Installing a Cisco IM and Presence Server

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hey everybody this is Kevin Wallace CC CIA and Cisco press author and in this video I want to show you how to set up a Cisco Unified I am and presence server now what does that do for us well I am that's an instant messaging service we know how what we do there we type messages back and forth to each other using our instant messaging clients but what is presence well presence gives us the availability of somebody to take a call or it reflects their willingness to take a call let's say that I'm gonna be in a meeting for a while I can just press the Do Not Disturb soft key on my IP phone to say don't bother me I'm in a meeting and that information that present status my willingness to take a call that's gonna be reflected on for example a Cisco jabber client or if somebody has their phone set up with a busy lamp field button a be left button they're gonna be able to look at that button and there's gonna be an illuminated light next to my name so they know that don't bother Kevin he's busy right now he's in a call or if they're looking at their jabber client there's gonna be a little dot a colored dot next to my name to show that I'm not available right now this can even happen automatically it can happen automatically if I'm on a call it's gonna show that I'm busy or if I just have a meeting scheduled in my Microsoft Outlook calendar the ayman present server can extract that information from the Microsoft Outlook calendar and say nope Kevin's in a meeting between 2:00 and 3:00 today so we're gonna show you his status his presence is unavailable right now but in this video I just want to keep it really simple I just want to show you how to set up the I'm in presence server and get a jabber client installed as well and the goal at the end of this video is I want to be able to place a video and audio call between one of the phones we set up in a prior video you might remember when we set up communications manager I set up a couple of Cisco 88 45 IP phones well at the end of this video what I want to do is to place an audio and video call between one of those phones and the jabber client that we set up in this video but in order to make all this happen we have to install an additional server that an additional server is a DNS server you see when I log into the jabber client I cannot just log in by saying I'm HQ phone three and here's the IP address of my server I wish it were that easy but now what we have to do is specify the domain name of our I'm and present server at the end of this video I'm gonna be logging in with a username of HQ phone three at and the name of the server is gonna be HQ - I am and P dot Cisco dot local we have to do that DNS resolution so we've got a couple servers to setup in this video we're gonna set up an ion present server and we're gonna set up Windows 2012 r2 to act as our DNS server and then we're going to get jabber configured to register with the ayman present server but to get started let's just review the topology that we were working with last time and we'll see what we're going to be adding in this video well this is how we left off in our last video with our topology we had installed Cisco Unified Communications Manager at an IP address of 10 33.1 we had a couple of IP phones HQ phone one HQ phone - what we want to do in this video is to add another server we want to add an I am in present server an instant messaging and present server with an IP address of 10.3 dot 3.4 we'll add that to our HQ port group which is associated with our HQ SW virtual switch which then goes through our CSR 1000v router named HQ to get out to the rest of the world and we've got prior videos here on the YouTube channel that show you how all of that was set up I think this is the fourth video in this series and after we get our I am at present server setup we still need to do some domain name services we need a DNS server to resolve the domain name of the I am MP server - its IP address because our jabber client and that we're going to be installing our jabber client wants to point to a domain name not an IP address that's gonna be a requirement for us and like we were saying there's different ways we could do this we could set up a host file on our local machine to do that resolution locally but since Cisco very clearly tells us that the CC and collaboration version 2.0 lab does have a Microsoft Windows 2012 r2 server we're going to use that and we'll set up DNS on that server but to begin with let's go back out to our VMware server and currently on that server we have two virtual machines we've got the HQ router our CSR 1000v that's one virtual machine and the other virtual machine is our Communications Manager server let's go add a third virtual machine and that's gonna be our I'm and present server and just to save time I've already uploaded the ISO installation file to the data store on our ESXi server so let's hop out there now and create a virtual machine and then install the cisco i'm and present server well this is where we left off in our last video on our VMware ESXi server we had two virtual machines the HQ virtual machine that was our CSR 1000v virtual router the HQ CCM pub that virtual machine that was the Communications Manager server we installed on the prior video now let's install our third virtual machine this is gonna be our Cisco I'm in present server let's click on create and I'll say create new virtual machine and next I'm gonna give it a name of HQ - I M lowercase a and D P and the reason I didn't use the + sign there instead of spelling out the word and is that's not supported the compatibility just like I did with my Communications Manager server I'm gonna say is ESXi 5.5 Linux is the guest operating system and the specific flavor of Linux we want to use is sent OS a 4/5 or later 64-bit we'll use our one and only datastore and for the CPU I'll say - I want two cores for the memory I want to have eight gig of memory for the hard drive I want to have a hundred and sixty