Video Guide - Install and Activate Unity Universal RP Rendering Pipeline, Shader Graph, PBR Material

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in this video we will talk about unity and we will talk about universal rendering pipeline which is a particular uh tool that will help you to work with for example also this shader graph here which is pretty similar to other application and which is not available in the standard unit package at the moment but you can also activate it and i will show you how to do that you can also start a new scene and have this universal rendering pipeline already installed i will show you everything in just a minute so you see here i mean i can use this graph just like in other 3d software and these are also pvr so physical base render material and also let me show you before we start for example in unreal engine you can see here i have this node graph editor which is really handy because i can see all the textures i can add nodes and manipulate in every single detail my material so this is standard in you in a real but it's not in unity yet i hope well i think that they will do this in the near future also for unity but let me show you from the beginning so let's start from the unity hub so when you first launch a project in unity and let me also close this one because we're gonna make it together so i will close this level and let's create a new one together this is another one okay so uh when you fill when you first start your project in unity you say new and if you go here you will find many different let's say templates now one of these is the standard which is 3d with extras and if you scroll down a little bit you will also find this universal render pipeline now this is already set up for you you don't need to do anything so if you just want to do the quick way you can use this but what if you have a scene that you are already working with so let's make this example to go with the standard 3d scenes with access so i will create that with you and this is the standard scene with extras we can work with all right so the first thing we need to do is to get the plugin so basically we go to the window package manager or the package call it as you like it okay now you need to be here in unity registry where you can look for all the different uh plugins and package that you can install and let's just click here in the search bar let's click and type universal rp so universal rendering pipeline and say install now this is gonna take just a few seconds so be patient sometimes it takes a little bit to respond but it's basically downloading and installing this stuff so almost there and also these panels sometimes package manager takes a few seconds to respond so again be patient in these passages and there it is now what we should see is that the install button will be gone and that's it's gonna stay here up to date okay now you can see everything here i can close now this is a pretty complex package so if you want to know more just look for all the details and the documentation on the optional website i'm just gonna show you a couple of things where how to activate it and just how to use the graph editor so now we have downloaded and we have to activate it so how we can do that we need to go to the well let's just create a material just to show you what's gonna happen so i will select this one here and i will look for the material which is this drywall painted material i can use also the search bar in the project panel here looking through and seeing the assets now this is the the one that's on the bottom and this is what i want to use to this experiment with you so if i go to edit and go to render pipeline now this is the the new one that will let you convert materials so i want to upgrade these selected materials so just the selected material and good proceed now what happened here is that this is this has turned uh like purple and this is strange so why is doing that basically because it's using not uh the render pipeline that we want to use we need to create that and we we need to let's say activate it so to do that i can still be here in the assets well you can place this anywhere you want in this case i will place it just right here right click and create a new one and i will create a rendering there you go node universal render pipeline pipeline asset and there you go now this is gonna create again i we have to wait just a few seconds it's gonna create a couple of scripts that we need them to drag and drop and i will show you where so let's wait it's working there you go now we have these two new files now where we have to place this we need to go to the edit project settings and here in the graphics panel we have to go here to scriptable render pipeline settings it's telling us there is none so here i want to drag and drop this one like that or also i can just click on this little circle and get it from here so double click and there you go now it's installed and now look what happens into the scene now everything it's it turns purple except that material that i have turned before so basically this is the only one that is working right now so what we need to do is just turn everything into this new render pipeline so if i go again to edit render pipeline and say upgraded selected materials sorry we upgrade everything now so upgrade project materials it's gonna take just a little bit and it's gonna upgrade everything for you and now you can work with this new tool with this new render pipeline system now to show you how the shader editor works i will create a new node so again you can choose any folder that you like or you can keep it here in the in the main folder this is up to you now i will use this one so you go to create and you go to shader and now you're gonna have more posit more options that you add in the standard unity project so in this case if you want i want to use pbr so if you want to use pbr as well you are welcome otherwise you can also investigate other systems now i can call this let's call this uh pbr shader okay this is gonna create this little asset so if i double click here it's gonna bring me to that material uh editor which looks like the one in a real engine but also in other software and it's it works with this central node this is the preview you can scale it also a little bit it takes a lot of space you can move this anywhere you want maybe into another screen or keep it here in the interface you can dock it if you want to the interface or you can leave it floating and well basically what what i can do here i can change for example here in the albedo this is the main color i can change it and if i want to use a texture i can go and create a new node so right click create node let's look for sorry let's look for texture and in this case i just want a well let's say i want a sample texture 2d and i'm going to use this channel now the ones that work with these systems in other software that will be um familiar they will see something that looks familiar so here is where i can work with all the channels if i want to assign a texture i will click here on this little circle and let's apply for example this round all right and this is one now i can create also another one i can copy i can paste i can do a lot of stuff that i can usually do in other applications so sample 3d yeah so if i can if i want to delete i can press the delete key i want to want to see ctrl v copy and paste i can do all sorts of things that i do in other similar software and this one i will bring it to the normal so i will get also this normal which is called ground normal all right so you can see here the material starts to show up and now i can save the asset and close everything now if i want to apply it as a material in my scene i cannot do this directly like that so i will create a new standard material so create material and call these pbr ground all right and it's doing some stuff so let let him work okay now i will click and drag this let's say i want to place it there on the top okay now i will take this node and just drag it and drop it right here when you where you can see that you can apply it and there you go so that's the that's your material now if you want to modify that you can go back to your shader editor so double click and you can do whatever you want so for example let's try to disconnect well you can delete the node so let's hit delete and now it's gonna show up like this of course you have to save each time you make a change so save and it's gonna show right there and that's it so this is just one of the tools that you will be then ready to use here when you activate the universe surrender pipeline so thanks for watching this video please subscribe to our channel if you're interested in similar topics just type what you're looking for for example pbr you're gonna find some videos about pbr application software for example i suggest you give a look to armor paint which is a software to create textures and materials really realistic textures and materials and this is a guide for example on how to install armor paint and also you want to may have have a look to substance painter which is another really nice software to create materials and textures and finally also i will suggest you marmoset toolbag it's another similar software okay thanks for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: jbdtube
Views: 15,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design, free, guide, video, tutorial, help, step, designer, 3D, software, Shader Graph, Physically Based Render Materials, install, activate, download, shader, graph, edit, editor, node, creating, new, material, texture, textures, images, save, physically, based, render, pbr, asset, project, product, view, watch, how, to, steps, easy, quick, fast, simple, explain, explanation, procedure, unity, engine, launch, launcher, addon, package, window, search, learn, use, realism, realistic, game, videogame, architecture, substance, marmoset, armorpaint, 3d, 2d, ui
Id: xplIBCekJBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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