How to Create a Presentation on Canva in 20 Minutes

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if you're looking to create a presentation quickly easily and have it look good I got you let me show you how to do it using canva in canva you're going to want to hit create a design and go to presentation here you'll see a blank template but what's really cool about this is there are thousands of templates you could choose from I could choose a Halloween one if I want because I want to host a Halloween night and do trivia I can click on this and I can preview this by hitting the plus symbol which will add it to my slides and hey that looks cool maybe I want to change the name Pat's trivia night but maybe I don't want to do that and I you know will want to try a different more professional theme well I can go back and I can go to maybe professional again I'm just using their search to find these right there's there's a lot let's go to this one right here this company profile and if I hit apply all 15 pages that will actually uh just kind of replace everything that's there and let's hit replace all pages and there it is I have a whole slide deck already here and I can just change out the images and the words if I want to I can add new slides I can remove them I can change change them around let's say I want the goals to go over here in slide number four and there we go it's as simple as that and again I can just replace the things as we want to go along goal number one goal number two and goal number three all right a couple really cool things that you can do really quickly here let's go to the title page and I'm going to change this to Pat Flynn and this will be how to create a presentation in canva maybe I want to open this up a little bit so it kind of fits a little bit better let's Center that you get a lot of nice guidelines in there to center it and I want to add an image of me right this is a presentation and I'm presenting it and maybe I'm going to be at work or on a large stage it's kind of nice to have your personal brand on there as well sometimes so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to elements and this is really cool if I go here and I type frames I get a lot of these images that have like a a sky and a cloud and a hill well I'm going to click and bring and drag over this circle and and actually I want to bring it to the front as you can see it's kind of behind this text I want to bring it to the front so I'm going to hit these three dots and hit bring to front that way it brings it to the front but what's unique about this and the reason for this image here is I don't want the image of the cloud I want an image that fits this shape that is why it's called a frame so I'm going to go to uploads and choose an image I have of myself and drag and drop it onto that Circle as you can see when I hit that Circle it fits in there I'm going to let go and there it is and now I have that shape with myself in it but you know I'm not centered so I'm going to double click on that I'm going to move the Big Image as you can see behind it it's a rectangle to the center click out of it and there we go but you know you don't need to see my kitchen and my background there so I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to drag the corners just so it's my face and maybe my thumb there kind of showing the presentation area which is kind of cool boom there it is and I can resize this from here as well so let's say I want to set it up so that this is sort of centered here and then it's pointing to this text but the text is kind of kind of behind here it's in the way so I'm going to click on the text I'm going to drag this Edge over and kind of Center it from from there so I can just move things around really quick I don't need these three dots I'm going to delete that and then actually who needs a www annuity there we go uh actually if I want to Center all that I'm going to drag and drop a box around that kind of groups it for a sec and there we now if I want to see what this looks like at full screen I go to present and I'm going to hit just just present we're going to keep it on standard for now show you what the other things are later present and there we go full screen if I hit the next button it's going to move on to the next slide I can go back using the back arrow there we go now we still have to make some changes right for example this image of these women cool I don't know who these people are and I just want to change that image so I'm just going to highlight that image and I'm going to hit delete and there we go there's that hill with the sky and the cloud that means it is a frame so I can bring another image in there I'm going to go back to my uploads area and maybe I want to bring in let's see there's got to be another one of me in there somewhere that would work here we go this one of me with some headphones and boom that looks pretty nice I can resize it if I want move it up move it down we'll just keep it like that about Pat Flynn former architect turned entrepreneur dot dot and you put a little bit more now this read more situation this would be useful if you're going to be sharing this online and this is where it's being presented and people can come in here and click around but I'm just going to delete that because this is going to be a presentation for example that I do in the classroom or at work or on stage okay moving on actually you know what this dark background uh color doesn't really work for me I want it to be a different shade of blue so I'm going to click on the background and click this color here this little square and what's really cool is it now gives me a bunch of different colors what's also cool is this is very unique