CATNAP Get MARRIED?! Poppy Playtime 3 Animation

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I'm so happy what look you are mine now oh you're hurting me m i mean we're made for each other ready you can kiss the Bri I'm not so sure about that he won't stop somebody stop it please oh the Bri ins nobody's listening get away from her you Vermin stop the wedding catnap is wicked hell are you dog you can't do that don't you dare you're rude that's thing he's lying why should we believe you I'll tell you my story how catnap left me like this he exaggerated we were happy together there wasn't a happier or more loving couple in all playtime hey dog D come over here catnap couldn't bear it huh what do you want catnap it's probably not important I'll go see what he wants hey friend what's your problem yeah I have a problem you I've got my eyes on that beauty get away from her She's mine now what you go look at someone else I'll teach you my favorite give it to me come and get it okay so pathetic he had to use tricks to attract her a little CL there don't accept candy from strangers lovey goodbye you stinking cat how dare he I'm going to skin that sleeping do that was the happiest moment in our lives lovey I want us to be the happiest dogs in the world holy Bon huh don't worry honey the power has just gone off I I have to find the switch huh is someone there now I'll have you you fleeing dog yeah you're not so tough now eh take a little rest I'll look after her no no no no wait honey mon where did he go there was nothing I could do then catnap had beaten me goodbye you busy body Oh my he doesn't answer I wonder if he's okay huh looking for dog D no wait for him he's gone he said he hates you I can't believe did he leave me it's okay I'm here for you thank you yeah don't worry baby I changed to my larger size but you cut off my legs what's happening what I'll give that lovely puppy the best time of her life wait I was going to give her that you abandoned her and you can't leave here you can't even move honey I'm so sorry TI between what are you doing here I need to clean you're in the way C up trapped me and threw away the key not a problem I've got copies of all the Playtime you'll be free in a minute oh thanks friend I owe you don't sweat it I'll go get your legs I went immediately to stop the wedding now you know the truth about catnap no don't believe it I'm not as bad as you said could you we trusted you you'll pay for the I'm not afraid of you just try we'll teach you to Li us you are so useless now you guys oh no he's so strong friends oh no you should have stay to yourself careful honey don't get in my way just move over dog lady no please I can't defend you fine I'm going to execute him he's falling F bag I promised I'll skin you flea bag just get ready d you compete with me don't make me laugh I can't believe I Thought I Loved You what don't matter there won't be anybody else to love honey wake up this is the end dog not so fast huh let's see how Wicked you are now what are you doing with that come on my friend we're starting round two what Bobby you found them of course I said I would wonderful do you want to try again be so easy it's my turn now nothing to talk about B you w but this is the end how could you do this to us I didn't need to I only I wanted everyone to love me like you okay I'm really sorry you're such a horrible person but I forgive you good job love I knew you'd manage can I kiss the brown I'll love you forever to love we're watching you R oh yeah looking beautiful today right that's it girl Delight the world with that look I agree you look beautiful I heard you like roses I brought you some thank you very much what a good friend come here cutie not again oh oh oh wo you're strong I'm not kissing you over some flowers what about me huh you think you can give me some love huh baby yeah darling I'm leaving with my boyfriend goodbye boyfriend catap what the heck I'm Sor pal it is what it is they are clueless this is unbearable this feeling I can't take it I won't give up I know I can make it work oh I know I have it around here somewhere yeah perfect about that K come and get it oh damn it I haven't eaten anything since yesterday I'm going to pass out huh oh my I think I have some tuna somewhere tuna is this a choke I can't stand it oh my goodness it's your favorite flavor you remembered of course oh but it's nothing to worry about thank you very much cat now no baby I'll show you a trick why would you do that this isn't funny at all cat huh holy B's incredible how did you never it down me baby girl you time to go away this won't end here you're the best sweetart I'm so sorry T now must be plotting something what's this of course this is his plan he must have dropped it no I can't let him get away with this I have to warn her I love your caresses sry I get a bit rough hey don't be oh no he's trying to kill her I won't let her sweetheart quick get away from him he's evil look at his plans no no this can't be real wait I don't know what dog D is talking about he likes to exaggerate you know let me see that it can't be that bad mhm oh Dar this is embarrassing this was my plan before I met you I was a different person it doesn't matter my plans now are very different I want us all to get along very well did our love make the evil in your heart die now you want a happy future with all her friends sweetheart I can't believe it don't believe him he's a liar please sorry I'm sorry you're the best forgive me for doubting don't worry liar this isn't over hey he need to listen to me tricking you you're the one telling lies no I'm trying to protect you leave me alone ow why how could you I loved you so much huh huh catnaps Footprints is that blood what the heck did he do oh I hope he isn't paying attention right now that's going to sound strange but I hope they stay together for a while I don't need him to focus on me right now what are you hiding holy crap my friend help me oh no what did he do cat the oh that means he's after her too I have to stop him baby what are you doing the only thing I love H and without that idiot you are trapped now do it was right you are a monster help don't bother yourself he's prob cried in his room room now come here I'm hungry no Who Dares who else stop it right now or do you want some more who is it dog day I don't believe it I won't let you put your filthy claws on her dumbass I didn't know you were so brave and handsome you're all the say you all are my PR I'm not scared of you I'll knock your fangs out do day be careful I can't bear this what are you going to do you can't up without your toy how dare you yeah you'll pay for this everything's going perfect oh me and my big house you funny I'll give you something to laugh right oh remember this is for her I'll make you a deal don't fight back and I'll eat you in one bite yeah you wish take this my it worked yes did you see that baby girl down behind you oh she's so baffled by me huh oh this is really bad really bad you've had your fun now you're die smell so bad everything for me I can't abandon him you got believe my damn huh stay away leave us alone stop resistant this is your way take a nap you're safe sweetheart you saved me help I will love you forever stay away from me