How to Create 40+ Affiliate Blog Posts in 1 Hour

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I love creating workflows it's one of the best things about creating a website how can I optimize my time my effort to make more money in this video I'll show you how I create 40 blog posts in one hour it's not clickbait it's a real thing but before I do I want to thank all the subscribers this channel it's only been two months and we have 5 000 subscribers that's crazy thank you so much there's an ongoing debate between seos these are people who have websites and they help others with websites get more traffic here's the debate some are very very methodical about seo on-page seo the title tags have to be perfect The Meta descriptions the headers the words within it it's a very serious thing whereas others are more concerned about the 80 20 rule they want to do it they want to do it right but they want to do it quickly too because they understand that time is money now most of us fall somewhere between the very analytical slow SEO approach and the fast fast fast fast 80 20 rule I'm probably closer to the 80 20 because as I like to see results quicker but what do the biggest websites online think about all this do they care do they just pump out content without caring too much are they very methodicals let's jump into the data is one of the biggest companies biggest websites online period and did you know this they have a sister company the sister company is called BuzzFeed and guess what it's going out of business and guess what some people are saying the reason is it's chat gbt they're saying that started using chat CBT around January of this year 2023 and everything has fallen apart since then so you should be asking yourself why should we care about BuzzFeed and BuzzFeed news and it's going out of business the reason is this if they were using chat gbt and you are using chassis BT for your website should you be concerned because they went out of business and some people said that chat gbt was their reason for this but I'm not buying the hype and I'm going to tell you why and BuzzFeed news are a different business model than most Niche websites affiliate websites and the likes because they go after social media 25 plus percent of their traffic is from social media specifically Facebook Instagram and Tick Tock so what this means for us regular people who have local businesses National businesses Global businesses I'm not buying the hype that Chachi BT was the reason that BuzzFeed news went down if you read further in different Publications you see that BuzzFeed news went down for different reasons and it was mostly their dependency on Facebook Tick Tock Instagram things like this now that's not a chat gbt issue that was their last hurray like let's try to make this work let's stop hiring so many people and let's use AI to solve all of our problems but that didn't work either so that was kind of a lagging indicator but this still concerns me and I'm going to tell you why BuzzFeed news was dependent and we are dependent too as content creators we're dependent on Google Google has AI technology such as Bard that hasn't rolled out yet that could take away our livelihood what matters here is I don't think chat gbt was the reason that BuzzFeed news went out of business so with that I'm going to take every opportunity I have to use AI in my content writing to boost my website's traffic so this is when we get to have some fun let's do 40 blog posts in one hour so this is the Thrifty I created this last year around October right it's it's almost may now and you can see an upline growth we're out of the sandbox quote unquote and we're getting a couple clicks a day the number one pages that are getting Quicks are pertaining to ice fishing and catfishing okay and that's the only topics on the website so what I want to do I want to expand into bass Vision you know one of the most popular fishing techniques in the United States how will we do this so before I go into that how are we going to do 40 blog posts you need to be ready to be ready we have this we have an Excel spreadsheet or a Google sheet rather we have Google Docs open as well as the quick article workflow you can get it here word cow this is a free tool for now that we've created that can spit out articles very very quickly that are very good so but what are we going to write about that's key number one so what I've done I've gone into ahrefs I've typed in bass fishing into the keywords Explorer I've come down here and I said show me right here lowest Dr up to 15 in the top five this means that in the search results there has to be a website that has a domain rating below 15 meaning that there's a website here that we may be able to draft so I clicked on the serp here on the keyword bass fishing rigs so what came up was a Dr of nine this website bass fishing rigs so what I did this is their website right here they have a domain rating of nine and they're getting 6.6 000 traffic per month as you can see here the graph is good so let's look at their top pages and what we're going to do we're going to get a little particular so these are top pages what we want to do is do a keywords filter words and keyword let's see here keyword filter keyword Bass oops Bass apply and here we go 13 Pages beautiful so what I want to do I want to take all these and I want to push them to here let's see here actually let's go to chat GPT so I'm going to say parse out the article slugs very nice we're going to take these so let's let's see how many this