Kamado Joe vs Weber Smokey Mountain | Low and Slow Pulled Pork | Barbechoo

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[Music] hey guys today we are having a battle royale it's team red versus team black we are going to be smoking a pork shoulder and tell it what are we smoking a pork shoulder or cotton in half over it in half and the Kamaraju classic two versus the ws am I have the 47 centimeter one my straight off the bat I'm going to say the W mmm isn't stock I've operated the door and put gaskets on to to help I see it I'm a little bit better but I think it's gonna be a fair test so the first thing we need to talk about is how each BBQ is set up we'll start with the Camaro so I'm using the big block long with charcoal in it I have I put a single fire lighter into the center and two chunks of cherry wood one chunk immediately over the part that's left to get smoked early on and then one slightly offset so as the fire spreads out then I look - and give another period of smoke and then how boot deflate or pleated same place down the accessory right put on and a drip tray / and below with a little bit of water in it mostly just to stop the fights from dripping in there and burning and then the cooking grates are on their highest level so let that come up to temperature and stabilize around one-30 see you can't go a little bit lower but I prefer to cook pork shoulder a bit higher and get it done quicker so the final event setup for the Kamado Joe bottom vent is just over a fingers width and the top vent is on the first neck so there's barely an opening there at all that's enough just to keep it Rocksteady so the WSM I set up in the traditional minyan method way unlit calls in there I put two big chunks in the bottom and then tapped in around half a chimney starter worth of lip calls again even to get it a little bit higher so I want to start off with a higher I might have lip calls I have the water bowl in there with a bit of boiling water in it again just as calcium fire stop and driven and burnin the WSM is designed to run a worth of water ball you can't run it without today we're doing it with so to get it fired up all events are fully open on the WSM once it comes up the temperature I tend to shock to the bottom vents down and leave one open and Anna can adjust that as needed but running at a temperature of 130 I would amaze enough bottle Billy a fully open and and in the top vent again fully open unless I need to shut it down so that's the contenders let's get the port bow I get it rubbed up and get it on and smoking okay so here are our two pieces of pork pot said it's just one bonus pork butt Hills tank farm show up caught it roughly in half slightly thinner in here so it's the longer these hot wait and I'm not that scientific we're gonna go on with a little bit of French's mustard just as a slather to get the rub to stick to it and paid an awful lot on brush egg gloves ordered them off Amazon that's been a bad month further here so we're gonna have to work with a good old clean hand dirty hand method what you still do you never have gloves on with but it's a yellow hands nothing look good okay the rub we are using man is the smoked barbecue rub from a smoky Bray as a nice all-around sweet rub I like sweet pork liver so that summarize loads of smooth sugar and stuff on it so we're coconut a low enough temperature and sugars on this point isn't really gonna make a difference so a good sprinkling of that on get those hands too and our other one the when doesn't bloom or other way as our two chunks ready to go on barbecues are sent nice and stable so we'll go ahead and get them on leave them be for a couple hours and we'll come back check in with them and see how were born oh I see how steady both barbecue set temperature wise let's go [Music] all right around for our Zen both of them have performed pretty well to be honest I've had other stuff to do so I've just left them taking over and doing the wrong thing um the WSM has been pretty steady at I took a little bump at one point and it was the temperatures starting to creep up on it which is quite unusual for it but then I realized that the water ball had run dry so that was the bomb temperatures and filled the water ball game a boiling water temperature stabilized again and has actually dropped a little bit come on Joe however has not moved to the point where I thought it was broken I have been walking up to every night again tapping on the thermometer to make sure it wasn't stuck and it is rock steady so for our Zen temperature has come up I think you're both sort of stalled no well no I'll take you over to have a sneak peek Adam okay so focus WSM you can maybe see the temperature has calmed down in there just below 125 and I haven't adjusted the vent some of the vents are still fully open at the bottom and fully open up on top as well so I never touched them like I say water on I and the temperature raise up to maybe around 135 140 and whenever I put the water back in the drop back down to 130 I'll end up sitting around here so it's not a huge difference from just gonna let it be there do its thing come out of Joe however that needle has not budged and as I said I've been doing this all the time to see if it's stuck but note that is genuinely just saying Rocksteady again haven't opened this haven't adjusted the vents at all I'm gonna see brain alphabet see if you can notice it's just open the slightest little bit and the seam down here just about fingers breadth of them that has sat Rocksteady the whole time so I definitely am well happy with that the other thing I did notice is that da BSM took longer to go up temperature even though I let charcoal dumped into the kimono Jewell was ready and set and Rocksteady way before this ever sail loading temperature so I'm definitely for again are up and running this one's much