibility to report it to whatever agency that you're from but I'm not going to enable taxes and I'm gonna go to shipping now so for the shipping I want to provide free shipping now you can do a a strategy here so I'm gonna go ahead and delete this and just make sure that you know how to fully fully do this just step by step so under shipping zones I'm gonna click on add a shipping zone so let me show you right now how to set up free shipping right here actually let me go and click on print full shipping really quickly okay so printful shipping we can go ahead and calculate the live shipping rates etc but remember you can go ahead and click on this and you can go ahead and say I want them to calculate the shipping for us or you can do another option which were you can offer free shipping and just put the price in the product because if people see a shipping attacks they're gonna say you know what's I don't want to buy it then you know I saw $29.99 I don't want to pay more than $29.99 right but you can always go ahead and charge exactly the printful charges by clicking on this check button but I'm gonna give you a better alternative and that I think that you might want to do on your store so let's go ahead and go to shipping zones now I'm also going to show you how you can set up by like you know if they spend $60 you'll get free shipping etc but if they don't then they'll have to pay like a five-dollar fee or something like that so right here at a shipping zone so right here I'm gonna put United States and then zone regions right here there's a little glitchy right here there's a little little glitch I'm gonna refresh this page really quickly there we go I don't know I did that so right here I'm a cloak stats and goes to United States so right now I'm basically saying I'm covering the area for the United States now you're gonna go ahead and put whatever country you're from or in now I'm also gonna show you if someone buy something out of your country I'm gonna show you how to set that up as well so okay that looks a little glitchy here I'm gonna refresh this page one more time sorry about that guys so here we go okay so let's do this again here we go the United States the United States USA all right now right here I'm click on add a shipping method so right here I'm gonna offer free shipping so right here add free shipping now right here I'm click on edits so free shipping so free shipping requires what's so this is where you can kind of add in some strategy to your products so for example you can say a minimum order amount of around $60 or you can put like $59 because if you're charging $29.99 a product it's gonna be around fifty nine dollars and 98 cents or something like that so you can sort of add some strategy here by saying if somebody purchases $59 or - say 50 50 dollars or more they will get free shipping and you can always advertise that on your website you know you see that all the time you go to e-commerce websites they're saying hey if you spend a certain amount of money we will go ahead and give you free shipping etc so that is one order that you can do so I'll click here on Save Changes and then we'll go ahead and add in another shipping method now if they don't spend around $50 or more you can charge them a flat rates you know if something a flat rates of we'll just charge them $5 of $5 so basically this is a strategy here basically you're trying to you're trying to encourage people to purchase more on your site so if someone buys $50 or more of shirts on your site they get free shipping if they spend anything less than that they have to pay a $5 shipping fee now the shipping for for printful is pretty cheap it's around two to three dollars for shipping they also charge sales tax so whatever you calculate your taxes and shipping you might want to add a four dollar fee on top of that so let's go back over here so we have this right here set up right here so let's go back and hit refresh or let's go back to shipping say on this page make sure this is saved okay this is safe okay so right here we'll goes to shipping again leave this page so right here we have the United States now we're going to click on this right here by locations not covered by your other zones so what this means is saying if someone outside the United States buy something from our store what do you want to charge them so right here I'll put I'll put edit right here I'll put $9.99 so basically I'm gonna say if somebody buy something out of the United States I want to charge them a a flat rate of $9.99 because the shipping might be more expensive so that's another option on what you can do now I recommend this option more because you kind of want to encourage people to buy more on your website and also people don't want to see the the shipping fee you know people hate it when they see shipping fees right so what I recommend you doing is basically saying look I think the best idea free for you for shipping is probably just to add free shipping and then on your products when you create it just add the shipping cost in the products because people hear free shipping they're more inclined to buy your product so over here I'm just gonna click on delete the delete that one right there now under free shipping I'm just gonna go ahead and say everyone gets free shipping on my store that's it however if someone out of the country by something shipping might increase a little bit so at that point I might say well you know I'll charge a five-dollar fee over here so over here for locations not covered by the USA I will go ahead and charge somebody $5 if someone buy some out of the United States all right so I hope you understand what I did right they're basically saying everyone on my store gets free shipping anyone outside the United States they're gonna be charged a $5 fee now again you are more than welcome to do the printful shipping or they're going to go ahead and calculate live shipping rates as of right now so you'll always be charged the correct amount however people see that they're gonna be charged a shipping fee they might leave your website so that's just something to consider okay so that's basically the tutorial of shipping now over here under payments we're gonna going to add in some payment gateways