is that's 11 different articles okay now what we're going to do is ask chat GPT new instance we're going to say give me article names for each of these Oh weird it's it's giving me URLs we don't want that um let's stop generating give me new article idea names for these kind of bad English but you know good very very good all right so I'm going to do a new tab to the right I'm going to push them here now I'm happy so now we get to work we know that we can draft this website because they have a low domain rating they're modified monetize with the zoic it seems very nice so what I'm going to do I'm simply going to come to the quick article workflow I'm going to take this first one I'm going to type it into here we're going to do let's do conversational Let's do an article length of two and let's create so we know that one's going let's go this one right here let's do opinionated article length two let's come here and then we just keep going down the line as you can see let's do conversational this is not hard to do when you have the tools conversational too and last one choosing the right fission okay let's do professional keep it three so this is the first one that we started it's at three percent done as is the second one third fourth fifth I have tried to do more than five I can do more than five but it'll probably break it but in the meantime we can work on more things so we're doing keyword research what else could be here so bass fishing electronics that could be a great thing for a monetization so we come down here let's see if we can find another website to draft so the bass tank what is the bass tank all about same thing we're going to take it we're going to take it here keywords contain Bass very nice products it's all products so we don't want products we don't want to draft companies that sell direct products because the intention of the the user and Google is much different than informational websites that we create so it took five minutes and we have this article done mastering the art of bass fishing as you can see I'm going to scroll down slowly it has the meta title it's a meta description the title for the article it has this as H1 H2 and so on and so forth very very nice down the h3s this is a fairly large article jig idea drop shot rig very very nice very very nice so what I do I really copy and paste this into a Google sheet let's see how many words this is that's 2500 words it took me like real work in time I forget the term um there's someone in the channel if you know the term please let me know there's a term like actual working time it took me less than probably 20 seconds to write this blog and here you go has the meta title meta description um there so what we're going to do we are going to say this is the title very nice let's do a new oops new document and let's grab the next one from the water to your plate of foodie's guide to eating freshwater bass okay beautiful what I would do is just make sure there's nothing weird like sometimes the tool does a little bit of weird things like it did a duplicate there for the most part it's very very very good yet again let's make sure that the article is the note it up here I'll show you what we do next let's just get them all done first so we can actually see how much time this takes number three hooked on Texas Rig Vision tips techniques and tactics very nice it looks beautiful and guess what these articles rank I've already tested this out behind the scenes these articles rank very very cool all right that's number two I mean three and then we have number four is wacky rigs 101 The Ultimate Guide to fishing like a pro very nice now remember we did my conversational opinionated and professional this one says my experience so it's writing in first person I like that too we can kind of switch it up if you have multiple authors on a website you can have them talking first person Etc so file new let's do the last one we're about two minutes into this choosing the right fishing line for bass a buyer's guide copy it all push it here very nice I quickly look for any issues with um headers like introduction I don't want when you're dealing with chat gbt so this tool is built upon chat GPT when you're dealing with chat GPT sometimes it does funny things we try to parse out all the nonsense which is part of the art of creating this thing I'm not the dev I have a great Dev team but nonetheless you have to check your work so these are all done so what I'll do next I'll grab the URL up here I'll push it to here let's say let's just do insert one column to the right I push it here I grab the next one I'd push it here I'll grab the next one push it here grab the next one push it here and what you're doing you're creating a methodical way to go about building out content because if you have a Content team that comes behind you and you want an Editor to to go through these well they know exactly where to go they know how to Interlink them I could say everything needs to be interlinked and in the meantime what we should have been doing is merely this push that copy push that so we're creating five more articles as we work on other things remember we were doing keyword research a second ago as these articles were being created let's do the last one because I'll actually use these on the website by the way um the fifth one all right so just as BuzzFeed and BuzzFeed news they pump out 200 articles a day that used to be a dream for people right but we can do it with the tools that we've built there's a lot of tools like this this