How To Create A Map With OSM Data Using QGIS || How To Download OSM Data || OSM In QGIS || GeoFox

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hello everyone today we will learn how to make  how to download osm data from overpass turbo and   how to use get that data to make a map by  using qgis. so we have this website called I'll put this website  in description from here you can download   osm data so what basically this overpass  turbo is this is a overpass or web-based   data filtering tool for opening sheet map will  explore some data according to our need we   give some queries and on the basis of that  queries this api will give us the data so   let's see what we can do we have these  runs here export wizard cf load setting and   option here so we'll go to wizard and inside  wizard so today i will be using two data one is   school of pokhara and another is highway inside  pokhara so for school i will so we need to   understand basic concept of our tag in openstack  map for us so for tag let's go to osm wiki and if you don't know about the tag  you can come here in osm wiki here   and search for the text so for school i will  search school school tag so what basically   tag contents is it has one key and one value  key defines the proper the type of feature and tag defines the feature so here inside this we can  see tag amenity equals to school so amenity is the   key and school is the value  so we will be using here amenity is equal to school and we want the school  inside Pokhara so we'll write in in Pokhara   so we'll build and run the query this is the school inside Pokhara some school have point data whereas some has polygon data  will convert all these polygon data to point data so download and copy so i  have made a folder we have gis   osm with gis inside osmo js i will name this as is i'll save that again i will export i will make  a query of all the highway inside pokhara highway   is equals to what asterik does is it selects all  the highway inside the pokhara that may be you   know primary secondary residential anything in  pokhara valley so will do that and i will build   and run a query so this question returned quite  a lot of data ultimately 10 mb do you want to understand yeah i don't need the school inside the pohara so i need to remove the school yeah so again  what i'll do is i'll create all this and   round one so it will literally and then i  will go to wizard and start io in pokhara okay continue it is taking time to render oh taking quite a long time this is all the io inside  profiler so we'll download that   using export and download hdr  json file so we'll name this as highway ngo so we have both the data io and school so i  will go to qgis i have downloaded qgis version 3.18.0 so you can go to bit and 32-bit you have two download  options so you can download any   according to your laptop capacity so i have  62 bars on qgis so i will create a new project   and inside new project i will go to this  and import both the first i will go to   school and drag and drop here so  here we have a point n polygon type   so we have a number of features this is number  of nodes so you don't get confused in this   so what we'll do is we'll convert this  polygon into point data so we go to geometry tools inside vector we have geometry  tools and inside geometry tools we have centroids   so we'll go to center and we'll select the  polygon tool and what it basically does is it   converts the polygon into a point on the basis  of the centroid central point of that polygon so   we will use that in converting this  polygon to point so we'll save this to   our same folder point one we  will save that as point one and we can see it takes the central point as the   well converting so we'll we don't need this so  we'll remove this and okay we have removed and   we now will merge this to do a single  vector layer so for that we have i guess mars vector layer here and we will select  this two meter layer select all and what's more   of this ads okay and wgs 1984 is our projection  system and we'll save these two again this is cool so we will save this in neuron so we have got a  single data vector layer of this all the points of   our skill in pokhara so we'll we don't need these  two and we'll remove this layer okay let's see attribute table and we have so much of data  we don't need in this attribute table so   we will delete then so for that go to this on  the left of corner toggle editing mode and in   here we can see delete field so  we'll delete the field we don't need this okay so we don't need all of this okay let's see what we have got okay  we don't need these also so again we'll delete okay now let's see okay so okay  maybe we'll also delete this field okay okay this is okay address  house street will delete this also okay so okay we have got this so this is  all we need now let's import ioa geojson to this layer and we have got   point line string and polygon string but we  need all the line so we'll import only line okay so this is the highway network inside the pokhara   tour network inside the cocoa so what  we'll do is we'll create a map of i think   one number eight of pokhara municipality so i  have a safe pile of pokhara municipality here   so i will give this file link in  the description so you can download of i think of one for what we have disabled or  miss npl wg s 4 so let me drag and drop here   yes this is the say file of  four so for not all all the wire level boundary of nepal so  what i'll do is i'll only select the boundary of word number four and then i'll  one number four or one number eight anything   and then i'll delete all this and only click  this number four boundary so for this i have   here option select feature by area or single  click so i will click this and let me see here   sorry for this we need this here at the top and sleep picture sorry sorry for this i have to  select first this and then this so let me see once again again again deselect i'll deselect and let me query once which  is this this is the province for one number five   okay let's do word number five so now select this  and we'll select this and we'll click this so for   this vector and go to geoprocessing tool and  clip and inside this your second overlay layer   you select this option selected feature only and  we'll export that as f2 what we'll do is firefight   save save only okay modify and save that and run  so we have got v boundary so we don't need this   boundary so we'll better remove this  layer okay let's keep that boundary   at the back and now what we will do  is we want only the road network and   building inside this boundary so what we basically  do is we'll clip the vector feature inside this   this boundary of what so for that we'll go to   vector and geoprocessing tool inside your  process you have clip so what will clip is   so input layer input layer must be what you want  to clip so first of all i want to clip the screen   layer so i will select that and overlay layer  is what inside which boundary you want to clip   so and and then say i'll save that to and save  that as school of part five and then i will run so close let me see school of word file okay this  is the school of word file number five   okay we have got all the school of wi-fi and  similarly we will do this vector clip for   highway also so again for that we'll use okay we  don't need this layer so we'll remove that again for highway we will go to this we'll  continue the same process clip and i wait so