don't be I just want to have a little CH finally safe huh what do they I love this movie hey what are you doing there's a monster on the loose what who monster it's going to be here any minute we have to oh no it's already here stay calm to do something hello sorry I'm late to movies night oh my it was you were you waiting for someone else holy bones she's gorgeous join us oh my favorite par is on yeah the hero is so bra she's so cute we're so close together I wonder if it's okay if I what happened with the movie Up This broadcast your message the message is huh no he found me I got them all my friends I haven't forgot about you hey don't touch her you look delicious hang on I'll save you uh perfect you're going to regret this sa sound oh you saved me I appreciate it that was very brave of you oh well it was nothing you no W hey come back Dam it turn faster her hand is so soft you know maybe this isn't that bad we need to find somewhere to hide maybe here hey now that we're at of danger you are so [Music] cute am I interrupting something where's my kiss come on just a little kiss hold on there has to be something I know what to do show is over W you did it that was so cool now where were we right at the best [Music] part oh please that's not proper for school Behavior you are oh hello Mr light is my name you look different you I'll have to discipline both of you holy crap calm down it'll be a quick listen we need to get out of here together hey aren't you listening come back here this is for your own good than your education oh I got you already Barb you're up let's go be careful oh you're a very naughty kid where is she are you ready dear M light please don't do it no behave now insent children am I safe dog day are you all right yes you saved me again I'll do it a thousand times more well you'll have to De it oh no you have good taste stinking cat or I'll I'll make you dog don't worry baby it'll be a minute oh you're so funny sit down wait your turn oh no that wasn't a good idea no do help me let go damn you get up I know you can I have to save her huh where am I dog day I'm that's not true we are here are you her eyes look tasty on them stop right there stop how dare you pause you came back for me you're the best and stay down now it's your turn I won't forgive you it's always so brave oh you inspired me to be brave all right hero come ass up I was going to spare your life but if you want to keep messing with me you clearly want to die I can't do anything don't worry do resisted it was fun I think that I love you what I didn't understand goodbye hey girl maybe we could Sher him he just needs cooperate with me you're hurting him I love you which part do you prefer you what did you do oops my bad I couldn't save you I love you I love you too what the heck is that dog day I didn't save you but I promise I'll avenge you what's going on okay I'll give you what you Des deserve this is for what you did to dog day no my love this won't end like this get ready you stupid cat oh you want to play shut up and die that's it come to me Ro in my car you lost already farewell damn cat what's with that speed go away finally this place will be better without that bag of fleas dog day I'm so sorry if only I were stronger before we could have been [Music] together huh doesn't look good who was it what happened friend I was distracted reading if it wasn't him then it was hooby take that you fo what's your problem you tell me if you want to fight just come in you want to don't make me laugh oh you really at it good morning children oh you started early everyone shut up we made up okay anybody else we'll begin our lesson something simple okay oh somebody thinks this is too easy okay we'll see okay if you think it's so easy come up to the board I um okay huh let's see if you love at this I haven't I didn't study this oh hey how did you hurt let you could get up I quiet to the board write the answer um teacher come on you can do it yeah oh holy moly maybe is this it dog day you're kidding me I'll teach you a lesson no no no no wait teacher don't hit don't me Huggy you're next you solved the problem right now I okay right away let's see how you like to be mocked so funny not funny at all h Huh what's this who interrupted my class you better me you'll have to learn to never interrupt my [Applause] class it break time uh I have no idea um maybe friends a little help try six maybe three on four oh maybe the answer is always love no no he's dead now hugy what's that supposed to mean um well it's a heart oh that's ridiculous oh no no more laughing you come up to the Blackboard made my big mouth I've got to get this I think it's let's see that's perfect lovey wow I'm not dumb after all he did it good job holy moly oh yeah Fair cat now what's that you saying I wrote the answer what okay lovey now solve this one come on if you're so smart this is so easy for the great catnap or otherwise Barb will attend to you okay I'm dead already um ready Barb uh you can do it cat now I'm down my way doesn't matter what you're right it's incorrect Hey Kevin we're out of here last one out a rten egg slow wow ouch I'm up too you insolent brats how dare you you can't escape when you get back I'll have a surprise exam for you C this how insolent that's not what I look like how did I end up like this I must get away quickly but it's impossible no catap oh you're hurt my salvation don't let me die here maybe I shouldn't but I can't leave you like this it's a Hur up those toys are come to torment me what are you saying you're scaring me those little sming creatures still come to kill me I must leave but no I can't let them continue with their monsterous plan I'll get you down come on a little more no ouch they indestructible what the for am I aing you got company delicious holy toys too many I have to die where you going just you're invited angel I'm going to wipe that smile off your face no it's my secret weapon brilliant idea my friend me you that's what you think take this yeah run for your life here crafty ready for a true happy ending but it won't be you seeing it this time to go there's another Too Close Busey I'm great yeah leave him alone yum y I'm going to taste you and eat you pe by pie stop you're hurting got him going to hurt a little left me quiet let me eat in peace I can't make it yeah join your last seconds goodbye cat come my friend up you get you're safe they can't get at you anymore leave him to me we're in trouble catnap just one way to end this forever I'm going to destroy you in what you won take care I called you I'm sick of this little D I'm not done just die was it for you save me you're welcome
Channel: Cartoon Games
Views: 1,960,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hornstromp, hornstromp games, boxy boo animation, rainbow friends, boxy boo song, boxy boo origin, poppy playtime boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, boxy boo vs huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 3, rainbow friends animation, project playtime trailer, huggy wuggy cartoon, boxy boo project playtime, lunch boxy boo, boxy boo presents, fash, smiling critters, catnap
Id: U3vScIIoGdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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