HOW TO EDIT REELS ON YOUR PHONE | Step by Step CapCut Tutorial for Instagram Reels (iPhone/Android)

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if you're watching this video then you've probably had the Instagram app glitch on you more times than you can count haven't we all here is how you can edit your reels outside of the Instagram app so you don't have to deal with bugs amongst all the Instagram updates what's up everyone it's Millie welcome back to my channel where I post videos every Wednesday teaching you the latest strategies and Trends on social media to help you grow your brand so give a little love tap on that subscribe button to stay up to dat on all the latest tips and tricks I have for you first I want to give a huge thank you to this video shout out I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you so if you want a shout out in one of my future videos be sure to screenshot yourself watching this and tag me over on Instagram stories or leave a comment below and subscribe to my channel as always time Stamps will be in the comments down below because I value your time and you already know why you're here so let's get into it the video editing app I will be using in this tutorial is called cap cut who is also the sponsor of today's video now whether or not this video is being sponsored by cap cut I would still be recommending them to you for your video editing needs cap cut is the only video editing app that I found where there's no watermarks when you save to your video no ads you don't have to pay for anything to access the features plus it's available on both Android and iPhone so I tend to lean towards this app a little bit more compared to all the others because I feel it is the most universally accessible for all of us watching this video all right jumping straight into the screen recording on the top left this is what cap cut looks like I'm going to open the app and because I already have a few videos that I've edited started this is what my home screen looks like for you you will probably just see the options for new project camera and shortcut typically when people need an outside editing app it's because they probably already have all of the clips that they need in the camera roll and Instagram's not the most user friendly to piecing all of those videos together so let's do a new project and for John's birthday we went and made candles it was awesome at a place called candles on tap in Incas so I'm just going to make a little Montage for all of the fun that we had perfect so I'm just selecting all of the clips that I want to use and this one add all right let's go over all of the basic functionalities or most common common functions that I use within cap cut as you could see scrolling all of these videos still have their sounds on and when I'm making a montage that I want to add music to I want to mute everything so there's this button here that says mute clip audio when I click that it's going to mute all of the clips that I've uploaded really easily with One Click Boom video sound is off now I can edit my Clips no sounds to distract me and then I can add audio on top of that right now as you can see I have 4 minutes and 38 seconds of footage uploaded to this project I went to get this video down to 45 seconds because if you still have the version of Instagram where it's 15 seconds per story slide that's about three slides if you have the feature where your stories can now be a minute long then this is perfect for just that one clip so I'm going to shoot for 45 seconds when editing this video what I want to do is get the clip of John grabbing the candle so I'm going to start with the motion with his shadow coming in the maybe the first shot of his fingers there tap on the clip and press split this is going to split where that toggle is and now you can see there are two clips here I'm using two fingers to zoom in so that the clips look like they're a little bit bigger we have this clip on the left this clip on the right I'm going to delete the clip on the left so that this video starts with the hand coming in picking up I'm going to zoom back out I'm going to stop the clip right there there split oh I will want him putting the candle back so we're going to do that we're going to split get rid of the last half the candle back split get rid of the rest let's turn this one up here he says we're making candles what are we doing we making candles perfect so I'm going to start our entire video with him saying we're making candles I'm going to delete this part click and hold on the clip you want and drag it to the beginning now the video Starts Here continuing on with other functionalities you have when you tap on a clip you have split speed volume animation delete remove back background style extract audio edit filters adjust enhance mask chroma key overly overly overlay replay stabilize opacity voice effects copy reverse freeze Graphics so you got a lot of options and all these are free common ones that I use I use split as you saw I was splitting up the clips before speed if you want to speed up your Clips slow them down for example if you want it to look like a hyperlapse but you didn't record it in fast motion upload the clip select speed select normal speed it up however you want go back you have volume obviously you can mute Clips adjust the volumes there animations of this clip you can fade in the clip Fade Out the clip so kind of like transitions this one we could fade in adjust how long the fade in is let's do one second and you could do Fade Out let's I like the rotate and that way this next clip maybe I could have the animation in rotate the other way Shake let's see what that looks like side by side yeah that's pretty cool so you got both booom yeah so you have those animations you have delete remove background this is pretty cool if you have somebody in frame and you want to remove the background so it's just them moving around I don't really use style extract audio basic basically means you can pull the audio from that clip this is something that I do when maybe I want to use a Tik Tock sound I could show you how to do that edit this is how you can rotate Clips crop them in filters applying filters adjusting brightness Satur ation sharpening all the things let's see what else do I use stabilize is a pretty good one if your hand was a little