Combining Genesis Morphs in DAZ Studio (Hexagon Version)

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hello there in this episode I'm going to show you how to combine several more styles that you've dialed in on your Genesis figure into a single slider and that's really helpful if you've crafted a custom character out of existing morphs and you know including aging morphs and anything you've got installed anything that requires you to dial something in on the Genesis figure and send it over to hexagon and turn it into a single slider now this is possible with and without hexagon with hexagons a little bit easy easier but it could also be a little bit you know tricky because hexagon is a bit temperamental so there's another video on my channel that explains how to do this without hexagons this is the version with hexagons once we've once we're done with this you can literally uninstall the project's the products that made up the original morph sliders because you now have a single thing let's have a look at how it works so I've got my regular Genesis eight basic female figure here I've loaded that via the smart content tab and I'll head over with that figure selected into the parameters tab under actor you can use anything you like I'm gonna use some full-body morphs here perhaps a bit of a little bit of Olympia a little bit of heavy body and a little bit of a pair figure there pongee special character so that's my custom character you can use any guess as many more ups as you like from as many products as you like just as long as you shape the character into something that do you want to make now all you need to do is head over to file send to hexagon when you do that for the first time des will ask you where is hexagons installed but you only have to do that once then hexagon is being launched if you have hacks are gonna open already you'd think your project would open in that hexagon but now it just opens the second instance of hexagon on your computer it's just how it works it's just you know one of those things you don't have to know anything about hexagons luckily so don't get scared by the menu it's just we literally won't do anything in here except for gold and say file sent to destory oh that is literally all you don't have any item selected so I suppose it's saying would you like to select something I think it'll work without it let's just try let's go say yes and we just minimize hexagon and go back into that studio where we should have a morph that's being created that of course doesn't work because hexagon is a little temperamental let's go and select something like a Genesis 8 female figure and try that again file sent to desk studio and it would be nice if hexagon would tell us that it's finished but of course it doesn't do that you just go back into desk studio where we get this dialog now and that says hey I'm hexagons I'm creating a morph here or destory is going to create that more for us there's several options here that by default it just says create a morph that's what we want then the group path is where your morph is going to end up in the hierarchy I'll show you where that is in a moment and how to change that and there's also the morph name so I'm gonna leave this as the default and I'm gonna show you how to change that in a minute all we need to do is hit accept override existing morph if you already have one and you've tweaked it you just hit accept and that is literally it so where is that move now and how do we see if it's working well let's before we do this let's head over and go to currently used and this is where all my morph sliders are now dialed out I can reset them either way that little cog icon and just hit reset I can also meticulously Dow is back to zero if I wanted to or most dials work by alt clicking on the slider so alt and click that'll also set that back to zero I'm just doing that so that we can see the basic Genesis eight figure again so and then I can head over again under the parameters tab under the morphs folder here and in it I'll say I'll have this thing called hexagon bridge and in there I have a thing called my morph and that is what I've just created so now if i dial that up to a hundred percent and I go to currently you the only thing I'm really using is my morph I'm not using anything else and that's kind of cool that's exactly what we want so none of the other products are now necessary on my system anymore in order to create that basic body shape and that was kind of fairly fairly easy I'll show you a couple of things here so one thing that is immediately springing to mind is that I can dolly slider from a hundred percent to minus a hundred percent it doesn't look that gives me nightmares I don't want to I don't want that to happen so let me make sure I can only download from zero to a hundred and that is happening on this little cog icon here and the parameter settings there's this thing that says minimum - a hundred and maximum one hundred percent and there's also used limits here so the minimum I'll just set to zero and the maximum is set to a hundred and if I hit accept then I can dial that slider to zero and to a hundred and that is it you can also you can do other things so you can say I don't want to use percent at all I want to use a zero to one thing that is also possible whose zero is nothing and one is 100 percent you can also say I'd like for my default value I don't like zero as my default value I like something like I don't know 50% in the middle or I like the slider to be on in that case you can just go and say let's say we want to switch it on by default then the default will be set to one hit accept and then now one is kind of the great thing and anything that deviates from one is gonna be light gray and you also have that functionality that when you alt click onto your slider it'll go to the default value which is now one now the other thing is of course I don't really want to have something that's called morphs hexagon bridge my morph I'd like for that to be called something else so you head over to parameter settings again and this is where you can set that so my morph is my is my character name so I'll call it my character and perhaps I'll go and copy that into the label as well and the path is literally where you'd like for that to be so I could put that under people how many I was gonna put that onto people and if you type a forward slash you can put category into an existing folder so people already exists it has several folders already I could say people J and my character would be under there so if I hit accept here then things will kind of collapse here because it doesn't really exist anymore so under people I now have J and under J I have special character with those attributes that I've just copied in there or turned in there from hexagon so the thing is so if I were to delete my finger now this morph would also be gone so this hasn't quite saved yet so I need to do that in order for me to you know come back so let's do that under with the finger still selected here over to file save as support asset more facet and that'll bring up the whole hierarchy of anything and everything that is now makes up this character here it also gives me an asset directory this is where the morph will be saved if you had multiple directories you can pick the one that do you want to save this in so let's see these are equivalent of the these are the equivalents to the - libraries that you've got installed on your system could be on external drives I'm gonna use my default library here my destiny library then don't name that's me and product name that is technically if you were to share this more this is what your product would be called I was going to leave that on product and just show you the rest of it so my thing was under people that is under the Genesis 8 female there's people down here under people we have J and there's my special character morph so you enable that you take that box so that means only this will be saved as its own asset you can compress the files it doesn't really matter less saves a tiny bit of space and then you hit accept and that's that this morph is now kind of locked in and saved with your library so if I were to go and delete that finger just to prove a point and I'll bring that figure in again then my sliders still gonna be there and I can dial it up just like I want it to it's actually set to 1 by default so that's why my morph comes in so you can you can change that in the libraries under parameters there it is under Genesis a female people J special characters set to on by default kind of what you want if you want to use a particular type of morphs with a character now there's also a way to delete that more from your library again but I'm gonna save that for another video that is technically how you do that with hexagons if you don't want to use hexagons watch out for another video on my channel that shows you how to do this just with that studio it's a little bit more tricky few more steps to go through a little more convoluted and complicated but I thought I'd share this with you all the same if you like this video then of course please share it with friends family and total strangers and I'll see you in the next video take care bye bye [Music] you
Channel: The WP Guru
Views: 6,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DAZ, DAZ Studio, 3D, Morph, Morphs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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