How To Create 30 Instagram Posts in 5 Minutes with Canva 🤯 | Canva Bulk Create Tutorial

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Can you actually create 30 Canva designs in 5 minutes? Before, I would not have believed it but oh how the times have changed! In today’s Canva tutorial, I’ll show you exactly how to bulk-create your graphics in Canva in under 5 minutes. Ready? Let’s do this! Hi my lovely people, it’s Natalia and welcome back to my channel where I help you create better content and grow on social media! I’ve got an exciting one for you today! I’ll show you how to batch create your social media graphics LITERALLY IN MINUTES using Canva and honestly, get ready to have your mind blown! We’re using the Canva Bulk Create feature which is a recent update that most people either a) don’t know about yet and b) do not use it to its full potential. I’m going to teach you how to generate multiple quick tip graphics to explain how to use Bulk Create and then we’ll move on to the more advanced way of using it to create Instagram carousels. I’ve also included a bonus tip, so make sure to watch this video to the very end. Plus, you’ll also learn how to use AI, specifically, ChatGPT and Canva itself to help with this process. Alright, let’s jump straight to the editor! **DESIGN I: Quick Tip Graphics** Now, I’ve chosen to show you how to create a bunch of quick tip graphics because it’s the perfect way for you to understand how the Bulk Create feature works. That being said, you can use it to generate quote graphics, bust myths, share lists, bullet points, Twitter-style posts, testimonials, basically anything that is formulaic and can be simply filled with text! Let’s start by creating a list of actual tips you want to share on your profile. My example graphic here is for an interior designer and since I’m definitely not one, I’m going to use AI to generate those tips for me, but of course, feel free to draw up this list yourself. Here, I want to show you two different tools you can use: Canva Magic Write and ChatGPT. Starting with the latter, let’s go to [](, you can set up your account for free if you don’t have one, I’m just going to log in. And now that we’re in, we can start talking. ChatGPT is basically an AI language model which was trained on a large amount of text data. This means you can have full-on conversations with it on a wide variety of subjects and ask it to perform so many different tasks for you. If you’d like me to create a video on how to use ChatGPT as a content creator, just let me know in the comments down below! Alright, here at the bottom, we have a bar to type in our prompt and I’m going to say “Generate 30 home design tips for a minimalist, elegant interior designer Instagram account” and press enter. As you can see, I gave it details about how many tips I want, what the tips should be about but also added details about who the person is and what platform they use, so an interior designer on Instagram with a minimalistic, elegant style. This ensures that the tips are a little less generic, but of course, you can optimize the prompt even further and really make sure those tips are going to work for who you are and who your audience is. Alright, we now have a list of tips that I really like, but some of them are quite short like this first one “Keep it simple and clutter-free.” When you look at my design, it requires a few more words so I’m going to ask ChatGPT to make all of them 23-25 words. I think that’s going to be long enough to fill the space within this gradient shape right here. Ok, that’s much better now. Let me show you how you can do the exact same thing using the Canva Magic Write tool. First, go to the home page and open up a new Canva doc. From here, I’m going to either click on the plus sign that shows up to the left or press a forward slash and as the first suggestion, we have Magic Write. Once you click on it, a box pops up and similarly to ChatGPT, you can use it to generate whole paragraphs of text, lists, headlines or titles, you get the drill, let’s generate our ideas using the same prompt here. And as you can see, Canva’s done a pretty great job here as well. My recommendation here would be to go over these tips, add a bit of your flair to it so that it’s uniquely yours because at the end of the day, both of these tools are AI models and if someone else feeds them a comparable prompt, they may generate something very similar to those. So just something to keep it mind while using AI tools. Alright, we’ve got the tips, now it’s time to use the Bulk Create feature. Let’s get back to the design and before we generate our graphics, I want to give you a little tip for an even more seamless process. Grab the longest tip you’ve got, so it’s going to be this one for me, and use it as a placeholder. This way, you can adjust it and position it in the right place so that all the other tips are going to be nicely centered with enough margins straight away. It saves you a bit of time afterward with the potential clean-up! Now, choose the Apps tab from the left panel and scroll down to select Bulk Create. As you can see, you can upload a CSV file which is great for more elaborate data files or if you have an existing spreadsheet you want to use. I will show you this option in the second portion of this video when we create our carousel, but for now, since we only have a simple list of tips, I’m going to enter data manually here. As you can see, we have this table right here, I can just click Clear Table here in the bottom left corner and simply paste my copied list of tips onto the first cell. We have all the tips here now, I can just name this column “Tips” and we can hit done right here at the bottom. Now we need to connect the data to the elements, I only have one data field here so what I want to do is to connect it to the place I want these tips to show up in which is this text block right here. You can right-click on it, select Connect Data, and from here you see the Tips column that we named just a moment ago. As you can see, our placeholder changed into {TIPS} and we can go ahead and hit continue. Confirm that these are all of the tips you want, and let’s generate these 30 pages now. Canva creates a new bulk design for you as a separate project so you don’t have to worry about losing your original and as you can see, we have all of our tip designs generated within minutes. Of course, this is a tutorial so I’ve been explaining all of the steps for you carefully, but when I used it like this myself, it literally took me 4 minutes to create all of these graphics! The best part is, it doesn’t have to be 30. It can be 50, 70 or even 200 pages since that’s the limit for one design currently! Honestly, how cool is that?! You can keep a running list of favorite quotes you stumble upon while reading, create