How to Clean Paint Rollers and other Painting Gear

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welcome to Vancouver carpenter it is time for a little paint hygiene 101 so I like to clean my rollers I find they actually work better after the first time you paint with them the first time you paint with a roller a lot of the time a lot of the lint and all that stuff is coming off and so I find after you give it a good wash and then you reuse it the next time or two or a dozen depends how often you wash them first things first get most of the paint off your roller that's one of the things that these are really handy for and guys I will link any of the tools I think are useful in the description and if you want them there they are so this is made is designed to pull the paint off of these as you can see it does a really good job and it's amazing how much paint actually gets held by the roller sleeve so if you're a cheapskate the added benefit is you're getting some paint back okay next I like to have a bucket or something handy so that you're not rushing to the sink to put this in before it gets crusty so I got a bucket with a bit of water and I'm just putting that in there while we're on the topic why don't we really quickly take care of this so I definitely like to keep my trays nice and tidy it's all part of paint hygiene 101 so pretty straightforward just brush it all into here until there's not much left to brush off and I don't actually like these crazy trays with all these nooks and crannies I like your simple tray but this is what we have on hand at the job today a lot of texture in this tray okay but that's good enough and then these reusable liners I find I use them forever so it's just gonna take a night or two for this to dry out I'll grab another one for my next paint color and then okay let's get into the paint can very quickly because this one drives me crazy one of the things I see all the time is people just mashing their paint can lid back on to the paint can with all this paint in here so and you can see it looks like that has probably happened to this can before so what you need to do is just use your brush and clean all that stuff off so this way there's not so much stuff in there that glues the paint can on and this way you're gonna be able to put the lid back on repeatedly over and over whereas I've seen times where after about two or three times of people putting the lid back on it no longer seals and your paints gonna dry out it's really easy to burn yourself with poor paint hygiene on your bucket lid so okay whatever it's not closing all that tight big deal well guess what maybe you just did a huge renovation on your house and in five years you're gonna want to retouch up some of your walls maybe before sale or something and you're not gonna want to have to go buy all new paint to do this if you put the lid back on properly by keeping it clean then that paint's gonna be in good condition and you can use it you know unless somebody was like horking into there and creating some gross like bacterial yogurt paint but with good paint hygiene then that paint don't be good to use so anyways that's my point guys keep it tidy and it will help you out in the future pretty handy to have a laundry sink on-site so what you're gonna want to get ideally is one of these spinny deals I find these are the best for cleaning rollers partly because that's what they're for be careful not to get water in the top of it because these will rust and you'll have to boil it and mean it says oil frequently I haven't oiled this in years though but I did get water in there once and seized it up so it's pretty straightforward one quick way to get these loosened up is smack it on the bucket like so makes it a little easier to grab it and plug and then just end make sure that this is below the level of the bucket especially if you're doing this in the bathtub I got to get rid of this painting water here forgot to do that get some water on there get some more water on there and keep doing it until the water that's coming off this is clear that's when you'll know it's done the thicker the roller the longer it takes the longer you've been painting with it the longer it takes this was just used for about 15 minutes so it's gonna clean out real quick it's almost clean already [Music] but that water in there is looking clean enough for me there's no more white going down the sides of it one thing you really want to look for is that there's not a bunch of paint right in here or right in here because what will happen is when you go in you put your roller down somewhere all that paint is going to come dry at the bottom and it'll get all crusty around the edge and if there's a lot of it then what will happen is that'll leave lines when you go to roll your walls the next time but this is a nicely clean little roller now well there you have it some basic paint hygiene to make your jobs a little cleaner and tidier so some would argue well why would you clean these out when it wastes so much water to do that and you're pouring all that paint into the ocean or something I don't really know I'm not some scientist dude that's gonna figure out the actual cost of these versus the paint and mean paint II water Ness if you are go ahead and do that man but um jeez that was that was brutal I mean what if it's like a lady scientist or an in-between scientist getting inclusive here on Vancouver carpenter but anyways moving on this is a clean roller that's how I do things let me know in the comments how you do stuff ok go paint something you guys or build or mud or whatever
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 69,670
Rating: 4.9300508 out of 5
Keywords: paint, painting, clean, roller, fill, trim, prep, tape, DIY, drywall, texture, remove, flatten, flat, ceiling, skim, coat, repair, install, mud, crack, hole, wall, best, fast, easy, patch, plaster, taping, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, different, types, corner, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, fix, knockdown, orange peel, popcorn
Id: C_bY5_mOTcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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