Creating DAZ Figure Morphs with Blender (without hiccups)

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let me show you how you can make morphs with blender or more specifically how you can bring them back into their studio so the application is you have a character you have a piece of clothing and you export that hello crap and you export that into blender and then you make a change to the object and then you want to bring this back as a morph into dash studio and many people have problems with that because there's so many settings i thought i'd run you through it this was do i remember who asked this no i'm so sorry i do not remember who asked this but uh i've had this little discussion with somebody on a on a youtube comment thread and um he said you know every time i bring in my morph back into that studio my mesh seems to explode and it really i don't know what to do i've tried everything nothing seems to work i don't know what else to do and i'm familiar with the with the phenomenon let me go and use a gray genesis 8 male character for that so imagine you want to make a morph on him and let me show you exactly the steps that are necessary to make this happen without without issues so the first thing if i'm using the devrick character all i need to do is change this guy into low resolution that's under the parameters tab with my figure selected under mesh resolution up here and you just change this from high to base resolution that's important don't export the high resolution even if you're making a morph the reason for that is that you can't bring it back at high resolution it needs to be base resolution because the high resolution here is implied by a modifier so it's not actually baked into the figure so that studio when it imports the morph will give you a geometry mismatch error so that's that's often the case when you export this at a high resolution and then bring it back and try to create a more from that it just comes up with an error and the reason for that is the yeah you need to export it at base resolution make your morph at base resolution and then bring that base resolution back the second most common issue that people come across is that they followed that they use base resolution but their geometry still doesn't match and they said hey i haven't changed anything in my editor i totally appreciate that you probably haven't but what may happen is that the the def figure doesn't have that but your other figures will have items like the eyelashes or the tear duct on here so when you export those make sure you make them invisible so just click the eyeball icon in the scene tab you don't have to delete these items you just make them invisible and then you export them so that's that's important to remember that switch those things off so that you only have one single object otherwise if you had eyelashes that studio will merge them together and you then create your morph when you bring it back you have a geometry mismatch error because it's two objects rather than one that you have exported so make sure you've disabled all these things so add base resolution let's go over to file export and uh shall i use two mouse for that i'm going to use two mouse for that that's cool i'm going to put it in here and call that genesis 8 male that's that's all bass maybe whatever that's cool save it and just like before you want to probably use the dash studio preset and set the scale to one percent that's that's all you need to do really everything else you can leave as is hit accept and export your figure and blender should be able to understand that let's go and remove the cube and bring in that figure that i've just made so that is under uh blender toon mouse conversely obj's and then there's the genesis male base and just like before i'm gonna go and disable split object and import him it takes a second and here he is awesome click off him click on him again and then that's the figure selected we can just for the just for the sake of checking is this the right size and blender now if you hit n and this the properties come come up here i think under view you can see you can see where do you see that is it under item actually it's under item there we go you can see in the dimensions that the y which is the up and down axis in blender is 1 meter 81 and that is kind of the the size of a regular human figure chris absolutely did i not show that that is a vital vital point chris you're the man let's just just just just just while we're here very important that when you export make sure this little guy is selected here where is it where is it ignore invisible nodes yeah so mine was was enabled already so i think when you use the das studio preset it comes in automatically and this is kind of vital to understand if you untick this then everything that's hidden in your scene will be merged into the obj that you're exporting so make sure you don't do that make sure this is enabled like chris suggests ignore invisible notes so when you now have eyelashes that you made invisible in your scene now they are not exported but with this thing disabled they would be exported you know what i mean so one of those things thank you chris yes very good very good point so in our case luckily we don't have that issue with that issue but yes very very important to remember so now with my figure in here i'm sure it has the correct size let's create a more some some dummy morph so i'll go into um edit mode uh click a to deselect everything and just use something like proportional editing and maybe a face selection something like that and i'll just go and uh