lists of tips, ideas or great reviews that you’re getting from your clients and gather them in one place so that you can simply generate a bunch of designs from them every few weeks and always have something to post! Now, should this be how you create content from now on? Obviously not, but if you use content like this strategically and sprinkle it throughout your posting plan with a mixture of other quality posts, it will definitely help you speed up your workflow and potentially help you post more! OK, let’s move on to the more advanced way of using Bulk Create because I want to stir your imagination and help you squeeze as much as you can from this feature. So let’s create a bunch of carousels, shall we? If you’re enjoying this video so far, hit that like button and consider subscribing too, it really helps the channel grow and I can create more videos like this for you! And of course, if you’re serious about leveling up in Canva and using it for your social media and business, make sure to check out the link in the description and sign up on the waitlist for my upcoming Canva course! **DESIGN II: Carousel** Perfect, here’s my simple carousel design, staying with the theme of an interior designer. As you can see I have a hook and a subheadline on the title page, and then headlines with text blocks for each of the tips with a final Call To Action slide. With a simple carousel design like this, I can quickly generate multiple designs using Bulk Create too. Take a look at this spreadsheet I created. We have columns corresponding to each of the elements I’ve just mentioned, leaving the last call to action page intact so we have the subheadline and hook, then hook 1 & text for tip 1, hook 2 & text for tip 2 and hook 3 & text for tip 3. I’ve used ChatGPT to generate these for me here too, asking to elaborate on the previous tips it gave me. I asked for hooks for each of the first 5 tips and then prompted it to elaborate further and give me 3 tips for each of these subjects, containing 20-23 words each. I then refined all of the results so that they work well in a carousel format. It was a lot more work but remember, we’re creating more value-dense content here so it’s natural it’s going to take more time and effort. I highly recommend you actually create the content for the carousels yourself because it’s your expertise that you should be showcasing on your Instagram profile and not just randomly generated ideas in full. I would definitely use Bulk Create on its own here without relying on AI so heavily. But since I’m still not an interior designer and I needed to create the examples for this video quickly, ChatGPT came to the rescue and let it be a testament to what it’s actually capable of! Alright, let’s save this spreadsheet as a CSV file. By the way, if you don’t have Excel, you can just use Google Sheets to do the same thing and download the CSV from here too. Now back to our carousel design, let’s go to apps again, choose bulk create and click Upload CSV. We have more data points to connect here, so let’s do it one by one. The first subheadline, right click, connect data, subheadline. Hook, right click, connect to data, hook. Now scroll down to the second page so our first tip, again, headline, right click, connect data, headline 1. The text, right click, connect data, tip 1. By the way, this is why it’s so important to name your columns correctly so that you know exactly where each data point belongs. Ok, I’m done with the last one and I’m going to leave the last page untouched but of course, you could easily customize this text as well for each of the carousels. Let’s hit continue at the bottom, confirm that everything is correct and generate. And would you look at this, we have all of our pages generated in order as well which makes it so much easier! Of course, since there’s more text being inserted here, I now need to clean up each of them so I’m going to move this one here. Make this text smaller, just making sure that everything is balanced and beautifully put together. And look at this, we have 5 carousels ready to schedule for the weeks ahead, making the content creation process so much easier and quicker! **BONUS: Image Swap with Bulk Create** And of course, I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t include an extra tip for you guys so onto the promised bonus. Here’s another design, this time it’s a testimonial. Did you know you can use Bulk Create to generate multiple designs in minutes with images as well? Yes, and it’s super easy too! First, upload all the images you want to use to Canva - you can just drag and drop them here. Next, I have a list of names here so I can copy it, and add another column for the testimonials. Next, you go to a testimonial design here, choose Apps in the left panel, go to Bulk Create, click enter manually, hit CTRL+V to paste, make sure to name the column and then click add image here at the top. Now, you can click on the cell next to the name and choose a corresponding image by just scrolling down below your folders. Once you have all your images selected, click done. And now let’s connect the data points to the design elements. For the image, let’s right-click on it, choose “connect data” and then Image. And for the name, just right-click the text here, connect data again and choose Name. Hit continue, check that everything is correct and hit generate. Now you have a bunch of social media posts created literally in minutes and with different images too! Let me know what you think of this new Canva feature! I’d love to hear if you’re going to use it to speed up your own content creation workflow! Next, head on over to this playlist right here to watch even more super fun Canva tutorials and if you want to really master Canva for social media and business, check out the link in the description and sign up on the waitlist for my upcoming Canva course! Subscribe to my channel for more content like this, I have more Canva, tech, and AI tutorials planned for you so you can learn even more and hit that like button for good measure! Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you… next time!
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 23,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva bulk create tutorial, canva tutorial, canva bulk create designs from data entry, canva, canva tips, bulk create, canva for instagram, how to use canva for beginners, canva design tutorial,, easy canva tutorial, canva for beginners, how to use canva, canva tutorial for beginners, how to use canva tutorial, how to use canva tutorial for beginners, ai canva, canva ai, ai content writing tools free, free ai tools for content creation, natalia kalinska, open ai
Id: YotUjXYa7CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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