How to Cook Turkey - The Victorian Way

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[Music] good afternoon turkey is a very popular dish at this time of year but Lord and Lady Braybrook won't be having roast turkey on their Christmas table their main meat dish is roast beef they will be having Turkey but their dish will be Gala teen of Turkey for this you will need a whole turkey sticks of celery some chopped carrots water sausage meat chopped butter or suet an apple ground almonds pistachio nuts coriander allspice lemon eggs and walnuts and parsley for the garnish i've deboned my turkey which is a bit of a job so you can ask your butcher to do it you can use this recipe to gallatin any kind of bird the principles the same remove the bones and replace them with stuffing the amount of stephane you use will depend on the size of your bird for my stuffing I'm going to add some suet with some Apple to give it some moisture and then some almonds some chopped pistachio nuts not forget in the spice and coriander and allspice then I'm going to add some sausage meat [Music] to get it a bit of zing I shall add some lemon juice and to bind it all together I'll add lastly the eggs [Music] and now I'm ready to stuff the bird [Music] and now she's ready to be sewn up now it's tied up and before you boil it you need to cover it you can butter your muslin but I like to wrap mine in brown paper first and then cover that tightly with some muslin and wrap it up like a parcel now it's tied up nice and tightly I can take it to the pan and cover it with water then add whatever I need for my stock I'm going to add celery and carrots a medium-sized bird will take about an hour and a half I think mine might take a little longer ah Thank You Marianne now it's cold we can reveal it as this is to be a cold dish I'm going to decorate it so I'm covering it with mayonnaise mayonnaise that has gelatine in it which will help it set now to finish the decoration I'm going to use this parsley which I can set in the mayonnaise and these pickled walnuts on these hey plaits there we are gala teen of Turkey suitable for any Christmas dinner table [Music]
Channel: English Heritage
Views: 1,596,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english heritage, the victorian way, crocombe, mrs crocombe, avis crocombe, victorian, cook, cooking, bake, baking, cookbook, food, english, england, british, Britain, audley end house, kitchen, recipe, recipes, Kathy Hipperson, victorian era, history, how to, tasty, 19th century, tutorial, christmas, turkey, thanksgiving, galantine, bird, roast, stuffing, how to cook a turkey, festive, xmas, weird, interesting
Id: tsh4kQalS4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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