gig hard drive and I want my network adapter attached to my HQ PG port group and we saw that on the topology just a few moments ago now when I boot up I want to boot up on this ISO image of the I'm in presence software so let's go under CD and let's say instead of host device I want to boot off of a datastore ISO file and I've already uploaded it and we talked in our last video about how to actually get one of these files from Cisco and I'm going to install this file by the way you might say why doesn't it say I am in P what does it say Cup as part of the file name well that goes way back to what the product used to be called it used to be the Cisco Unified present server that was before it was the I am and present server so cup yeah that's just the old name for our new server so I'll select that and we'll say select we want to connect it power on everything is looking good there let's say next and finish give it a moment to create and it says we have now successfully created our virtual machine fantastic let's click on it and start it up let's get it going and we'll walk through the installation of Cisco's I am and present server I'm going to go under actions and say I want to open this in a new tab I'll make this a bit larger for us to see better and through part of this just like I did with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager install I'll be skipping few parts of the installation where we're just waiting on something to happen because this could literally take like an hour or more to install now I'm don't want to test the media because I'm not really using physical media so I'll say we want to skip that I'll hit my tab key to go over to skip press enter and I sped through some of that on the video so you didn't have to wait for it and I've only got one product on this ISO file to install and it's the Cisco Unified Communications Manager I am and presence server that's what I want will say ok to that by the way I'm using my tab key to move around the screen to go down and select one of those buttons do I want to install this yes I do will say yes and I want to proceed with the wizard yes I want to do a basic installation I'll set my time zone and okay I'll let the host determine my speed and duplex I don't want to change the maximum transmission unit I do not want to use DHCP to get an IP address I want to hard-code the IP address so I'll say no I don't want to do that and then IP address is gonna be 10 dot 3.3.4 just like I showed you on the topology but right now once the host name and that's gonna be HQ - I M and P I'm in presence the IP address is 10.3 dot 3.4 and that's gonna be with a 24-bit subnet mask so the gateway address that's our HQ router that's our virtual router the CSR 1000v it's got an IP address of 10 3dep 3.1 hundred do I want to enable DNS on this machine a DNS client I'll say now I don't need it on this machine we all have to have DNS by the way set up for our jabber client the administrator ID I'll say is simply administrator don't give the password and also k2 that the organization I'll say it's Kevin Wallace training LLC the unit is development location Richmond Kentucky United States and we're being told that just by definition since we're installing an I am and present server we're not the first node in the cluster because this is going to have to interact with a communications manager server so before this can successfully talk with that communications manager server we need go to that server and say hey I want to introduce you to this I'm and present server so let me open up a new tab and let's go into our communications manager server and create an instance for this new server this new item and present server let's create a new tab and we go to 10.3 dot 3.1 that's our Communications Manager server I'll click on that Cisco Unified Communications Manager and we're going your system server let's see what we have now we have just the one server let's add a new one what's the server type well the server type is C you see M I am in presence will say next I can give the IP address here and that's 10 3.3.4 for the itemid presence domain I'll say Cisco dot L and we'll set up a DNS server later in this video but let's save that and we're ready to go back to our Ayman presence installation Al and say ok we've identified this server on our Communications Manager server it's not gonna test our network connectivity and I do want the installation to proceed after it checks so I'll say no which means yes proceed after the validation of network connectivity we need to give the name which is HQ - see you see em - Pub its IP address is 10.3 3.1 I'll give the password and we'll say ok I do not want to set up the mail protocol smtp on this machine so say no to that and the platform configuration is complete we'll say ok to that and the installation process is gonna take a little bit so skip through some of this oh it does tell me because I'm installing this on a VMware machine that I do have to reinitialize the virtual disk which is no problem I'll just say reinitialize all and I'll be back when it's prompting us for more input well great news the rest of our installation completed didn't ask for any additional input and here we are sitting at 10.33 dot for the login screen for the I am and present server but before we do any configuration here we need to go back to our queue Asians manager that we install last time and do some pre-work remember when we set up the Cisco IP phones the 88 45 s in our last video we configured users for those phones well we need to configure a user for our jabber client as well so let's do that let's go back to our Communications Manager server very similar to what we did in the last video I'll go under user management end-user and let's just confirm that we've got our users from last time we sure do HQ phone 1 HQ phone - I'll way at HQ phone 3 now that'll be our jabber client I'll say add new and I'll give our user a name of HQ phone 3 I'll just enter Cisco as the password for the pin I'll do 1 2 3 4 5 not a good practice for the