easier so I'll let you have a quick sneak peek of what we're looking like so far so that's WSM nice color on it so definitely a plenty of smoke gun in there the smokers over on both of them not that many more on pretty hardly with that color I'm gonna try and not wrap them tomorrow Jude and well that's dark again nice smoke collar on that and not quite as much as a WS a.m. but I think that's to be expected with comodo Cougars but that's what we're testing some reason we have a bit of a bear patch here at the front but sure it still tastes good so I'm gonna close out down I say I've tried to avoid opening any of them the kymaro I popped open once or twice just a kin check it was Stella yet because I hadn't moved and the temperature recovers really quick on it so whenever you open it it'll drop down to maybe 110 120 ish and then it goes up pretty quickly after that so pretty happy with how that is performing so really we're down dirtiest night and we're trying not rap either of them I don't think they need it they're not getting too dark colorways so we will let them do their thing and then we'll check back in once they're ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right poor bucks I've been off rested I have shredded them up I knew which ones which I'm not gonna tell you yeah I've showed you a few clips of each one I want you to decide which one you thanks which so we'll go this one as a this one as B and you can go I'll try them while you're deciding so they both cooked pretty well I think the smoke looks slightly better unless it definitely is a better culinary side this one has a little bit more bark but they both shred it and cooked pretty well I don't need it rip my not too much I'm not a big fan of pulled pork that's like this I had to keep it short more chunks like this so we'll go with B first yeah okay good simmer chunk here so I'm going to see on that that a definitely how's that deeper red cherry smoke color compared to be so in with a this is interesting this one here definitely has a crunchy bark the investment this one was quite I'll find on a piece just make sure there's a piece that is quite well Bart mmm-hmm I'm a little bit torn this definitely has a longer torn smoke flavor to it which is slightly better than this one however the rub is completely disappeared on this one for some reason I don't get any that's quite a sweet rub and there's barely any sweetness without at all I would more than likely what was in I'm going to take this under the house and make this one with a barbecue sauce this one on the other hand has really kept the song mostly the rob has caramelized no side of it there is still definitely smoke there but that probably sweetness is there as well so grand finale a this komaru Joe B is the WSM much darker color on this one this one has a lot more of mahogany red color as you see the smokes actually penetrated a little bit better which I'm shocked out because Emma and I've ever watched says the tomato cookers can be hard to get take a deep smoky ring on it and as you can see there a plenty of smoke on I know like the fact that this has kept that Rob flavor in there maybe move it in season them evenly don't know but either way so talking about that I shall cook itself that was quite an uneventful coke to go honest at starting the living room for most of the day and the WSM dead of that one blip or a drop die it's a drug loads of water balls so empty die temperatures started to rise on it so you're gonna need to make sure you keep an eye on it come on Oh Joe did not move even if I wanted her to move would not leave all day so ease of Sam evidently Sakamoto Jules bear no I'm not sure would it be like if I overshot my temperature tomorrow you all had to bring the bike down but I think has been rock steady all day long it shocked me how good it was as far as fuel consumption you saw roughly woman in green honestly please you saw what went into at the start and so a couple of clips up and stream now you show you what's left in the match of the cook total cook time was six just over six hours it says are quite small pork shoulders so they cook pretty fast and if I had to pick a winner ever WSM has been all fearful for a long time but the Komodo Jew was much easier to set off and Goku I don't have to wait as long for the head temperature and get the foot on here so f wins a knockout alright stableness throughout the cook come on go to wins on that car gory actual flavor of food comic offer as you can see the smokes good personally I really like that sort of sweetness and carmelization has got annoyed say but compared to this one this is definitely a stronger smell here it is this one's a nicer of balance of both so I'm going to give it to the Komodo jewel on that one and then fuel consumptions another thing they're both pretty much exactly the same I would say either of them used any more or less so I'm gonna get it to the Komodo go for this one definitely I'll try a few other Lulu cooks and comparisons and stuff on it but that was my first low and slow on the Kamaraju and I'm more than happy with how it went so let me know what you think in the comments never know what one you think looks better and if you'd like this video please give it a thumbs up if you haven't already subscribe to the channel and I will see you in the next Valley [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Barbechoo - UK BBQ
Views: 51,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBQ, UKBBQ, Barbechoo, Learn to BBQ, How to BBQ, Barbecue, BBQ Tips, BBQ Techniques, Cooking Outdoors, BBQ Tutorial, BBQ Food, BBQ Recipes, Kamado Joe, Weber Smokey Mountain, WSM, KJ, Pulled Pork, Low and Slow, KJ vs WSM, Which Grill is best, Low and Slow on a Kamado
Id: WsYPsbfVbds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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