How to Make Amber Pudding — The Victorian Way

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[Music] foreign [Music] there's a real nip in the air today so I thought I'd make the servants a winter pudding Amber pudding made with marmalade it's perfect for warming you up on a cold day for this recipe you will need [Music] sew it marmalade breadcrumbs [Music] and eggs [Music] first I'm going to grease the basin this recipe makes enough for about a two pint pudding I'm making one large one but you could make two smaller ones one for the servant table and one for your family table if you cook for a smaller household in which case you would want to serve different sources and for your family table put your pudding in a fancier mold I'm now going to beat my eggs just a little [Music] and then add the rest of the ingredients the breadcrumbs the suet the sugar and of course the marmalade marmalade is one of my most favorite things some people think it comes from Scotland and certainly the best factory-made marmalade comes from Dundee Killers is in my opinion the best although there isn't killers in here in here there is some of Mrs Warwick the housekeeper's marmalade hers is superior to any marmalade you can buy from the grocer I read somewhere that marmalade was first made with quinces back in the olden days in King Henry VII's time the Spanish and the Portuguese were particularly partial to it but I like a nice strong bitter orange marmalade naturally it's very popular at breakfast but I'm also Keen to make a water rice out of it and this pudding I'm now going to put it into the basin and make a little lid out of this paper I cut it already I just need to fold to give the pudding some room to expand and I have here an already wet and floured cloth so it doesn't stick Amber puddings are usually Tarts made with pastry and orange curd delicious but not suitable for the servants foreign this is now going to be kept at a rolling boil for three or four hours so I shall put it at the back of the range and leave it while I get on with other things [Music] foreign should be done by now so I'm going to take it out and remove the cloth [Music] foreign s like this are really easy and cheap to make you could put Jam in it instead of the marmalade and if I were serving this to the upper servants table I might put fruit in it everyone loves a suet pudding if I was serving this to an upper service table or as a simple middle-class supper then I would serve it with a wine sauce that is a white sauce with a little sugar and some Sherry or sweet wine but today this is going to the main servants table so I will serve it with some cream [Music] foreign [Music] I've not met anyone who doesn't like this pudding [Music] there we are Amber pudding [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: English Heritage
Views: 344,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English Heritage, history, mrs crocombe, victorian way, cooking, cookery, recipes, audley end house, audley end
Id: vBkfR3G5jyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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