so we have PayPal and we'll also have stripe now both of these are very very simple to setup so right here we have PayPal right here click on manage and all you need to do right here is going over to PayPal comm and make a free account guys I have PayPal I get around like maybe three hundred thousand dollars in transactions every year it's a great pain of processor they're very fast they're very trustworthy so you're gonna go ahead and go to the process of signing up right here and you can just make a personal account it doesn't cost you anything to get started with PayPal doesn't cost you a dollar however they will charge you a tiny transaction fee of around 2% no 3% once a big transactions made so basically if someone buys something for $30 you'll be charged 3% which is around 90 cents so it's a very small fee that you have to pay I pay very big fees so I have a business accounts but once you actually go ahead and you go to the process right here the same email that you registered with you're going to go ahead and put it right here now when someone buys something your money is going to go into your PayPal account and printful is going to charge you so basically you get the money and then they charge you the difference so you basically keep em sorry you keep the difference so that's how it's gonna work right there now I'm gonna talk about adding a pay method in just a bit on printful but I'm just going to show you the payment gateways that you should be using so again PayPal the most popular one make a personal account and then in your payment settings right here enable PayPal settings and then go ahead and put your paypal email right there now I'm not gonna guide you to the process of exactly how to set up a personal account just follow the steps it's it's it's it's pretty self-explanatory all right now the second and the most popular one that you really need to have on your website is stripe now stripe is another free payment processor it does not cost you anything to get started and they have these same exact payments or I'm sorry fees as PayPal the only difference is is that with stripe they don't have to leave your website with PayPal they actually have to leave your website they have to check out through PayPal and go right back to your site however with stripe they are going to stay on your website and they're never gonna leave so that's why I highly recommend to get stripe and since you have the SSL Certificates you qualify for stripe so you might as well use it so once you sign up right here right here you go to start now and it's gonna ask you a lot of questions like you know it's the start of process guys it's gonna say hey you know you know how's you know what are you using your email your full name it's gonna ask you for your platform etc just say that you're using WordPress just WordPress will commerce go through the process of making a stripe account it's free now whenever someone actually buy something on your website it's going to actually notify you right here in fact you've probably seen this quite a bit know a lot of those Shopify gurus those guys who who make a million dollars but they want to sell you an e-book for five bucks they are actually they all use this right here and the great part about this is that this will automatically go to your bank account so once you actually set this up everything is automated it'll go directly to your bank account so that's something to just you know consider so you're gonna go to the process of making a stripe account and it's very very simple so once you're done making your stripe accounts you're gonna see that you have these right here you're gonna have the developers and you're gonna be API keys now this is all you need to connect your store so I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to connect your store with stripe and then we're going to do a live transaction to show you exactly how you how the payment works how you get paid etc so over here imma go to C I have to make sure the I have the strike with commerce plug-in installed so let me go ahead and show you we're gonna go through the stripe stripe commerce yeah so right here is that plug-in you need the stripe paint this commerce stripe Gate wait now if you don't have it installed on your website it's a free plugin doesn't cost you anything just go over here to search plugins and there you go will Commerce stripe gateway and this is the plugin that you need right here once you have that installed you'll go to WooCommerce and go to settings click on payments and then we're gonna go to stripe and then right here will click on manage now we can also test this right now to see if it's working so right here you can see that we have a test mode enabled so all we need to do is go on over to your stripe accounts right here and then simply just go ahead and copy the publishable key right here and then take your test secret key copy Nats and then go ahead and paste it right there and that is it you're done that's all you need so once you have all that you know copied and pasted we can go ahead and we can actually go ahead and we can run a test payment so now that we have our sites our site is up and running our sites are site ready to go basically so now people can actually come to our website and purchase our products right now and we can start making money however there is one key thing that we need to do before we do that we need to add a payment method to to printful so basically once someone buy something printful is going to automatically charge you and then you are going to keep the difference so right here under add a payment method you need to click on this and you're going to go ahead and put in a credit card or you can even put in your new PayPal account so right here under add a billing method you can go ahead and put in a credit card number and then your billing address etc and also right here for paypal you're gonna go ahead and put in your information right here and you can also go ahead and log in with PayPal now I'm actually going to put in a credit card right now to show you exactly how this is going to work so you don't have to follow me right now but eventually you will need to add a card or a PayPal account because without it how it's printful