and just move that out yeah there we go that's perfect that's my morph awesome great i'm an artist now this is now [Music] wonky morph hd 30 bucks please yes so so that's my moth that's my morph i've made a change to the character obviously you would do a much better job than i ever will so let's go and with the figure selected head over to file export wavefront obj once again uh for claws sydney it's uh it's kind of different um you don't have to for khloe you can use the hi-res to export and and drape your garment to that because it will probably match the resolution in that studio better so in in khloe and marvelous designer it doesn't matter because we're not bringing the mesh for the avatar back into that studio good question so yeah you can use high resolution for and for chloe but it's kind of up to you so if you like like chris suggests if you have the if you use uh bass resolution you have a smaller file and you can basically use the the subdivision smoothing modifier in claw when you bring in the base resolution that kind of looks nice as well we might we might cover that next time actually good good question so if you were to export the low resolution to marvelous designer or clo you can smooth the faces of the avatar and that has the same effect as using the subdivision service modifier in death studio very very good question toon mouse and i'll go and uh and put this also into into this same folder here and i'll call that g8 morphed i'll just i'm gonna call it amazing morph amazing morph there we go there we go so um in here it's i can use this scale at one i don't know this is kind of depends on it depends on how you want to do it if you do this you have to now change the scale on import in that studio let's leave that let's do that so let's keep the scale on one but what i find important is under geometry you should enable keep vertex order so this is something i found is important when i bring my morph back so that's all we need to do here scale set the scale to one and that's the default and keep the vertex order also up here a bit like what we had with that studio selection only will make sure that your obj only consists of what you've currently got selected so in my case it's the genesis figure if you had other bits and pieces in your scene disabling that would merge them all together and in that studio you'd get that geometry mismatch error again so make sure it's selection only figure selected then hit export and let's do the same wonk morph awesome so then in you're welcome absolutely no problem so in that studio let's go and bring in that that change that i've made in blender as a morph so that happens under edit object morph loader pro that's where that happens and this is now where we have a plethora of import options and those two things combined that's kind of the key to success more floater pro choose the file [Music] like in our case amazing morph i like it and in here we now have further further options that we can that we can set so on one hand i had expected for us to have a scale section which we don't i thought that was here was that not here and i'm making that up can i not change the scale on import we'll come to that in a moment so i think the the biggie here is this here primary figure from graft or primary figure vertex order and that'll determine if your figure now explodes or not i think i may have made a mistake on export i think i didn't change the scale in blender but we'll see what happens so one of these is the success option and the other one is the the the devastating it doesn't work option i think it's vertex only if i set this to vertex only i think morph was created successfully so that's good i think this is going to go horribly wrong now but let's let's figure it out nope kind of yeah so scale is is terrible but other than that the figure itself works just fine so we do this again in a moment right here so the scale at the at the output needs to now be increased by a factor of 100 i did not set that uh so let's let's do that first actually let's do let's let's export this guy again [Music] so when i imported it when i exported it from that studio i divided by a hundred and now here on the output i need to min i need to multiply by a hundred so that's here on scale so that needs to be set to 100 selection only obj that's cool i'll say amazing morph one export that and now with edit object morph loader pro choose morph that's now amazing morph i suppose one [Music] let's use vertex order again and hit accept and see if that works it does it does look at that so that that works fine so that has worked i like it it also works in the negative that's is a great morph yeah i should sell that but what sometimes so when people have this explosion issue then it's usually the way the this option is set here let me just let me try i'm trying to find a way for this to explode now so if this is not set to one of these set it to the other so i've had success with either of them but non-success with the other so i don't know why i'm gonna set this to from graph now hit accept loading morph is that did that work i can't tell i'm not sure if it worked and i've had issues with this slider now causing this explosion but it only works sometimes so if you follow these instructions it should it should work so export with vertex order and then import with this other option that i just had i don't know why this doesn't work anymore i can't tell you i can't tell you might have something to do with the with the export from blender when this little box isn't ticked here under geometry this keep vertex order if that's