How To Create A Simple Countdown Timer In Canva For Streamyard

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hey legends how are you uh in this episode i'm going to be showing you it's not really an episode it's a mini training on how to create a countdown timer for your live streams or your pre-recorded streams if that's your thing um your live streams uh using canva um the sun is coming for me right look the sun wants to eat my face so i apologize for that but it's okay most of this video is going to be me sharing my screen and showing you step by step how to create a um a countdown timer inside of canva so you'll see less of this hot mess but you'll see more of the stuff that you are here to watch so um i do this type of training inside of my free group on facebook it's called what is it called get leads with connection building facebook strategies every week i drop a little mini training to help uh business owners to grow their business online um i'm just gonna quickly show you what i'm talking about so i made this uh intro video for my live streams um i'll just play it to give you an idea what we're gonna be doing in this little mini training [Music] there we go i was having a little jam out session because i love the boogie bar beats um but let's start with who the heck i am my name is remy from remo digital i am a connection building expert and i help and i teach small business owners to connect more to their customers and their clients online so that they can build a loyal customer base for their growing business right that's what i do and as i said i do weekly training every week inside of my group and so i'm just going to now jump in and share my canvas screen with you um but just very quickly if you're thinking well do i need a countdown timer well um what i would say is that often when we go live if we are going live on our facebooks or our instagrams or our youtubes or wherever else you go live often what happens is there's a bit of a delay for when you click go live to when the notifications go out to your followers and your people and so that could be 10 20 seconds before that comes through and you probably have seen that when you go live there's often a delay you know you come on and you're talking and there's nobody there until like maybe the first minute or so then people start to come on right so this is a great way to fill that space with a little countdown so that when people do hop on they know that you are coming but also you can use your countdown as a way to advertise or promote something or to even talk about what you've got coming up in that week's show or that particular episode and another way that you could use a countdown timer is if you do things like virtual events or you have guests coming on you can also use timers to bridge a gap right so you might pop up a five minute timer and say you know it's five minutes until the next guest is coming on so that people know not to end the stream or if you need a lube break or a drink break or a cigarette break or whatever right you can use a countdown timer if you're doing these longer streams to just break up those intervals so this is a really quick and easy way to build a countdown timer using canva which is a free platform feel free to go and register for your account um and there are better ways of doing this of course there are and this isn't 100 personalized right but it's semi-personalized and you're going to see what i mean when i get into the training with you um but for me this was a quick way just to make a nice video put some music on it and you can add music inside of canva as well i will show you how to do all of that but this is step by step for you to use as inspiration um to create your own little piece of magic on canva so let's do a share screen real quick and get into it let's talk in red more more training get to it already i hear you i hear you okay so this is why am i shouting like ugh okay so calm down we are this is let me just check to make sure you guys can see it you can see it there you go let me get rid of me you don't need to see any more of this face right now so this is the canva um dashboard okay this is what you get to when you are logged into canva and at the top right there's a button that says create a design it's in purple hopefully you guys can see that um it's purple at the time of recording this and the name may change but essentially when you log into canva you're looking for the button that allows you to create a new design and not use one of their templates so we're going to click on create a design that is your first step and it will bring up a list of suggested things that you can make inside of canva and i want you to go down to this one which says video and again the reason you're going to choose this is because it gives you the exact size template that you need to fit for your streaming video which is 1920 by 1080 pixels all right so you have your template area here which is set to the exact right size for your video so your next step is i want you to go over here to the left where it says templates and which scroll down until you see text styles audio and then click on videos and then what i want you to do is to go into this white box here where it says search videos and i want you to type in countdown enter and you'll see it will pull up all the countdown timers that canva has already in stock that you can use now these are mostly showing five or ten second videos so i'm going to go in and type in countdown 60 because i want a 60 second video and it will bring up excuse me and it will bring up all the one minute videos which is what i prefer to use and really it becomes about you deciding which style you like or what is on brand for you and you might like to have this type of one or you might like to have oops i dropped that one you might like to have one that's a bit camo style like this is what i was talking about when i said that these are not um 100 personalized they're going to be semi-personalized you kind of have to find one that you like that you think your audience might like or you think that at least relatively is on brand for you and go with one that just makes you feel happy and remember you can resize these as well you don't have to have the whole screen you could you know make them a part of the screen and then if i delete this background you'd have it as part of the screen and then over here you could have your logo or some words or your mission statement or anything you want okay so you can play with play with that as well so for the purposes of this video and because my brand colors are black white and red i'm going to delete this one i'm going to find one that's really quite just a bit simple so i could go with this white one or i could go with this black one and also if you hover over it will give you a little preview of what the numbers look like let's see just hover without clicking so i'm just going to go for this black one here it seems relatively simple now if i want to judge this up i could do something like add some text so i might click on the text on the left hand side and then i might add a heading or a body of text whatever you want whatever makes you happy and then i might want to write something like and just make that a bit smaller so it's not in your face and line that up in the middle and i might i might want to add a little bit of color into this because my colors are red white and black or black white and red click on the color palette and choose from my brand colors and there we go i've added a little bit of reds if we have a little look if you go up to here there's a play button it says one minute if you click on that it gives you a preview of what it would look like and there we go we have a countdown timer and it's also got my my brand website my business website so you could do something like that you could also use this text to perhaps put in i don't know it is your brand or your business have a tagline you might want to use that so my tag 9 line is changing the world one conversation at a time so perhaps i could put that in and what that does is it's um yeah reinforcing your brand message to your visitors who are coming and they are watching your countdown reinforcing your message to your followers and to your audience about who you are what you are so