gonna make money you know cuz they're going to go ahead and charge you for the shirt they're going to ship it they're going to charge you tax etc and then you've set the price and then they keep the you know you buy the shirt from them for $12 you charge the customers on your site for $30 whatever and then you keep the difference but they need to get paid first so I'm gonna go ahead and add in a billing method right now okay so I went ahead and I put in my credit card information in my printful accounts now one last setting that you want to make sure that you have checked in case this process doesn't work is go to your settings and go to orders right here their stores and make sure that these are checked so these are going to automatically fill your orders right here also right here automatically confirm orders to be fulfilled this way you don't have to manually confirm your orders if you want to go ahead and do that you can do that but again that is going to be a lot of work because then you're gonna have to manually approve all of your orders etc so let's go ahead and go back to our website right here so now that we have our payment processors set up we have our printful account ready to go let's go ahead now and pretend that we're just a normal customer and we're going to go ahead and go to our website and buy something so right here all products remember we created that product right there so let's just go ahead and select something I'll just I'll just select this shirt for 2099 right here I'll click on Add to Cart I'll click on a view the carts here I'll go ahead and click on a proceed to checkout we have free shipping and no tax enabled so I here proceed to checkout and then it's going on right here I'm gonna go ahead and go down right here and we have our test mode is enabled now once you actually create your your stripe account and you go through the process of verification you will have the option to just go ahead and go right here and just click on this right here and activate it and the live information will be available so it'll be taking live payments but for right now we're just going to go ahead and use these testimony counts and I've already entered in my information I'll click on I have read two terms of ingredients so right now I entered in my billing address we have our product free shipping etc now all I need to do right here is click on a place order alright so it is going through the process now I have a full loop commerce tutorial in the description below as well so there's things that we can cover like coupon codes taxes setting various things I don't talk about in this tutorial but for most of us for this kind of store you're kind of covered with printful because they're doing all the shipping and taxes for you so right here you can see the order was the order was received and it's going to go ahead and ship it to that current address now if you want to go ahead and see if your stripe account is working you can go over to your stripe account right here and go on over to home and you can see right now it just caught the payment so $29.99 dollars and right now it's it's almost 3 a.m. here but um yeah so the payment was captured so we actually got money you know so everything worked out good now once you made the payment right here go ahead and go to your email and you're gonna see that you received an email here from printful notifying you that there was an order so here you can see hey just heads up someone got your order accept etc we are gonna go ahead and package and ship it for you right away now also if you go to your WordPress dashboard right here and go to printful you're going to see that you have an order and that's waiting for fulfillment so here you can see the the order now what waiting for fulfillment means is they're basically waiting for printful to go ahead and package and ship it now over here if you go to your printful account under orders you can actually see the order so you can go ahead and click on it right here so right now you can actually have a few options you can go ahead and hold the order you can go ahead and cancel the order and you can go ahead and change the order if you decide to do so so right here you can see you have several options and again you can always council the order change it etc so that's just an example of how this process works so let me know if you guys have any questions about that but I think I basically covered everything in this video so the general idea is that someone comes to your site you make the product on printful they buy it on your website Springfield charges you they go ahead and ship it out for them and you keep the difference now again if you want to go ahead and make products you're just going to go ahead and go to your your printful account right here and go to your you go to your stores and then you're gonna click on you know your store and then go ahead and click on add a product and then you can go ahead and just make your products right here so again whenever you make a product you can go ahead and sync it to your store and vice versa so I basically showed you the best process now some tips for you guys some some good tips is that I would probably go with some of the cheaper products so I would probably go for a low cost t-shirt right here something with eight dollars remember you're gonna pay a $2.00 tax and $2.00 ping so this gonna be around 14 dollars so you want to charge around like 29 dollars something like that so you can kind of get a better profit margin again also once you actually you know create your products and everything else you can go over to Facebook and go to my Facebook really quick you can go to your Facebook right here and you can go ahead and let me go to my facebook page here we go so you can go ahead and go on over to your your Facebook and you can go ahead and just take that product and go ahead and post it and then from there you can always go ahead and boost the post so over here you click on boost the post and then you can go ahead and target whoever you're trying to target I have a full another video on Facebook advertising in the description below as well but again that's basically a general rundown of how you can basically market your website from A to Z