bit shaky you can stabilize the clip let's see this one is one where I'm a little shaky while I'm walking so I'm going to click this I'm going to select stabilize I bring it up to recommended come on here we go recommended and this usually takes a while if the clip is longer so now that it's stabilized you can see there's less shaking we also have let's go back to where we were opacity voice effect if you want to change the audio effects copy reverse play the clip in Reverse fre framing Graphics cool so that's kind of the basic functionalities that you can do with specific Clips let's say I finished editing this video and I want to add the audio you could select add audio here select from sounds and if you are connected to Internet and the app is synced with Tik Tok you can select Tik Tok sounds or you can use sounds that are already in the app which are pretty current and exciting so let's play that's fun actually so we'll use this one split delete that one I want the audio to fade in and I want it to hear him so going to bring the audio here and then fade it in let's bring it back this way so we could hearing candles making so I want to still hear me say candles i' bring this dragging the clip [Music] longer perfect and then play we are making candles we're making [Music] candles nice okay that's how you can add sounds also you can record voiceover so many times with my videos I record voiceovers I'm usually teaching a transition tutorial or how to do something on your phone with my reals or with my Tik toks so this is the button I use you just click and hold to record when recording your voiceovers go under a blanket I know that sounds crazy but I'm not sure if you can tell the echo in the room because I'm using a microphone but with your phone the microphone's not as quality so if you're in a regular room you'll hear that sound kind of echoing in the background it won't be as crisp so every time I record a voiceover I literally have a blanket that I pull over my head and I sit under the blanket and I record my voice over that way which makes it crisp and easy to hear another thing that I like to do is go to filters and apply filters to all of my videos when they're from my camera roll or that I'm posting to my story just to make it a little bit more on brand with more of my colors these are a few of that you could use I really like these lifestyle ones green milk is really like neutral and natural so that's the one I tend to lean towards Kifer cone is good these ones are more green holiday Vibes so those are the two that I use but you can always scroll through and find ones that you love white tea is a good neutral I'm going to select green milk we're going to fade in it and apply to all so now we can apply it to all of the clips go back and I want John or at least our skin tones to be more normal natural so I'm going to go to the temperature make it a little warmer saturation a little bit more saturated just a smidge uh don't want Hue sharpen bring the sharpness up just a obviously not a lot but maybe up to 10 adds a little bit more quality to the video applyed to all and now they all have that effect on them great when editing my videos I try to keep the clips pretty short moving quickly so that it truly captures the audience's attention and actually increases the retention rate and by retention rate I mean how long somebody's going to watch that video for if I play this clip as is it's like come on get to the point like what's the ne what's going to happen next so I usually keep my Clips around 2 seconds long each and that's how I keep mine moving fast pace when you're done with your video up here in the top you have the option for how you want to export the resolution the frame rate I keep mine at 1080P and 30 for the frame rate and then you also have this option for smart HDR which will convert your clip into an HDR video you can keep this on or you can test this for yourself to see which one you prefer some of you might prefer the regular resolution non HDR and some of you will prefer the smart HDR which can give it more a cinematic or more quality just depending on how your video is recorded the lighting all the things so test it out see if that works for you and then you can save when it exports the great thing that I like about cap cut is after exporting you can choose a platform to upload it directly onto once this is exported there's this option for you to share directly to Tik Tok and you could post it right then and there see Tada next and then it's basically a Tik Tok video and same thing for Instagram you can open Instagram here you'll be able to choose between story or in feed for this video specifically I wanted this for my stories but of course you could always nods in your your camera roll swipe over to reals upload select add preview boom shakalaka there's your reel you can add text you could J it up the way that you like after editing the final product looks like this making candles [Music] making [Music] all I want so of really cool features that I kind of just breezed over within the cap cut app because I don't want to overwhelm any of you who just wanted the Simplicity of editing the basics of a video however if you would like to see a video for how I remove Tik Tok logos and add Tik Tok audios over to Instagram let me know in the comments below because that's definitely a feature that I could show you using cap cut if you've made it this far and you're not already subscribed to my channel be sure to hug that subscribe button and turn on the Bell notification so you don't miss when I post my next video thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one follow your joy bye [Music]
Channel: Modern Millie
Views: 206,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit reels on your phone, step by step reels tutorial, step by step capcut tutorial, step by step instagram reels tutorial, editing reels on iphone, editing reels on android, how to edit instagram reels on your phone, instagram reels, instagram reels tutorial, capcut edit tutorial, instagram reels video tutorial, instagram reels tutorial 2022, capcut tutorial, reels tutorial, how to make instagram reels, how to make instagram reels video, tips for making reels instagram
Id: 9jV88hQbLcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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