to Canvas I can I can click see all here next to photo colors it actually gives me like the different photos that I have and I can match the colors based on that which is really cool right so I can you'll see that it kind of you can go through and see that's kind of my skin color Brown and sort of Darker For My Shirt actually you know what I don't want that I want a lighter blue so let's go to light blue okay it's too light uh yeah that blue is nice looks reminds me of a University of California at Berkeley which is where I went um and what's really cool about this is that changes it on that slide but if I want to change it on all slides guess what I can hit this change all button boom and now all the slides are that color which is really really cool let's move to slide number two let's say I want to point to this microphone just for fun and call it out this is a Heil pr40 and I want to call it out for some reason here on this particular image you wouldn't really do this on an about page like this but I'm going to do it anyway just to show you so I'm going to go to elements and I'm going to type in Arrow and I'm going to scroll and look for an arrow in fact I just want a graphic look at all of the arrows that I could choose from that I can drag and drop on this page now you'll see a bunch of them are moving I would just be very careful about movement for example if I were to put this on here it's like if you present that and you're trying to talk that's just going to be really distracting so I'm going to delete that or undo and I want to find an arrow that's sort of pointing that direction that looks nice that is still okay that one looks really nice boom uh let's say I want to rotate a little bit so get this sort of rotate button here and let's say I want to change the color of it right so it's a white one which is fine let's say I want to make it red so I'm going to go to color and I'm going to hit red and it just changes it immediately and I'm going to make it a little bit smaller and now I want to do is add text I want to call out the name of this microphone just for fun so I'm going to hit text and I'm going to add a text box like that and this will be a this is a Heil pr40 microphone all right so I'm going to bring this over and I want to make this font something that uh maybe one that we're already using so there we go this is Ohio pr40 microphone let's just see what that looks like so if I go to standard present there's slide number one slide number two very nice now let's say I don't want to use for the next slide any of these templates I wanna I want like a slide that's a full screen image so what I'm going to do is I can either just bring my cursor to the middle here and add page or really quickly kind of right click that and hit add page it'll do the same thing and there we go I wanted to I can delete this background if I want just hit delete and what's really cool is I can add a background so let's say I want to add uh you know this Earth as a background and it kind of just fills it out for you which is really nice no I don't want that I want this kind of like landscape no let's go here no let's go back to the Earth just again we're just playing around keeping it fun and that could be used for you know I can add text on there and add a heading like this is the Earth the Earth this is the Earth all your base are belong to us right and I can make this bold so it stands out I can you know animate it a little bit if I want which we'll talk about later uh but let's say I want to also add an image of me uh in a in a very unique way so what's really cool about this is I can go to let's say um let's go to uploads and let's say I want to take an image like like this this image here which is like me trying to do like a drake thing at one point right where I have that and then I have like this one here too right you might have seen that Meme before now what I want to do is I want to remove the background of each of these images and really really cool and unique with canva here I think it might be in the Pro Plan or it might be free for everybody I'm not sure by the way if you want to check out canva use my affiliate link Pat canva if I click on this image and hit edit image BG remover that's background remover I'm just going to literally hit that once and it'll do all the work it'll take five four three two one one and a half one quarter okay it takes a little bit of time but there we go hit apply and look at that it literally just it like the way it crops it is so nice I try to do that kind of manually in Photoshop sometimes and it never turns out that well let's do the same thing with this one edit image background remover all right so that is the Earth and this is maybe me saying no to what what would I say no to like pollution right so if I literally type in pollution and maybe there is a photo of pollution let's drag I dragged and dropped on the wrong place I want to drag it right there I want to make it smaller I can move it no to pollution so let's actually just see what this looks like now this is a very random presentation but anyway here we go slide number one slide number two slide number three this is the earth no pollution nice all right Let's Escape now let's say I want the transitions between slides to be a lot nicer right a smooth maybe dissolve or something like that or maybe it slides up from the bottom or something how might you do that very simple I'm going to right click on these three or just click on these three dots or right click and you'll see add transition you can see it kind of goes from left to right and that's where the transition is headed so I'm going to hit add transition and I'm going to hit dissolve because I like the dissolve and