How to Cook A Tri Tip Steak In The Oven - Tri Tip Beef Roast

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what is up everybody this is L with no hippie barbecue and what I'm going be doing today I have a lot of people telling me L we like to cook all this meat we want to do it somewhat similar to way you do but we don't have the smoker we don't have a grill so I'm doing a couple of these different uh cuts of meat and I'm going to be doing them indoors now I just did a skirt steak and on that skirt steak that was a all for me and I cooked that a little bit more rare this is probably going to be more towards the medium side the uh rub I'm going to be using I had another YouTube channel how and Smoke Barbecue what's up Leland sent me a couple rubs he sent me one of his homemade smart Smoky Barbecue coffee rub and I tasted this and real heavy kind of a paprika with some undertones of uh undertones of the the coffee rub in there anyway a good tasting rub his wife has heart problem so he can't use a lot of salt but you know what to me it seemed like it was kind of on the border where you might want to add some salt but he sent me this other stuff from uh sh shot SIDS I think that's the name of it and it's called gunpowder seasoning and I cannot for my life try to explain the way this stuff tastes to you but it's it's basically called a charcoal Smokey flavor and it's a real fine like almost a fine powder that's what we're going to use for our rubs and we are going to rub the outside of the meat with some extra virgin olive oil this is going to have a chance to sit for about 5 hours before we get cooking I'm going to pull it out of the refrigerator with about an hour and a half just to get it to room temperature but anyway why don't you guys come on in take a look at this cut of meat and then uh we'll go from there using I got this it's a 2 lb uh tri tip and I got it for 3.99 a pound and it is USDA Choice looks pretty good we're going to open that up in a little bit I'm not sure if you're going to be able to really see this rub but uh that's the uh coffee rub and then this other rub this uh gunpowder rub that's kind of what that's looking like so it almost like I can't it's kind like a grayish kind of a look but this stuff has some awesome flavor I think it's going to go well with the Leland's rub what I did off camera this really didn't have a fat cap on the bottom which is good I'm not really a huge fan of a fat cap but there was some obvious kind of fat chunks and a little bit of that real thin kind of a silver skin I did go ahead and remove that what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to take this olive oil real thin layer just something to give this rub something to stick onto and we are going to rub this down with it now I am using my bare hands and there has been a little bit debate a little bit of a debate in the cooking Community about this I haven't had any comments on my page about uh using my bare hands but I do have something I want to show you in a little bit so the first thing I'm going to do now that we have it rubbed down with his or with the olive oil we're going to go over it with this gunpowder seasoning feel free to just use salt and pepper if you'd like and we're not going to go too heavy on that just a nice little dusting and I'm not let's see yeah so nice dusting then we're going to kind of come back over it a little bit heavier with Leland's Smokey rub or coffee rub and I will be putting a link to his channel in the iard above and the description below run by there and take a look he is uh putting out some good stuff here's something magical I know that you know there's all these different things wearing gloves not wearing gloves but there's this magical stuff and I seem to find it every time I go to the store no matter how many times I think they're going to run out they always seem to have it this stuff right here and it comes in all different kind of Brands soap this stuff is good so I'm going to suggest that you wash your hands with pretty much any brand of soap before or after you uh mess around with any meat whether you're uh just rubbing stuff on there washed with soap before when you're done wash with soap after I love you soap so here's how serious I am about food handling not only did I wash my hands shave my head and took a shower anyway this meat has had a chance to sit in the refrigerator for about 4 hours I let it rest on the counter for about an hour so we're at room temperature what I'm going to do now is I'm going to put this on a broiler pan now typically what I would do is I would put a meat probe in this and probe it but I'm assuming that if you guys are watching this for an oven baked recipe you might not have a meat probe so I'm going to use you know hopefully you just have a regular meat probe and this is about as uh I guess old school as you can get here's what I'm be probing the meat with I'm going to throw this in the oven at 225 ° on this broiler pan until we get to an internal temperature of 115° now I just probed This and like I said I do not have my barbecue probe in here but it looks like it's at about 112° what we're going to do now is most ovens have a broil setting what we're going to do is throw this in on broil and we're going to go about you know this is going to be kind of at your discretion but I'm going to say about 3 and 1 half to four minutes per side let me scoot that to the middle and I have that on not the highest rack but one rack lower than bril for five minutes on one side let's pull it out what I want to do is temp it to kind of see where we are and we are pretty high on temperature so actually this may be closer to uh we may be on the road to medium on this one let's take a look at the other side and I'm just going to use a knife to turn it over since it's what's available you know what the the temperature gaug says one thing but the softness says another thing so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead throw this back in and we're just going to go 3 minutes on this just because the temperature gauge is reading kind of high just to get a little crust on it and uh we should be good to go in another 3 minutes let's pull it out and see what it's look looking like not quite the Char we had on the first side you know let's go ahead and temp it and see where we are yeah we're about 40 you know what let me just throw it in for just a little bit longer I'm going to throw it back in for another minute just to see if I can get a little bit more crust on it another minute and a half in we're just going to go ahead pull this out temperature should be fine on it we're going to do I could use tongs but this knife is a little bit closer we're just going to throw it on uh this foil over here and we're just going to to wrap it not a simple wrap just kind of a loose wrap and we're going to let that sit for about 10 15 minutes then we will cut into it what we're you know what we're going to be doing with this is we're going to be making some tacos which isn't necessarily part of this video but just so you can have a reference as to what I'm trying to accomplish we've let this tri tip rest about 10 12 minutes what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and drain off this liquid just in case we want to dip some of that in there later cuz it has all that good rub on there and now we are going to go ahead and cut it looks like the grains are kind of running this way so let's just kind of cut it kind of at a bias along this direction like I said this is going to be for some tacos and I'm going to say this is a good medium right here it may well here we go we're getting kind of into that more medium rare kind of down here so anyway here's what we're looking like you know let's go a little bit further now this is what I'm about right here so you know what let's go ahead and taste this tri tip has pretty much all different spectrums of done this we've gone kind of from medium almost to medium well on the uh end or on both ends and then in the middle we have kind of what I'm looking for which is more of a medium rare So what I'm going to do is taste this portion of it kind of see what that rub is all about and then we'll go from there I'm not even going to lie this stuff is excellent you come here Frankie since I don't have Mason in the taste test and you know I'm all about having animals in my videos I'm just joking anyway Frankie you want to give your little seal of approval I think she likes it too anyway thanks for stopping by no hippie barbecue comment subscribe and I'm out
Channel: No Hippie BBQ & Cooking
Views: 140,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tri tip oven, oven tri tip, How to cook a tri tip steak in the oven, how to cook tri tip, tri tip grill, grilled tri tip, tri tip beef, tri tip rub, cooking tri tip, tri tip recipes, tri tip recipe, bbq tri tip, beef tri tip, how to bbq tri tip, grilled tri tip roast, how to grill tri tip, tri tip steak recipe, cooking tri tip roast, bbq tri tip recipe, howtobbqright, BBQ, Barbeque, Barbecue, Grilled Tip Tip, Recipe, cooking, oven steak, grilling, best steak, tri-tip, Oven roast
Id: 5URiQsfHl9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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