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[Music] oh my gosh it's just a nightmare what the heck who's that whoa who's this little guy he looks just like me did the heavens drop a baby on me oh sweetie don't be scared Daddy's here hey buddy cheer up no need for Tears okay why you want he stop crying maybe he's hungry yeah that must be it he's definitely hungry coming coming you like [Music] it oh this is so annoying [Music] what's that sound oh my [Music] goodness no no no that was close wait what's that smell oh no could it be bbby I really need your help right now what's up dog day but hey keep it cool and don't tell anyone okay uh-huh I won't say a word so have good a puppy now and I what you got a puppy hey kien do day's got himself a puppy seriously wow are you sure about that yeah he told me himself but let's keep it a secret all right of course guys guess what doc d a dad now really dude I said keep it a secret feel it dog day why do you suddenly become a dad tell us how this baby came about w wow this is crazy it down it's not what you think someone left a baby at my door so now I'm stuck taking care of him can we at least see the baby no only Bobby's allowed a come on dog day we're friends maybe they're just trying to help please all right but don't miss the sub hooray a he's adorable can't believe dark they end up with a baby so early let me hold the baby no let me go first dude I'm Bobby a bear hug is always better but it's my turn first all right here's how you hold a baby pay attention got it okay so the issue here is I think the baby's uncomfortable cuz the diaper wet we got to change it change the diaper you need baby powder to clean the baby's SW oh no I'm sorry Once Upon a Time adamon fell in love it was a kind of love that changed the world forever from then [Music] on tell me what's 1+ one look at this you got [Music] this bad dog are you kidding this just a [Music] baby ever since I met you I knew you'd be a wonderful artist a star to be born a young talent to be found H puy what the heck are you doing dude he just broke his heart with your loud voice seriously piggy you had to pass chili and meat to this trust me it's all about Flavor if you want it spicy give us a sign puppy huh poppy I'm putting all my trust in you please please please don't let me down I won't holy kicking [Music] ouch chicken are you crazy lining the in the middle of the pad like that are you trying to bury me alive why wouldn't you just look if you don't have any intentions then I can do whatever I want and you have no say in it dude seriously you're so [Music] rude hey this is what they call [Music] babysitting seriously are you trying to help we're just mess with me Bobby this is all on you oh man dog day I didn't mean to mess things up I was just trying to help sh with the tears it's not your fault dog day are you losing it we did your best and now you're dissing us so now I got to thank you guys for making everything worse that doesn't make any sense worse how could you take it easy kicken say that again you stupid dog no no no sh oh puppy don't be such a cry baby [Music] sh we're talking out loud so we call all my long everything's cool [Music] now Mr light doct did you see some kid who might have you ended up here by mistake oh there he is let me take puppy back to Poppy playtime Factory no way but he's my kid it's my son dog day he belongs to Poppy playtime not you they'll take good care of him there with all their professionalism and stuff but I love him he looks just like me welcome to Puppy Playtime where every homeless kid grows in a modern happy environment poppy playtime a place every orphan can call [Music] home guys why did things have to go so wrong we were all happy yesterday and now it was all because of me if I had only taken better care of you all things may have turned out differently hey catnap don't blame yourself too much life's unpredictable you know if it's not today it could be tomorrow huh stop saying that you hotess chicken seriously I didn't do anything wrong they made their own choices what's happening here it's all your fault man we're all here because of you you all lost a life I'm telling you it's not me do was behind it all go find him if you want revenge oh my God I didn't do anything to you guys and what about me kicken you're the reason I had that accident was it an accident though dog killer you're the demon here not us you deserve to be buried bury him burry him him burry him y doct day heads up hey kicken can you throw it a bit gentler you're throwing it too hard I almost fell off the cliff scared of losing to me huh you chicken come on got to give it your all dude relax [Music] [Applause] pH do oh my gosh he just vanished oh he's gone what do I do now if everyone finds out died because of me I'm done for it play care got to think quick aha I have an [Music] idea you guys when I heard dog day scream and rushed over I found him stuck under the broken door NE like that if I'd have been faster things might have turned out different oh dog day dog day how could you die so early we're going to miss you so [Music] much rest in peace [Music] buddy we'll visit you [Music] often dog day I'm sorry but you're in this mess because you were too competitive give me back my life was that just a bad dream e Hing a stuffed dog was risky I wonder if anyone's on to us yet got to check okay the graves undisturbed guess we're good what the dog day loved sunbathing he will chop down this tree and let the Rays hit him crafty corn what crazy thing are you talking about ouch huh no no no no crafty corn how do you end up like this no I swear I didn't do a thing poppy no a ah ah oh my God what's going on you did it no way it wasn't me I didn't do anything no no no dog day back off I didn't mess with you it was your own doing you totally whacked the ball off the cliff on purpose no I didn't Bubba I'm clueless man thought they made me do it where is it it's got to be here kicken what are you looking for calm down buddy kick him now you're a serial