disabled and you import it with the wrong setting in that studio that that sometimes has an issue one other thing i wanted to bring to your attention is when you don't use a base figure in genesis if sorry if you don't use a base figure in here let's go through this whole process again with another morphed figure so i'll go and use the same guy again but i'm going to give him a full body morph on which you you can make a change so imagine we have something like uh it's under actor isn't it actor full body real world let's say bodybuilder and body tone i'll give them that body tone doesn't matter body size yeah that's perfect so we're gonna we're gonna bring over an already morphed figure so that's that's also sometimes what what confuses people there is a way to do this you don't have to use a bass figure if you want to make a change sometimes you want to make a change to a custom character so i'll go and export that oh is it that right the keep vertex order if you don't check that that causes the explosion gray great maybe we can we can we can demonstrate that in a minute so let's export this guy and put him in here and call him g8 custom export so in here once again i'm starting from the dash studio preset and i'm gonna divide by a hundred so i'm gonna set the scale to one and then everything else can stay the same including ignore invisible nodes make sure you've switched off the eyelashes and tear ducts and all these things and of course something vital that i've forgotten is the mesh resolution so instead of high resolution make sure it's base resolution very important then we go and export this guy g8 custom and use exactly these settings that studio preset at scale of one percent hit accept that's that in the blender import our guy [Music] and this was ga custom y up geometry here we'll go and and not split anything that's quite nice keep vertex order this also that's uh in the polygroups we don't need polygraphs for this but then sanch thank you so much for subscribing i appreciate that here's a man let's make a dummy moth on him just like before that's that's my morph i like it to export him out again file export wavefront obj give it a name i'll call it custom morph and this is what chris is suggesting keep vertex order that needs to be enabled otherwise so by default when you do that it is disabled and that causes the explosions so thanks chris for for um for confirming that i had a feeling it had something to do with that but so enable that for sure absolutely important and then the scale crank that up to 100 so that comes in at one make sure that's set to 100 so that we multiply the scale on the output of blender hit export and then back in dash studio we'll bring this morph in now but so here's another thing that that people encounter with [Music] with custom custom morphs that they export and then bring in again so there's a little tick box here that when you go and open that custom moth there's this little tick box down here when you open this dialog up it's called reverse deformations so that's set to null by default and what this means is that it it kind of refers to the base figure so if you're bringing in custom characters you have to double click into this thing here and set this to yes so uh i don't know actually you know why that doesn't work pause i think is it pause reverse deformations is that oh yeah right click and then set it to yes right so it's not it's a difficult tiny little drop down when you right click on it no is the default no means if you're bringing in a base figure it needs to be set to no but it needs to be set to yes if you're bringing in a custom morph figure so if i leave this on no and i create my morph and i go and crank it up we'll see that uh usually there's issues with that you can probably see it in the legs the legs are behaving differently than i would have expected it and that's because i didn't set this correctly so you need to set this to yes if you're bringing in a custom morph like we did so let me go and set this back to zero and see if we can bring in a different different morph and see the differences so under object morph loader pro bring in the same morph here custom morph and now i'll set my deformations to reverse deformations to yes i hit that it tells me hey this morph already exists what we're going to do um [Music] reverse def on i'll call it just so that we can see the difference then now we have two morphs and this one behaves just as you can see on the legs here this behaves just like what i had set up in blender whereas the previous one that didn't have that will deform the legs to a certain extent usually on on real characters on real morphs you see this much more pronounced but yeah that's the difference if you have a character that has a custom morph on it make sure you enable reverse deformations when you bring in the character back and also super important vertex order keep the vertex order yes exactly chris also if you're using posed characters that you want to make a change to in blender also very important so anything that means you have dialed up a morph or a pose bring that out make a change bring it back in make sure reverse deformations is set to on if you use a base genesis figure in its base position with nothing else make sure it's set to off and basically that's you know that's um that's the secret to success [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The WP Guru
Views: 16,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1dojyoPeV9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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