RPG graphics E01: Character model [Blender]

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hi everyone in this video we'll be modeling a very simple low poly character if you'd like to use the reference images I created you can download those from the link in the description okay in this new blender project I'd like to get rid of the default camera and light so I'm going to select those both and then press X and delete and then I'd like to bring in me reference images so I'll press n to open up the properties panel and down at the bottom here we have background images I'll just fold that out and say add image and we'll open up my front view image and then I want to add in a second image and just fold this and this will be the side image alright so we can set the view access for the front image to be front and the access for the side image to be right so now as you probably know we can press 5 on the numpad to toggle between perspectives and orthographic view mode and we have to be in orthographic mode to be able to see the images so I'll make sure my view is set to orthographic and then I can just press one to view from the front and 3 to view from the side ok just to clean up the interface a little bit let's press n once again to now close the properties panel and I'll press T to close the two shells can then go into front view and I'm going to select the cube object press tab to go into edit mode and I want to add in a vertical loop cut with control arm like so can right click to make sure that's positioned at the center and I want to delete the left half of the cube so I can add in a mirror modifier so with a box selection we could try select all of these vertices but be careful of course if we're in solid shading mode because then these back vertices won't be selected so we should in fact first go into wireframe mode by pressing Z and then if we do a box select it will select all of the vertices we can then press X to delete and let's just delete all of the faces on this half of the cube now I'll head over to the ear model is panel and add in a mirror modifier and just enable clipping so that these central vertices can't get torn apart okay let's select everything with a and just grab this move it up to the base of the legs and I'll select just the top vertices and drag these up to the shoulders I then want to add in a couple of horizontal loop cuts so to and started defining the shape of the torso so press ctrl R and then three which while in loop mode won't change our view but rather just add in three new loop cuts in left click to confirm those and then right click to just leave them in their default position and I'm now going to side view and press a to deselect all of those and B to rock selects just these over here and drag those two above where I think there should be and then I'll continue this process of pressing edge to deselect the currently selected vertices and B to rock select the next group and like so I'll just go through and position is alright something vaguely like that should be okay we also pose want to line these up from front view so let's head over there and I'll just grab each of these vertices and drag them in to roughly match the reference all right press Z to go into shaded view this is have a look around looking nice I want to smooth things off a little bit though so ctrl R to add in a loop cut vertically like so and a Len press alt right click along this edge and then alt shift right click to select the other entire edge and so now we have all of these faces along the side selected and then I'll press s to enter scale mode and then Y to lock this along the y axis and just thin it slightly like so can also go into side view to have a look at this and that looks about right if we go into wireframe mode we can see the reference a bit better we can just drag this off a little bit so that it sort of matches the shape I've left for the armhole there the next thing I'd like to do is extrude out the neck so I will just change my view angle a little bit so that I can select this top face and I'll press e to extrude the neck out and from front view we can just adjust these vertices a little bit to match up better something like that and from side view as well and just grab these and just something like that looks decent okay going into front view let's now shift our focus to the legs so I'll grab these vertices over here and just bring them down and it all closer together to form the sort of never regions of our character and then I'll grab these and move them up to make this line of the leg and then we want to even things out a little bit with the rest of these vertices so I'll just move this up like so just so that they flow a little bit better and just keep on adjusting like so maybe bring these down a little bit something like that should be good then I'm going to go into face mode with control tab and select face and just select this big fat leg face over here and from front view I'll extrude that down just left click let me zoom out of it scale it and bring it all the way down to the base of the legs and just rotate it so that it's roughly flat with the ground like so all right I'll press ctrl tab to switch back to vertex mode and then ctrl R to add in a new loop cut right at the top of the legs here so the from side view I can just come in and define some of the shape of the buttocks all right or maybe move this down a little bit so that looks pasted to add in a new loop cut over here just to round things out slightly then from front view we press ctrl R adding a loop cut at the top of the knee and just rotate this to straighten it out a bit and maybe scale it in slightly and then I'll add in another one at the base of beneath and just scale rotation position match and then they add in a new Lucas for the thighs so there should be just fattened out a little bit as it may be these vertices over here something like so and then probably want a loop cut for the calves as well and let me adjust all of this from side view so drag the carbs out and maybe want one edge loop foot in near itself so I can just give that a slight Bend and fatten the thighs a bit something like that looks good we can maybe just go into shaded mode and just have a look around the bomb does look a little bit weird but we won't be seeing the character without his clothes on too often hopefully so we can really help things a bit by just pressing ctrl R and adding a loop cut all the way down the side and then with that loop selected I'll press alt s which gives me the shrink fashion tool and I'll just fashion it ever so slightly so that things remain rounded out and then we can come around here and you can see this face down the inside of the leg is very flat so I'm just gonna