real world again just so I can remember it here in the lab environment I'll say that the last name is phone 3 and the first name is HQ our heard the middle name in this case I topped in the middle name what save that and once I save it then I can scroll down toward the bottom of this configuration screen and I can say I want to add some permissions for this user I'll say add to access control group let's do a find and the two groups that I typically do for all users are standard CCM and users and standard CTI enabled that's what we did in the prior video i'll say i want to add selected let's save it again and once i save it you'll see that this user now has been assigned to some specific roles and now that we have the user created let's add the phone the jabber client to do that i'll go under a device phone and from the prior video we can see that we still have our 288 45 phones i want to add a new phone though and there's not going to be an option that says jabber that we're gonna select from under phone type now here's what we're going to select we're gonna select Cisco Unified client services framework so let's select of that and I'll say next and for the device name now I don't think this name convention is required any longer but in Prior versions of communications manager when you were setting something up like this you would start it off with CSF for client services framework and then you would give the user name which in my case is HQ phone 3 again I don't think you have to do that anymore but I still do it out of habit because that's the way I've done it for years and for the description I'll say this is HQ phone 3 the device pool that we created last time is HQ the phone button template is the client services framework a phone button template let's assign a calling search space so that we'll have permission to call those phones that we set up before I'll put this in the HQ calling search space and the owner user ID is HQ Phone 3 our newly created user we need to set up a device security profile because this is gonna be a sip speaking phone so we'll say Cisco Unified client services framework standard sip non-secure profile we also need to set up a sip profile I'll just say standard sip profile let's save this say ok and now that I've created the phone we can add a line to this phone we'll say add a new directory number and the directory number for our jabber client is going to be 2 0 0 3 we'll put it in the internal partition like we talked about in our prior video all of my internal directory numbers I put there in the internal partition and everybody that has a calling search space of HQ not only will they be able to call that to the PSTN they'll be able to call all the internal directory numbers that's the way we set things up in our last video I'll say that the description is HQ phone 3 I'll just copy that and I'll say that's also the alerting name and that's the sq Learning name and for the call forward settings I like to say to forward everything using the configured calling search space that I specify here for forward busy internal and external yeah I'll say I want to Ford those divorced smell even though we haven't set up a West male yet that's gonna be an upcoming video for no answer or internal it will check that which also checks for word unregistered internal and external by the way internal and external that just means where the call come from if it came from another in turtle phone that's classified as an internal call if it came from an external phone that's classified as an external call and then for all of these coal Ford instructions I'm going to associate a calling search space of HQ what constitutes a no answer condition well I'll stick with what we did last time we said it was ten seconds for the display caller ID it'll just be HQ phone three same thing for the ASCII display the external phone number mask same mask we used before plus 1 8 5 9 2 - 2 xx xx where the X's act as wildcards allowing the directory number to flow through this mask so the external phone number mask is actually going to assign caller ID of plus 1 8 5 9 2 2 2 2 0 0 3 how many calls can I have active before I'm considered busy I'm a big fan of doing just one call and then I'm busy then for it it to voicemail I'll set the busy trigger to one to enforce that let's do a save now let's scroll to the very bottom and we'll say we want to associate end users we've got this new end user that we created HQ phone 3 let's select that and I'll say add selected let's save this configuration let's go back to our phone let's save this just to make sure that it takes effect we'll say save and for good measure I'll do a reset sometimes when we make a change we have to do a reset in order for the change to really take effect or sometimes we just do an apply config sometimes just saving it does it but I want to make sure it takes effect so I'll do a reset and now that we've added a user and we've added a phone in order for this to work with the I'm in presence server we need to add Unified Communication or UC services here's what I mean we're gonna go under user management then we'll go under user settings and select UC service do we have any right now no we don't so let's add one we're gonna add a new service and the service type that we need to set up is CGI computer telephony integration and I'll say next and what we're pointing to here is our Communications Manager server I give the name of the server which is HQ - see you see em - pub with an IP address of 10 33.1 and I'll save that now let's click add new we want to add a new UC service this one though is gonna be our I'm and presence service I'll select that and say next for the name its HQ - I M and P the IP address you might remember is 10.3 3.4 so we're done there what we've done now we've created - you see services one for CGI computer telephony integration and one for I am and presence what we can do now is take these two services and put them together inside of a service profile and then we take the service profile and we assign that to the user that