How to Create 30 Instagram Reels in 24 Hour with CapCut

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is it possible to create 30 Instagram reels in just 24 hours in today's world if you look at all of the major creators right now there is one thing they all have in common and that is a Relentless Pursuit at creating short form vertical content which is not surprising because if you look at all the platforms there's a massive race to the monetization of these short form content now as a full-time content creator myself who not only creates content for my platform but also for my clients I personally believe that it's important when making short form content to work smarter and not harder so for this strategy we're going to be working on five different pillar types of content and then we're going to create six variations of those types of content and that's how we're gonna get to that 30 number in just 24 hours and don't worry if you saw my last video we're going to be creating five new pillars of content and I want to give a big thanks to you screen for sponsoring a part of this video now in order to edit all these pieces of content we're going to be using a program called cap cut the benefit of using cap cut is one that only is it available on desktops and laptops but is also available on mobile so this means that you can edit on the go however everything I'm going to teach you today is going to be done on the desktop version that way we can work faster so for this first piece of content we're going to be creating what I call a motivational video the basic premise of this video is to have a motivational speaker speaking underneath the video and then showcase clips of my business doing what my business does which in my case is shoot videos on top of that I'm going to be using cap cut in order to generate the text on screen so that way viewers can visually see what the motivational speaker is saying so to start this process in cap cut I'm going to first import all of my footage which I've already kind of organized here now as I mentioned I'm showing BTS of me shooting a music festival that I actually shot just a few weeks ago now in order to have my motivational speaker I'm going to hop into Instagram really quick and I'm going to grab a clip that I've already saved and the benefit here is that I can quickly just copy the link and I can bring it up into this website called igram which I'll have linked Down Below in the description and this will allow me to actually download the clip itself now I not only have the motivational words but I also have the background ballad which is just going to help the entire thing seem more motivational so first I'm going to actually bring my Clips above it so that way we don't actually see the Instagram video and we can quickly see that all right this is looking pretty good now I just want to find this other clip here and drag this in and I'm going to slide this over kind of chop off the before there we go it's looking good and I'm going to chop off the end here and now I'm going to do probably my favorite feature inside of cap cut and that is auto-generated text and what this does is this literally listens to the audio and takes what the motivational speaker is saying and turns it into text now when it does this you can't control how many lines it actually ends up creating and most of the time it's going to kind of break it up in like two lines but what I'm doing now is I'm actually kind of splicing each of these written text sections in half and kind of deleting parts of it so that way it is able to kind of break it up in a more cohesive manner sometimes all you need so now when I play this back you can see that it's literally breaking up what it was saying literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing and the nice thing about this text is that you can always go in and kind of alter it even after it's been auto-generated and there you have it so that is my first pillar of content the motivational video the hardest part about this really is just finding five or six pieces of motivational content that you want to use as inspiration for your short form video but the big benefit here and the reason why I love using cap cut is because of those auto-generated captions the auto generated captions just gives your viewer another visual way to interact with your content it's said that a majority of people who consume short form content do it with their phone on silent so it is good to have that text showing up on screen and with cap cut we can stylize it now when it comes to the second pillar of content this is going to be your talking to camera slash tips and tricks video now the benefit of this type of content is that it allows you to provide value to your viewer this is different than just like your traditional Trend Style video because although these videos sometimes don't get the same number of views as following trends for those people who do consume these videos this allows you to create more of a connection with them because they're going to remember the value that you gave them so let's hop into cap cut and check it out alright so for starters with this project I'm going to go ahead and start a new project and bring in my clip now here's my clip of me talking to camera and I'm just going to drag that into my timeline now the first thing we're going to need to do is make our hook in the form of a text now obviously when I'm delivering my lines I'm also trying to hook them but I want there to be a visual hook as well so I'm literally putting what they need to know about this video front and center and I'm making it nice and bold and easy for them to read so you can see I've gone with a nice bold font here I'm choosing bold colors like black and yellow and I'm going to even go in here and add some additional stickers that cap cut has in order to really emphasize that this is the hook and that they need to look at this the other benefit of creating this here is actually I can use this as my sort of thumbnail on YouTube or on reels in order to drive in the fact that this is important I'm also going to add in this other cool little sticker up here and then at the end of my video I do ask them to follow And subscribe this is kind of like a little pro hack here that way I can re-utilize this content on Instagram and on YouTube and it still makes sense so I'm going to add stickers for both of those at the end of my video now of course course I'm going to Auto generate my captions because I do