that's something you could use the text for you can also click on it to change the fonts and they have a massive array of fonts so you could change that up to anything that you like so there we go just put it in normal text rather than capitals so you can play around with the text that you want to put on the screen the other cool thing that you can do is if you go over to the left menu again and if you scroll up this time above text there's something called elements if you click on elements you can add some cool elements into your into your video they can be animated or they could be static images you can search for things that you like so for example you could search for fireworks just type that in hit enter and it will bring up all the different types of fireworks that you could drop into your video if fireworks is what you like and just underneath this if you look there's a subsection and it will just show you only the animated fireworks if you want and there's i mean i think these are really fun to add so just add a little bit of sparkle if that's your thing drop it wherever you want you drop it in the middle so it's just a nice little feature let's have a little look at that in a preview there we go there's fireworks that are popping off around so it's just another nice little feature that you could add um one of my favorites to add is i like drips drip drip grip let's have a little look um you saw on my video that i showed earlier i had this one which is the bouncing balls bouncing balls let's get rid of these um fireworks just highlight it and click delete or use the bin icon um let's find a nice little drip as an example you can have a bit of drippy pizza if you like you can literally add anything that you want and particularly if you think about your brand like i remember there's the beer guy who's popped up the last couple of times on stream yard on the live chat on so he might want to get like an animated beer or something right let's have a look for that oh i got a tickly throat i do apologize so you could always say you know just grab a beer can right so think about what your brand is you might want to have some little there we go that's perfect right a bit a slice of pizza and some beer that's a good saturday night right there for some people let's have a little look at that there we go i've made a personalized countdown timer with beer and pizza so this is something that you can play around with obviously for your business for your brand you choose what works for you um i was going to show you the drips wasn't i i just like the cool things that you can do inside a canva how you can tweak things um there was a nice one it's gone where have you gone little drip i can't find it so maybe we'll miss that out for now but anyway um it might be in my recently used let's have a little look oh yeah there it is so you can drag on a drip right from elements make it a little bit smaller if we push it up it looks like it's kind of dropping in on the top of your countdown and then if we preview that it's just a really nice cool effect that you could use if that is to your liking so anyway canva gives you the power to kind of choose how you want yours to look it gives you the the countdown timer itself and then you can add whatever you want so whether you want to add your url if you want to add a little a welcome it's totally editable and within your control of how you want your countdown timer to look maybe that works for you welcome with a little countdown time on your link right that's a bit girly but you catch my drift you can edit it however you want and then the other thing that you can do is you can add some audio so if you go again to the left i told you earlier about adding music now if you have a cool friend like me boogie bob who lives in new york city who makes beats uh he just sent me his music files i downloaded those to my computer to my hard drive and then i use this area here called uploads and i was able to upload that music file to play on my countdown timer but if you don't have a boogie bob in your pocket everybody should have a boogie bob because he's awesome then uh canva gives you this audio feature here if you click on that it will give you some free music that you can use and you can also search in this search bar for the type of music you want um happy music sad music dreamy music whatever you want you search in there or you can just do a straight scroll and just until you find something you like and if you like trap music right there's some piano there's instrumental there's all sorts of types of free music that you can use from inside a canva which i think is pretty cool um and if you want to just have a little preview just hover over it and then click and it'll give you a little taster of the type of things you want or use the search bar so i'm just going to type in pop pop music let's see what we get this one there we go that's happy and delicious what i might do is just pick it up drag and drop and now that piece of music is going to play when i play this video so i will go to the preview and show you [Music] it's really that simple drag and drop so you can drag any music you want drop it onto the video and we are good to go so i'm going to show you how to that's it that's essentially it right you go into your video section you choose the type of countdown that you want and once you're happy with the the countdown that you want you can add text to it you can add elements to it you can add music to it you can really customize it to make it really personalized for you and then the next step is for us to go ahead and download this video so if you go up to top right there's a button here it says download video if you press on that and then you want to download it as an mp4 so i'm going to click download and that will download and when you download the mp4 files they are generally speaking larger than image files so they will take a little bit longer to download but i'm going to fast forward this bit okay so that's now downloaded now we need to upload it into stream yard and of course if you're using other streaming platforms obs or oh this sun or other streaming platforms then you know you have to upload it your way but i'm going to show you how to do it inside a stream y'all because stream yard is my jam um let's do a share screen of this screen so you can see step by step what i have done all right there we go this is a hot mess but anyway so on your stream yard on your right hand side you have something called brands you can have different types of brands i've got a white brand and a red brand or you could create a new brand but i'm going to go on to my red brand this is what it looks like at the top you've got your brand colors and your logos and your overlays if you go down to video clips you'll see a plus sign where it allows you to upload your new video clip that you've just created so if you click on that so it's now uploading from my hard drive the 60 second new video right here it's uploading that i've just created and it will pop it into stream yard so it'll be there as a permanent video clip that i can use every time i go live i go live and then i hit the the new intro and it will play so it's uploaded so let's have a look at look at it on the screen you're like a circle that floats around me keeping me safe and sound and when i fall you tied a rope to me you blessed me every day there we go guys there we go so that's it that is how you can make a countdown timer inside of canva please let me know if this was useful drop some comments below if you have any other questions about this um but yeah it's fairly simple to do it's low budget to do if you have a canva account and and you can semi-personalize it to your own liking i do hope you found this useful feel free to follow me that's the wrong one here at remy digital facebook insta linkedin feel free to hook up and send me a message if you're watching this video and you found it useful all right guys have a great day and i want to end by saying we can all change the world by one conversation at a time take care
Channel: Remi O Digital - Connection Building Business Coach
Views: 3,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tlQmx1EoWtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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