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[Applause] [Music] ah Being Human must be really tough huh yeah but they do it for the buddy what's going on it was just getting [Music] interesting turn it on turn it on Mo aside hoppy I think I know what to do great finally bub got something useful from all those or maybe not sorry seriously life is so boring there's nothing fun to watch anymore maybe they've run out of ideas so they can't make shows okay then I'll try to bring some fun really I can't wait [Music] what's happening this is way beyond my comfort zone so [Music] embarrassing get off the stage man it's boring hey hey hey you guys need something better entain you right like a star wow chicken's so cool I'm getting excited this show is even better than Dog Days totally [Music] [Applause] agree maybe Kick's trying to take over dog day spot a ki's a good guy he would never do that to his friends you don't know what you don't know just watch and see [Music] CH who's being a bit rude here yo dog day sleeping in huh I'm a dog not a morning rooster like you you're all Lively want a race or something What's your deal man all right let's race and don't cry if you lose what's with this guy why so competitive H looks like you're the loser now hey this is a running competition sneaky cheater he's scared of losing so he's doing that but doc they cheated first besides kicking didn't even agree to race with him no no no I don't want to hear anything poppy give me back my apples dude why'd you do that ouch that are like crazy everybody calm down all right folks there's always a way to settle [Music] things so cool he's just trying to please everyone so that he can easily take over dog day's spot this is unacceptable hey dog day I'm going skateboarding today want to join um let me think don't pay attention to him K get definitely planed to mess with you or embarrass you in front of everyone um um just go bne it's a chance to learn some cool tricks from him might even help you get back on track dog day you with me uh yeah sure I'll come awesome let's go have a good time dog day hey Joel you're messing everything up today I'll show you some serious devilish anger hey what's going on here let me out you can't be stronger than me you know the saying good always triumphs over evil seriously this isn't cool if this keeps up dog day is going to be in trouble hey let me out look they're up on the clap jeez Louise I hope they'll be okay be ready for the challenge of a [Music] lifetime oh boy if I mess up now I'll be dead relax remember what they say what doesn't kill you makes you strong and if you die then well let's an experience who needs experience when you're already dead where's devil I need his advice well he left you alone a h that Angel's so bold I got to go stop this mess are you ready uh ready ready Stop in the Name of evil I command you to leave my cute dog day alone listen up dog day if you take on this challenge you'll be dead I can see it coming so that's why you always try to stop me huh aw that's so nice of you bro you're always looking out for me koodle Doo what are you doing dog day talking to yourself anyway let's check me out no no no no hang on kicking I'm on my way hey remember what I told you as leader of the smiling Critters I won't let him get hurt but you don't even know how to skateboard a over here kicking watch out oh no they're falling someone's got to help them out if they're dead may I have the first fight please [Music] thank you catnap yeah you saved my life anyway dude that was intense what a rush want to give it another try uh maybe not what you being scared huh what a chicken can't believe a cool guy like me would want to take a challenge with you oh ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I'd like to introduce smiling Critter's most ambitious project to date the demolition of this abandoned School heads up demolition squads roll it in ready to roll doct day you bet you I'm coming in like a wrecking ball [Music] baby pH man that was intense earlier you guys got to try it out up here it's a a blast huh what the get over here my little [Music] puppy hey someone jump in there and save dog day oh you want to go in but I've got tons of bucks to read I'd like to vote catnap to be the hero to save dog day you cowards let me handle this what the heck is this place huh that's dog day's caller he must have been dragged here by Miss Delight you evil old witch what did you do to my buddy huh I don't know anything seriously you think you can just run away from this [Music] don't come chasing after me running off won't help spit it I'm telling you I don't know anything I'm losing my patience here don't blame me for getting a bit R du you're going after the wrong person the one you're after is actually my evil little sister huh you got a sister yep exactly so here's how it all went down me and my sis are basically creations of prototype made to work for the factory we came into this world with a mission things seemed all fine and dandy at first where the heck are we wa you look just like me are we like sisters yep you two are sisters miss good delight and Miss bad Delight you were made to take my place in teaching those smiling Critters seriously Yep they're supposed to become smart obedient future servants for me so you got to do a great job got it so it all started when we got assigned to take care of and teach poppy Huggy and Kissy those kiddos were a handful but they were also super cute as a teacher you got to have a soft spot for them with bad Delight not so patient she always wanted the students to follow her every word or else she'd punish them unfortunately while she was chasing after the kids her face got messed up left her shocked and hurting that's when prototype manipulated my sister giving Barb to her a weapon made of pencils and ruler and encouraged her to join the hour of Joy movement that's what and she became a real girl no I tried to stop her but I couldn't the evil inside her made her incredibly strong like a real monster so I did the only thing I could do back then locked both of