press ctrl tab go into edge mode and I'm going to go right click on this edge here to select that whole loop and alt shift right click to select this other one and then just press s Y and scale it a little bit on the y axis and then going to deselect these edges at the top and then continue to scale it in a little bit more along the y axis and deselect these scalars in a little bit more just so that groove slowly becomes a little bit more round alright and we've got this weird protrusion coming out of the balm and out of the other end as well so let's go into wireframe mode just fix that select all of these and just match it up slightly all right I'll fiddle a little bit more but this is mostly okay I think okay we can now maybe add in a new loop cut all the way down the side of the character and press alt s just to fatten this once again and if you want to be able to make smaller adjustments you can hold down shift while you're dragging the mouse and that will make this a little bit easier to control so just like that looks good and maybe let's select everything with a and press W to bring up the specials menu and just ask it to shade smooth and now we can see what it looks like without all of those hard edges all right let's think about the arm so from the side view I'm going to just zoom in abyssea and go into wireframe mode and we want to add a loop cleft along here and I'll just scale that out and we cannot just go and mash these vertices up to the shape of the armhole all right and then in face mode I'm just going to select these faces here I'm gonna press shift D to duplicate them and I'm going to move them along with the y-axis just to line up with this drawing of the arm that I have from this idea then from front view I need to extrude this out just rotate it like so to line up with the reference and extrude it again to the elbow like so and I'll DoubleTap R to enter trackball rotation mode and just rotate this as that it's pointing forward slightly because as you can see from the side reference this needs to extend out like so rotate that a bit scale us a little bit and then extrude it down to the wrist all right and I'll add in a loop cut for the forearm and one for the sort of Wi-Fi guess all right and let me go into vertex very quickly just that I can adjust these a little bit better okay I'll do some of these individually just make sure that this transition to the shoulder is a little bit smoother can maybe grab some of these and change them like so nice looking a lot better I think still lining up roughly from side view so we now want to attach the arm onto the actual body so go back into face mode and we change back to shaded and I'm going to select all of these faces here and also all of these faces at the back of the arm and press X and just delete all of those so we now have an actual arm hole to attach the arm to and I'll hover over one of the faces of the arm and just press L to select this whole shape and then I'm going to go into my snapping options down here and change the snap element to vertex I'll impress G to move the arms around and I'll hold down control which is going to enable snapping and just move this over one of the vertices of the arm that's not quite right into this from another angle all right just so that it slaps like so and then you go into vertex mode you can see that these aren't actually joined together yet so we want to select everything press W once again for the specials menu and just say remove doubles which will merge those vertices together that are on top of each other so the arm is now properly attached to the rest of the body let's very quickly do something about the hands so I'm going to be making some basic mission hands and falling butterfingers so a left click of the reference here to place a 3d cursor shift a add in a cube at that point and just scale it down and from side view you can just put this over my reference and quickly position these vertices just something like that and from front view places at the fingertips and these sort of at the wrist hold press control are adding the loop somewhere at the base of the fingers and then another loop here sort of for the knuckles I guess and another one just in the middle of the hand and from side view again our price control our add-in to loop cuts along the length of the hand and just use these to roughly shape the fingers all right the sides of the hands are a little bit thick at the moment so I'll just hover over one of the edges here and alt right click to select all of the edges along the side ctrl e to bring up the edges menu and just choose edge slide just slide this in slightly I'll do the same thing with this loop here edge slide that in tiny bit and on the other side I'll repeat that like so and with this one as well just sort of like that so that the top here gets rounded out a bit that will connect more nicely to the arm we can now press shift a and add in a new cube for the thumb and at scale if down and just position this from our different angles all right something like that and I'll extrude this up once more scale it up a little bit something like that looks ok let's just have a look around [Music] we want to bring this in slightly more towards the hand okay so now we just need to join the top of the thumb to the hand the rest of the body is sort of getting in my way a bit so I'll press L while hovering over one of the vertices to select it and press H to hide it temporarily okay and zoom in on the hands here and I want to connect this face to this one over here now country then off ready lined up at all so I can maybe select this image use trackball rotation with DoubleTap arm I suggest rotate it a tiny bit and move this up just so that they're roughly lining up and then going to face mode and just select both both of these faces and delete them and in vertex mode I'll select this vertex and this vertex and alt M to bring up the merge menu and just merge at their centers and I'll repeat that for each of these all right so this last one here I'll to M merge at center all right so now it is attached and you can just go around and do some last adjustments all right let's now unhide the rest of the body with alt H and I'm going to go into face mode and select these faces on the bottom of the arm and also these at the top of the hand and to delete those and we can then select the hand move it over and I'll go into vertex mode alt right click along this edge loop to select all of those or shift right click to select the loop at the base of the arm and then repress spacebar to bring up the search menu and research for the bridge edge loops command and I'll press ENTER to select that and that just join this edge slipped up we can maybe it rotate this a little bit just