we created so let's add a service profile under user management user settings will say service profile I don't think we have any right now it's just confirmed nope we don't so let's add a new one and this new service profile I'll just call it HQ - I M&P you can call it whatever you want and I don't have voice mail set up right now so I'll not worry about of a voicemail profile or mail store or don't have conferencing set up or LDAP set up but I do have an I'm in presence server so I'm gonna say my primary UC service for I'm in presence is the one that we just defined that points to our new server for the CTI profile that's going to be the one that points to our communications manager that we just defined so we've now created this service profile that points to a couple of different things it points to our communications manager for our CGI services and it points to our item and present server for mine and present services let's save that now we can go back into our end user that we created a moment ago we'll say user management end user and let's go back into HQ phone 3 and let's associate this end-user with this new musi service profile that we just created what we do is scroll down just a little bit and it says enable user for unified communications manager I am in presence yeah we want to check that and what you see service profile do we want to use the one we just created let's save that and now let's associate our user with the device our client services framework phone I want to say device association let's do a fine to see all of our devices and I'm going to select CSF ehq phone 3 we'll select that I'll say save selected changes let's go back to our user let's go back down to add access control group and since I'm using this with a jabber client there's another access control group that I associate with the user its standard CT I allow control of all devices I'll say I want to add that let's do a save and if we scroll down we can see that I now belong to an additional role so what we've done now just to sum up we've created a new user and a new phone which is a client services framework phone it's going to be our jabber phone our jabber client we then created a couple of you see service is one for communications manager one for the IMM present server we grouped those two services together inside of a UC profile and we just associated the profile with the user that we created and we associated the user with the phone that we created so everything's tied together now the next thing we want to do is get that link set up between our communications manager server and the present server that's going to be using a SIP trunk before we setup the SIP trunk though we want to make some modifications to our SIP trunk profile that we have by default I'll go under system security sip trunk security profile and you might remember I mentioned earlier that a SIP trunk has a very unique ability and that ability is to carry presence information across the trunk well it doesn't do that by default we have to allow that to happen so I'm going to go in and say non-secure SIP trunk profile and you see these check boxes accept presents subscription and there are a few other things here and some of these might be needed when we're doing our Cisco unity connection and integration some of them might be needed when we're doing our I'm and presence integration here's what I do just as a general rule of thumb I check for boxes hold the boxes that begin with the word accept and that seems to get me covered with everything I normally do us all say accept accept accept accept all four of those we check those let's do a save that's going to allow presence information to flow across that trunk that we create plus a lot more that we might need in an upcoming video for our Cisco unity connection server let's do a reset to make sure this takes effect and let's create our trunk that's going to logically tie together communications manager with our I am and present server let's go under device and I'll say trunk do I have any right now let's do a find nope no trunks now let's add the new one and the type of this trunk is gonna be a SIP trunk and I don't need to specify any special trunk service type so I'll just leave that at none and let's say next I'm going to give this trunk a name of presence and I'll let that be its description as well I'll put it in the HQ device pool the destination address for this trunk in other words the IP address of the device at the other end of this trunk that's going to be our I am at present server so let's go down to destination address and I'll put in 10 3.3.4 and remember the SIP trunk security profile that we updated we now want to associate that with this trunk and just like with a sip speaking phone I have to assign a sip profile again I'll just say standard sip profile it's to save and to make sure everything takes effect let's do a reset reset close and now we're ready to move over to our newly installed I'm and present server so let's jump over to the I'm and present server and actually want to start off not here at the main administration interface I want to go to the serviceability interface because I want to start up some services let's go over to Cisco Unified I'm in presence serviceability and we'll say go and I'll get logged in let's go under tools service activation we'll select our I'm and present server and say go again and I want to select all services I'll say save to that and it warns us this could take a while so what I will do here in the video is I'll pause the video until all the services have been activated great news all the services are now activated let's go back to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager I am in presence administration screen will say go and I want my sis Klieman presence server to know about the Communications Manager server I need to let it know that hey you've got a Communications Manager server that's gonna act as your gateway to do that I'm gonna go under presence select gateways and at a new gateway now the type of Gateway I'm