believe that captions on your video just helps your video to stand out more and with auto generating my captions I can delete the first couple captions because I already have my hook on screen but I can go in here and start adjusting these captions in order for them to look their best on screen and as I go through up here's an issue so it is important that when you are Auto generating captions that you do go through and actually play them back so that way you can make sure that everything is right the next thing I'm going to do is grab this b-roll shot and I'm going to go ahead and add this to my video overall and I am pulling this pre-created b-roll footage from a YouTube video which just makes the process a bit easier however you can choose to edit this content in however you want in my case I'm using a video that was shot horizontally and I'm having to repurpose it for vircle which means I just need to scale it up and kind of move things around in order for it to fit I'm going to make some minor changes here and there and just like that it looks pretty good I want to add something else at the beginning here just to kind of spice up that intro again we're trying to stop them from scrolling in the first two seconds so I'm going to put all of my work into the first two seconds of this video to really get their attention now I'm going to do is take that edit and I'm going to apply that same edit across five other pieces of content where I'm going deep with my audience and providing them that value okay so for the third piece of content we're going to create it's very similar to the last one however with a slight twist to it and this is the Q a video now the important part for me when it comes to the Q a video is that you actually take questions from your audience now whichever platform is your biggest request that your audience provides you questions so for me I'm going to go into the YouTube Studios apps go into my comments on one of my most recent videos and I'm gonna find an actual question that I could use for this video I'll just screenshot it resize it and now that is done and now I just need to airdrop that over to my laptop now full transparency when it comes to creating this type of content you actually want to go ahead and find the questions first so that way you can film all of your answers in bulk just like we did with our tips video now a mega bonus tip here is if you know you're going to shoot six q and A's as well as six tips and tricks then go ahead and find what those tips and trick topics are going to be go ahead and find those q and A's and then shoot them all at the same time even if you decide to change outfits in between you can still benefit from the time saving by shooting in bulk but now let's go ahead and edit this q a video so for starters I'm going to go ahead and start a new project obviously and I'm going to bring in where I answered that question as you can see it literally looks just like I did with my tips and tricks because I did shoot them all in bulk first I'm going to bring in that screenshot of that question and I'm going to actually put that on the video itself because this just gives your viewer a visual place where they can not only hear you repeat the question but they can also just read it for themselves and they get a chance to see that it is real engagement from your own platforms I'm going to add some stickers in here just like I did in the past video and that's because the benefit of having something pop on screen in the first two seconds cannot be understated like people have two seconds to decide if they're going to stick around and watch the rest of your video and so you want to make sure that in the first two to three seconds they understand exactly what they're gonna get from your video and you want to make sure that they realize that you put effort into this so that way they should stick around and actually hear what you have to say so I'm just adding in some stickers I'm adding in the text that says q a and I'm just trying to get the entire thing to look very visually appealing and of course let's do my favorite feature let's go ahead and add in those auto-generated captions just like in the last one I'm going to delete the first couple sets of captions because because I don't really need them because I have my hook in the form of a text it's already good to go and now I'm just going to be editing my captions for this one I'm actually going to make them yellow with a black outline now if you are going to use these pre-created text templates I do strongly recommend just taking down the stroke a little bit because they tend to be a little heavy-handed now if I play this back I can quickly see that there are no major mistakes I'm going to make this minor adjustment here in order to change this around and if you ever have a section that's maybe in three lines when the rest of your video is in two one thing you can do is you can unclick the apply to all section and then make an adjustment to just that one text area and just like that my q a is done and I can export now all I need to do is take that same concept do it five more times and there is another huge pillar of my content finished now personally two and three are probably one of the most important types of content that you can make in the main main reason being is that it allows you to go deep with your audience give them actual value in the form of knowledge and personally I think that short film video is a great way to start the process of educating your audience but you can go much further with long-form content and an easy way to monetize your content is by creating your own training course platform or creating your own premium Style videos that are longer form and the best way in my opinion to do that is with a platform called you screen now I personally have used u-screen in order to create my own training platform when it comes to teaching how to shoot and create better videos with the creative fam Academy u-screen is a video on demand platform that allows you to control your distribution of your long form videos Ustream gives you the ability to create a platform that allows your audience to not only download your videos for offline view but also engage with the videos very similarly to how they would with social they can like videos comment on videos but probably one of my favorite features is the Community page with you screen you can create your own Community page that allows your members to be able to communicate not only with