that it lines up slightly better and we can also come in manually and just fix some of the twisting that's going on but mostly that's looking okay the hand is still flat shaded while the rest of the body is smooth shaded so let's select everything press W and shade smooth I can maybe quickly press tab to go into object mode and just rotate around and admire our handiwork it's a little bit ugly admittedly but this should be okay for the purpose of this video at least let's now quickly come down and do the feet so once again left click to position the 3d cursor and add an a cube scale this down and then make it a little bit broader on the x-axis and from side view position this here and bring that out to the heel add in a loop and bring this up so then like so we want it to be fairly narrow at the heel and then in the middle of the foot it starts getting a bit wider now I'd like to join this face to these four faces at the bottom of the leg so we'll need to make sure that there are four faces here otherwise it won't line up so let me add eight loop along here and also a loop down the length of the foot I'll just fast Matt out of it so we've now got four faces I'll delete these well let me select these ones at the bottom of the leg is well first and then delete all of them go to vertex mode alt right click to select all of those or shift right-click to select these here and then I'll use my bridge tool 1cm alright it's a bit of a messy connection at the moment but we'll worry about that in a moment I'll now add in a loop all the way down here and then we just press s Z and 0 to flatten that out completely I'll grab these scale and in a little bit maybe add another loop here for the toes all right and we can make a slight arch of the foot here and just get the shape of the heel a little bit better and I'm going to select all of these vertices but it's W and smooth at once I'm also going to make sure that it's shaded smooth as well and then let's go into shaded mode and just look around you can maybe grab these here rotated a bit along the z-axis so that the feet stick out at a different angle and I'll just fix up this strange twisting that's happening now that looks a lot better with the foot done and we press tab to go into object mode and then shift C between to reposition the 3d cursor at the center of the scene and then I'll press shift aide to add in a new cube object so since we're in object mode we now have two separate objects this cube particular acts as our head and the cell body mesh so selecting the head object I'll press tab to go into edit mode on that and press W and subdivide smooth then I'm going to go into wireframe mode and just select these vertices on the side here delete those who have just got one half of it remaining and I'll add a mirror modifier and enable clipping and subdivision surface all right so if I now move this up we can try shape this roughly to the shape of the head and look at this from side view okay get in close I spread to have a look in the shaded mode just know to pull some of this out and that's roughly okay I suppose so I'm now going to apply the mirror modifier but we actually have to be in object mode for that so I'll press tab apply the mirror modifier apply the subdivision surface and then press tab to go back into edit mode and once again delete one half of the head and then press tab to go to object mode and with the head selected I'll shift right click to select the body and then press ctrl J to merge these two together all right so we can press tab to go to edit mode and we now have these as a single object and I want to now join the head to the neck so let me just select these neck vertices over here and bring these down so these are two faces here which we can perhaps join to these two faces over here so I'll press X to delete those faces I should also select these delete those and your two vertex mode and alt right click to select these two edge loops and I'll use the bridge tool once again to join those together all right or you can then adjust this a little bit and I want to grab this and bring it out slightly just to flatten the neck just so that we can get the neck flowing more smoothly into the head let's left everything in press a shade smooth as well and we want one more loop cut along the neck just something like that should be good so if we have a look around that's looking fairly nice and maybe a few small tweaks we can do so for example the leg is a little bit flat along the front so I'll try to click along here ctrl e edge slide and just bring this in ever so slightly and same thing with this loop down the side of our character and if edge slide this in slightly and I'll grab some of these vertices along the front of the torso and just even things out of it and maybe along the arm this could be a little bit better spaced so I'll slide some of the loops all right and from the back you can also grab some of these and just define the spine region a little bit better maybe grab some of these vertices along the spine and just move them in slightly all right and you can do the same thing that we did along the front of the character just sliding some of these edge loops in alright that's looking a bit better and so as these are vertices are still a little bit twisted from when we added the hand on so just manually adjust some of those and get that looking a little bit later okay last thing that I want to do is just add in some loops in the areas that are going to be bending so basically the elbow in the knee so want a loop along here and just on the other side of the elbow edge loop just so that it can deform a little bit better when we actually start rigging and the knee we've already added these in so I'll just bring these maybe a little bit closer and can add in some additional loops to just smooth out the geometry if need be I'm not terribly sure what happened over here some sort of disaster I'll just scale that back up all right maybe another loop along the thigh here I'll bring this one up slightly I'll write a very last thing just going to add in one more edge loop here under the arms just so that we've got a little extra geometry for the underarm here to help when we are lifting the arm up with our animations all right that is it for the time being in the next episode we'll be reading the character but until then Cheers
Channel: Sebastian Lague
Views: 911,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender (Software), character modelling, animation, 3d art, 3d modeling, blender tutorial, character creation, low poly, low poly game characters, game model, unity3d, game development, videogame
Id: aAO4C_8y0w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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