I usually like this is the the dissolves to be a little shorter like 0.2 seconds I find it to be a little bit smoother that way and if I hover my mouse over any of these you'll actually see what that transition looks like as a preview as you can see there none slide color wipe anyway what's really cool is now this transitions into this with a dissolve but I want to do that all the way through and all I have to do is hit apply between all pages boom but let's say I don't want that in one particular area so let's say that the transition from let's have our goals be next after the Drake Earth image let's do a unique transition there I'm going to hit change transition and I want that one to be maybe a stacking from the bottom right so this is from the top I want it to come from the bottom like that and maybe we'll make it a little bit longer half actually let's make it let's make it one second just so it's clear all right let's go back to slide one hit present and see if the transitions are the way we want so we want this to dissolve very nice another dissolve coming and then this one is going to slide up from the bottom and it's going to reveal our goals oh that's really nice very cool let's hit Escape all right let's work on this page because this is a very common use case for slides is to kind of reveal certain elements as we go along you'll notice that there aren't a lot of bullet points like really long bullet point lists here and that's actually great it forces you to really hone in on the big ideas and that's really key you don't want just paragraphs and a ton of bullet points for people to read off of that you're reading off of and then your presentation is less engaging right main points and you can reveal them sort of one after another which is what we're going to do here in a sec but I want to change this image because this door doesn't really mean anything to me and I'm going to right click that and delete it and as you can see there is a frame so I'm going to go back to let's go to um let's just type in goals and see what happens maybe goals would be better with a Bullseye or Target yeah I like that so let's do bullseye and okay I like this so I'm gonna drag and drop this one instead and I guess I didn't even need to delete that initial image but there we go our goals one two and three now a lot of presentation software allows you to select elements and when they appear on that particular slide a canva currently doesn't allow that and that that's actually okay I'm going to show you a very quick and easy way to have certain groups of text for example or even images appear one after another and actually prefer this method because many times I'm asked to export my slides or or share them with people as images and not like a slide file in which case I can still have the building of those happen in that case versus if I have to export it and it's just a single slide that you know in the software animates but on the PDF file it doesn't it still works out this way I think maybe they're going to open that up later but uh this is how it's done so I want goal one goal two and goal three I have three goals so that means I'm gonna make three different duplicates of this so this one duplicate and or I guess it's a triplicate right one two three slide four five and six all the same I'm gonna go to number four I'm just gonna drag and delete goals two and three because that's the first slide they're gonna see here on the second slide I'm just going to delete the last one and then goals number three that'll remain on the LA on on the last one there the third one so if I hit present you're gonna see this let's go back there's the Earth goals number one number two number three now let's say I was like no I I I want uh the goals to show it first and then number one so I'm duplicate this page and then now delete the first goal make sure you're not deleting other elements if you want to select multiple elements hold shift and then click on those elements and then hit delete for example so that will be the first one that pops up from the bottom so let's go back to Drake Earth Pat pollution bad and I'm going to hit next our goals here are goals for the year goal number one I'm just clicking forward goal number two and goal number three very simple to do as you can tell let's say we want this slide to do the same thing but instead I want business description first product offer first or next uh future plan next and then target market next so I'm gonna there's since there's four things I'm going to duplicate this a few times uh command D is a very nice shortcut for this and I'm going to go back to the first one and I'm going to delete everything but the first one that I want to show up right because that will show up first this next one will delete everything else except the one that we want to pop up uh let's see so that's oh there we go one two and then this one will be let's see um target market will be the only one that's not there and then boom okay so let's try it from here and see what happens present one two three four easy peasy hitting Escape now let's go into the presentation sort of options here real quick um if I go to present we've been doing standard which allows you to again present and show full screen so you can preview it um if you go to autoplay you can set the speed to automatically have slides Advance based on this number right here you see this where it says edit timing if I say I want this to be uh like one second right or I can apply it to all pages I'm not going to go through this but what would happen is if I if I hit present and then go to auto play I hit play the timer's going they will advance based on the time that you set and that's for maybe more choreographed