i will save i will i will water type okay see this is the road network  worldwide and we'll delete this also i am sorry okay i'll remove this fourth layer okay so now  we'll work on symbol and colors okay so i want   to give a different symbol for this before that  let's give caller suitable color to backside   background of our word for that i'll go to this  and go to symbology and inside symbology left   here fill color so what we'll do is we'll  color easter color we will give transparent   so we don't want district color let's apply  and see perfect so this is the color so now for this you can play with every color here   i haven't got a color of  my choice okay you can also maybe this is okay let's see now this is i think okay okay this is okay so this  is the background layer of boundary bar boundary okay i will go to  color of road network network i will use   totally white color let's apply okay yes this is okay now for school i will go  to again double click on this okay so if you   don't have to go to properties you can double  click on this symbol or you can go to yeah   you can right click and go to properties and  inside properties you have got symbology so for   symbology here we have marker so what we will do  we will select this and convert this to spg method   and below here you can see some symbol a lot  of symbols so i'll use this symbol for now and   again go to top and i'll get color color  i will change this to maybe i can get   some purple color okay and struck i don't  need stuck so i'll make it transparent okay and then i'll increase the video  let's apply and i'll increase the width to   okay let's see this okay apply let's apply this is a bit bigger okay this is fit okay this is filled so now what i will basically  do is i want the name of the road network let's   change the color i don't  think this is too much fine and then go to label and inside here where you  can see no labels so i will go to single label   and insert single level what we use is work on  this size so first size we will go to text here   and we will go to size as series  let's apply okay this is a bit big so okay this is okay and we'll change  the color to once again to white let's see like that okay white is not busy this color this is not also visible okay so black ones okay so what we'll do is  we'll see the placement okay for placement distance will maintain one millimeter now let's do 0.5 okay this is fine okay wait wait six this okay five is good and we are formatting we  don't need any formatting buffer mask background online video line okay okay this is the highway so here we  can see what what so this might be because   this name property doesn't has any name in that now we will work on symbology of school  so inside school we'll go to label inside   level we will use single level and single  level will be of name and name let's okay   apply first this so this is the name of the  all this school we can see now what we'll do   is we'll change the color of the school too  okay let's take the color from the symbology okay this is the caller and what we  will use is we'll use buffer and buffer   we'll use the buffer and apply  okay what buffer dot is it will   give some background color okay so it helps  us make easy to understand the feature in   our map and placement so  around the point we will use offset now we'll use 1.5 for x and one one for okay and okay so we'll apply this  so this is how we can give naming if you don't want this here so what we  will do is we will go again here and placement let's go to offset line this is okay let's work with all the options tastes size okay when we decrease the text size  we see the yes so it is okay that is okay and we'll change the font to radial and then we should make this fold yes bold is good okay now this is the final map  that we want to make so let's go to   legend layout so first layout we have to go  to before that let's save this project project okay and we have saved this now  go to project new print layout and so before going to map layout you  must be clear that the same zoom level   which we have in this view will be seen in  map layout when you add the map through this option air map so what we'll do is we'll add this here like this and then okay this  is okay and then what we'll do is maybe let's see this okay so maybe previous was one time okay this placement better to run traffic  okay so in this way we can see more buildings   more level so i'm going to close  it and add this at this map okay you can see we can center  align it at the center and then we'll add this at the title for this okay yes and i will work with this font   we'll learn all this in center and font  color will be black and we'll use arial font where is the aerial area and the value is bold and  maybe we should increase the size okay this is the title of our map now we will use not arrow here you can change  here from this not here this is not arrow and now let's put legend isn't  enough also here legend and we laid today here so you can see we have three  boundaries and we got three legends   option so inside the layout inside  item properties maybe we have new title you can change you can play with this  layout also font will change the font okay this is okay and title  font let's increase to 22. hold is on okay spacing between the title   okay you can change this pc and  between the address and items also okay between symbols okay if you want frame in this so you can add frame also for legend so  here why we haven't seen white of this   this is because the color of  background and the color of this   road network is same so we  can see okay now we will add scale skill bar so we will basically use  this continuity as kilometer   and okay you can get this scale bar here below  and after this what we will learn is we had the   name of the author so for that we  will go to dynamic date and make   profit right here current username or  project author and it will give my name so this is the now again let's go to that item  with dynamic test and map properties here we can   use crms cc what it says what  properties see aria's name which is 1984   and then ellipsoid it is acquisition system and  now we are using another ellipsis ellipsoid is   epgs and you can add anything okay  you can add other properties too so   you need quarantine you can add  the date and when the map was made okay okay you can change the font size directly from like this scrolling  here also you can change okay this is the cool feature you can  scroll here and change the font size okay okay this is okay okay now this is the map of school of pokhara so now for exporting this map  you can export as pdf svg image file export as pdf   files let's foreign so this is how we can make mapping   map using osm data and qgis  thank you everyone for watching
Channel: The GIS Hub
Views: 6,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OpenStreetMap, OSM, QGIS, QGIS Tutorial, Clip in QGIS, Point, Line, how to download osm data, how to use osm data in gis, how to use osm data in qgis, use osm data to make map, how to use osm data to make map, how to download osm data for free, how to download openstreetmap data, qgis, qgis beginner to advanced tutorial, qgis making a map, open street map, osm data, openstreetmap api, osm data to shapefile, download osm data to shapefile qgis, Geographic Information System
Id: ivwJnvczVno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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