so what I've shown you guys so far it's not really difficult in fact it's pretty easy now there is some of the things that you might want to do like change the actual color and everything else so a lot of this can be done in your theme options settings so right here if you go to your shop page go to all products you can go to customize and all of this can be changed in your theme customizer so right here you have the option to basically kind of you see these options right here like layout colors and background for base colors you can always change this to something like red or black or anything but for your primary buttons and everything what you're gonna do over here is you're gonna go on over to your your buttons right here theme buttons and you're gonna change these to you know black also for the button background hover over color when someone hovers over it what color do you want I'm also changed that to black as well so now I have this kind of like black with like a pink scheme and kind of like it so the theme customizer just basically controls things like the widgets and everything else but you don't need to actually use it to design the website but that's basically a quick rundown of the of the theme customizer I do have a full another video on it and I do cover the theme customizer but the theme customizer again just basically controls the outskirts like such as this part right here and it also controls your header up here and then you know the page builder would actually go ahead and you know design the page and everything now one thing I also want to cover really quickly is your menu so this is gonna be the last thing I want to talk about here because I don't want to be repetitive I do have another video on this but I just I don't want to leave you hanging you know so over here you have your you have a the what is it right here we have the appearance and then we have menus so whenever you make a page or whatever you want to do something you can go ahead and assign that page to whatever you want so right here you can see we have all these pages right here so here I'll say you know I want the about page right here I want to change the all products to a shop page so I'll go and put a shop page save the menu and then we're gonna go ahead and check out our store right here and you're gonna see that we have the about and also the shop now whenever you want to create a new page from scratch right here just click on plus new go to page and then you can go ahead and just design the page with the page builder so I'll just go ahead and just guy do the process of making one page just to make sure that you understand everything before I take off so so right here just go and give your pay Tyler name so this would be something like the you know our company of some like that and then right here I want to go ahead and just say I don't want a sidebar and I want this full width stretched and disable the title and disable you have to stable the title and that's it here I'll click on publish and then right here I'll click on edit with Elementor and then from this point on it's going to go ahead and activate the Builder and then you can go ahead and design your pages so just like you saw before you can go ahead and design your page from scratch so here for instance I'll just click on this and I'll just go ahead and grab a template really fast so I'll just go ahead and say hey you know what I like this template right here let's see if I can pick one I'll go ahead and just grab something like let's do got alright the about us or something like that click on this I'll go ahead and insert this right here and then there you go you can start go ahead and editing the page so right here you know go ahead and add it in a section I'll put it in a two columns and then just go ahead and start dragging in elements to you know to your liking etc so that's basically how you can start designing your page once you actually kind of mess around with it here go to exit to dashboard leave the page and everything is done so guys let me know in the comments if this worked out for you again I truly wish you all the best you know I've basically shown you guys how to start your own website from scratch I've shown you how to integrate painted methods I've shown you how to set a print flow onto your websites so everything is that a more of an automated process because you know I don't want you guys to start buying bulk shirts and then ship them to a warehouse because that can be very costly but once you actually you know start start your own brand and business maybe that's another option and if you do decide to do that if you do actually get a large user base you can actually go ahead and send your shirts that you purchase to from another company you can actually bulk ship those products to printful as well so once you start making more sales and you're saying hey you know what's I want to lower my costs you can go ahead and find another company where you can purchase shirts from a way cheaper price probably like Aliexpress for like 3 or 4 dollars you can buy those in bulk for like maybe like $1000 or some like that and then you can go ahead and ship them to their warehouse and they will go ahead and fulfill it just like Amazon so that's something up for a little bit later in the game but for you to get started right now I think the process I showed you is perfect so again make sure to like this video my name is Darrell Wilson and I will see you all in my next video take care everyone
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 51,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a tshirt business with no money, how to start a tshirt business online, how to start a t shirt business, printful, darrel wilson, printful review, t-shirt website, t-shirt business, start a business online, how to start a t-shirt business, how to make a tshirt website, tshirt website, wordpress t shirt designer plugin, wordpress t shirt store, wordpress, start a business online with no money, how to start a business, how to start your t-shirt business
Id: vlMAx73BWRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 6sec (4026 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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