adding is a Communications Manager I'll say that the description is Cu cm and the Gateway itself is at an IP address of 10.3 3.1 let's save that and remember we set up a trunk over on Communications Manager - Kerry presence information from communications manager over to the I am at present server well let's tell the Ayman present server about that trunk we can go under presence settings let's go under standard configuration and you see there's an option for the CCM I am and presence published trunk it knows about the president's trunk that we created because it's talking with the communications manager I'll select that and do a save something else we want to do is to specify the Cisco SIP proxy listener here's what we do we go under presence and we say routing and then we say settings and we say that our preferred proxy listener is default Cisco sip proxy TCP listener that's what I always say and then I do a save in order for that to take effect I need to restart all proxy services which I'll do next I want to configure my TFTP servers and I just have one TFTP server just like a physical phone wants to boot up and download a configuration file from a Communications Manager server we want the I am and present server to be able to do the same thing someone go under application and say client settings and my primary server hey great news it already knows about it so I don't even have to configure that if I didn't or if I had a secondary server I might want to go configure it there but all that is looking good so we are pretty much done right now with our configuration of the Cisco I am and present server before we can make a jabber client register though and start making phone calls we need to set up some name resolution you see a jabber client is not going to be able to just point to 10.3 3.4 I wish it could but it needs to point to the domain name of this server now there are some different ways that you can do this one common way that I used to do when I was doing practice would be to set up a hosts file locally that my operating system would go check and that would do the resolution but Cisco tells us that on the CCA Collaboration version 2.0 lab we've got a Microsoft Windows 2012 r2 server so I want to set that up and use that for DNS services and that's going to lead us into the next part of our video what we want to do is go download an evaluation copy of Microsoft Windows 2012 r2 and here's a shortcut link that you can use to get to this page it's bitly vit ly / win 2012 r2 eval we open up another tab and take you over there well here we are at the Microsoft evaluation Center and I want to get an eval copy of Windows Server 2012 r2 I want an ISO file so I'll say ISO continue it's gonna ask for some of my personal information so I'll go ahead and do that I'll select this 64-bit version English for me I'll say download and this is downloading it looks like we've got about six or seven minutes left the so I'll pause the video and we'll resume once the download is completed well the Microsoft Windows 2012 r2 server finished downloading and just a save time I went ahead and uploaded it to the data store on our VMware ESXi server so let's go ahead and create a virtual machine for that Windows Server I'll say I want to create a virtual machine and I'll say create a new virtual machine I'll just call this HQ - I'll call it ad for active directory because we might come back and use that in the future in a future video I'll leave the compatibility at ESXi 6.7 the guest OS family is of course Windows and we'll say that the guest OS version is Microsoft Windows Server 2012 64-bit we'll say next I'll select my one-and-only data store and I'll choose two CPUs two cores for the memory I really don't need that much for this I'm just gonna use two gig of memory and for the hard drive 40 gigs should be fine by the way something I probably should have done when I installed the I'm and present server I generally like to do thin provisioned so it doesn't think of as much hard drive space when I'm doing an install so I'll say thin provisioned it just allocate space as it needs it if we do thin provisioned so I'll do that but other than that I just need to point the CD drive to the ISO file that we downloaded notice the network adapter it's already attached to the right port group so we're good there let's say that for the host device we want to go to an ISO file and it's gonna be this install file that we just now downloaded from Microsoft's eval site I'll select that and we'll say next and finish it's building the virtual machine let's open it up and let's start it I'll go under actions like we did before and I'll say open this up in a new tab and now we have to walk through the installation of mark off windows and again I'll speed through a lot of this content so that it doesn't take too long to watch it but to get started here I'll say yes English English us all that looks good I'll say next they all say I want to install now by the way the resolution doesn't look great on here right now after everything is up and going VMware has some VMware tools that we can install which is going to improve its compatibility with the windows server you know it says we've got a few different versions we can select from here I want a server with a GUI interface also like that I don't care about the data center evaluation I'll just select the standard evaluation with GUI and say next and after carefully reading all that I'll say yes I accept the license terms and for the type of installation notice the upgrade says this option is only available when a supported version of Windows is already installed that's not my case I'll say custom and here's my 40 gig hard drive we'll say next and it's going to take a while to go through the install process so what I'll do is I'll speed up the video pretty dramatically and I'll see you back when the install is finished all right the files have been copied over we've got a username of administrator I'll set the password to Cisco probably not a good idea for the real world in fact it's