us up so she couldn't hurt anyone else days turned into weeks we just lost track of time until you guys came and busted down the wall setting us free sounds awful we got to find Miss bandite before she does something to dog day oh my head what the heck's that creepy noise finally awake huh how you doing my tasty treat oh boy oh boy oh boy what are you up to get away from me you gross old hag bad I'll shut that doggy mouth of yours someone help me out here who's interrupting my meal time now sis knock it off can't let you cause more trouble let him go monster bringing another one along huh fine I'll munch on all of you catnap go rescue dog day I'm on it wake up this we're teachers not murderers shut it you useless thing you don't understand a thing I hate kids I hate them I want to eat them all alive anyone getting in my way is toast you're out of control bad sister take this it hurts let me go I'm going to kill you before you even speak time to die no my face you're crazy you're done bad Delight catnap let's run don't you love me care about me sister what did I do everyone always thinks I'm a freak that's not it I still care about you but sometimes love request top really seems like you're not so different from me big sck cut it out get lost stay put in there you freak come not oh Lord this place is about to collapse we got a jump dog day let's do this we made it out this haunted school is completely gone now you strict old teacher yeah she's so mean that's why she's still single shut up and stay there you bad students miss the light's going wild oh no huh [Music] need a hand wow hello handsome you all right gorgeous not hurt or anything uh I'm I'm good thanks a pretty girl like you can't be hurt by anything I'll stick around and keep you safe that does that sound I just saw those smiling Critters around earlier did they cause you any trouble oh don't even mention them those kids had the nerve to call me an old strict teach no wonder nobody loves them yeah that's rude let's catch him and teach him a lesson totally although I've never heard of that but let's teach them [Music] together H Miss Delight what's going on here you're scaring us you three run no I'm not leaving without you you same here sorry but I don't want to die hurry up I can't hold it much longer Heroes to the Rescue huh I don't think that's a good idea we're innocent kids I swear innocent well I don't think so take this oh boy hope Mr light doesn't find me here dog day let me hide with you are you there's no room here don't be selfish helping people is a human thing bunch of fools jeez this is scary stuff I could go for some fried chicken now oh my oh my oh my where' to hide huh H suspicious no no no no good job Miss Delight you're the best hey Mr Delight can I help deal with these troublemakers I'm afraid they're getting hurt this is a guy's job girl don't interfere catnap still out there go find him but didn't you say we'd work um together on this before Oh I meant once they behave then you can take over my job now this tough job isn't for you okay good job now go get cat on it hey Kitty Kitty come here got some catnip for you ah there you are are ah teach I've been looking for you too really you're such a good kid come on over listen up teach Mr Delight isn't as nice as you think he's the one who shoved you into that door what oh no way he was the one who helped me out of that accident no teach you're just being blinded by love let me tell you what I saw with my own eyes yuck how did I even end up k kissing that old lady it wasn't part of my plan I would never do such a disgusting thing he used your crush on him to catch all the smiling Critters and lock them in his training camp then he pushed them hard to become his crew instead of focusing on their studies that's not teaching that's just taking advantage of kids you know what they say no pain no gain keep up the good work and you'll be ready to join my Army H while he was busy I gathered all the evidence his dream is to take down prototype and become the big boss at play take a look at this I can't believe it he's a real trap boy don't you see there are loads of red flags there he just played me this can't be true oh my perfect husband don't waste your tears on a bad boy what you should do right now is heal and ReDiscover yourself find some inner peace I'll poke his eyes out that rotten jerk and kill him why are you still here did you catch catnap oh don't worry I've tied him up by your cell door honey I finished my job time for my treat okay what are you doing let me go oops I just really missed you and to cuddle chill out and have some honey tea are you dumb sorry just being [Music] clumsy sweetie I won't mess up again clumsy again huh what the heck how did that happen my key where's my freaking key yeah that was me you got traed l loser you betrayed me oh who's the real betrayal here you jerk I've got the whole truth now take [Music] that it ain't going to be that easy check me out wa he's so hot wake up he's a total player you heartless ugly lady I'll teach you to behave again get over here and I'll Crush you what the scared now sweetie now let me put you in your [Music] place let go of me you crazy lady time for some payback folks let me go first oh my butt got you fig teacher well well well looks like it's my turn now as your teacher here's a question for you how could you betray my love like that [Music]
Channel: SM Games
Views: 98,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SM Toons, sm toons, gametoons, poppy playtime, project playtime trailer, smiling critters, catnap, CatNap, Vhs, Poppy Playtime, poppy playtime chapter3, poppy playtime chapter 4, poppy playtime chapter 4 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 4 teaser trailer, poppy playtime chapter 4 gameplay, poppy playtime vhs tapes, dogday, smiling critters animation, catnap animation, poppy playtime 3, scary, horror, nightmare, cgi, creepy, cursed, shorts, meme, jumpscare, terror,, LIGHTS ARE OFF
Id: UKh5B7Lf-pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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