killer you caused all those deaths keep away from me you demon it's all on you you think this messes with me you're way too naive no no no stay back kicken what's eating you a pgy kick in ain't nobody else taking the fall for you now now confess kicken you around something Horrible's gone down at smiling Critters everyone suddenly dead cat up help what's the deal where's pigy Piggy's turned into barbecue this can't be happening why things have to go south like this do I messed up big time man it's all on me I got too competitive and smash that ball too hard just to make you admit defeat huh what's happening guys didn't everyone already die you almost got me killed man and the others just got lucky after I fell off that Cliff you didn't even try to save me just ran away luckily I grabbed a rope and hung on but I swore I'd get back at [Music] you B let me go catnap ghost hey I'm still alive huh how's that possible then what's buried under the grave just a regular stuffed toy kick and framed me with it I'm going to get him Revenge isn't the right thing to do friend I have a more interesting idea here's how it works dog day's ghost wants payback for his unfair death knocking off everyone and making them play dead turning into spooky ghost to scare kicking to confess let's do it [Music] ha oh I see sorry everyone I've been selfish and terrible from now on try to dial down your ego okay I understand sorry dog day no problem kicking [Music] hey are you awake now what's going on dog day let me go well I just want you to feel what you did to me what dude was not trying to hurt you you know what you did why you trying to trick me I'll miss you have so you understand how it feels when you look me up like that no stop it you don't have to do that you have no idea how excited I am catnap you're crazy dog [Music] day what a masterpiece yeah you really shouldn't do this who cares to Day come back I want to stop using red smoke what are you talking about are you serious yeah I'm really serious okay relax we're trying to find a solution for you sooner or later you'll be fine really if that's true can I have some red smoke now I just want to feel normal again we need to keep it away from him or keep him away from it what why let me out of here gab I don't want to use red smoke anymore I just want to be free we need to keep you away from the Rat Smoke until we find a cure what no way without the Rat Smoke I'm done I can't handle it I believe you can handle it we've got your back no you don't understand it's torture let me out please I need the red smoke let's give him some space you don't need to do that at least let me live in peace these are my last days I can't sleep at all if I only I could have some red smoke wake up doc day there's no red smoke here stay awake I got to stay awake no thinking no red smoke stay healthy and say no to that stuff I can't sleep I can't hey you can look me up let me out of here who do you think you are to keep me in Set Me Free oh I'm so messed up I just want to hang out with you all enjoy the Sun so lonely here should we open the door for him maybe he's changed let's free him yes let me out wait for me stop don't fall for it we have to be determined that's the only way to help him you're driving me crazy if I break out you'll regret it that make you feel what it's like to be stuck in this room like me it's probably best to leave him alone maybe they'll calm him down what's happening here this smell kind of refreshing but also kind of gross hey buddy I'm giving you a special favor now there's one more thing you got to do kill all those guys for me you can count on me [Applause] [Music] should we go see what's happening outside let's give it another 5 minutes we don't have 5 minutes let's go go go godam hurry up and Lead it to the lab my anote is in there all right all right I'm On It Bubba yeah no no no everyone let's go inside aren't you coming in catnap I'll stay back and try to stop dog day well well well looks just trying to be a hero you're in trouble now I can hear CTI anymore du must have H him oh no we got to do something to save him don't worry guys I've got a plan to deal with Doc day luckily I've already whipped up the antidote we just need to inject it into dog day and everything will be fine is that a needle gun let's split up and take action I'll go find Doc day you guys go rescue catnap huh the security camera only caught doc Day dragon catnap to the playhouse not sure which room is stash catnap in it's giving me the creeps down here hey everyone check this out these scratch marks and cotton are new kadna must have been brought here okay let's get in there oh no map dog day is totally crazy he's done something really bad let's get catnap out first he needs help right away you guys how did you find don't worry huh watch out here comes my Thunder Kick you can't bully My Pal ouch such like bonding you guys today I'll let you all go down together no Doug day don't hurt them again huh a f like you has no right to negotiate with me huh huh sorry guys I'm late is everyone all right chicken you finally showed up coming katab oh my Lord what what have I [Music] done why are we running I thought we were just trying to lose weight stop asking and just run oh no oh my God gosh where are we so you are all away huh get ready for your next Journey straight to hell can you please let us go I still have so much cool stuff to do and I you haven't even eaten all the food I want yet cab hurry up and join us no save us hold on tight everyone I won't let him harm you who do you think you are getting involved in my business let me go please bu bully no just let him go if you need a warm hug I got you panda no no no dude please just tell us while you're doing this maybe we can fix it together you can't fix this you can't fix anything remember back when I was one of your original sming Critters alongside with b bad PAB bambo saraphina and gecko wow wo this place is sick it was all good until that lady show hey kids I'm from Mickey Mouse Productions and I'm looking