telling me it's not a good idea so I need to give a more complex password all right I can do that we'll say finish and let's get logged in I'll just say yes for this Network question and I'm asked to configure this local server now I could set this up as an Active Directory server you could do several other things but I really want this just to be a DNS server and I need to configure a static IP address in order to make that happen I want to right click here and say open network and sharing Center and I'll say change adapter settings let's go into my adapter and I'll say properties and for the IP version 4 address instead of obtaining IP address information automatically I'm going to statically set the IP address so what we talked about earlier that's ten dot 3.3.5 and it's a 24-bit subnet mask and my default gateway is 10.33 dot 104 the dns server I'll just use the Google DNS server of and we'll say okay close that now let's say that we want to make this a DNS server I'll say add roles and features next next and next again I want to select a DNS server and yes I want to install all the features that are required for a DNS server let's say continue next next next and I'll say restart the server if that's necessary and let's do an install alright looks we've installed the DNS server feature excellent let's go down to our window menu again and I'll type in DNS and let's select our DNS manager alright let's expand our server and under forward look up zones I want to say I want to create a new zone and it'll walk me through this little wizard for my primary zone I'm gonna say it's Cisco dot will will say Next Next Next and finish now that we've created a new zone what we can do is add a new host a new a record so I'll say new host and the name is going to be HQ - I M and P and it's going to have an IP address of 10 dot 3.3.4 also we want to add that host and that was successfully created fantastic so now we've got an a record which is going to allow our jabber client to resolve the domain name of HQ - I am in P dot Cisco - ok it can resolve that - 10.3 dot 3.4 I think our work is done now on our Microsoft Windows server next let's go out and get a jabber client setup well let's get logged in with Cisco jabber and by the way on the Mac where I'm running this jabber client I configured my DNS server to be our newly installed DNS server of 10.3 3.5 so I'm going to log in with the user that we created earlier HQ phone 3 @ it's going to be HQ - I am and P dot Cisco dot and we should be able to get that resolved into ten dot 3.3.4 using our new DNS server let's click on continue and it's probably not gonna find services on its own it's going to come back and tell me to go into advanced settings so I'll just skip the video ahead till we get to that point alright let's click on advanced settings and my account type is Cisco I am in presence and I'll point to the ayman present server it's 10.3 dot 3.4 let's do a save and it'll come back in just a moment and ask for password let's enter our sort of Cisco click sign-in and by the way since we are using a self-signed certificate on our Cisco I am in present server it's going to come back and probably give me a few different errors about certificates but here in the lab environment I'm not using an official sign certificate so that's fine I'll just clear out any errors like that that pop up and we'll get logged in here's that first message that popped up I'll just say continue there's another one continue again another one continue again finally we get logged in and we're ready to make phone call in fact let's do this let's go over to one of those phones that we set up in our last video one of the Cisco 88 45 IP phones and let's set up a call with this jabber client well here we are on HQ phone one and we want to call our jabber client I'm going to go off-hook and let's dial two zero zero three I'll go answer that on our jabber client and we now have a two-way audio and video calls set up you can see me waving there well to wrap this video up let's go back to that topology that we started out with and just remind ourselves what we've configured in this video well in this video we started with this base topology then that we configured the I'm and present server we just added that to our VMware ESXi server and it had an IP address of 10.3 dot 3.4 but we said that our jabber client would not be able to simply point to that IP address when a user is logging in that username has to have the domain name of our present server remember we logged in as HQ phone 3 at HQ - ima and D P dot Cisco dot local so we needed a DNS server that we could configure and we used Microsoft Windows 2012 r2 we downloaded an eval copy of that got it set up and we configured a new zone and we added an a record an alias record for our host and we launched our jabber client and we were able to go over to one of our phones our HP phone one specifically and we were able to set up a bi-directional audio and video call with our Jay her client and if you enjoyed this video and I really hope you did please do me a favor click like down below it really helps my channel and if you're not yet subscribed and you want to make sure that you get notified about all my upcoming content just take a second and click on that subscribe button for me I'd really appreciate it on that note we'll go ahead and wrap up this video where we've been concentrating on the Sisqo I am in present server I look forward to talking with you again in a future video where I'm going to show you how we can add on Cisco unity connection into this topology so we can add some unified messaging services I'll see you back for that in our next video
Channel: Kevin Wallace Training, LLC
Views: 30,054
Rating: 4.9767103 out of 5
Keywords: cisco, csr, csr1000v, ccna, collaboration, ccnp, ccie, callmanager, cucm, communications manager, esxi, imandp, im&p, cisco presence server, collaboration ccie, ccie collaboration, #kwtrain
Id: -buTRkD3wsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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