is a very good one and it's free right now and all you have to do is click a button to get a really really good SEO optimized article so in the beginning we discussed BuzzFeed news does it matter that they got you know bankrupt was it due to Chachi BT and I don't think it was and in fact I have websites as you can see here that have chat CPT articles that are performing just fine the key here is you don't blast your your website with a million articles right off the bat you have to gain traction first don't feed it too much before you go about this technique I'm going to post probably one or two a day methodically as you can see there's still buildings so the first one is eleven percent three percent um there's error on this one keep that in mind 11 and 3 so sometimes we call too many um tokens on break it like that right there see it that's okay so we'll try to do it again nonetheless let's go through here bass fishing Mastery so this all told has taken less than five minutes for five articles um what we can do now is we can go into the Thrifty whale and we can post these so first steps first is add new wait for that to load I'd come over here and I would grab the article to get it ready what we're going to do is push it here I've used SEO makes my life easier because I can quickly click here make sure all my headers are in line nothing funky it's all nested really really well I like it a lot all right let's grab this as the title um I'll do um the best bass rigs because listen we have to go back here bass fishing rigs that's the key right bass fishing rigs so we know that's going to be the slug bass fishing rigs comprehensive Guide to the best bass Rigs and techniques very nice the tool did spit out the meta description for us within parameters of the the character count meta title let's see if this will be cool I like to vary the um the the title tag and the title of the article so bass fish and mastery guide to best Rigs and techniques opposed to the comprehensive Guide to the best bass rigs it's nice to have variants because we grab more keywords so what we're going to do here just make sure it all looks great understanding base past Behavior very nice very nice okay I'm going to space that out a bit you can see it didn't do the one two three four five as well as I would have liked okay yet again so you have to check the tool because it's not perfect yet and I don't know if these tools are ever perfect they just help us do these things much faster so it's telling us how to do different Drop shots and Carolina rig and all these different things but as you can see it didn't space out the one two three four five but it's not hard to go back in very nice top order techniques choosing the right gear alright so now we get to have some fun with choosing the right gear tips on selecting the best gear let's see here let's do yes aawp what we can do is a best sellers list um fishing um let's say bass fishing poems let's see what comes up and there you go right off the bat tips on selecting the best gear and all of a sudden we have the best seller number one number two number three and it's automatically linked to my Amazon affiliate store that is not hard to do at all catching larger bass what we could do down here is do awp let's do something similar let's do let's do best sellers bass fishing line let's see what comes up you have to be careful right sometimes it's weird fishing monofilament line let's wait for it there you go so all of a sudden we have this article that's looking pretty good we could add some stock imagery it's probably not a bad idea but as you scroll down if we had ads here it'd be pretty nice if you scroll down and there's our stuff here just keep scrolling so it's a pretty big article with a lot of keywords it's probably going to rank really well I would throw some frequently asked questions in here as well as grabbing some stock imagery we might do good to do one more let's see here one more aawp I think people just do one thing product box or let's do pass gear let's just see something there you go so bass fishermen like different lures it's a cool bass lure it's kind of unique never seen that one someone might be interested in that so we're going to save draft we could preview it once more in the meantime remember we are working over here these are all ready to drop shot fishing techniques how to rig cast and catch more bass all these are ready so if you want to let's see if this one did it nice it did although it has the error here it did it did write it because it overwrote it um we're good to go so I'll push all these down here just as we did with new um docs I'm going to push all these to my one of my team members and have them build it out how we like it Interlink and all that on the cost per article it doesn't have to be much when you have your workflows in place remember chat gbt articles do rank you just have to be conservative about it and take your time and realize don't be too aggressive if you like this make sure to subscribe we have a master class I have a master class as well that eventually the quick article workflow will go behind and only masterclass people and those who pay for it will have access to it there's a good discount right now or at least um at the time of making this video so anyways hope you enjoyed this and I'll catch you later
Channel: Jesse Cunningham
Views: 63,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: btKVJBOx1z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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