you but also each other and they can like and comment and leave their own posts for other members of your community to interact with now although I'm using it for as more of a training course platform you could very well use it to just be a place to host your more premium education content so if you're looking for a way to invest into your audience but also allow your audience to invest in you then definitely check out you screen by creating your own custom platform you can build the best place for your audience the fourth pillar of content we're going to be making is the Now featuring content here we're going to be showcasing items within our Niche that people instantly recognize as being part of that Niche so in my case I talk a lot about filmmaking and photography so I'm going to show off things like cameras and lights in your case you might be thinking well what if the products in my my Niche are too large to show off on camera like a house or a car well personally I still think you can do this however what we want to show off is things that we can capture in bulk so like for example if you're a realtor go to a model home park and shoot multiple houses at the same time so that way you can still work smarter and not harder so once I open up my editor here and I started a new project I'm going to go ahead and import my clip of me showcasing one of my products now one of the big key factors here is that you want to cut all the fluff and that's exactly what I'm doing if you're not sure if you should cut it you should go ahead and cut it and your analytics will love you the next thing I'm going to do is I'm actually going to change all these clips to double speed and I'm doing that right here inside of cap cut just by literally clicking on the clip going up here to speed and changing them all to 2X and this is just so I can get through those clips faster because people just do not have the attention span to watch me play around with this light in regular time now once you have this video all cut together now it is time to add in your voiceover now personally when it comes to capturing your voiceover audio is super important and getting a high quality voiceover is just as important as capturing high quality video so if you don't have a good microphone to record your audio at least make sure that you are in a quiet area so you don't have a ton of background noise I'm going to watch my video back as I record my audio so that way when I bring it on down into my timeline it syncs up perfectly now one last thing we're going to add on here is my favorite auto-generated captions of course I'm going to go in here and edit these captions ever so slightly really make them pop for the video and just like that I am all done I don't think there's anything else I need to add here maybe you want to add in some cool sound effects like for example in this one I'm talking about the price of the light so I'm going to grab this cash register sound and just kind of drag that down here exactly where I'm talking about it just like that and that just kind of adds a little element to the video but really that's all there is to the now featured pillar one little bonus tip is choose items within your Niche that are really going to get that wow factor so whether they're great value for the money or there are products that people typically don't get a chance to see just try to pick something that really stands out because that's ultimately what's going to help stop the scroll and the fifth and final pillar of content is the time lapse video now with the time lapse video my favorite part about this is that you can literally set your phone up to capture you getting a time lapse of literally anything whether it's you actually shooting these types of videos or you editing or you just doing your job time lapsing just makes almost anything look exciting literally for this I'm actually going to show you how I do this with traffic so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to import my time lapse shots and like I said I'm literally just grabbing shots of traffic that I got outside of a window at my last video job and I'm gonna bring these clips in now the key to a good time lapse video is only show the parts that actually have movement if there's no movement chop it out so you can see I'm quickly just grabbing these traffic shots I have this shot here of this train and like as soon as it leaves the frame I'm cutting it out and this last section just has clouds on it and now as I play this back it's a good looking time-lapse video and before you can get bored with a shot I cut it now one thing that I like to do is add something in front of it and in my case I like to do tweets I find that Twitter videos are really good especially on Instagram they drive a lot of Engagement and so I'm going to screenshot a tweet but one thing I actually do that's kind of I don't know maybe it's Unique maybe it's not but I'll literally screenshot a tweet but because I want to create a bulk amount of these I'm actually going to write over the Tweet itself and kind of make a fake fabricated tweet so this is something that I actually haven't tweeted but because of all the text effects I have I can grab this text I I can make it have a white background and I can put it in and now I have a tweet video and the thing I like about by adding the little tweet video there especially when you ask a question is it gives people a reason to engage with the Instagram reel short or Tick Tock immediately right there on the platform I want to thank you screen again for sponsoring this video and if you want to see six more pillars of content that you can create in order to upgrade your social media then check out this video right over here I don't know illustrate a point is it that way is it that way which way do I point that way it's up here this is where I point they go there to watch the video so which way
Channel: Brandon Washington
Views: 477,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Filmmaking Tips, Photography tips, instagram reels tutorial, instagram reels editing, how to edit instagram reels, capcut edit tutorial, how to, capcut tutorial, instagram reels, aesthetic videos, instagram reels tutorial for business, how to make instagram reels video, instagram reels editing app, instagram reels video, instagram reels bonus, instagram reels tips, capcut, capcut edit ideas
Id: MnlrG16KQOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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