presentations that you might do in the future or even like quizzes or something like that just just so you know presenter views what's really special here if I go to presenter view you'll see two things pop up I'm gonna hit present and you'll see two windows you have your presenter window back there but this audience window now typically when you're in a presentation or you're in a an office and you're presenting you might have a projector or a particular monitor or screen that is showing the screen to everybody else that is what this window's for if you are presenting somewhere this is what your technician would need and they can drag and drop this to that particular screen and then when you hit enter full screen mode they're only seeing that slide that is sort of active right you are seeing what's back here I'm just going to move this aside so you can see it so presenter window this is what you see you see the current slide this is the same thing that everybody else sees but you also see the upcoming slides as well which is super handy because you can just kind of lead into the next thing and then open it up you'll also see notes for your design and that is during your editing process you can actually add notes and maybe handy triggers or other keywords or tell that story or whatever it might be to just remind you to tell that story during this particular slide which can be really really helpful uh to get back there and actually to add those notes it's very very simple all you have to do is go down here where it says notes and I'm just going to go hello this is a test I'm going to go to present and then hit presenter view as you can see there it is right there on the right hand side hello this is a test and that way again you can be reminding yourself essentially your future self to say certain things or tell certain stories Etc which is super handy if you have any quotes you want to share typically I often recommend that in the notes area um don't fill it too much just have trigger words and other things that can remind you about certain things and obviously you want to practice so you get it now you might be wondering what is this comment bubble here this comment bubble is for your team perhaps you might be coordinating and working with somebody else on this presentation so I might say you know add business plans to this slide okay and now anybody else who I have in this presentation kind of working on it with me can see that and if they finish with it or they resolve it I can hit they can hit or you can hit check mark and then you'll know that that is done there's also a great way for you to remember what things you'd still need to do so as you're working through the presentation you might say uh okay I'm going to remind myself update the photos here in this way it's a reminder for you to do it before you go and actually do your presentation it's a it's a to-do list or checklist or a reminder list for you to go back which is really really handy I've used that several several times I'm just going to click on this now if I go to share share is really special because this is pretty unique to Canvas you're able to not just create your presentation here but you can share it as well you can share it with other people who you want to have access to edit it but you can also share it with people who you were presenting it to so this is super handy if you're going to be offering your slides to anybody maybe you do a webinar or or speak somewhere and you're like hey I'm going to give you the slides you just give them the only view link or the view only link and that way they can get those slides immediately without you having to export it and put it into Dropbox or something like that or turn it into a PDF it's all right here which is really great you can also present and record if I hit present and record that means that I can actually play the slideshow it records my camera and now I can turn it into a YouTube video for example or um a helpful video for somebody else on my team if I'm presenting something I can have the link be something that anybody can use or only I can access Etc I can download this to my computer if I want to do it more traditionally I can print it out if I want and even share it on social now more than likely you're not going to be able to finish everything all in one sitting you have only pockets of time to work on this you go back to home you open up canva again somewhere else somewhere else on the other side of the world and then boom your presentation if you scroll down should be right there there's Pats trivia night um I don't know why it's showing that but uh there it is just you can pick up where you left off and all the elements all the graphics are here not on your computer so even if you were on somebody else's computer as an emergency to fix or finish something all the elements are here you don't have to worry about the fact that it's not on your original OG computer uh except for sort of things that you didn't yet upload to the canvas system so this is canva canva is my affiliate link check it out go get it for free if you upgrade to the Pro Plan I do get a little Kickback for that and I highly recommend it because this is like the best tool in the world for presentations and just graphic design in general I want to wish you the best of luck on your next and upcoming presentation if you like this stuff hit subscribe I got more things to help you throughout your career as a creator let's do it good luck
Channel: Pat Flynn
Views: 312,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pat flynn, smart passive income, spi
Id: hrgrFmV7aCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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