for talented Stars so tell me who wants to sign up and be on television can anyone read what this means not me reading is difficult if it's too hard then skip it let's sign up already Panda's right let's sign quickly and become Stars tricking us into signing unfair contracts turning us into money makers where and Poppy playtime Factory so what do we have to do to meet Micky and why are you giving us these papers we told you we can't read hey gang let's go on an adventure yeah let's find some Buri treasure listen up they say friendship is the real treasure our show started off great but then the ratings crashed that head merch Sals too they had to dump tons of stuck huh huh move aside you amateurs time for the new stars to shine and you bully no your ugly face has been dragging the ratings down so catnaps taking over hey everybody We're The Smiling Critters OU hey what's with the attitude my Turf my roll surprisingly those newbies brought in a massive boost and ratings plus our merch started flying out the shs breaking in big bugs for the company you guys even had the nerve to replace them with a smiling Critter show resulting in us getting bullied off the set today's been awful they say a good nap can fix anything let's just relax and take it easy okay this place is for stars you guys aren't making any money here so no sleeping it's just not fair Let It Go saraphina I'm so hungry you want my Apple oops sorry forgot we're not supposed to talk to you amateur people I don't want to be bullied oh Panda do you want to go somewhere where you can eat as much as you want they say not to follow strangers but I'll Follow You something's not right Panda where are you panda all right got one down huh huh dull like a bull his mind is as small as a grape probably doesn't even need a brain swap [Music] what's wrong with my buddy Banda stay away from us you creep well well nobody likes you no matter what let's just call it my fault now get lost if they think on the bad guy I'll show them where are they they've been gone for ages something's not right man hey it's me bull boo they turn me into a monster and Panda into a little cutie so let's rolly up and take charge here yeah that's my man wa didn't expect you guys to come through like that huge thanks to the amazing Miss Delight Mrs Delight it's your turn what the heck enough's enough it's time we grab back with [Applause] SARS great job everyone now let me handle these losers oh what a pain how did this company keeps sending me to deal with these three troublemakers one more to go h gako m saraphina they are going because of me I have to take revenge then I hacked into the security room and left clear evidence of the wrongs they committed against me and my team that is why the smiling critter show got cancelled after all that chaos poy Play Time how to close the studio and play C including me all right enough with the talk let's get to the point hey where are you stupid bull classic bully no who we've been waiting for you forever [Music] ever D I'm staring let me out of here yeah this sucks big time what are you doing glass you all will see soon enough oh smiling Critters graise yourself I'll take you to some place really awesome like hell what the heck you really think I'd let you get away with that let them go now hey you can just open the door why keep banging on the war like that hey let me out let me out P your service get now something go guys coming oh that hurts my meow meow you know you guys look what the [Music] heck oh a hide hide hide [Music] guys we we made it what's going on here where is this place my Lord this must be the hell prototype we're joking about look [Music] everyone let me check it says we are in sual World anomaly world is is that like a zoo yeah but it's not a normal sir it's got some really abnormal monsters to survive we've got to follow these steps first we'll use the gun call Blue mang to kill the monsters out there then we'll search for the key pieces to enter the blue machine room finally we'll enter that room to shut down a mysterious machine to complete the mission H I think we should split into two teams the monsters and you guys hunt for the key pieces how does that sound that sounds uh not bad are you kidding me that sounds awesome all righty team time to show those monsters what smiling Critters are capable of now eat this here I come easy [Music] peasy that was easy oh you scared the heck out to me hello hello aren't you trying to attack me open sesame everyone ready to roll wait where's katnap oh oh there you are catnap all right let's get going team one more step before completing the [Music] mission hold up where did everybody go seriously you all just ditch me like this what the heck is that me but how's that possible I'm here you guys get away from that impostor wait why is there another catnap over there what the heck if catnaps over there then who is this G cater check this out oh hurry up start the machine and let's get the heck out of here cs's not cool catnap behave yourself wait talking and start doing oh right bra trying to H come on come on come on it's not working oh right someone has to turn on the switch fry what finally home sweet home finally back to normaly dude and I can enjoy my Apple in peace well that's something I want to chat with you about piggy doctor what I don't think we have me did huh what do you mean Bubba cadna he you're still stuck it's anomaly world what
Channel: SM Games
Views: 223,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SM Toons, sm toons, smtoons, boxy boo animation, rainbow friends, boxy boo song, boxy boo origin, poppy playtime boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, boxy boo vs huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 3, rainbow friends animation, project playtime trailer, huggy wuggy cartoon, boxy boo project playtime, lunch boxy boo, boxy boo presents, fash, smiling critters, catnap
Id: KiYIejBtU5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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